- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 1012
- author: RSAConference
Democracy and the Internet - Jimmy Wales - RSA Conference US 2013 Keynote
Jimmy Wales Internet Entrepreneur Founder of Wikipedia http://www.wikipedia.org/ Freedom o...
published: 28 Feb 2013
author: RSAConference
Democracy and the Internet - Jimmy Wales - RSA Conference US 2013 Keynote
Democracy and the Internet - Jimmy Wales - RSA Conference US 2013 Keynote
Jimmy Wales Internet Entrepreneur Founder of Wikipedia http://www.wikipedia.org/ Freedom of speech and the distribution of knowledge is the foundation of Wik...- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 1012
- author: RSAConference
10 Questions for Jimmy Wales
The Wikipedia founder celebrates his website's 10th anniversary Jan. 15. Jimmy Wales will ...
published: 14 Jan 2011
author: TimeMagazine
10 Questions for Jimmy Wales
10 Questions for Jimmy Wales
The Wikipedia founder celebrates his website's 10th anniversary Jan. 15. Jimmy Wales will now take your questions.- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 18831
- author: TimeMagazine
Jimmy Wales: How a ragtag band created Wikipedia
http://www.ted.com Jimmy Wales recalls how he assembled "a ragtag band of volunteers," gav...
published: 16 Jan 2007
author: TEDtalksDirector
Jimmy Wales: How a ragtag band created Wikipedia
Jimmy Wales: How a ragtag band created Wikipedia
http://www.ted.com Jimmy Wales recalls how he assembled "a ragtag band of volunteers," gave them tools for collaborating and created Wikipedia, the self-orga...- published: 16 Jan 2007
- views: 65134
- author: TEDtalksDirector
Jimmy Wales: Cameron's porn plan a 'ridiculous idea'
Is the internet a wild west? Krishnan Guru-Murthy talks to Jimmy Wales, the free speech ac...
published: 02 Aug 2013
author: Channel4News
Jimmy Wales: Cameron's porn plan a 'ridiculous idea'
Jimmy Wales: Cameron's porn plan a 'ridiculous idea'
Is the internet a wild west? Krishnan Guru-Murthy talks to Jimmy Wales, the free speech activist and internet pioneer who founded Wikipedia and who advises D...- published: 02 Aug 2013
- views: 2638
- author: Channel4News
10 Questions with Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales
Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales answers 10 questions submitted to the NewsHour through socia...
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: PBS NewsHour
10 Questions with Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales
10 Questions with Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales
Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales answers 10 questions submitted to the NewsHour through social media.- published: 10 Jul 2012
- views: 2391
- author: PBS NewsHour
Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales Interviewed by MacArthur President Jonathan Fanton
MacArthur President Jonathan Fanton talks with Jimmy Wales about Wikipedia....
published: 09 Apr 2009
author: macfound
Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales Interviewed by MacArthur President Jonathan Fanton
Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales Interviewed by MacArthur President Jonathan Fanton
MacArthur President Jonathan Fanton talks with Jimmy Wales about Wikipedia.- published: 09 Apr 2009
- views: 1471
- author: macfound
Stephen Fry with Jimmy Wales
Stephen Fry's mini series, "Stephen Fry in America" interviewing Jimmy Wales, one of the c...
published: 28 Nov 2011
author: maersdetable
Stephen Fry with Jimmy Wales
Stephen Fry with Jimmy Wales
Stephen Fry's mini series, "Stephen Fry in America" interviewing Jimmy Wales, one of the creators of Wikipedia.- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 1869
- author: maersdetable
Ford Hall Forum - Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on Ayn Rand, art, and making money
http://www.fordhallforum.org/wales.html Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales addresses how Object...
published: 01 Nov 2008
author: Ford Hall Forum
Ford Hall Forum - Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on Ayn Rand, art, and making money
Ford Hall Forum - Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on Ayn Rand, art, and making money
http://www.fordhallforum.org/wales.html Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales addresses how Objectivist philosophy guides his nonprofit work.- published: 01 Nov 2008
- views: 18208
- author: Ford Hall Forum
Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia, Learning Without Frontiers, London
Jimmy Wales is the US Internet entrepreneur and wiki pioneer best known as the founder of ...
published: 27 Jan 2011
author: lwf
Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia, Learning Without Frontiers, London
Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia, Learning Without Frontiers, London
Jimmy Wales is the US Internet entrepreneur and wiki pioneer best known as the founder of Wikipedia. "Imagine a world in which every single person on the pla...- published: 27 Jan 2011
- views: 3260
- author: lwf
Jimmy Wales interview
Jon Snow interviews the founder of Wikipedia about accuracy, homework and conifers.......
published: 12 Jan 2011
author: Channel4News
Jimmy Wales interview
Jimmy Wales interview
Jon Snow interviews the founder of Wikipedia about accuracy, homework and conifers....- published: 12 Jan 2011
- views: 1704
- author: Channel4News
Jimmy Wales: Time to rethink journalism
Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales on Edward Snowden, Lavabit's shut down and Wikipedia's need for a ...
published: 09 Aug 2013
author: CNN
Jimmy Wales: Time to rethink journalism
Jimmy Wales: Time to rethink journalism
Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales on Edward Snowden, Lavabit's shut down and Wikipedia's need for a more diverse range of editors.- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 760
- author: CNN
Jimmy Wales keynote - Global INET 2012
Jimmy Wales keynote at Global INET 2012, Geneva, on April 23 2012. Speaker: Jimmy Wales, F...
published: 02 May 2012
Jimmy Wales keynote - Global INET 2012
Jimmy Wales keynote - Global INET 2012
Jimmy Wales keynote at Global INET 2012, Geneva, on April 23 2012. Speaker: Jimmy Wales, Founder, Wikipedia Transcript: http://www.internetsociety.org/media/...- published: 02 May 2012
- views: 357
- author: Internet Society Chapters Webcasting
The Impact of Wikipedia - Jimmy Wales
'The Impact Of Wikipedia' -- How Wikipedia works, in the voices of a few of those who make...
published: 14 Dec 2012
author: WikimediaFoundation
The Impact of Wikipedia - Jimmy Wales
The Impact of Wikipedia - Jimmy Wales
'The Impact Of Wikipedia' -- How Wikipedia works, in the voices of a few of those who make it. Support Wikipedia: https://donate.wikimedia.org/?utm_campaign=...- published: 14 Dec 2012
- views: 611
- author: WikimediaFoundation
Jimmy Wales, o fundador do Wikipédia
http://www.mises.org.br/ http://www.libertarianismo.org/ Mais em http://gratisvideoaulas.b...
published: 31 Aug 2012
author: gratis videoaulas
Jimmy Wales, o fundador do Wikipédia
Jimmy Wales, o fundador do Wikipédia
http://www.mises.org.br/ http://www.libertarianismo.org/ Mais em http://gratisvideoaulas.blogspot.com http://www.facebook.com/VIDEOAULASGRATIS.- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 283
- author: gratis videoaulas
Vimeo results:
The State of Wikipedia
The State of Wikipedia not only explores the rich history and inner-workings of the web-ba...
published: 17 Jan 2011
author: JESS3
The State of Wikipedia
The State of Wikipedia not only explores the rich history and inner-workings of the web-based encyclopedia, but it's also a celebration of its 10th anniversary. With more than 17 million articles in over 270 languages, Wikipedia has undoubtedly become one of the most visited and relied upon sites on the web today.
The fourth video in our the "State of" series, JESS3 is proud to release The State of Wikipedia as our first video of 2011. And, as if it weren't good enough, the video features none other than one of the co-founders himself, Jimmy Wales, as the narrator.
Note that The State of Wikipedia is a project released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA). The puzzle globe logo is a trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Message from Jimmy Wales
Vor ein paar Wochen kam ein Wikipedianer mit einer wirklich großartigen und wirklich verrü...
published: 27 May 2011
author: Wikipedia for World Heritage
Message from Jimmy Wales
Vor ein paar Wochen kam ein Wikipedianer mit einer wirklich großartigen und wirklich verrückten Idee auf mich zu. Sie lautete, dass wir versuchen sollten, Wikipedia als Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO anerkennen zu lassen. Als ich die Idee zum ersten Mal hörte, dachte ich nur “Aber ist das überhaupt sinnvoll?” Daraufhin schaute ich mir die Kriterien an, die für das Kulturerbe gelten und Wikipedia erfüllt diese bestens.
Viele Menschen sehen Wikipedia als technisches Phänomen oder eine technische Errungenschaft, dabei ist es tatsächlich etwas anderes. Wikipedia bedeutet Kulturwandel, es ist eine kulturelle Errungenschaft.
Deswegen versuchen wir nun Folgendes: wir haben eine Petition aufgesetzt und möchten so viele Leute wie möglich dazu bewegen, diese zu unterzeichnen. Dann schicken wir sie an die UNESCO und versuchen diese davon zu überzeugen, dass es sich um eine wirklich großartige Idee handelt, die von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt unterstützt wird. Diese Menschen beteiligen sich außerdem an der Kampagne, überall auf der Welt und in allen möglichen Sprachen.
Abgesehen vom Unterzeichnen der Petition können Sie jedoch noch mehr tun. Wenn Sie das hier teilen, indem Sie eine e-Mail mit dem Link an Ihre Freunde schicken. Sind Sie auf Twitter, dann twittern Sie es. Sind Sie auf Facebook, dann posten Sie es dort. Wenn Sie ein Blog haben, dann bloggen Sie hierüber. All die Orte, an denen Sie sich online aufhalten: wenn Sie uns dabei helfen, es weiterzusagen und dabei so viele Menschen wie möglich zu erreichen, dann denke ich, dass wir es schaffen können.
Es ist wie im Fall von Wikipedia selbst: je mehr Leute sich daran beteiligen, desto größer ist die Chance, dass wir unser Ziel auch erreichen.
Bitte unterzeichnen Sie die Petition. http://wikipedia.de
A few weeks ago a Wikipedian came to me with a really great and really crazy idea and that was for us to try to get Wikipedia recognized as one of UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage Sites. When I first heard the idea I thought “But does that even make sense?” And I went and I looked at the criteria for what it takes to be one of these sites and Wikipedia really fits it.
A lot of people think of Wikipedia as a technological phenomenon or a technical achievement but in fact it isn’t. What Wikipedia is is a cultural change, a cultural achievement.
So what we’re trying to do now is: we got a petition going, we’re going to try to get as many people to sign it as possible, we’re going to send it to UNESCO and try to convince them that this is a really great idea that’s supported by all the people of the world. And people are getting involved in the campaign, everywhere in the world, across many many different languages.
But I want you to do more than just sign the petition. If you can share this with your friends, send an email to people with this link. If you are on Twitter, put it on Twitter. If you are on Facebook, put it on Facebook. If you have a blog, blog about it. All the places where you are online: if you can help us just spread the message and get as many people as possible, I think it’s gonna happen.
Just like Wikipedia itself: the more people will get involved, the greater chance that we’ll achieve our goal.
Please, sign the petition.
director / regie: peter jeschke
dop / kamera: gregor schönfelder
editing / schnitt: david hartmann
colorcorrection/ farbkorrektur: marcus badow
Wikipedia's 10th Anniversary
Installation for Wikipedia's official 10...
published: 30 Jan 2011
author: Dean McNamee
Wikipedia's 10th Anniversary
Installation for Wikipedia's official 10th anniversary party. Held at the Louise T Blouin Foundation in West London, the attendance included Jimmy Wales, Richard Dawkins, Peter Gabriel, and Cory Doctorow.
The installation leveraged the space to express the continuous volume of Wikipedia's activity, as users around the world created and contributed to articles. A series of 18 printers suspended over the entrance lobby printed a physical record of individual contributions, along with an excerpt summarizing the article edited. This highlighted the devoted community, along with sharing a piece of Wikipedia's collective knowledge.
Created by Dean McNamee and Tim Burrell-Saward.
Jimmy Wales explains the idea behind the petition
Man stelle sich eine Welt vor, in dem jeder einzelne Menschen dieses Planeten freien Zugan...
published: 27 May 2011
author: Wikipedia for World Heritage
Jimmy Wales explains the idea behind the petition
Man stelle sich eine Welt vor, in dem jeder einzelne Menschen dieses Planeten freien Zugang zum gesamten Wissen der Menschheit erhält. Vor 10 Jahren führte diese simple Idee zum Start von Wikipedia und mittlerweile, 10 Jahre später, hat dieser zunächst utopisch anmutende Gedanke nicht weniger zur Folge, als die beeindruckendste und größte Ansammlung menschlichen Wissens, die je erschaffen wurde.
Von überall aus der Welt kommt hier eine Gemeinschaft an Leuten zusammen, um etwas vollkommen Neues anzufangen, das ist ein neuartiges Phänomen innerhalb unserer Kultur. Viele sehen Wikipidedia lediglich als Webseite oder als technische Errungenschaft, dabei ist es tatsächlich etwas anderes. Wikipedia bedeutet Kulturwandel, es ist eine kulturelle Errungenschaft.
Zusammen mit der Entwicklung des Internets, welches unser aller Leben auf so diverse Arten verändert hat, veränderte auch Wikipedia uns in vielen Weisen. Die Art wie wir miteinander interagieren, wie wir Informationen austauschen, wie wir die Welt kennenlernen. All diese Dinge unterscheiden sich enorm dazu, wie sie vor 10 Jahren noch waren.
Da wir nicht kommerziell und vollkommen unabhängig arbeiten, funktioniert Wikipedia nur aufgrund all der freiwilligen Helfer und all der Leute, die Geld spenden. Leute wie Sie, die uns dabei unterstützen, diese wunderbare Vision zu verwirklichen, welche wir zusammen haben.
Andere werden anhand ihres Marktwert beurteilt. Wir wollen das nicht und wir brauchen das auch nicht: wir sind eine freiwillige, gemeinnützige Gemeinschaft. Deshalb hat Wikipedia als grenzübergreifendes kulturelles Werk die Anerkennung und den Schutz der UNESCO als erstes digitales Weltkulturerbe verdient!
Wir befinden uns in einem digitalen Zeitalter und die großen kulturellen Errungenschaften des nächsten Jahrhunderts werden aller Voraussicht nach ebenfalls digital sein. Bitte helfen Sie dabei die UNESCO davon zu überzeugen, die Kriterien für die Vergabe des Weltkulturerbe-Status auf diesen digitalen Kontext anzuwenden.
Bitte unterstützen Sie uns und unterzeichnen die Petition, wenn auch Sie die Wikipedia als Meisterwerk menschlicher Schöpfungskraft schätzen, welches von universellem Wert ist.
Abgesehen vom Unterzeichnen der Petition können Sie jedoch noch mehr tun. Wenn Sie das hier teilen, indem Sie eine e-Mail mit dem Link an Ihre Freunde schicken. Sind Sie auf Twitter, dann twittern Sie es. Sind Sie auf Facebook, dann posten Sie es dort. Wenn Sie ein Blog haben, dann bloggen Sie hierüber. All die Orte, an denen Sie sich online aufhalten: wenn Sie uns dabei helfen, es weiterzusagen und dabei so viele Menschen wie möglich zu erreichen, dann denke ich, dass wir es schaffen können.
Es ist wie im Fall von Wikipedia selbst: je mehr Leute sich daran beteiligen, desto größer ist die Chance, dass wir unser Ziel auch erreichen. Bitte unterzeichnen Sie die Petition.
Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. 10 years ago that simple idea was the launching of Wikipedia and here we are, 10 years later, this seemingly utopian idea has resulted in nothing less than the most impressive, largest collection of human knowledge ever created.
This community of people have come together from all around the world to do something entirely new, it’s a new phenomenon in our culture. Many people think of Wikipedia as just a website or a technological accomplishment. But in fact, it isn’t. What Wikipedia is is a cultural change, a cultural achievement.
Along with the development of the internet, which has changed all of our lives in so many ways, Wikipedia has changed our lives in many many ways. The way that we interact with each other, the way that we communicate information, the way that we learn about the world. All of these things are vastly different than they were 10 years ago.
Since we’re non-commercial and completely independent the only thing that makes Wikipedia work is all of the volunteers, all the people who donate money. People like you, who help us to achieve this amazing vision that we have together.
Others are judged by their market value. We don’t want this, we don’t need this: we are a volunteer, non-profit community. This is why as a cross-border cultural achievement, Wikipedia deserves recognition and protection as UNESCO’s first digital World Cultural Heritage Site.
This is a digital era and the great cultural achievements of the next century are likely to be digital. Please help us to convince UNESCO that they should apply the criteria for World Cultural Heritage Sites in the digital context.
Please support us and sign the petition if you too value Wikipedia as a universal human value and a masterpiece of human creative genius.
But I want you to do more than just sign the petition. If you can share this with your friends, send an email to people with this link. If you are on Twitter, put it on Twitter. If
Youtube results:
Disruptive Heroes, Jimmy Wales
One of Hacking Work's 100 Disruptive Heroes: Jimmy Wales is a true Internet pioneer, best ...
published: 26 Feb 2013
author: Bill Jensen
Disruptive Heroes, Jimmy Wales
Disruptive Heroes, Jimmy Wales
One of Hacking Work's 100 Disruptive Heroes: Jimmy Wales is a true Internet pioneer, best know as Co-Founder of Wikipedia. Here he shares some of what he's l...- published: 26 Feb 2013
- views: 30
- author: Bill Jensen
Jimmy Wales - Technology: Convergence and Disruption:
Global Futures - Debates Series....
published: 20 Feb 2013
author: Global Cities
Jimmy Wales - Technology: Convergence and Disruption:
Jimmy Wales - Technology: Convergence and Disruption:
Global Futures - Debates Series.- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 40
- author: Global Cities
UFM.edu - Interview with Jimmy Wales
Jimmy Wales is the founder of Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia created in 2001. He ...
published: 27 Oct 2008
UFM.edu - Interview with Jimmy Wales
UFM.edu - Interview with Jimmy Wales
Jimmy Wales is the founder of Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia created in 2001. He is board member and chair emeritus of the Wikimedia Foundation that...- published: 27 Oct 2008
- views: 2080
- author: NEWMEDIA UFM
Exclusive interview with Jimmy Wales-Founder of Wikipedia
Exclusive interview with Jimmy Wales Founder of Wikipedia & Chairman of Wikimedia Foundati...
published: 27 Mar 2013
author: CorporateValley
Exclusive interview with Jimmy Wales-Founder of Wikipedia
Exclusive interview with Jimmy Wales-Founder of Wikipedia
Exclusive interview with Jimmy Wales Founder of Wikipedia & Chairman of Wikimedia Foundation Video Source : Charlie Rose www.charlierose.com Compiled and bro...- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 483
- author: CorporateValley