- published: 26 Feb 2008
- views: 1975
- author: oblackburn
Mobitex Data 440 MHz & 453 MHz
Mobitex data I have DFed the one on 453.2875mhz to a Mast on top of some flats (Buckley Ho...
published: 26 Feb 2008
author: oblackburn
Mobitex Data 440 MHz & 453 MHz
Mobitex data I have DFed the one on 453.2875mhz to a Mast on top of some flats (Buckley House) at Barnsley, South Yorkshire! Please note: the signals are fluctuating because of the gale force winds outside blowing the diamond X510 antenna. Update: Most of these seem to have disappeared over time, is it an obsolete technology I wonder?
- published: 26 Feb 2008
- views: 1975
- author: oblackburn
Stánek společnosti OFFICE PRO u příležitosti Mezinárodního veletrh nábytku a interiérového...
published: 10 May 2012
author: AVIDIScz
Stánek společnosti OFFICE PRO u příležitosti Mezinárodního veletrh nábytku a interiérového designu MOBITEX 2012, který je součástí Mezinárodního stavebního veletrhu v Brně.
- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 85
- author: AVIDIScz
Production 1
This is a video to show how simpe it is to decode all sorts of data you hear on Ham radio ...
published: 08 Feb 2009
author: 70slovekid
Production 1
This is a video to show how simpe it is to decode all sorts of data you hear on Ham radio or scanners. With the right equipment (Software and PC soundcard, Ham Radio ir Scanner) you can decode everything from ACARS (aircraft communication addressing and reporting system ,radar basically) to POCSAG Post Office Code Service Advisory Group. Flex, Mobitex and ERMES or (European Radio Messaging System)
- published: 08 Feb 2009
- views: 2405
- author: 70slovekid
JASYKO - Mobitex 2011 Brno.mpg
B&W; Bowers Wilkons series 800 Diamond , DENON , Classe , Hi-Fi High End audio , Mobitex 20...
published: 14 Apr 2011
JASYKO - Mobitex 2011 Brno.mpg
B&W; Bowers Wilkons series 800 Diamond , DENON , Classe , Hi-Fi High End audio , Mobitex 2011 Brno , Jasyko Brno
- published: 14 Apr 2011
- views: 1345
pogsac decoding with a uniden 3500xlt
Decoding pager transmission into viewable text using a piece of software, audio is connect...
published: 14 Mar 2011
author: thebaldcount
pogsac decoding with a uniden 3500xlt
Decoding pager transmission into viewable text using a piece of software, audio is connected throught the earphone jack on the uniden & into the soundcard mic port. The transmissions are decoded throught the software viewable on screen, ERMES, pogsac,ACARS, Flex & Mobitex are all covered.
- published: 14 Mar 2011
- views: 3231
- author: thebaldcount
RIM-CZ - ocenění GRAND PRIX Mobitex 2012
www.rim.cz Na veletrhu Mobitex 2012 se velmi úspěšně prezentovala společnost RIM - CZ. Na ...
published: 14 May 2012
author: TVFBrno
RIM-CZ - ocenění GRAND PRIX Mobitex 2012
www.rim.cz Na veletrhu Mobitex 2012 se velmi úspěšně prezentovala společnost RIM - CZ. Na slavnostním galavečeru byly vyhlášeny nejlepší exponáty veletrhu MOBITEX. V kategorii Progresivní design zde získala společnost RIM - CZ významné ocenění - MOBITEX GRAND PRIX a potvrdila tak, že její výrobky patří k těm opravdu nejlepším na českém trhu. Ve výrobcích společnosti RIM - CZ se snoubí neotřelý a progresivní design s vynikající funkčností. Použité materiály a precizní ergonomie nábytku dělají z produktů společnosti RIM - CZ žádanou součást každé moderní kanceláře. Kancelářský nábytek RIM - CZ je již více jak 20 let vyráběn se záměrem přispět ke kultivaci a ozdravení kancelářského prostředí.
- published: 14 May 2012
- views: 217
- author: TVFBrno
Mobitex 2012
Interiéry vybavené kvalitní elektronikou - Mobitex 2012...
published: 03 May 2012
author: kostkalukas
Mobitex 2012
Interiéry vybavené kvalitní elektronikou - Mobitex 2012
- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 80
- author: kostkalukas
JASYKO Mobitex 2 Brno 2011
B&W; Bowers Wilkins 800 Diamond , DENON , Jasyko Brno , Mobitex Brno 2011 Hi-Fi High End...
published: 15 Apr 2011
JASYKO Mobitex 2 Brno 2011
B&W; Bowers Wilkins 800 Diamond , DENON , Jasyko Brno , Mobitex Brno 2011 Hi-Fi High End
- published: 15 Apr 2011
- views: 307
JASYKO - Brno - MOBITEX Tom.mpg
Studio JASYKO - prezentace na výstavě MOBITEX 2010...
published: 22 Jun 2010
JASYKO - Brno - MOBITEX Tom.mpg
Studio JASYKO - prezentace na výstavě MOBITEX 2010
- published: 22 Jun 2010
- views: 175
Mobile Website Design UK - Is Your Business Ready for Mobile Mania?.mp4
mobitex.co.uk - Mobitex Mobile Website Design UK - One the biggest things for sure is that...
published: 20 Oct 2012
author: RankedMedia
Mobile Website Design UK - Is Your Business Ready for Mobile Mania?.mp4
mobitex.co.uk - Mobitex Mobile Website Design UK - One the biggest things for sure is that Mobile Phones are here to stay! If you are running a business and have not stepped back to take a look on whats happening around you, you're in for a huge shock. The Mobile Revolution is here and it is growing at rapid speed, Mobile Smartphones and other mobile devices are outselling PC home computers. When people need a local business like yours they're using their smartphones to find you, but if you are not ahead of the game and giving them what they want you are losing customers! This is where Mobitex can help a Mobile Website Design based in the UK. So don't delay make a change today! A Mobile Website is a must for any business in the UK, a main PC website will not cut it anymore, an optimized mobile website is the solution, which is user friendly, easy and simple for visitors to navigate. If you would like to know more on how a mobile website will help your business please do not hesitate to contact us at Mobitex.co.uk. Mobile Website Design UK
- published: 20 Oct 2012
- views: 7
- author: RankedMedia
JASYKO - Brno - BW804 Tom.mpg
Studio Jasyko Brno - prezentace reprosoustav Bowers & Wilkins na veletrhu MOBITEX 2010....
published: 22 Jun 2010
JASYKO - Brno - BW804 Tom.mpg
Studio Jasyko Brno - prezentace reprosoustav Bowers & Wilkins na veletrhu MOBITEX 2010.
- published: 22 Jun 2010
- views: 1733
NexTraq - Discrete Wireless, now NexTraq
www.nextraq.com When the Mobitex network shut down, NexTraq stood by it's customers and up...
published: 25 Jul 2011
author: NexTraq GPS Fleet Tracking
NexTraq - Discrete Wireless, now NexTraq
www.nextraq.com When the Mobitex network shut down, NexTraq stood by it's customers and upgraded the hardware. Would your GPS Fleet Tracking provider be able or willing to do the same?
- published: 25 Jul 2011
- views: 609
- author: NexTraq GPS Fleet Tracking
Design Summit Talking 2011 - Josef Barták
Přednáška Ing. Josefa Bartáka, který získal ocenění v soutěži Grand Prix Mobitex 2004 za p...
published: 29 Dec 2012
author: inferway
Design Summit Talking 2011 - Josef Barták
Přednáška Ing. Josefa Bartáka, který získal ocenění v soutěži Grand Prix Mobitex 2004 za progresivní materiál a technologii židle Corte. Přednáškový večer pořádaný společností INFER WAY. www.inferway.cz
- published: 29 Dec 2012
- views: 3
- author: inferway
FSK to RS232 Interface
This interface can be used in combination with PDW to decode POCSAG 1200 and 2400, FLEX 16...
published: 18 Sep 2012
author: discriminatornl
FSK to RS232 Interface
This interface can be used in combination with PDW to decode POCSAG 1200 and 2400, FLEX 1600 and Mobitex (8000 bit/s). A full description can be found on www.discriminator.nl
- published: 18 Sep 2012
- views: 904
- author: discriminatornl
Youtube results:
Stavební veletrhy Brno / Buildings Fair Brno 2012
published: 10 May 2012
author: VeletrhyBrno
Stavební veletrhy Brno / Buildings Fair Brno 2012
- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 65
- author: VeletrhyBrno
De mobiele oplossingen van RAM Mobiele Data Communicatie samen met de software van AFAS!
Mobiele datacommunicatie, infrastructuur en toepassingen RAM Mobile Data is al bijna 20 ja...
published: 07 Sep 2011
author: AFASPartnerNetwerk
De mobiele oplossingen van RAM Mobiele Data Communicatie samen met de software van AFAS!
Mobiele datacommunicatie, infrastructuur en toepassingen RAM Mobile Data is al bijna 20 jaar een van de meest vooraanstaande spelers op het gebied van mobiele datacommunicatie. Als het gaat om communicatie is RAM natuurlijk bekend van haar eigen Mobitex-netwerk, maar steeds meer bedrijven ontdekken de unieke propositie van RAM op het gebied van GPRS en UMTS, die garant staat voor veiligheid en betrouwbaarheid. RAM Mobile Data levert naast de mobiele infrastructuur desgewenst ook vaste verbindingen, is internet provider voor de zakelijke markt, en levert flexibele, hoogwaardige hostingdiensten. Met haar Track-and-Trace dienst levert RAM een serie van diensten op het gebied van ritregistratie, het volgen van voertuigen, privé-zakelijk verkeer, en het beveiligen van voertuigen. De softwaredivisie van RAM, Navara, ontwikkelt daarnaast mobiele applicaties voor bedrijven en organisaties die hun mobiele medewerkers toegang willen geven tot de interne databases en informatie.
- published: 07 Sep 2011
- views: 204
- author: AFASPartnerNetwerk
Mango Deluxe 世界盃狂热廣告
☎ 7777-2222...
published: 12 Jul 2010
author: yakacolala
Mango Deluxe 世界盃狂热廣告
☎ 7777-2222
- published: 12 Jul 2010
- views: 123
- author: yakacolala
LaModula - Möbel, die wachsen
www.lamodula.at "Live changes" - ihre Möbel auch? Erleben Sie unsere Neuentwicklungen, die...
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: LaModula
LaModula - Möbel, die wachsen
www.lamodula.at "Live changes" - ihre Möbel auch? Erleben Sie unsere Neuentwicklungen, die mit dem Innovations-Preis auf der Möbelmesse "Mobitex 2011" in Brünn ausgezeichnet wurden. LaModula - Möbel, die wachsen www.lamodula.at
- published: 14 Mar 2012
- views: 87
- author: LaModula