The First Theologians: Irenaeus and Tertullian (older version) - Jim L. Papandrea, Ph.D.
This is an old version of a lecture (see the newer, numbered version) from my course, The ...
published: 09 Dec 2011
author: JimPapandrea
the philosophy of irenaeus
A short video about the basic teachings of irenaeus on the issue of evil in the world and ...
published: 19 Nov 2006
author: electrictape
Irenaeus - Against Heresies - Book II, preface through chapter 2 1/2
published: 21 Jun 2012
Do Polycarp and Irenaeus help tie Mark and Luke back to the apostles?
Do Polycarp and Irenaeus help tie Mark and Luke back to the apostles in terms of sources f...
published: 08 May 2012
Irenaeus of Lyons
Part three of the early Christian voices: Irenaeus of Lyons. And why do these voices matte...
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: hyperrealpda
Saint Irenaeus - June 28
Saint Irenaeus June 28....
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: breski1
Orthodox Christianity: Apostolic Father St. Irenaeus
Apostolic Father and key theologian, St Irenaeus of Lyons is discussed by Presbytera Irene...
published: 07 Mar 2013
St. Irenaeus of Lyons
http://www.piousfabrications.com "Like" Pious Fabrications on Facebook: http://www.faceboo...
published: 15 Sep 2011
author: David Withun
Irenaeus-Jesus died an old man
According to this church father Jesus was over 50 years old when he died...and he claimed ...
published: 14 Nov 2007
Jun 28 - Homily: St. Irenaeus, Man of Peace
Fr. Elias on the life of St. Irenaus (d. 202AD) whose name means peace and how we worked t...
published: 28 Jun 2013
6 - The First Theologians: Irenaeus and Tertullian (newer version) - Jim L. Papandrea, Ph.D.
This is Lecture 6 of The History of Christian Thought and Practice 1, taught at Garrett-Ev...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: JimPapandrea
Saint Irenaeus (June 28)
June 28 is the feast day for the great Doctor of the Church and author of "Against Heresie...
published: 27 Jun 2009
Marcion and Paul. Irenaeus and Tertullian
http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/tertullian125.html I require to know of Marcion...
published: 15 Dec 2011
Saint Irenaeus
Father Bill Kelly, 6/28/2013 St Mary's, Dedham, MA....
published: 28 Jun 2013
author: CatholicTV
Youtube results:
Irenaeus, Hermes, Pope Pius I - The Religious-Reich Lie
PART 3 - Apostolic Fathers (What apsotles? And exactly what did they "Father"?) Why Quotes...
published: 27 Jan 2009
June 28th - Homily - Fr. Angelo: St. Irenaeus
St Irenaeus was a disciple of St. Polycarp, who himself was a disciple of St. John the Apo...
published: 28 Jun 2008
Homily 06-28-2010 - Fr. Dominic Mary - St. Irenaeus
published: 28 Jun 2010
author: EWTN
St Irenaeus Run Walk May 28, 2012
5K Run Walk from St. Irenaeus Cultural Center May 28, 2012....
published: 29 May 2012