- published: 16 Jan 2015
- views: 2524
Ilakaka is a small town in Ihorombe Region in the south western part of Madagascar. In the early 1990s there were only about 40 residents in the area. After the discovery of one of Earth's largest known alluvial sapphire deposits in the valley in 1998, the population had boomed to nearly 60,000 in 2005. Since high profits are at stake, violence is common in the town.
Coordinates: 22°41′S 45°13′E / 22.68°S 45.21°E / -22.68; 45.21
Ilakaka is in Ihosy District, Ihorombe Region, 735 km south of Antananarivo, near Isalo National Park.
It is found along the Route nationale No.7 from Toliara to Fianarantsoa in southwestern Madagascar. It is situated at à 218 km from Tuléar, 26 km from Ranohira and 84 km from Sakaraha.
In 1998, after the discovery of an important sapphire mine, what was once a quiet rural village has been transformed into a Wild West town, a victim of "Sapphire fever," with thousands of arrivals hoping to stake a claim, complete with bars, brothels, and scores to settle.
Madagascar (/ˌmædəˈɡæskər/ ; Malagasy: Madagasikara), officially the Republic of Madagascar (Malagasy: Repoblikan'i Madagasikara [republiˈkʲan madaɡasˈkʲarə̥]; French: République de Madagascar), and previously known as the Malagasy Republic, is an island country in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Southeast Africa. The nation comprises the island of Madagascar (the fourth-largest island in the world), as well as numerous smaller peripheral islands. Following the prehistoric breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana, Madagascar split from the Indian peninsula around 88 million years ago, allowing native plants and animals to evolve in relative isolation. Consequently, Madagascar is a biodiversity hotspot; over 90% of its wildlife is found nowhere else on Earth. The island's diverse ecosystems and unique wildlife are threatened by the encroachment of the rapidly growing human population and other environmental threats.
The first archaeological evidence for human foraging on Madagascar dates to 2000 BC. Human settlement of Madagascar occurred between 350 BC and AD 550 by Austronesian peoples arriving on outrigger canoes from Borneo. These were joined around AD 1000 by Bantu migrants crossing the Mozambique Channel from East Africa. Other groups continued to settle on Madagascar over time, each one making lasting contributions to Malagasy cultural life. The Malagasy ethnic group is often divided into 18 or more sub-groups of which the largest are the Merina of the central highlands.
A national park is a park in use for conservation purposes. Often it is a reserve of natural, semi-natural, or developed land that a sovereign state declares or owns. Although individual nations designate their own national parks differently, there is a common idea: the conservation of 'wild nature' for posterity and as a symbol of national pride. An international organization, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and its World Commission on Protected Areas, has defined "National Park" as its Category II type of protected areas.
While this type of national park had been proposed previously, the United States established the first "public park or pleasuring-ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people", Yellowstone National Park, in 1872. Although Yellowstone was not officially termed a "national park" in its establishing law, it was always termed such in practice and is widely held to be the first and oldest national park in the world. The first area to use "national park" in its creation legislation was the US's Mackinac Island, in 1875. Australia's Royal National Park, established in 1879, was the world's third official national park. In 1895 ownership of Mackinac Island was transferred to the State of Michigan as a state park and national park status was consequently lost. As a result, Australia's Royal National Park is by some considerations the second oldest national park now in existence.
Madagascar 2014 - ILAKAKA - Les mines de saphirs.
"Hunting for sapphires in Ilakaka, Madagascar" by GIA
saphir n'ILAKAKA (taloha sy ankehitriny)
"Sapphire mining and trading around Ilakaka, Madagascar" by GIA
ILAKAKA Dg Mines ambony noho ny PM 27 04 2017
ILAKAKA Gondwana Iza no mpandainga? TvPlus
Guerilla Sapphire Mining - Ilakaka, Madagascar
"Ruby rush in Zahemena National Park, Madagascar" by GIA
Sapphire Trading - Ilakaka, Madagascar
No sparkle in Sierra Leone diamond town
www.madagascarica.com ☼ MADAGASCAR ☼ Ilakaka petite ville située sur la Nationale 7, entre Tuléar et Ranohira, peu après la sortie du massif ruiniforme de l'Isalo. Tout a commencé au mois d'octobre 1998. Un paysan de l'ethnie Bara découvre par hasard un caillou aux reflets bleutés. C'est un saphir. Puis d'autres saphirs sont trouvés dans les dépôts alluvionnaires de la rivière. Le secret fut difficile à garder , la ruée humaine vers le Sud malgache démarre immédiatement des milliers de personnes, toutes ethnies confondues affluent de tous le pays pour créer cette petite ville champignon qui compte aujourd'hui environ 30 000 habitants selon les autorités locales.
In this short video you will accompany GIA Field Gemologist Vincent Pardieu and his team to Madagascar’s Ilakaka sapphire mining area during the GIA FE55 field expedition to Madagascar that took place in June 2014 . Located in the south of the island of Madagascar, the Ilakaka area is one of the world’s largest sapphire deposits, and currently one of the most active. Nevertheless finding gems there is very challenging as the area is huge. More info at: http://www.gia.edu/gia-news-research/sapphire-mines-ilakaka-madagascar-field-expedition and http://www.gia.edu/gia-news-research-Sapphire-Mining-Ilakaka-Madagascar
In this short video you will accompany GIA Field Gemologist Vincent Pardieu and his team as they introduce you to Madagascar’s Ilakaka sapphire mining area. Located in the south of the island of Madagascar, the Ilakaka area is one of the world’s largest sapphire deposits, and currently one of the most active. More info at: http://www.gia.edu/gia-news-research/sapphire-mines-ilakaka-madagascar-field-expedition and http://www.gia.edu/gia-news-research-Sapphire-Mining-Ilakaka-Madagascar
Ilakaka, 27 Aprily 2017. Mbola tsy fahita hatramin’izay niverenan’ny Fahaleovantenan’i Madagasikara. Ny Dg-ny Ministeran’ny Mines indray no ambony noho ny Praiministra Olivier Mahafaly izay nandefa iraka mba hijery ifotony ny zava-misy marina ao amin’ny tany trandrahan’ilay orinasa Gondwana. Tsy tafiditra tany mihitsy ireo miaramilan’i Mahazoarivo nentina tany fa voasakana olona sivily mitam-piadiana ary arovana zandary avy ao Sakaraha.
Ilakaka, orinasa Gondwana. Iza no mpandainga ? Ireto sary navoakan’ny Tv Plus ireto dia talohan’ny nidinan’i Paolo Emilio Raholinarivo, iraky ny Praiminisitra, ny 27 Aprily 2017. Hita ato i Manahira (manao satroka cow boy mainty) izay nanakana azy tsy hiditra. Maninona no tamin’ny 1 May vao navoakan’ny Tv Plus ireo sary sy ny fanambarana ireo? Satria niseho nanindry be an’ny Praiminisitra ilay Dg Mines any an-toerana. Jereo ity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9EDsjjJaEM http://www.madagate.org/politique-madagascar/dossier/6284-ilakaka-quand-un-dg-des-mines-ridiculise-le-pouvoir-du-pm-combattant-mahafaly-olivier.html
Ilakaka in the centre of the arid, southern plains of Madagascar is a product of an explosion in Sapphire discovery and trade. In 1998 this sleepy town had a population of 40 villagers but now numbers close 60,000. Labourers have migrated in from across Madagascar and traders from around the globe. Madagascar’s sapphires resemble those from Sri Lanka as the two islands were once part of a single geological structure that was torn apart by plate tectonics. Concentrated by ancient rivers and alluvial deposits these stones are now found at a depth of 20-50m below the surface of the desert landscape.. Small, guerrilla mines account for the high frequency of fatalities in the region. Exploratory wells are sunk vertically down, upto 50m, until the sapphire rich gravel is reached. Men, spoil an...
In July 2015 the news started to spread out that a ruby discovery happened inside the Zahamena National Park in Madagascar. Stories and photos about attractive clean stones over 10 carats spread and rapidly several thousands of unlicensed miners went to work the area creating some serious concerns for people in charge of conservation in Madagascar and in the local media. In August 2015, the Malagasy government sent soldiers to close the mining site but as the area was very remote they could not stay more than a month and as soon as they left miners returned. In September 2015, during the GIA FE73 field expedition, GIA field gemologists visiting the areas could confirm that the deposit was indeed located inside Zahamena National Park and witness than about 1,000 people were still working...
Ilakaka in the centre of the arid, southern plains of Madagascar is a product of an explosion in Sapphire discovery and trade. In 1998 this sleepy town had a population of 40 villagers but now numbers close 60,000. Labourers have migrated in from across Madagascar and traders from around the globe. Madagascar’s sapphires resemble those from Sri Lanka as the two islands were once part of a single geological structure that was torn apart by plate tectonics. Concentrated by ancient rivers and alluvial deposits these stones are now found at a depth of 20-50m below the surface of the desert landscape. Every day at 4pm precisely, miners from across the region descend on Ilakaka and the village of Manombe to the North to sell their day’s treasure. The Gem Traders, from Sri Lanka and Thailand, h...
The people of Koidu, once Sierra Leone's "blood diamond" mining capital, are awaiting former Liberian president Charles Taylor's sentencing at a UN-backed court. The gems mined there are now free from the taint of conflict but their dwindling supply has brought mixed blessings. Duration: 02:36
Lonely Planet's John Vlahides travels to Ilakaka, known as the 'gem capital' of Madagascar, which attracts fortune seekers from around the world. Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/madagascar for more information about Madagascar.
After seeing this video you will never buy a sapphire from Madagascar. This man-propelled digger works 8 hrs a day. Each worker gets 2€ a day. (www.traveli.cz)
The people of Koidu, once Sierra Leone's "blood diamond" mining capital, are awaiting former Liberian president Charles Taylor's sentencing at a UN-backed court. The gems mined there are now free from the taint of conflict but their dwindling supply has brought mixed blessings. Duration: 02:36
Today there are almost 85 species of snake in Madagascar. This Fandrefiala snake is about to steel some eggs but not everything is going to work as it expects. SUBSCRIBE and discover shocking scenes and the most amazing videos: http://goo.gl/fC5pjC Follow us in: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAtlantisD... Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewAtlantisDocu
Octavo capítulo de Historias de Madagascar para Granada CF Televisión. Visitamos las minas de zafiros en Ilakaka y el Parque Nacional de Isalo Seguidnos en www.tantaras.com
www.TanzaniteJewelryDesigns.com Steve Moriarty, owner of Moriarty's Gem Art, recently traveled to Tanzania to search for some of the finest gemstone rough in the world. One of the main gems he was searching for was Tanzanite. The only source in the world for Tanzanite is in Tanzania. He visited the local rough dealers, as well as went directly to a Tanzanite mine to buy from the miners direct. Traveling to Tanzania not only enables us to give our customers better prices, it also allows us to hand pick each piece of rough that we can later precision cut ourselves at our store in Crown Point, IN!
I stand in the belly of oblivion
seeing light strobe past me, at uncomparable speeds of rushing wind
I take a step towards the laboreth of life
where it's pearly gates of white perplex me
I enter its doors of glittering ivory
and was met by streets of gleeming gold
that seem to lead into infinity
curious I took the road to an unknown destination
endured my down down the street of precious metal
with thoughts of confusion racing though my metnal
nevertheless I continued the journey
looking around I noticed crowds of clouds floating through this abyss of
beauty as if it were home
alone I proceed to watch for any signs of life
any signs that might give me a sense of my surroundings
then off in the distance I notice a glowing white figure
it would appear to be a platinum fountain gathering drink to her lips
as I pulled closer to this vision a set of wings grabbed my attention
to get closer, I had to, to check if this being was reality
the nearer I got, the realer she became
with flowing curly hair of a brownish brunette and
I take it she felt my presence as she turned my direction
aqua green eyes locked to mine
as the sites of a crossbow with its target
centuries of thoughts, epics of words were exchanged in this blare
stare is all that came to mind
at a loss of speech I, was standing in amazement
now is it possible that she, is it possible that we
is it possible that me, her, us, is inevitable
confrontation amazing, incredible, fabolous
though I'm human, her angelic
(if it wasn't love I wouldn't of felt it)
but its definietly love at second glance but first sight
definietly love at second glance but first sight
definietly love at second glance but first sight
definietly love at first sight
her left appendix was extended to grace my face with the presence of her skin
the texture of her touch though of silk spun in the depths of Asia
her lips plump and sweet this being completely beautiful
from the root of her hair to the soul of her pedicure
still my muscles were stagnant(inactive)
I still handn't moved from the initial eyes locking so I appeared passive
shocking fact of how attractive being of the next world
to often I had to press girls to give me second look
but now I'm taken it was as if she saw into my soul and I, her's
its complexity had me perturbed(disturbed) that soceity's acceptance of her and I
but it seemed God was okay with it, he let our paths cross
still at a loss of words I strechd my arms just to touch her robe
to my knees I tossed, my body to worship this godess of my resurrection
she had to be the closest thing to next to God himself
love like this never experienced before or ever will be again
she's my friend that shield me from the pain and anguish of living
never exchanged the word, our thoughts were from
the "hello"'s to the "how are you"'s to the "I love you"'s
she grabbed my hands, led me to the land of milk and honey
life and prosperity, my wife she was preparing to be
we sat in a garden of roses and other, exotic flowers
still just exchanging thoughts as butterfly's landed on the tips of our noses
we held hands, her beauty was overwhelming I couldn't stand to stare
so I close my elids to rest of it
still she was there, I felt her gental touch to the chest
this heavenly voice spoke those three words, my heart began to race faster
felt the touch of those lips on my cheek, open my eyes to complete darkness
went for the lightswitch for illumination
wondering what type of twist or turn took my situation
to my surprise I was met by those eyes and that hair that stare, no wings
but it wasn't a dream, it was you my love
my earth angel, the real thing the real thing
I know now that she, I know now that we, me, her, us, in inevitable
confrontation amazing, incredible, fabolous
though I'm human, her angelic
if it wasn't love I wouldn't of felt it
but its definietly love at second glance but first sight
definietly love at second glance but first sight
definietly love at second glance but first sight