
Johann Sebastian Trunk, 1850-1933

Short biography of transnational anarchist Johann Sebastian Trunk, by Jared Davidson.

August 12, 1937: Killing day at Tobolsk

Tobolsk Prison

A short account of the state murder of Russian anarchists in 1937.

An irony of the Russian Civil war


A short account of Vasko-Bogdan who started out as an anarchist and met his end fighting the Makhnovists

Galaieva, Anastasia Ivanovna aka Nastia aka Stepanova (1885-1925)

A short biography of the Ukrainian anarchist Anastasia Galaieva, hounded by the Bolsheviks despite her serious illness.

The North Sea 3. Coal, oil and after

The third part of an interview with Neil Rothnie about North Sea oil workers’organisation.

The North Sea 2. The OILC and the unions

The second part of an interview with Neil Rothnie about North Sea oil workers’organisation.

The North Sea 1. The reaction to Piper Alpha

In this interview, Neil Rothnie describes the surge of organisation among oil workers in the British section of the North Sea in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The shock of the explosion on the Piper Alpha oil rig on 6 July 1988, in which 167 oil workers died, was a catalyst for rank-and-file organisation. Activists established the Oil Industry Liaison Committee (OILC), after the Piper Alpha disaster, to coordinate action by workers who were members of different trade unions.

Edetkin, David Chaim aka Skitalets (The Wanderer) (1892/3- after 1934)

A short biography of David Edetkin, active in the Russian anarchist underground

Makaryants, Vladimir Abramovitch (1909-1938)

Tobolsk Prison

A short biography of the anarchist Vladimir Makaryants , murdered by the Soviet regime.

The Teamsters wildcat strike, 1970 - Jeremy Brecher

A short history of the militant nationwide wildcat strike of truck drivers in the Teamsters union against a union-management agreed pay rise of $1.10 an hour, which won a much bigger rise.