Register for Left Unity’s founding conference

September 13, 2013

Left Unity will be holding its Founding Conference on 30th November 2013. Register here to have your say in the process. Please note that in order to attend the conference you must both be a founding member of Left Unity and also register for the conference.

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Worker’s Blood for Multinational Profits: a streamed Left Unity meeting (video)

October 4, 2013
WFLU mtg

A livestreamed Waltham Forest Left Unity meeting with speakers Nadia Idle (War on Want), Ashok Kumar (Asia Coordinator for Adidas Workers Unite! Union) and Katy Lowe (Waltham Forest LU) With thanks to Occupy London and the Occupy News Network

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Left Unity Policy Conference: workshop reports

October 3, 2013
Left Unity Policy Conference: workshop reports

Pete McLaren reports from Left Unity’s policy workshop conference, held in Manchester on 28 September, focusing on the internal democracy and constitution sessions. There were around 75 Left Unity members/supporters present at the Policy Conference.  The day was divided into three sessions with workshops on…

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Serge and Trotsky – Left Unity in the 1930s

October 2, 2013
Serge and Trotsky – Left Unity in the 1930s

Liam McNulty shares his analysis of the debates between Trotsky and Victor Serge and others about how to work towards a united left movement in the 1930s. The ongoing vicious attacks on our class and the crisis of the UK’s largest revolutionary organisation have shaken…

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Threat to disability benefits in Ontario posed by merger of OW and ODSP

October 2, 2013
Threat to disability benefits in Ontario posed by merger of OW and ODSP

Many people living on the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) have strong and well founded concerns about the possibility of regressive ‘reforms’ to that system. While the Wynne Government has made no official announcements as yet, the warning signs are very clear that disabled people…

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TUC Save our NHS: short film

October 2, 2013

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Die Linke: Principled opposition, not coalition poker

October 2, 2013

With Die Linke potentially emerging from last weekend’s elections as the biggest opposition party in parliament, big challenges lie ahead, argues Ben Lewis. Listening to the first electoral projections on the evening of September 22, it appeared as if the incumbent chancellor, Angela Merkel, had…

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Sept 29 – the story the media ignored

October 1, 2013
Sept 29 – the story the media ignored

Terry Conway reports on the demonstration that was absent from the TV and the papers: More than 50,ooo people from across Britain marched through Manchester in a vibrant defence of the NHS in particular and public services more generally. The mood was positive – not…

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Die Linke after the German general election

September 30, 2013
Die Linke after the German general election

They say that, in politics too, every cloud has a silver lining, and fortunately it can be reported that in the case of the German general elections the silver lining has a distinctly reddish shade, writes Thomas Kachel from Die Linke, Germany’s Left Party. But…

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Being Vladimir Ilyich

September 30, 2013

for Gerry Matthews who recruited ‘the Irish Lenin’ to politics   He sweeps the driveway Sundays, names each fallen leaf ‘god’, ‘capitalism’ or ‘monarchy; then indoors to count the raindrops on the window pane and wait for World War Three.   He lifts the toilet…

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On austerity

September 30, 2013

Richard Willmsen Harringey Left Unity Popular support for austerity as a response to economic crisis remains very high in the UK. Statistics on unemployment, child poverty, homelessness seem to fall on deaf ears. So far none of the campaigns which have been launched to challenge…

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