The Watergate Scandal: Timeline and Background
This was one of the biggest political scandals in American history, and led to the resigna...
published: 11 Jan 2012
author: WatchMojo
Watergate 1/5 : Break-in
1995 BBC documentary on Watergate Episode list: 1/5 : Break-in -- http://www.youtube.com/w...
published: 08 May 2012
author: jjqueiros
STAY TUNED (TV's Unforgettable Moments) - Episode 17 - "The Watergate Scandal"
CHECK OUT THESE OTHER CHANNELS: Classiccomedybits: https://www.youtube.com/user/classiccom...
published: 21 Jan 2013
author: Memory Banks
Ben Bradlee on the early Watergate investigation
In a 2006 Newseum interview, former Washington Post managing editor Ben Bradlee talked abo...
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: Newseum
published: 13 Jun 2010
author: Kelly E
Watergate 2/5 : Cover-up
1995 BBC documentary on Watergate Episode list: 1/5 : Break-in -- http://www.youtube.com/w...
published: 08 May 2012
author: jjqueiros
Watergate 784 Days that Changed America Part 1
Watergate 784 Days that Changed America Part 1....
published: 17 Oct 2009
author: Bob Parker
The Watergate Scandal: A Brief History
A little project I put together for my AP US History class. All the video and some of the ...
published: 09 Jun 2012
author: Tfrne
Watergate -- reasons behind the burglary (pt. 1)
It's amazing that this was ever made, but here it is -- in six parts. "The Key to Watergat...
published: 01 Sep 2007
author: Eric Scheie
A Look Back at the Senate Watergate Hearings
Watergate began with a burglary in June 1972 and ended with a president's resignation in A...
published: 17 May 2013
Watergate Spelled Out
A description of the Watergate scandal, as complete as possible given the 15-minute time l...
published: 16 Aug 2011
author: Ari Hoptman
Nixon Apologizes
Nixon apologizes for his Watergate debacle....
published: 16 Mar 2009
author: willfungku11
Nasty Habits — Movie Trailer 1977 — Nunsploitation comedy spoof of Watergate Scandal
Movie Trailer 1977 from VHS. In a Philadelphia convent, two nuns battle it out to be elect...
published: 09 Dec 2012
author: lvxonyx
A Watergate Scandal Parody
For Mr. Doan's 7th Period AP Government class. Final end-of-the-year project. Jaken Garcia...
published: 30 May 2013
author: Rene Smith
Youtube results:
Nixon hosts the Russians, while the Watergate Scandal eats away at his Presidency
Nixon hosts the Russians, while the Watergate Scandal eats away at his Presidency....
published: 20 Mar 2011
Watergate scandal 40 years later
Sunday marked the 40 year anniversary of the Watergate scandal. Back in 1972, police arres...
published: 10 Aug 2013
author: efkan ayvaz
Watergate Scandal
published: 26 May 2013
author: Jeffrey Hou
The Watergate Scandal
This is a history project that we did based on the trailer for the social network http://w...
published: 02 Jun 2011