News Store
Important notice to all NewStore users. The NewsStore service is now free! Please click here for more information. Help

News Store

We are currently working on better integrating the News Store archives across our sites and to assist us in this development, we are happy to offer NewsStore as a free service.

All articles within NewsStore are now available for free. Just search for your article, select it from the search results and it'll then be displayed for you. In regards to ASX company announcements, live announcements are no longer available. Only delayed announcements (20 minutes and older) are now available.

News Store Alerts

Unfortunately, the News Store alert service is no longer available. We will be making the alerts available again in the future, as part of our revamped design. We apologise for this inconvenience.

Further queries

For any other queries relating to News Store and our online archive, please contact us

How To Search

Get help on:

  1. Using the Quick Search
  2. Browsing the Archives
  3. Using the Advanced Search
  4. Using the Company Search
  5. Entering Keywords
  6. Using the Code Lookup

Please note that News Store does not give you access to photographs or tables. For photo sales please visit Fairfax Photos.

1. Using the Quick Search

We have included the basic search criteria on the Quick Search page to allow you to get quickly and easily to the articles that you want. For a more advanced search which contains additional search variables, please go to Advanced Search.

Search Terms

Enter the search phrase you would like to use. An explanation of how this is used can be found in the section Entering Search Terms.

Time Period

Select how much of the archive you would like to search. The smaller this amount is, the faster the search will be, so start at about a month. If you are looking for articles in a particular time period, use the Advanced Search.


Select which the Fairfax newspaper or magazine to search across. By default this is all Fairfax publications.

Look in the Byline/Article

Select either to search for an author (the byline of the article), or for text in the article itself.

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2. Browsing the Archives

Most articles in News Store have been reviewed by our librarians and classified into categories and subcategories. These categories represent the "content directory" of News Store articles. You can view all the articles in that category, or for more specific articles browse through subcategories. You can also refine your search for articles with a category and its subcategories by keyword. For more information on entering Search Terms and search phrases, click here.

The "Browse Archives" section contains articles dating back over the previous 12 months. If you require a more extensive search, please use the Advanced Search. Note that this does not allow you to restrict the search by category.

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3. Using the Advanced Search

The Advanced Search page is designed to allow you to refine your search against a number of additional search criteria including time, publication, content type, section and ASX code.

ASX Code (optional)

Enter an ASX code to search for articles relating to a particular company. This is particularly useful for ASX company announcements. Please note that only announcements 20 minutes and older are available. If you are unsure of the ASX code for a company, you can use the code lookup utility.

Time Period/Date Range

Select how much of the archive you would like to search. The smaller this amount is, the faster the search will be, so start at about a month. If you are looking for articles in a particular time period, use the date range facility to enter a start and end date in the form dd/mm/yyyy. Important: You should enter a 4-digit year for these dates.


Select which the Fairfax newspapers or magazines to search across. By default this is all Fairfax publications, as well as ASX company announcements.


Section means the section of the newspaper that the article was contained in. For example if you are looking for an article that you know was in the Domain section of the SMH, please use the "section" feature to find it quickly and easily.

Content Type

Content types can be useful in helping you to locate particular types of news articles, for example an article which contains an event timeline. As each article is reviewed and classified, some articles are assigned a particular content type, where the content in the article contains a special feature or relates to a specific subject area that is known to be of interest. Some examples are Timeline (timeline of history or events that is attached to a story), Competition (competitions run in or by newspapers) or Retirement (the retirement of an individual from business, public service or politics). For a full list of definitions, please click here.

Look in the Byline/Headline/Article

Select whether to search for an author (the byline of the article), or for text in the article or headline. Any combination of these options can be used.

Sort by Relevance/Date

This controls the order of returned documents. Relevance is scored occording to the number of occurences of your Search Terms in the document and usually returns the most useful results. However, if you are looking for the most recent articles, you can choose to order the results by date.

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4. Using the Company Search

Use this search page to locate articles on ASX listed companies, by their three-letter ASX code. If you don’t know the ASX code, you can use our "code lookup" feature.

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Please note that News Store does not give you access to photographs or tables. For photo sales please visit Fairfax Photos.

5. Entering Search Terms

The News Store search engine allows you to be very specific by using a search string rather than just a keyword. Following are special terms and characters that you can use to construct a successful search string. Examples speak louder than words so lets have a look at how to find articles relating to the newspaper publishing industry:

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