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183 document(s) in Computer.

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Clients 'not a target'
The Sydney company that employed the self-proclaimed leader of an international hacking ring says he did not target any of its clients.
The Age 26/04/2013     no charge     224 words

Clients weren't hacked
THE Sydney company that employed the self-proclaimed leader of an international hacking ring says he didn't target any of its clients.
Newcastle Herald 26/04/2013     no charge     272 words

Our clients were not hacked: employer
THE Sydney company that employed the self-proclaimed leader of an international hacking ring said he didn't target its clients.
Illawarra Mercury 26/04/2013     no charge     117 words

IT professional is accused of defacing website
Australian police have arrested IT security professional and self-proclaimed leader of an international hacking ring Matthew Flannery after he allegedly infiltrated a government website this month.
Sydney Morning Herald 25/04/2013     no charge     170 words

Hackers wipe billions off stock prices
It took seconds. The Associated Press Twitter account was hacked by a group known as the Syrian Electronic Army, which used it to falsely report the White House had been bombed and US President Barack Obama had been injured.
Sydney Morning Herald 25/04/2013     no charge     465 words

Hackers put market in spin with tweet about Obama attack
Hackers backing Syria's regime spooked US markets temporarily after they broke into the Associated Press' Twitter account and falsely reported President Barack Obama had been injured after two blasts at the White House.
The Age 25/04/2013     no charge     257 words

Hacker on charges for 'defacing'
A 24-YEAR-OLD IT professional from Point Clare, who proclaimed himself the leader of an international hacking group, has been charged after allegedly attacking and defacing a government website.
Newcastle Herald 25/04/2013     no charge     490 words

IT pro charged with hacking
A WELL-RESPECTED Sydney IT professional and self-proclaimed leader of an international hacking group faces up to 12 years in jail after he allegedly broke into and defaced an Australian government website.
Illawarra Mercury 25/04/2013     no charge     318 words

FIFA's Twitter hacked
FOOTBALL: Two of FIFA's Twitter accounts were hacked yesterday in the latest wave of cyber attacks claimed by Syrian government sympathisers.
Illawarra Mercury 24/04/2013     no charge     139 words

Hackers of Lebanese website target witnesses in Hariri trial
Hackers broke into a Lebanese news website and plastered the front page with the names of the so-called secret witnesses for the murder trial in the killing of the former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, in an apparent bold new move to intimidate witnesses and derail the court proceedings.
Sydney Morning Herald 15/04/2013     no charge     379 words

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