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69 document(s) in Property.

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Calls for building inspectors to be licensed
REAL estate experts in NSW want the state government to end the "ridiculous" situation in which anyone can call themselves a building inspector.
Sun Herald 14/08/2011     no charge     363 words

When negative gearing backs over your house
There's a certain irony that one of the key villains in the great financial meltdown of 2008 once again is creating economic havoc.
Sydney Morning Herald 09/08/2011     no charge     882 words

Look out! 2008 on the horizon
THERE'S a certain irony that one of the key villains in the great financial meltdown of 2008 once again is creating economic havoc.
The Age 09/08/2011     no charge     907 words

The Sunday Age 07/08/2011     no charge     392 words

NSW Health has reaped $4.5 million over the past five years by selling publicly owned assets in the Illawarra.
Illawarra Mercury 26/07/2011     no charge     399 words

Property fraud charges
A MELBOURNE woman who allegedly ran a series of fake conveyancing businesses is facing 480 criminal charges for defrauding and stealing from home owners.
The Sunday Age 24/07/2011     no charge     157 words

Wild swings outside city
Property prices are proving erratic from the sea to the snow, writes Carolyn Boyd.
Sun Herald 24/07/2011     no charge     735 words

Developer fined a record $200,000 for unlawful land clearance
ONE of the country's biggest property developers has been fined $200,000 by the NSW Land and Environment Court for unlawfully clearing 23 hectares of native vegetation.
Sydney Morning Herald 23/07/2011     no charge     312 words

Carbon tax weighs on property sector
UNCERTAINTY about a carbon tax, and messy state and federal government relations, are among the greatest problems facing the real estate sector, an industry forum has heard.
The Age 18/07/2011     no charge     330 words

Demographics tell a story of robust markets
IF I had a dollar for every time someone said to me the Australian property market is going to crash because debt levels are too high I would have made 17 bucks in the past year.
Sun Herald 17/07/2011     no charge     496 words

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