Abbott’s new Senate challenge

Abbott’s new Senate challenge

Tony Abbott must wait almost a year and then deal with a cumbersome new Senate before implementing his key promises, including scrapping the carbon and mining taxes, after Labor refused to budge despite Saturday’s election loss.

Avoid double-dissolution at all costs: CEOs

Avoid double-dissolution at all costs: CEOs

Top business leaders have welcomed the change to a more business-friendly government, but they have called for politicians to avoid a double-dissolution election at all costs, and for an end to the politicking of the past three years.

Full agenda for first 100 days

Tony Abbott’s first week as Prime Minister will be very busy if he is to complete a lengthy “to-do” list during his first 100 days.

Howes tipped to take Bob Carr’s Senate seat

Howes tipped to take Bob Carr’s Senate seat

Exclusive | Australian Workers Union national secretary Paul Howes is tipped to become a Labor Senator, filling a vacancy to be created by the expected resignation of Bob Carr.

Australian dollar could rise in perfect storm

The Coalition victory, more positive economic data from China and a diminished case for tapering the United States’s massive stimulus program have conspired to keep the currency above US90¢ and poised to rise.


Trio of tasks panacea for past six years


The new government’s most pressing tasks are to reform the country’s system of government; kickstart infrastructure investments and formulate an innovation policy.

Aristocrat plays it safe in acquisition game

Aristocrat Leisure chief executive Jamie Odell has ruled the poker machine maker out of the wave of consolidation sweeping through the United States gaming industry, despite having considered two big-ticket acquisitions of US rivals in 2013.

Local bankers win regulation concessions that will save millions

After a joint submission to global financial regulators, ANZ, Commonwealth, Westpac, Macquarie and NAB have won concessions to international derivatives regulations that had threatened to add to their cost of funding.

Coles takes on banks in battle for customers

Coles has already sold about 200,000 insurance policies; now it’s applying for a banking licence.

G20 leaders plan to stick with stimulus spending

Despite recent positive economic new, leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies say it is too early to ease off government stimulus spending.

Death by dysfunction

Death by dysfunction

Pamela Williams, editor-at-large, reveals the inside story of the Liberal Party campaign to unseat Kevin Rudd.

Competitive bidders lift auction clearance rates

Competitive bidders lift auction clearance rates

High demand for properties in Melbourne and Sydney has prompted competitive bidding at auctions but Canberra’s property market remains subdued after a Coalition commitment to slash public service jobs.

Digital devices booming as fixed line numbers collapse

Digital devices booming as fixed line numbers collapse

The falling number of fixed lines is ready to move from a natural decline to a collapse because of the national broadband network. All Australian homes and businesses will be shifted off Telstra’s network and onto a wholesale NBN by 2019 if the Coalition’s plan is completed on time.

Markets Summary

Change % Chg
S&P/ASX 200 5145.0 2.5 + 0.05%
Dow Jones 14922.50 - 14.98 - 0.10%
FTSE 100 6547.33 14.89 + 0.23%
SPI 200 SEP3 5157.000 12.000 + 0.20%
AUD/USD 0.9181 0.0000 + 0.00%

Markets Data »

Price % Chg
BLY BOART $ 0.515 + 4.04%
DML DISCOV MET $ 0.130 + 4.00%
GWA GWA GROUP $ 3.140 + 3.97%
PBG PACBRANDS $ 0.765 + 3.38%
SMX SMS M&T; $ 4.900 + 3.38%

Markets Data »

Price % Chg
KCN KINGSGATE $ 1.950 - 7.58%
TSE TFIELDSERV $ 1.185 - 6.32%
SLR SILVERLAKE $ 0.845 - 6.11%
NST NTH STAR $ 0.845 - 6.11%
BDR BEADELL $ 0.835 - 5.11%

Markets Data »

Street Talk

Alan Young joins Highbury

Veteran banker Alan Young has been hired by Highbury Partnership, a boutique advisory firm founded earlier this year by JPMorgan’s former head of equities, Matt Roberts.


What an Abbott government means for the economy

Business Council of Australia chief executive officer Jennifer Westacott tells what she things the new government needs to do to support business as ANZ chief economist Warren Hogan gives his predictions.



Abbott’s new Senate challenge

Tony Abbott must wait almost a year and then deal with a cumbersome new Senate before implementing his key promises, including scrapping the carbon and mining taxes, after Labor refused to budge despite Saturday’s election loss.

Malcolm Turnbull’s election loss to Clive Frederick Palmer

Malcolm Turnbull’s election loss to Clive Frederick Palmer

Clive Palmer, the new member for Fairfax, on the northern Sunshine Coast, had better get working on his Members’ interest statement – or at least his accountant, or team of accountants, had better.


Alan Mitchell

Time for Abbott to focus on the long game

Alan Mitchell

Tony Abbott’s promises to protect manufacturers (Abbott’s five-pillar economy) and preserve Labor’s core industrial relations reforms are not compatible with a world of hard-won and volatile growth.

Rowan Dean

Goodbye to the spin doctors, hello to a new beginning

Rowan Dean

The best ad of the seemingly endless federal election campaign emerged on the last day and was not a slick piece of spin costing the taxpayer squillions, but a witty YouTube clip from a group who perfectly expressed what many of us were feeling.

Reagan-style small government hard to do

Reagan-style small government hard to do

While he sees former PM John Howard as a key figure in his life, it is the late US President Ronald Reagan’s approach that resonates with Tony Abbott. Like Reagan, he wants to downsize government by shifting responsibility from Canberra (read Washington for Reagan) to the states.


Hockey’s financial inquiry has to get clear of the weeds

Hockey’s financial inquiry has to get clear of the weeds

Joe Hockey’s pledge to hold an inquiry into banking competition has largely been accepted by the financial industry. But there are caveats: it needs to be credible, with a well-chosen panel and staffed by a senior secretariat.


Controversial on-market book-build scheme kicks off in October

Controversial on-market book-build scheme kicks off in October

ASX chief executive Elmer Funke Kupper says a controversial book-build scheme for company capital raisings is an interesting innovation, but has yet to prove itself.

Personal finance

Get the better of dark pools and fast trades

Get the better of dark pools and fast trades

The relatively new phenomena of dark pools and high-frequency trading have emerged via innovation and competition, but pose significant threats to investors.


Africa’s main game – altitude 60 metres

Africa’s main game – altitude 60 metres

Bench International’s Torben Rune had an epiphany in his Cessna Grand a few years ago – more people should see Africa from the air. So he set up Scenic Air Safaris.

Great escape produces secrets from the heart

Great escape produces secrets from the heart

Laura Tingle swaps Canberra’s cold corridors of power for the warm largesse of the Kimberley coast and finds herself in the grip of a dilemma.

Relative values surprise all at sea  

Relative values surprise all at sea  

When an unexpected guest arrives on board the luxury liner, Crystal Symphony, Fiona Carruthers discovers there’s more to cruising than just fine dining, day spas and spectacular scenery.

Boy’s own adventure in Genghis Khan territory

Boy’s own adventure in Genghis Khan territory

Almost 15 years ago, Tim Cope spent his 21st year riding a bicycle from Russia to Beijing and stumbled across Mongolia, which has held him in thrall ever since.

Latest TV

Tony Abbott’s party

Reporter Eddy Meyer was with Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott on the big night. He brings a full round-up of the celebrations – and commiserations – as Financial Review poliital editor dissects the result.

Abbott declares Australia under new management

Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott declares victory in the 2013 federal election, promising a grown-up and methodical government.  More AFR TV

Vocation shapes up for $300m float

Street Talk reveals that former federal education minister John Dawkins will feature in a new, $300 million share market listing – the initial public offering of Vocation.

Rudd concedes defeat

Outgoing Prime Minister Kevin Rudd concedes defeat in the 2013 federal election and says he won’t re-contest the Labor leadership following the resounding loss.  More AFR TV