Rj ft A.D. "Jealous" Official Music Video
Rj of Pushaz Ink The Label brings you another lifestyle piece with the release of his mixt...
published: 28 Aug 2013
Rj ft A.D. "Jealous" Official Music Video
Rj ft A.D. "Jealous" Official Music Video
Rj of Pushaz Ink The Label brings you another lifestyle piece with the release of his mixtape titled On My Momma Im On O.M.M.I.O for short. With a visit to the roosevelt hotel and a couple woman. It made for a good time.- published: 28 Aug 2013
- views: 4989
Rj ft Jay 305 "I Feel Like" (Official Music Video)
With the latest release of his Highly Anticipated Mixtape O.M.M.I.O Rj releases his 2nd pr...
published: 07 Oct 2013
Rj ft Jay 305 "I Feel Like" (Official Music Video)
Rj ft Jay 305 "I Feel Like" (Official Music Video)
With the latest release of his Highly Anticipated Mixtape O.M.M.I.O Rj releases his 2nd project off the mix tape featuring OPM's own Jay 305. This lifestyle piece gives you a look into the day to day life of the two rappers while they give you bars on their thoughts and feelings. Be sure to check it out and subscribe for more videos from Rj and The Label.- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 3718
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Do Sumthing [O.M.M.I.O]
#12 RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Do Sumthing [O.M.M.I.O]
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Do Sumthing [O.M.M.I.O]
published: 25 Sep 2013
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Do Sumthing [O.M.M.I.O]
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Do Sumthing [O.M.M.I.O]
#12 RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Do Sumthing [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Do Sumthing [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Do Sumthing [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Do Sumthing [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Do Sumthing [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Do Sumthing [O.M.M.I.O]- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 6217
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Shoulda Coulda [O.M.M.I.O]
#4 RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Shoulda Coulda [O.M.M.I.O]
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Shoulda Coulda [O.M.M....
published: 25 Sep 2013
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Shoulda Coulda [O.M.M.I.O]
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Shoulda Coulda [O.M.M.I.O]
#4 RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Shoulda Coulda [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Shoulda Coulda [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Shoulda Coulda [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Shoulda Coulda [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Shoulda Coulda [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Shoulda Coulda [O.M.M.I.O]- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 14716
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Realest Nigga Ever [O.M.M.I.O]
#2 RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Realest Nigga Ever [O.M.M.I.O]
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Realest Nigga Ever...
published: 25 Sep 2013
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Realest Nigga Ever [O.M.M.I.O]
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Realest Nigga Ever [O.M.M.I.O]
#2 RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Realest Nigga Ever [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Realest Nigga Ever [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Realest Nigga Ever [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Realest Nigga Ever [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Realest Nigga Ever [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Realest Nigga Ever [O.M.M.I.O]- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 11829
Rj - Realest Nigga Ever (Official Music Video)
Rj teams up with Kenneth Wynn to give you another visual off his O.M.M.I.O mixtape that ha...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Rj - Realest Nigga Ever (Official Music Video)
Rj - Realest Nigga Ever (Official Music Video)
Rj teams up with Kenneth Wynn to give you another visual off his O.M.M.I.O mixtape that has thus far created a amazing buzz for the Pushaz Ink signee. With a lot on his mind he tends to hit the studio whenever in need of a release. I just so happened to be here for this recording. Check it out!- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 1517
YG ft Rj " Bitchez " (Official Music Video)
The Pushaz take over vegas for memorial day weekend. Upon arrival YG got a suite for the t...
published: 04 Jul 2013
author: Kenneth Wynn
YG ft Rj " Bitchez " (Official Music Video)
YG ft Rj " Bitchez " (Official Music Video)
The Pushaz take over vegas for memorial day weekend. Upon arrival YG got a suite for the team and from there on out it was a movie. Hundreds of woman in and ...- published: 04 Jul 2013
- views: 19552
- author: Kenneth Wynn
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Dickmatized [O.M.M.I.O]
#16 RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Dickmatized [O.M.M.I.O]
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Dickmatized [O.M.M.I.O]
published: 25 Sep 2013
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Dickmatized [O.M.M.I.O]
RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Dickmatized [O.M.M.I.O]
#16 RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Dickmatized [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Dickmatized [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Dickmatized [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Dickmatized [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Dickmatized [O.M.M.I.O] RJ (Pushaz Ink) - Dickmatized [O.M.M.I.O]- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 1814
Mr. WhiteDogg ft. RJ, Nipsey Hussle - Death Around The Corner [Prod. By G5yve] [New 2014]
Mr. WhiteDogg ft. RJ, Nipsey Hussle - Death Around The Corner [Prod. By G5yve] [New 2014]...
published: 03 Jan 2014
Mr. WhiteDogg ft. RJ, Nipsey Hussle - Death Around The Corner [Prod. By G5yve] [New 2014]
Mr. WhiteDogg ft. RJ, Nipsey Hussle - Death Around The Corner [Prod. By G5yve] [New 2014]
Mr. WhiteDogg ft. RJ, Nipsey Hussle - Death Around The Corner [Prod. By G5yve] [New 2014]- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 3663
UTVUnderground Presents: RJ Anderson XP1K
Professional Driver. One-Of-A-Kind Heavily Modified Vehicle. Do Not Attempt. You Could Die...
published: 05 Aug 2013
author: UTVUnderground.com
UTVUnderground Presents: RJ Anderson XP1K
UTVUnderground Presents: RJ Anderson XP1K
Professional Driver. One-Of-A-Kind Heavily Modified Vehicle. Do Not Attempt. You Could Die. The new 2014 Polaris RZR XP1000 is the most powerful and advanced...- published: 05 Aug 2013
- views: 681648
- author: UTVUnderground.com
RJ Mitte -- Craigslist Murderer is HILARIOUS -- There Should Be More Like Her
RJ Mitte thinks mass murder is really funny ... because he got a good laugh over the woman...
published: 18 Feb 2014
RJ Mitte -- Craigslist Murderer is HILARIOUS -- There Should Be More Like Her
RJ Mitte -- Craigslist Murderer is HILARIOUS -- There Should Be More Like Her
RJ Mitte thinks mass murder is really funny ... because he got a good laugh over the woman who claims she murdered between 22 and 100 people. Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz2tgR31Dy5- published: 18 Feb 2014
- views: 301
RJ: Flagrante de PMs sendo encurralados pela fúria de milhares de manifestantes no Rio (17/06/2013)
Jornal A Nova Democracia - Veja com exclusividade o momento em que PMs são encurralados pe...
published: 18 Jun 2013
author: Jornal A Nova Democracia
RJ: Flagrante de PMs sendo encurralados pela fúria de milhares de manifestantes no Rio (17/06/2013)
RJ: Flagrante de PMs sendo encurralados pela fúria de milhares de manifestantes no Rio (17/06/2013)
Jornal A Nova Democracia - Veja com exclusividade o momento em que PMs são encurralados pelas massas e, na confusão, um policial é ferido. Lembrando que um m...- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 364446
- author: Jornal A Nova Democracia
World of Tanks. "Реальный взгляд" с RJ BadUser12 выпуск 80. "T18" и "АТ-1"
Среда, 26 февраля, в 20:00 (МСК). "Реальный взгляд" с RJ BadUser12 выпуск 80.
Ради интерес...
published: 26 Feb 2014
World of Tanks. "Реальный взгляд" с RJ BadUser12 выпуск 80. "T18" и "АТ-1"
World of Tanks. "Реальный взгляд" с RJ BadUser12 выпуск 80. "T18" и "АТ-1"
Среда, 26 февраля, в 20:00 (МСК). "Реальный взгляд" с RJ BadUser12 выпуск 80. Ради интереса, пожалуй, стоит выяснить -- правда ли "T18" не имеет себе равных в уничтожении мелких танков, или "АТ-1" сможет составить ей конкуренцию.- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 1689
RJ: PM atira em criança e moradores se levantam contra a UPP no morro do Gambá
Jornal A Nova Democracia — Na noite do dia 23 de fevereiro, moradores do morro do Gambá, n...
published: 25 Feb 2014
RJ: PM atira em criança e moradores se levantam contra a UPP no morro do Gambá
RJ: PM atira em criança e moradores se levantam contra a UPP no morro do Gambá
Jornal A Nova Democracia — Na noite do dia 23 de fevereiro, moradores do morro do Gambá, no Complexo do Lins se revoltaram depois que PMs da UPP dispararam em um dos becos atingindo a menina Maria Clara, de 7 anos. A população se levantou e a rebelião popular terminou com três ônibus e um container da UPP incendiados, além de viaturas destruídas e vários sinais das barricadas feitas por manifestantes. Na manhã de hoje, dia 24 de fevereiro, a equipe de AND esteve no local para conversar com moradores. PMs abordaram o jornalista Patrick Granja lhe dirigindo intimidações e ameaças. Os soldados chegaram a submetê-lo a uma revista corporal, mas moradores saíram em sua defesa e interromperam a ação. Momentos depois, os mesmos policiais que fizeram a abordagem se retiraram as pressas temendo uma reação mais violenta dos moradores. Equipes do monopólio da imprensa também foram hostilizadas pelas massas. Já diante dos microfones de AND, o povo soltou o verbo e não economizou críticas ao estado de exceção imposto pelas UPPs. ____________________________________ Acesse http://www.anovademocracia.com.br http://www.anovademocracia.com.br/blog http://www.facebook.com/jornaland https://www.facebook.com/jornalanovademocracia ____________________________________ To buy the raw footage from the video above, please contact us by phone: 55 21 22566303 / 55 21 82216651 , or by email: anovademocracia@gmail.com.br or patrickgranja@hotmail.com. Help the democratic and popular press, help AND. Para comprar as imagens não editadas do vídeo acima, entre em contato conosco pelo telefone 21 22566303 / 21 82216651 ou por email: anovademocracia@uol.com.br ou patrickgranja@hotmail.com. Apóie a imprensa democrática e popular. Apóie AND.- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 3132
Youtube results:
published: 08 Oct 2013
92.7 BIG FM RJ BALAJI's RAJA RANIYUM EDHARA PALA 120 RUBAAIGALLUM !!! 92.7 BIG FM RJ BALAJI's RAJA RANI YUM EDHARA PALA 120 RUBAAIGALLUM !!! 92.7 BIG FM RJ BALAJI's RAJA RANI YUM EDHARA PALA 120 RUBAIYUM !!! Raja Rani (2013 film) King Queen www.facebook.com/pages/RJ-Balaji/131463890269083 twitter.com/#!/RJ_Balaji http://www.youtube.com/user/bigfmtamilrjbalaji stay tuned to 92.7 BIG FM,Chennai everyday between 5 to 9 pm !!! Todadondan Tonta bontoin !!! :D- published: 08 Oct 2013
- views: 1230
Policias são recebidos a tiros em Antares na Zona Oeste do R.J.
Cerca de 30 policias do 27ºBPM fazem operação na favela de Antares e são recebidos a tiros...
published: 04 Jan 2014
Policias são recebidos a tiros em Antares na Zona Oeste do R.J.
Policias são recebidos a tiros em Antares na Zona Oeste do R.J.
Cerca de 30 policias do 27ºBPM fazem operação na favela de Antares e são recebidos a tiros pelos traficantes. Acesse o Portal de Noticias do Factual RJ: http://www.factualrj.com.br/ Curta nossa página no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RJFactual- published: 04 Jan 2014
- views: 27
Big Penises - Sleepy Sunday w/ Will and RJ
Will and RJ's Channel http://www.youtube.com/shep689 Yesterday's Vid - http://www.instagra...
published: 28 Jul 2013
author: SupDaily06
Big Penises - Sleepy Sunday w/ Will and RJ
Big Penises - Sleepy Sunday w/ Will and RJ
Will and RJ's Channel http://www.youtube.com/shep689 Yesterday's Vid - http://www.instagram.com/SupRicky06 http://www.facebook.com/SupDailyCrew P.O. Box - Ch...- published: 28 Jul 2013
- views: 36289
- author: SupDaily06