The Frost Programme - Oswald Mosley (15th Nov 1967)
David Frost interviews Oswald Mosley. Frost interviewed the former head of the British Uni...
published: 02 Sep 2013
The Frost Programme - Oswald Mosley (15th Nov 1967)
The Frost Programme - Oswald Mosley (15th Nov 1967)
David Frost interviews Oswald Mosley. Frost interviewed the former head of the British Union of Fascists on his ITV show 'The Frost Programme' on the 16th November 1967. I do not own the copyright for this recording but I believe that it is important that this footage is available to those with an interest in British political and media history and the footage does not already exist on Youtube.- published: 02 Sep 2013
- views: 117
Mosley (1998) - Part 1
An account of the colourful life of the infamous British fascist Oswald Mosely, concentrat...
published: 25 May 2012
author: IronYouthradio2
Mosley (1998) - Part 1
Mosley (1998) - Part 1
An account of the colourful life of the infamous British fascist Oswald Mosely, concentrating on the period between the end of WW1 and his imprisonment at th...- published: 25 May 2012
- views: 4690
- author: IronYouthradio2
Oswald Mosley: a film from Britain
For those who couldn't be there....
published: 20 Jun 2009
author: peppermintjohn666
Oswald Mosley: a film from Britain
Oswald Mosley: a film from Britain
For those who couldn't be there.- published: 20 Jun 2009
- views: 47534
- author: peppermintjohn666
Sir Oswald Mosley
This scene from a TV drams shows the BUF's Fourth Anniversary demonstration, which was to ...
published: 23 Jul 2010
author: s1e2d3
Sir Oswald Mosley
Sir Oswald Mosley
This scene from a TV drams shows the BUF's Fourth Anniversary demonstration, which was to take place in East London which was to become the media's 'Battle o...- published: 23 Jul 2010
- views: 23953
- author: s1e2d3
Oswald Mosley giving a Fiery speech at a Manchester blackshirt rally
Oswald Mosley giving a Fiery speech at a Manchester blackshirt rally....
published: 08 Dec 2010
author: iconic
Oswald Mosley giving a Fiery speech at a Manchester blackshirt rally
Oswald Mosley giving a Fiery speech at a Manchester blackshirt rally
Oswald Mosley giving a Fiery speech at a Manchester blackshirt rally.- published: 08 Dec 2010
- views: 32496
- author: iconic
Sir Oswald Mosley on Globalisation
Sir Oswald Mosley talks about the dangers of unrestrained globalisation....
published: 27 Apr 2010
author: victorDTRT
Sir Oswald Mosley on Globalisation
Sir Oswald Mosley on Globalisation
Sir Oswald Mosley talks about the dangers of unrestrained globalisation.- published: 27 Apr 2010
- views: 18280
- author: victorDTRT
Oswald Mosley Speech 1963 Part One
PART 1: Mosley speaks: 'The voice they could not silence : address by Oswald Mosley, Kensi...
published: 02 Dec 2013
Oswald Mosley Speech 1963 Part One
Oswald Mosley Speech 1963 Part One
PART 1: Mosley speaks: 'The voice they could not silence : address by Oswald Mosley, Kensington Town Hall (London), November 18, 1963.'- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 39
Sir Oswald Mosley: We salute you!
Sir Oswald Mosley, the greatest Prime Minister Britain never had. The leader of the Britis...
published: 07 Jul 2012
author: AllhailTabby
Sir Oswald Mosley: We salute you!
Sir Oswald Mosley: We salute you!
Sir Oswald Mosley, the greatest Prime Minister Britain never had. The leader of the British Union of Fascists and National Socialists. This man could have sa...- published: 07 Jul 2012
- views: 2485
- author: AllhailTabby
Sir Oswald Mosley's Fascist Plan For Economic Recovery
Mosley outlines the Fascist economic model for Britain. http://www.youtube.com/user/Northw...
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: EuropeanWatchman2
Sir Oswald Mosley's Fascist Plan For Economic Recovery
Sir Oswald Mosley's Fascist Plan For Economic Recovery
Mosley outlines the Fascist economic model for Britain. http://www.youtube.com/user/NorthwestFreedom http://www.northwestfront.org http://www.northwestfront....- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 2034
- author: EuropeanWatchman2
Sir Oswald Mosley 1931 General Election Speech
Sir Oswald Mosley campaigning in the 1931 general election as the New Party candidate for ...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: GreatBritishArchive
Sir Oswald Mosley 1931 General Election Speech
Sir Oswald Mosley 1931 General Election Speech
Sir Oswald Mosley campaigning in the 1931 general election as the New Party candidate for Stoke-On-Trent.- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 75
- author: GreatBritishArchive
The Frost Programme - David Frost Interviews Sir Oswald Mosley, Founder of British Union of Fascists
David Frost Interviews Sir Oswald Mosley, founder of the British Union of Fascists.
The L...
published: 24 Sep 2013
The Frost Programme - David Frost Interviews Sir Oswald Mosley, Founder of British Union of Fascists
The Frost Programme - David Frost Interviews Sir Oswald Mosley, Founder of British Union of Fascists
David Frost Interviews Sir Oswald Mosley, founder of the British Union of Fascists. The Legendary interviewer Sir David Frost conducted some of the controversial interviews of the 20th century, including an international fraudster, Racist, and a Fascist. Sir David Frost doesn't hold back with his in-depth questioning style and exposes his interviewees for who they are. In this, the original and uncut interview for The Frost Programme, Sir David Frost interviews Sir Oswald Mosley, founder of the British Union of Fascists. Sir Oswald Mosley, founder of the British Union of Fascists, was regarded as a highly controversial figure, more so between 1934 and 1935 when the party became involved in violent activities ad formed an alignment with the German Nazi Party.- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 5
Oswald Mosley - 1931 , His Manifestation
Oswald Mosley - 1931 , His Manifestation....
published: 10 May 2011
author: Patriot1418
Oswald Mosley - 1931 , His Manifestation
Oswald Mosley - 1931 , His Manifestation
Oswald Mosley - 1931 , His Manifestation.- published: 10 May 2011
- views: 2299
- author: Patriot1418
Sir Oswald Mosley on Freedom of Speech
Sir Oswald Mosley speaking about the Freedom of Speech in Britain....
published: 01 May 2012
author: AngryBroomHandler
Sir Oswald Mosley on Freedom of Speech
Sir Oswald Mosley on Freedom of Speech
Sir Oswald Mosley speaking about the Freedom of Speech in Britain.- published: 01 May 2012
- views: 2282
- author: AngryBroomHandler
Vimeo results:
From Israel With Love...
Notre nazification commune dans l'allégresse !
Notre intellect, notre raison, a beau savo...
published: 21 Jun 2010
author: Patrice De Bruyne
From Israel With Love...
Notre nazification commune dans l'allégresse !
Notre intellect, notre raison, a beau savoir que la mort nous pend au nez dans un temps variant entre une seconde et 90 ans (je simplifie le temps qui passe)..., on fait comme si de rien n’était.
La réaction la plus rationnelle, face à cette évidence, serait sans doute de jouir mollement du présent, d’agir tels ces grands sages et grands singes que sont les bonobos, de faire l’amour du matin au soir, suçotant des feuilles de bananier et regardant les nuages..., plutôt que passer le plus clair de notre temps à nous demander comment faire pour payer les factures d'eau, gaz, électricité, télévision, téléphones (au pluriel car en plus du fixe il y a le ou les portables), les pleins d’essence ou de mazout et les autos, motos, sans oublier l'habitation (en loyers ou à crédit)…, les vacances, les distractions, les amendes, les futilités et les imprévus...
J'arrête là, cette liste, pour ne pas vous pousser trop vite au suicide..., ayant une pensée émue et contrite pour les exclus du système (bien qu'il soit mauvais)... et qui, passé 45 ans, ne trouvent strictement plus rien de rien en dehors des ficelles de la vie, d'escroqueries diverses, de petits boulots minables et autres esclavages...
Une autre réaction, mieux encore, est d’accélérer le cours des choses, de s’épargner l’attente idiote de la dernière heure et de faire l’impasse sur les longues et épuisantes années d’études, de recherches d’emplois, d’éducation d’enfants, d'un traitement pénible du cancer probable... et d’en finir immédiatement...
Certains, acculés à cette extrémité, qui peut être une délivrance face à une société pourrie jusqu'à la moelle, s'y aventurent en emportant avec eux quelques uns et unes qui, soit sont co-responsables de la grande déglingue, soit en sont également victimes au point d'en être co-auteurs...
C'est quasi comme un ultime orgasme..., une délicieuse jouissance : disparaître dans l'éternité avec eux (pour sans nul doute les torturer à l'infini)..., les responsables de la grande déglingue et de cette finalité.
En réalité, nous sommes toutes et tous responsables de la grande déglingue du monde (le nôtre), minables de nos molles réactions débiles qui nous font accepter les pires avanies, persécutions, injustices, saloperies et misérabilismes...
Mais de tout ça, nous ne faisons rien…, personne n'est responsable mais tous les autres sont coupables !
Comme si (et c’est sans doute la raison) au fond de nous, quelque chose n’était pas totalement convaincu, justement, que la mort est un problème qui nous concerne aussi...
Quand les sociétés sont en bon état, comme la République de Rome avant que la Chrétienté n'en détruise l'Âme..., toute la population fait du sport...
Et quand tout ça se transforme en star système, c'est signe de décadence.
Ce système amène les gens à vivre par procuration : les gens s'épuisent à regarder le sport des autres, vautrés dans leurs fauteuils, mangeant et buvant tout ce que le grand Mickey, maître de l'univers, leur dicte de manger et boire entre deux retransmissions...
Et c'est de pire en pire… et là je parle de la situation générale, on est à peu près comme à l'époque de la chute de l'Empire : mais au début du grand bordel, seulement.
A l'époque de mai '68, tous les jeunes en révolution étaient écologistes, hippies, libertaires…
Jetant Charles de Gaule aux orties, croyant ouvrir l'horizon, découvrir le bonheur, on n'a ouvert que la boîte de Pandore et découvert Johnny, idole factice, tapis roulant du show-business et de la médiocrité...
Mai 68 a aussi été récupéré par le stalinisme, la face cachée du vrai socialisme.
Entre ces deux mamelles abreuvant la dictatucratie..., que de la sueur...
Dès juin 1968, j'ai compris que c'était foutu, malgré que je n'avais que 19 ans...
On avait remis le couvercle sur la cocotte-minute et on a du bouffer du capitalisme-social encore un certain temps.
Alors, aujourd'hui, j'éprouve quand même une certaine jubilation à voir ce grand machin se péter la gueule.
Au début, quasi seul à écrire que le pire mal du siècle après le capitalisme était le socialisme qui osait affirmer "le droit au travail"... alors qu'en réalité c'était "le droit à l'esclavage", un système qui rend tout un chacun, rouage d'une énorme machine qui ne sert qu'à fabriquer des rouages inutiles..., j'ai été méprisé, insulté, on m'a même trainé en justice parce que je dénonçais les turpitudes du "système" et défendais les opprimés, tels les Palestiniens...
Et ce qui est marrant, c'est qu'on m'a traité de Cassandre.
Cassandre, personne ne voulait la croire.
Mais, n'empêche : Troie a chu !
C'est juste que les gens sont de plus en plus désespérés socialement.
Le totalitarisme maquillé de paillettes du monde actuel nous oppresse physiquement et intellectuellement.
Not in Order of Appearance
Ray Barko, Adrian Jacobs, Josh Jacobs, Johnny Collins, Gulley Jimson, Abel, Erik Vonk, Jua...
published: 16 May 2011
author: Max Pinckers
Not in Order of Appearance
Ray Barko, Adrian Jacobs, Josh Jacobs, Johnny Collins, Gulley Jimson, Abel, Erik Vonk, Juan Antonio, Maria Elena, Iris, Walter Paisley, Maxwell H. Brock, David Shaw, Oswald Deuce, Oliver Deuce, Venus de Milo, Miles Fairley, Sabina, Tereza, Moore, Robert Lomax, Jack Dawson, Reno Miller, Van Meegeren, Julie, Bradley Morahan, Jerry Mulligan, Jimmy, Jerome, Jona, Rick Todd, Eugene Fullstack, Abigail ‘Abby’ Parker, Jonathan Lansdale, Simon Bishop, Edgar Stark, Delia Deetz, Michio, Thomas, Bill, Gaston Morrell, Adrian Jonas, Elaine, Joe, Chris Flanders, Cruz, Jess Aarons, Anne Benton, Jorday Mooney, Robert Powel, Adam Sorg, Daisy Kenyon, Basil Hallward, Alex, Chester Dalton, Roderick Usher, Dick Avery, Roberta Allsworth, Enid, Frederick, Elwood P. Dowd, Lucy Berliner, Sir Henry, Tom Warshaw, Henry Jarrod, Gwladys Inglott, Sophie Hartley, Prince Goffredo, Edouard Frenhofer, Fergus, Chelsea Deardon, Michčle Stalens, Lilie, Harry Caine, Nina Mosley, Paul Knight Somerset, Christine Jesperson, Mikael, Claude Zoret, Jonathan Adams, Morgan Delt, Adam Beckett, Behrman, Susan Goodwin, et al.
Max Pinckers in collaboration with Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin took up a challenge posed by the artist Setareh Shahbazi to make a film composed of all the fictional artists that have ever appeared in fictional films. This is only the beginning…
Hidden London: The Real Battle of Cable Street
The magnificent mural in Cable Street in East London, depicts the 1936 battle of Cable Str...
published: 31 Mar 2010
author: worldwrite
Hidden London: The Real Battle of Cable Street
The magnificent mural in Cable Street in East London, depicts the 1936 battle of Cable Street, when East end residents stopped Oswald Mosley and his fascist followers marching through their streets. The mural forms the backdrop to a powerful dissection of what happened. The real battle we learn was three way, between the police, the fascists and local people. Interwoven with fascinating archive and eye witness testimony from Bill Fishman, Alan Hudson provides a riveting account of the events of the day, of the context and many hidden truths. The official labour movement tried to stop the anti-fascist protests and organised an alternative rally in Trafalgar square. The public order act which followed set the precedent for today’s restrictions on our freedom to protest. Lessons for today come thick and fast and we are left to contemplate the mural’s contemporary meaning. It may only strike a cord locally Alan explains if we support today’s migrant population and oppose all immigration controls.
The Mosley Riots - Professor Clive Bloom
The 'Battle' of Cable Street which took place on the 4 October,1936 has become the definin...
published: 16 Jul 2013
author: Gresham College
The Mosley Riots - Professor Clive Bloom
The 'Battle' of Cable Street which took place on the 4 October,1936 has become the defining myth of the East End of London and of the left,memorialised thereafter as the defeat of Oswald Mosley and his Blackshirts amid the cries of 'They shall not pass!'
How did this enduring mythology arise, what was the nature of East End radicalism, what role did the police play, what were the origins of fascism and what happened after the events?
Professor Emeritus, Clive Bloom will investigate the British radical tradition between the wars and set Cable Street in the context of contemporary ideological conflict.
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website:
Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website. There are currently over 1,500 lectures free to access or download from the website.
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Youtube results:
Cable Sreet - Oswald Mosley - The One Show [couchtripper]
http://couchtripper.com They Shall Not Pass! - if you're EDl/BNP get lost, you're not welc...
published: 07 Oct 2011
author: couchtripper
Cable Sreet - Oswald Mosley - The One Show [couchtripper]
Cable Sreet - Oswald Mosley - The One Show [couchtripper]
http://couchtripper.com They Shall Not Pass! - if you're EDl/BNP get lost, you're not welcome. Your posts will not pass.- published: 07 Oct 2011
- views: 1007
- author: couchtripper
Sir Oswald Mosley on Unemployment [1930]
Labour MP Sir Oswald Mosley on Unemployment in 1930....
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: GreatBritishArchive
Sir Oswald Mosley on Unemployment [1930]
Sir Oswald Mosley on Unemployment [1930]
Labour MP Sir Oswald Mosley on Unemployment in 1930.- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 187
- author: GreatBritishArchive
published: 20 Dec 2012
author: Rudolf Bauer
- published: 20 Dec 2012
- views: 281
- author: Rudolf Bauer