- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 903

Koji Uehara 2013 Highlights
Another Hero for the Red Sox's 2013 season, Koji Uehara
I do not own the music and the fo...
published: 24 Aug 2013
Koji Uehara 2013 Highlights
Koji Uehara 2013 Highlights
Another Hero for the Red Sox's 2013 season, Koji Uehara I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. No copyright infringement intended. I do not gain any profit from my videos. (For entertainment purposes only)- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 903

Koji Uehara Earns a Save For The Red Sox
Watch Koji Uehara strike out the last 2 Detroit batters for the save.
published: 04 Sep 2013
Koji Uehara Earns a Save For The Red Sox
Koji Uehara Earns a Save For The Red Sox
Watch Koji Uehara strike out the last 2 Detroit batters for the save. http://shop.ebay.com/treasuretown2013/m.html http://www.ebay.com/itm/151103922302?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649- published: 04 Sep 2013
- views: 2353

Koji Uehara /上原胴上げ投手 レッドソックス6-3ブルージェイズ 地区優勝
published: 21 Sep 2013
Koji Uehara /上原胴上げ投手 レッドソックス6-3ブルージェイズ 地区優勝
Koji Uehara /上原胴上げ投手 レッドソックス6-3ブルージェイズ 地区優勝
レッドソックス6-3ブルージェイズ 20日(日本時間21日)◇フェンウェイパーク レッドソックスが、ブ軍に競り勝ち、2007年以来6年ぶりとなる地区優勝を決めた。 8回途中から救援した上原浩治投手(38)が1回2/3を2安打無失点2奪三振に封じ、今季20セーブ目を挙げ、「胴上げ投手」となった。 この日の上原は、5-3と2点をリードした8回表1死一塁の場面で救援。中飛で2死とした後、遊撃内野安打を許したが、後続を空振り三振に打ち取ってピンチを脱した。続く9回は、左飛、左前打、中飛で2死二塁。最後は空振り三振で締めくくった。 開幕はセットアッパーとしてスタート。「自分がこまでできるとは思っていなかった」と話し、シャンパンファイトについて「どこのチームでも楽しいものです」と笑顔を見せた。 また、田沢純一投手(27)は、5-1と4点リードした8回表から2番手で登板。1死三塁から2ラン本塁打を浴び、さらに安打を許したピンチで、上原にマウンドを託した。 成績は1/3回を3安打2失点で、勝敗は付かなかった。 今季の田沢はここまで69試合に登板。「最後にやられたんで悔いが残りますけど、(優勝が)決まったことは素直にうれしいです」と話した。 ◉数字が語る「上原浩治はポストシーズンに強い」 http://sportiva.shueisha.co.jp/clm/mlb/2013/09/21/post_68/ ◉上原投手にメッセージ http://www.koji-uehara.net/bbs.html Copyright © koji-uehara.net All Rights Reserved.- published: 21 Sep 2013
- views: 2241

Koji's High-Five City
Boston Red Sox closer Koji Uehara celebrates the start of the Postseason with a high-five ...
published: 03 Oct 2013
Koji's High-Five City
Koji's High-Five City
Boston Red Sox closer Koji Uehara celebrates the start of the Postseason with a high-five tour of Boston.- published: 03 Oct 2013
- views: 1025

MLB - Funny Dugout Hi Fives from pitcher after 1-2-3 inning
MLB - Funny Dugout Hi Fives from pitcher after 1-2-3 inning In yesterdays (5/22/13) Red So...
published: 23 May 2013
author: @Cindy046
MLB - Funny Dugout Hi Fives from pitcher after 1-2-3 inning
MLB - Funny Dugout Hi Fives from pitcher after 1-2-3 inning
MLB - Funny Dugout Hi Fives from pitcher after 1-2-3 inning In yesterdays (5/22/13) Red Sox/White Sox game, Redsox pitcher Koji Uehara just completed a 1-2-3...- published: 23 May 2013
- views: 54845
- author: @Cindy046

Koji Uehara Strikes Out Ichiro To Earn Save For Red Sox Against Yankees
published: 06 Sep 2013
Koji Uehara Strikes Out Ichiro To Earn Save For Red Sox Against Yankees
Koji Uehara Strikes Out Ichiro To Earn Save For Red Sox Against Yankees
http://www.ebay.com/sch/treasuretown2013/m.html- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 499

TOR@BOS: Uehara fans Lawrie, Red Sox clinch AL East
9/20/13: Koji Uehara strikes out Brett Lawrie for his 20th save of the season and the Red ...
published: 22 Sep 2013
TOR@BOS: Uehara fans Lawrie, Red Sox clinch AL East
TOR@BOS: Uehara fans Lawrie, Red Sox clinch AL East
9/20/13: Koji Uehara strikes out Brett Lawrie for his 20th save of the season and the Red Sox clinch the American League East with the win Check out http://MLB.com/video for more! About MLB.com: About MLB.com: Baseball Commissioner Allan H. (Bud) Selig announced on January 19, 2000, that the 30 Major League Club owners voted unanimously to centralize all of Baseball's Internet operations into an independent technology company. Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) was formed and charged with developing, building and managing the most comprehensive baseball experience available on the Internet. In August 2002, MLB.com streamed the first-ever live full length MLB game. Since that time, millions of baseball fans around the world have subscribed to MLB.TV, the live video streaming product that airs every game in HD to nearly 400 different devices. MLB.com also provides fans with a stable of Club beat reporters, extensive historical information and footage, online ticket sales, official baseball merchandise, authenticated memorabilia and collectibles and fantasy games. Baseball Commissioner Allan H. (Bud) Selig announced on January 19, 2000, that the 30 Major League Club owners voted unanimously to centralize all of Baseball's Internet operations into an independent technology company. Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) was formed and charged with developing, building and managing the most comprehensive baseball experience available on the Internet. In August 2002, MLB.com streamed the first-ever live full length MLB game over the Internet when the Texas Rangers and New York Yankees faced off at Yankee Stadium. Since that time, millions of baseball fans around the world have subscribed to MLB.TV, the live video streaming product that airs every game in HD to nearly 400 different devices. MLB.com also provides an array of mobile apps for fans to choose from, including At Bat, the highest-grossing iOS sports app of all-time. MLB.com also provides fans with a stable of Club beat reporters and award-winning national columnists, the largest contingent of baseball reporters under one roof, that deliver over 100 original articles every day. MLB.com also offers extensive historical information and footage, online ticket sales, official baseball merchandise, authenticated memorabilia and collectibles and fantasy games. Major League Baseball consists of 30 teams split between the American and National Leagues. The American League consists of the following teams: Baltimore Orioles; Boston Red Sox; Chicago White Sox; Cleveland Indians; Detroit Tigers; Houston Astros; Kansas City Royals; Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim; Minnesota Twins; New York Yankees; Oakland Athletics; Seattle Mariners; Tampa Bay Rays; Texas Rangers; and Toronto Blue Jays. The National League, originally founded in 1876, consists of the following teams: Arizona Diamondbacks; Atlanta Braves; Chicago Cubs; Cincinnati Reds; Colorado Rockies; Los Angeles Dodgers; Miami Marlins; Milwaukee Brewers; New York Mets; Philadelphia Phillies; Pittsburgh Pirates; San Diego Padres; San Francisco Giants; St. Louis Cardinals; and Washington Nationals. Visit MLB.com: http://mlb.mlb.com Subscribe to MLB.TV: http://mlb.mlb.tv Download MLB.com At Bat: http://mlb.mlb.com/mobile/atbat Download MLB.com At The Ballpark: http://mlb.mlb.com/mobile/attheballpark Play Beat The Streak: http://mlb.mlb.com/bts Get MLB Tickets: http://mlb.mlb.com/tickets Get Official MLB Merchandise: http://mlb.mlb.com/shop Connect with us: YouTube: http://youtube.com/MLB Facebook: http://facebook.com/mlb Twitter: http://twitter.com/mlb Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/MLBAM Instagram: http://instagram.com/mlbofficial Tumblr: http://mlb.tumblr.com Google+: http://plus.google.com/MLB- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 34

BOS@TB: Uehara fans two for four-out save
9/10/13: Koji Uehara records four outs to tally his 19th save of 2013, striking out two an...
published: 12 Sep 2013
BOS@TB: Uehara fans two for four-out save
BOS@TB: Uehara fans two for four-out save
9/10/13: Koji Uehara records four outs to tally his 19th save of 2013, striking out two and securing the Red Sox's 2-0 win over the Rays Check out http://MLB.com/video for more! About MLB.com: About MLB.com: Baseball Commissioner Allan H. (Bud) Selig announced on January 19, 2000, that the 30 Major League Club owners voted unanimously to centralize all of Baseball's Internet operations into an independent technology company. Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) was formed and charged with developing, building and managing the most comprehensive baseball experience available on the Internet. In August 2002, MLB.com streamed the first-ever live full length MLB game. Since that time, millions of baseball fans around the world have subscribed to MLB.TV, the live video streaming product that airs every game in HD to nearly 400 different devices. MLB.com also provides fans with a stable of Club beat reporters, extensive historical information and footage, online ticket sales, official baseball merchandise, authenticated memorabilia and collectibles and fantasy games. Baseball Commissioner Allan H. (Bud) Selig announced on January 19, 2000, that the 30 Major League Club owners voted unanimously to centralize all of Baseball's Internet operations into an independent technology company. Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) was formed and charged with developing, building and managing the most comprehensive baseball experience available on the Internet. In August 2002, MLB.com streamed the first-ever live full length MLB game over the Internet when the Texas Rangers and New York Yankees faced off at Yankee Stadium. Since that time, millions of baseball fans around the world have subscribed to MLB.TV, the live video streaming product that airs every game in HD to nearly 400 different devices. MLB.com also provides an array of mobile apps for fans to choose from, including At Bat, the highest-grossing iOS sports app of all-time. MLB.com also provides fans with a stable of Club beat reporters and award-winning national columnists, the largest contingent of baseball reporters under one roof, that deliver over 100 original articles every day. MLB.com also offers extensive historical information and footage, online ticket sales, official baseball merchandise, authenticated memorabilia and collectibles and fantasy games. Major League Baseball consists of 30 teams split between the American and National Leagues. The American League consists of the following teams: Baltimore Orioles; Boston Red Sox; Chicago White Sox; Cleveland Indians; Detroit Tigers; Houston Astros; Kansas City Royals; Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim; Minnesota Twins; New York Yankees; Oakland Athletics; Seattle Mariners; Tampa Bay Rays; Texas Rangers; and Toronto Blue Jays. The National League, originally founded in 1876, consists of the following teams: Arizona Diamondbacks; Atlanta Braves; Chicago Cubs; Cincinnati Reds; Colorado Rockies; Los Angeles Dodgers; Miami Marlins; Milwaukee Brewers; New York Mets; Philadelphia Phillies; Pittsburgh Pirates; San Diego Padres; San Francisco Giants; St. Louis Cardinals; and Washington Nationals. Visit MLB.com: http://mlb.mlb.com Subscribe to MLB.TV: http://mlb.mlb.tv Download MLB.com At Bat: http://mlb.mlb.com/mobile/atbat Download MLB.com At The Ballpark: http://mlb.mlb.com/mobile/attheballpark Play Beat The Streak: http://mlb.mlb.com/bts Get MLB Tickets: http://mlb.mlb.com/tickets Get Official MLB Merchandise: http://mlb.mlb.com/shop Connect with us: YouTube: http://youtube.com/MLB Facebook: http://facebook.com/mlb Twitter: http://twitter.com/mlb Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/MLBAM Instagram: http://instagram.com/mlbofficial Tumblr: http://mlb.tumblr.com Google+: http://plus.google.com/MLB- published: 12 Sep 2013
- views: 126

クローザー上原の全投球内容 対ヤンキース戦 2013-09-06
米大リーグ、レッドソックの上原は6日(日本時間7日)、ヤンキース戦の9回に登板、1回を無安打無失点に抑え、24試合27イニング連続無失点を継続中 現在の防御率は1.12です。...
published: 07 Sep 2013
クローザー上原の全投球内容 対ヤンキース戦 2013-09-06
クローザー上原の全投球内容 対ヤンキース戦 2013-09-06
米大リーグ、レッドソックの上原は6日(日本時間7日)、ヤンキース戦の9回に登板、1回を無安打無失点に抑え、24試合27イニング連続無失点を継続中 現在の防御率は1.12です。- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 5284

Red Sox celebrate clinching the AL East title at Fenway
The Boston Red Sox waited four years to get back to baseball's postseason. They were more ...
published: 23 Sep 2013
Red Sox celebrate clinching the AL East title at Fenway
Red Sox celebrate clinching the AL East title at Fenway
The Boston Red Sox waited four years to get back to baseball's postseason. They were more than happy to put off their playoff celebration one more day. One game after securing their first playoff appearance since 2009, the Red Sox clinched the AL East title on Friday night, getting seven strong innings from Jon Lester to beat the Toronto Blue Jays 6-3. The victory gave Boston 94 wins, 11 more than the Tampa Bay Rays with only 10 games remaining. ''We're going back to the playoffs,'' said designated hitter David Ortiz, who joined his teammates in revelry on the mound already wearing a ski mask to protect his eyes from the postgame spray of champagne and beer. ''People have got to believe we've got a good team. We're going to take this all the way there.'' The Red Sox did little to celebrate after assuring themselves of no worse than a wild-card spot on Thursday. Instead, the team brought out the cigars on Friday after earning their first division title since 2007 — a victory that allows them to skip the one-game wild-card playoff and instead rest for four days after the regular season ends. ''Winning the American League East is something everybody in here should be proud of,'' said manager John Farrell, who was brought in to replace Bobby Valentine after last year's team won 69 games. ''When we got in the playoffs last night — to see there was no response, there was no celebration. That to me spoke as much volume as anything we've done in the year. It's a focused group. It's their time tonight to go and enjoy it.'' Lester (15-8) earned his 100th career victory, allowing one run on five hits and two walks while striking out eight to win for the seventh time in nine decisions. Toronto pinch-hitter Adam Lind hit a two-run homer off Junichi Tazawa in the eighth to make it 5-3 before Koji Uehara got five outs for his 20th save. With the crowd standing for most of the final inning, Uehara struck out Brett Lawrie to end the game and the Red Sox poured out of the dugout and bullpen. On their way to the mound they were given the traditional commemorative caps, along with T-shirts that said, ''We Own The East.'' It was a stunning turnaround that came just one year after the Red Sox completed a 13-month collapse that started in September of 2011, when they blew a nine-game lead in the wild card and missed the playoffs with a loss on the final day of the season. ''They believed it from the first day of spring training,'' owner John Henry said. ''But they went out and did it.'' Dustin Pedroia had three hits for the Red Sox, who have won 19 of their last 25. Toronto starter Esmil Rogers (5-8) did not make it out of the third inning, allowing two runs on three hits and five walks and striking out two while getting only seven outs. With the fourth-place New York Yankees winning their 81st game earlier Friday, the Blue Jays will be the only team in the AL East with a losing record. ''They've got a great team over there. They really do,'' Toronto manager John Gibbons said. ''They ran away with a good division. It's not even close right now.'' The Red Sox took the lead early when Pedroia doubled to lead off the first inning, went to third on a fly ball and scored on a wild pitch. Boston had runners on first and second with nobody out but Mike Carp lined out to the shortstop and Ortiz was thrown out at the plate when he tried to score from second on Jarrod Saltalamacchia's single. Daniel Nava doubled to lead off the third inning and, after intentionally walking Ortiz, Rogers walked two more to make it 2-0. Chad Jenkins came in and got Saltalamacchia to hit into an inning-ending double play. Toronto loaded the bases with nobody out in the fourth on a walk, an error by third baseman Will Middlebrooks and a single. But Middlebrooks fielded Anthony Gose's chopper, stepped on third and threw home to get Kevin Pillar in a rundown for a double play. Lester struck out J.P. Arencibia to end the inning. Rajai Davis singled, stole second and third and scored on Lawrie's single to make it 2-1 in the fifth. But Neil Wagner gave up four straight singles to start the seventh, including an RBI single by Ortiz to make it 3-1. Jeremy Jeffress came in and got Mike Napoli to ground into a shortstop-to-home-to-first double play. But Carp hit a line drive to left-center that made it 5-1. After Lind made it 5-3, Pedroia added an RBI single in the eighth. See more at: http://bo.st/1abCYdl Video by Steve Silva, Boston.com Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/boston Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/BostonDotCom Follow us on Google+ https://plus.google.com/+BostonDotCom/posts- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 30

Funny Koji Uehara song - Koji on the Mound - Red Sox (to the music of Sea Cruise)
Video edited by Chris Velona www.chrispproductions.com All footage is owned by NESN, MLB &...
published: 18 Sep 2013
Funny Koji Uehara song - Koji on the Mound - Red Sox (to the music of Sea Cruise)
Funny Koji Uehara song - Koji on the Mound - Red Sox (to the music of Sea Cruise)
Video edited by Chris Velona www.chrispproductions.com All footage is owned by NESN, MLB & the Boston Red Sox. Lyrics by Jerry Velona. Music by Huey Piano Smith. Fair Use parody cover of his song Sea Cruise published by Cotillion Records. Performed by "Oh &2". Jerry Velona - vocal and drums Paul Ahlstrand - tenor and bari saxes Paul Lenart - guitar Larry Luddecke - piano Anthony Vitti - bass Recorded at Straight Up Music - Arlington , MA Engineered and Mixed by Larry Luddecke A Swordfish Club Production and labor of love - Go Sox! www.swordfishclub.com- published: 18 Sep 2013
- views: 1482

【神※守護神】上原浩治の全投球内容VSヤンキース戦 2013/9/6 Koji Uehara Perfect Piching
24試合27イニング連続無失点を継続中!現在の防御率は1.12。1回を無安打無失点に抑えた上原浩治の神ピッチング。Koji Uehara strikes out Josh Rut...
published: 11 Sep 2013
【神※守護神】上原浩治の全投球内容VSヤンキース戦 2013/9/6 Koji Uehara Perfect Piching
【神※守護神】上原浩治の全投球内容VSヤンキース戦 2013/9/6 Koji Uehara Perfect Piching
24試合27イニング連続無失点を継続中!現在の防御率は1.12。1回を無安打無失点に抑えた上原浩治の神ピッチング。Koji Uehara strikes out Josh Rutledge to close out a perfect ninth inning and close the door- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 1744
Youtube results:

Globe 10.0: Should Koji Uehara be on the All-Star team?
(Boston Globe) Steve Silva and John Powers discuss whether Red Sox reliever Koji Uehara de...
published: 11 Jul 2013
author: thebostonglobe
Globe 10.0: Should Koji Uehara be on the All-Star team?
Globe 10.0: Should Koji Uehara be on the All-Star team?
(Boston Globe) Steve Silva and John Powers discuss whether Red Sox reliever Koji Uehara deserves to be on the American League All-Star team. (By Steve Silva,...- published: 11 Jul 2013
- views: 187
- author: thebostonglobe

Uehara stymies Rays' rally
4/13/13: After the Rays put two on with none out in the ninth, Koji Uehara comes in and re...
published: 15 Apr 2013
author: MLB
Uehara stymies Rays' rally
Uehara stymies Rays' rally
4/13/13: After the Rays put two on with none out in the ninth, Koji Uehara comes in and retires three straight to defuse the potential rally.- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 4258
- author: MLB