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PHOTOS: San Jose Tenants Rally to End Rent Increases

PHOTOS: San Jose Tenants Rally to End Rent Increases

Over 100 people gathered at San Jose City Hall to protest the federal sequester cuts to Section 8 tenants, which is pushing families into homelessness. One woman, Laura, testified how her rent was increased from $90 to $835 a month. Her total monthly income is $516. Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren was present to accept over 800 petitions collected by community members calling for an end to the cuts. Photos by Charisse Domingo.

We Speak Baylingual: WestCoast LaborDay Weekend playlist

We Speak Baylingual: WestCoast LaborDay Weekend playlist

This week in Hip Hop is dope because there was both producers and rappers/emcees putting in work to bring new music to the table. Whether Back Pack to GFunk its all WestCoast HipHop. So check it out folks and enjoy this Labor Day weekend playlist. Parental Advisory

The Dream Lives: Sights and Sounds of San Jose's "March on Washington" Commemoration

The Dream Lives: Sights and Sounds of San Jose's "March on Washington" Commemoration

Photographer Charisse Domingo captures the images and voices of the hundreds who gathered in San Jose on August 24, 2013 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. A diverse assembly of youth, elders, and families from all backgrounds marched in unity and hope, evidencing King's dream is alive and present in San Jose fifty years later.

POEM: Walk a Mile in Our Shoes

POEM: Walk a Mile in Our Shoes

Steeda McGruder, founder of Sisters That Been There, shares the walk of, and freedom from, incarceration from the tales of the shoes women on the inside wear.

Samuel Rodriguez Oakland Museum Wall for Dia De Los Muertos

Samuel Rodriguez Oakland Museum Wall for Dia De Los Muertos

This is 1 of 2 walls that are being painted by Sam Rodriguez for the annual Dia De Los Muertos exhibit which opens this fall.

Priced Out of the Valley: Sequester Cuts Devastate Silicon Valley's Most Vulnerable

Priced Out of the Valley: Sequester Cuts Devastate Silicon Valley's Most Vulnerable

The sequester -- a federal cutting of the budget due to DC gridlock -- is hitting Silicon Valley's elderly, disabled, and low-income families especially hard. In one of the costliest places to live in the nation, Section 8 tenants are seeing rents skyrocket as a result of the sequester, and many now face homelessness. This video was produced in collaboration with the Community Homeless Alliance Ministries, a group that is organizing against the rent increases.

Performance, Art and Activism

Performance, Art and Activism

A Panel Discussion on the Legacy of El Centro Cultural de la Gente. September 25, 2013, 6 to 7:30 PM Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library

Building Silicon Valley Pools, I See Who’s Swimming and Who’s Drowning in the Economy

Building Silicon Valley Pools, I See Who’s Swimming and Who’s Drowning in the Economy

Who's making it in the Valley and who's time has passed, can sometimes be judged by what's going on in their backyards.

Echoes of ‘60s March: Sixties-Style Civil Disobedience Drives New Era of Activism

Echoes of ‘60s March: Sixties-Style Civil Disobedience Drives New Era of Activism

"The most captivating activists of today are not looking at the ‘60s as a history book, they are looking at it as a playbook."

Second Hand Hustlin' in Silicon Valley

Second Hand Hustlin' in Silicon Valley

With unemployment checks running out, jobs running scarce, flipping garage sale and flea market finds has become a growth industry.

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