Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim,
and publish abroad his wonderful name;
the name all-victorious of Jesus extol,
his kingdom is glorious and rules over all.
God ruleth on high, almighty to save,
and still he is nigh, his presence we have;
the great congregation his triumph shall sing,
ascribing salvation to Jesus, our King.
"Salvation to God, who sits on the throne!"
Let all cry aloud and honor the Son;
the praises of Jesus the angels proclaim,
fall down on their faces and worship the Lamb.
Then let us adore and give him his right,
all glory and power, all wisdom and might;
all honor and blessing with angels above,
Sabbath day of rest and cheer!
Day divine, to me so dear!
Come, O come to old and young,
Gath'ring all for prayer and song.
Now the week of toil is o'er,
And in peace we sit once more
At our Father's ample board,
Listening to His gracious Word.
Lord, our God, we seek Thy face,
Bless us with Thy saving grace;
May Thy heralds everywhere
Clear Thy Gospel truth declare.
Let Thy mighty Word hold sway
Over men on earth today;
Our poor souls, good Shepherd, feed,
Into pastures green us lead.
May, O Lord, the day be near,
When we pass from trials here
Into Thine eternal rest,
Zion, founded on the mountains,
God, thy Maker, loves thee well;
He has chosen thee, most precious,
He delights in thee to dwell;
God's own city, God's own city,
God's own city, who can all thy glory tell?
Heathen lands and hostile peoples
Soon shall come the Lord to know;
Nations born again in Zion
Shall the Lord's salvation show;
God Almighty, God Almighty,
God Almighty, shall on Zion strength bestow.
When the Lord shall count the nations,
Sons and daughters He shall see,
Born to endless life in Zion,
And their joyful song shall be:
'Blessèd Zion, blessèd Zion,
Unchanging God, hear from eternal Heaven:
We plead Thy gifts of grace, forever given,
Thy call, without repentance, calling still,
The sure election of Thy sovereign will.
Out of our faith in Thee, Who canst not lie,
Out of our heart's desire, goes up our cry,
From hope's sweet vision of the thing to be,
From love to those who still are loved by Thee.
Bring Thy belovèd back, Thine Israel,
Thine own elect who from Thy favor fell,
But not from Thine election! O forgive,
Speak but the word, and lo! the dead shall live.
Father of mercies! these the long astray,
These in soul blindness now the far away,
These are not aliens, but Thy sons of yore,
Oh, by Thy Fatherhood, restore, restore!
Breathe upon Thy Church, that it may greet the day;
Stir up her will to toil, and teach, and pray,
Till Zionward again salvation come,
And all her outcast children are at home.
Triune Jehovah, Thine the grace and power,
Thine all the work, its past, its future hour,
O Thou, Who failest not, Thy gifts fulfill,
Unanswered yet?
The prayers your lips have pleaded
In agony of heart these many years?
Does faith begin to fail, is hope departing,
And think you all in vain those falling tears?
Say not the Father hath not heard your prayer:
You shall have your desire, sometime, somewhere,
You shall have your desire, sometime, somewhere.
Unanswered yet?
Though when you first presented
This one petition at the Father's throne,
It seemed you could not wait the time of asking,
So urgent was your heart to make it known.
Though years have passed since then, do not despair;
The Lord will answer you, sometime, somewhere,
The Lord will answer you, sometime, somewhere.
Unanswered yet?
Nay, do not say ungranted;
Perhaps your part is not yet wholly done;
The work began when first your prayer was uttered,
And God will finish what He has begun.
If you will keep the incense burning there,
His glory you shall see, sometime somewhere,
His glory you shall see, sometime somewhere.
Unanswered yet?
Faith cannot be unanswered;
Her feet were firmly planted on the Rock;
Amid the wildest storm prayer stands undaunted,
Nor quail before the loudest thunder shock.
She knows Omnipotence has heard her prayer,
And cries, 'It shall be done, sometime, somewhere,
The race that long in darkness pined,
Have seen a glorious Light;
The people dwell in day, who dwelt
In death's surrounding night.
To hail Thy rise, Thou better Sun,
The gathering nations come,
Joyous as when the reapers bear
The harvest treasures home.
For Thou our burden hast removed,
And quelled the oppressor's sway,
Quick as the slaughtered squadrons fell
In Midian's evil day.
To us a Child of Hope is born,
To us a Son is given,
Him shall the tribes of earth obey,
Him all the hosts of heaven.
His Name shall be the Prince of Peace,
Forevermore adored,
The Wonderful, the Counselor,
The great and mighty Lord.
His power increasing still shall spread,
His reign no end shall know:
Justice shall guard His throne above,
Because the darkest hour is just before the dawn
The dark is drawing in
The grey is turning black;
Your inner core can not repel
The constant attack, attack, attack.
Your De-fence is on the floor,
There's no more points to score;
You never thought you'd give in,
But always, fight back, fight back, fight back.
Your head drops in your hands,
Just when you think that they've ruined all your plans,
You're at your lowest ebb
When odds seem stacked, seem stacked, seem stacked.
"Yes, They seem STACKED"
Stare into the distance,
Is that the last horizon up ahead?
But something glimmers in the gloom,
The hope to banish all the dread, the dread, the dread.
It's just a tiny spark,
But it's brilliant and bright;
It is the drawing phoenix
Preparing to take flight, take flight, take flight.
The glow reflected in my moistened eyes,
Just when you think, it was the end;
In truth, the time is right to begin, to mend, to mend, to mend, to mend.
The spark is now a flame,
And it's calling out my name
Within the darkness it is framed,
And sighs you have the strength
To fight the pain, fight the pain, fight the pain.
The light is fighting back,
The waves of gold ride on it's wings
Showering rain of golden light.
It soars into the sky and he cries;
Fight back again,
Fight back again
Fight back again
Fight back again
This is just because the darkest hour is just before the DAWN x2
Stare into the distance,
Is that the last horizon up ahead?
But something glimmers in the gloom,
The hope to banish all the dread,
It's just a tiny spark,
But it's brilliant and bright;
It is the dawning phoenix
Preparing to take flight.
The glow reflected in my moistened eyes,
Just when you thought, it was the end;
In truth, the time is right to begin.
The spark is now a flame,
And it's calling out my name
Within the darkness it is framed,
And so you have the strength
To fight the pain.
The light is fighting back,
The waves of gold are riding on it's wings
Showering rain of golden light.
It soars into the sky and it cries;
Fight back again.
Fight back again
The Magi came from lands afar,
Led by the guidance of a star,
They journeyed on to Bethlehem,
To seek the Savior, born for them.
And there in humble cottage-home,
Unto the heavenly Child they come;
And low before Him bend the knee
In love and deep humility.
Nor do they come with empty hands,
They bring the treasure of their lands;
Their costliest gifts they offer thence
Of gold and myrrh and frankincense.
They sought the Light, in darkness drear,
And lo, the morn broke full and clear;
The very Light of Light they see,
Though hidden in obscurity.
Jesus, our guiding Star, be nigh
Throughout our life, and when we die,
To lead us safely in the way
1. The head that once was crowned with thorns
is crowned with glory now;
a royal diadem adorns
the mighty victor's brow.
2. The highest place that heaven affords
belongs to him by right;
the King of kings and Lord of lords,
and heaven's eternal light.
3. The joy of all who dwell above,
the joy of all below,
to whom he manifests his love,
and grants his name to know.
4. To them the cross with all its shame,
with all its grace, is given;
their name an everlasting name,
their joy the joy of heaven.
5. They suffer with their Lord below;
they reign with him above;
their profit and their joy to know
the mystery of his love.
6. The cross he bore is life and health,
though shame and death to him,
his people's hope, his people's wealth,
Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry;
Unless Thou help me I must die;
Oh, bring Thy free salvation nigh,
And take me as I am.
And take me as I am,
And take me as I am,
My only plea'Christ died for me!
Oh, take me as I am.
Helpless I am, and full of guilt;
But yet for me Thy blood was spilt,
And Thou canst make me what Thou wilt,
And take me as I am.
No preparation can I make,
My best resolves I only break,
Yet save me for Thine own Name's sake,
And take me as I am.
Behold me, Savior, at Thy feet,
Deal with me as Thou seest meet;
Thy work begin, Thy work complete,
And take me as I am.
Verse 1
Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer!
That calls me from a world of care,
and bids me at my Father's throne.
Make all my wants and wishes known;
in seasons of distress and grief,
my soul has often found relief,
and oft escaped the tempter's snare,
by thy return, sweet hour of prayer!
Verse 2
Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer!
The joys I feel, the bliss I share,
of those whose anxious spirits burn
with strong desires for thy return!
With such I hasten to the place
where God my Savior shows His face,
and gladly take my station there,
and wait for Thee, sweet hour of prayer!
Verse 3
Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer!
Thy wings shall my petition bear
to Him whose truth and faithfulness
engage the waiting soul to bless;
and since He bids me seek His face,
believe His Word and trust His grace,
I?ll cast on Him my every care,
Ah, Ha
Sheep skates, yeah meet my mates,
Alligator waiter, masturbater.
Bear wearing flares dares,
Giraffe with a scarf, in a bubble bath.
Kick Arse Mics on the trikes,
Pussy on the decks in his
Muthafuckin specs.
Motor Monkey, feeling funky,
Tiger at the BAR, Drinking Cider.
Horse on stilts, wearing a kilt,
Frog pajamas and the BEAVER Charmer.
Manic Mole, Revolving on a Pole,
Ants in his pants, getting spanked.
Lamar with dreads, in his threads,
Religious Rabbit, kicking the HABIT
Deer Detonator, on an escalator,
Snake eating cakes, Secret hand shakes.
Fire Breathing Fish, In it's wish,
Penguin in the corner, having a stormer.
Paranoid Rat, throws up in a HAT,
Lizard on the Door, he's wanting some MORE.
Who knows which way is UP, or down,
When the Herb fulled Circus comes to Town
Spy the light of the turquoise noise,
Open up your HEART, and FLY.
Quantum PARALLELS, Alternate Lives,
Tombola spinning world restricted, by our own MINDS.
Adjust your VISION, change the LENS,
Who knows how the UNIVERSE can BEND.
Who knows which way is UP, or down,
When the Herb fulled Circus comes to Town
Spy the light of the turquoise noise,
Open up your HEART, and then FLY.
Quantum PARALLELS, Alternate Lives,
Tombola spinning world restricted, by our own MINDS.
Adjust your VISION, change the LENS,
Who knows how the UNIVERSE can BEND.
Might hurt your MIND though.!
1. Pass me not, O gentle Savior,
hear my humble cry;
while on others thou art calling,
do not pass me by.
Savior, Savior, hear my humble cry;
while on others thou art calling,
do not pass me by.
2. Let me at thy throne of mercy
find a sweet relief,
kneeling there in deep contrition;
help my unbelief.
3. Trusting only in thy merit,
would I seek thy face;
heal my wounded, broken spirit,
save me by thy grace.
4. Thou the spring of all my comfort,
more than life to me,
whom have I on earth beside thee?
Whom in heaven but thee?
Palms of glory, raiment bright,
Crowns that never fade away,
Gird and deck the saints in light,
Priests, and kings, and conquerors they.
Yet the conquerors bring their palms
To the Lamb amidst the throne,
And proclaim in joyful psalms
Victory through His cross alone.
Kings for harps their crowns resign,
Crying, as they strike the chords,
'Take the kingdom, it is Thine,
King of kings, and Lord of lords.
Round the altar priests confess,
If their robes are white as snow,
'Twas the Savior's righteousness
And His blood that made them so.
They were mortal too like us;
O, when we like them shall die,
May our souls translated thus
Each cooing dove and sighing bough,
That makes the eve so blessed to me,
Has something far diviner now,
It bears me back to Galilee.
O Galilee, sweet Galilee,
Where Jesus loved so much to be,
O Galilee, blue Galilee,
Come sing thy song again to me.
Each flowery glen and mossy dell,
Where happy birds in song agree,
Through sunny morn the praises tell
Of sights and sounds in Galilee.
And when I read the thrilling lore
Of Him Who walked upon the sea,
I long, oh, how I long once more
To follow Him in Galilee.
There was One Who was willing to die in my stead,
That a soul so unworthy might live;
And the path to the cross He was willing to tread,
All the sins of my life to forgive.
They are nailed to the cross,
They are nailed to the cross,
O how much He was willing to bear!
With what anguish and loss Jesus went to the cross!
But He carried my sins with Him there.
He is tender and loving and patient with me,
While He cleanses my heart of the dross;
But,there's no condemnation,I know I am free,
For my sins are all nailed to the cross.
I will cling to my Savior and never depart,
I will joyfully journey each day,
With a song on my lips and a song in my heart,
That my sins have been taken away.
My faith looks up to thee,
thou Lamb of Calvary,
Savior divine!
Now hear me while I pray,
take all my guilt away,
O let me from this day
be wholly thine!
May thy rich grace impart
strength to my fainting heart,
my zeal inspire!
As thou hast died for me,
O may my love to thee
pure, warm, and changeless be,
a living fire!
While life's dark maze I tread,
and griefs around me spread,
be thou my guide;
bid darkness turn to day,
wipe sorrow's tears away,
nor let me ever stray
from thee aside.
When ends life's transient dream,
when death's cold, sullen stream
shall o'er me roll;
blest Savior, then in love,
fear and distrust remove;
O bear me safe above,
Soldiers for Jesus, rise and away,
Hark! 'Tis the war cry sounding today;
Lo! our Commander calls from the skies;
Forward to conquest, lose not the prize!
Now like an army marching along,
Fearless and faithful, valiant and strong,
Up with our banners, brightly they shine;
March on together, keep in the line.
Soldiers for Jesus, happy are we;
He our Protector, near us will be,
Trust in His mercy, changeless, divine;
March on with firmness, keep in the line.
Soldiers for Jesus, gladly we go,
Smiling at danger, braving the foe;
Bright are our landmarks, brightly they shine;
March on rejoicing, keep in the line.
Soldiers for Jesus, victory is nigh,
Work till we gain it, rest by and by;
O, let our courage never decline;
March on with boldness, keep in the line.
Verse 1:
I once was lost in sin but Jesus took me in
And then a little light from heaven filled my soul
It bathed my heart in love and wrote my name above
And just a little talk with Jesus made me whole
Now let us have a little talk with Jesus
Let us tell Him all about our troubles
He will hear our faintest cry
He will answer by and by
Now when you feel a little prayer wheel turning
And you know a little fire is burning
You will find a little talk with Jesus makes it right
Verse 2:
Sometimes my path seems dreary without a ray of cheer
And then the cloud about me hides the light of day
The mists of sin may rise and hide the stormy skies
But just a little talk with Jesus clears the way
Verse 3:
I may have doubts and fears, my eyes be filled with tears
But Jesus is a friend who watches day and and night
I go to Him in prayer, He knows my every care
And just a little talk with Jesus makes it right
Verse 1:
Jesus, keep me near the cross,
there a precious fountain,
free to all, a healing stream,
flows from Calvary's mountain.
In the cross, in the cross,
be my glory ever;
'til my raptured soul shall find,
rest beyond the river.
Verse 2:
Near the cross, a trembling soul,
love and mercy found me;
there the bright and morning star
sheds its beams around me.
Verse 3:
Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
bring its scenes before me;
help me walk from day to day,
with its shadows over me.
Verse 4:
Near the cross I'll watch and wait,
hoping, trusting ever,
'til I reach the golden strand,
just beyond the river.
Jehovah, God the Father, bless,
And Thy own work defend!
With mercy's outstretched arms embrace
And keep us to the end!
Preserve the creatures of Thy love,
By providential care
Conducted to the realms above,
To sing Thy goodness there.
Jehovah, God the Son, reveal
The brightness of Thy face;
And all Thy pardoned people fill
With plenitude of grace!
Shine forth with all the Deity,
Which dwells in Thee alone;
And lift us up Thy face to see
On Thy eternal throne.
Jehovah, God the Spirit, shine,
Father and Son to show!
With bliss ineffable, divine,
Our ravished hearts o'erflow.
Sure earnest of that happiness
Which human hope transcends,
Be Thou our everlasting peace,
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
I'm A Soldier In The Army Of The Lord,
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
I got my war clothes on in the army of the Lord
I got my war clothes on in the army
I got my war clothes on in the army of the Lord
I got my war clothes on in the army
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
I believe I'll die in the army of the Lord
I believe I'll die in the army
I believe I'll die in the army of the Lord
I believe I'll die in the army
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
I got my breastplate on in the army of the Lord
Got my breastplate on in the army
I got my breastplate on in the army of the Lord
I got my breastplate on in the army
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
I'm gonna fight until I die in the army of the Lord
I'm gonna fight until I die in the army of the Lord
I'm gonna fight until I die in the army of the Lord
gonna fight until I die in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
Ain't gonna be no turning back in the army of the Lord
Ain't gonna be no turning back in the army
Ain't gonna be no turning back in the army of the Lord of the Lord
Gonna be no turning back in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
I'm a soldier in the army
I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord
Verse 1:
O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
Verse 2:
When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.
Verse 3:
And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.
Verse 4:
When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"
Hail this glorious Easter morning,
Night has fled away,
O'er the eastern hills the dawning
Breaks in light of day.
Sun and cloud their beauty blending,
Easter memories sing,
Flowers sweet their fragrance lending,
Hail with your joy your risen King!
Hail, all hail this Easter morning,
Hail, all hail this day of days!
Hail, all hail the sight adorning;
Hail, all hail the songs of praise!
Hail! O earth, your risen Savior,
For today He rose'
Conqueror of death forever,
Triumphed o'er His foes.
Hail again your Savior glorious,
Richest tribute bring;
Over all the world victorious,
Hail, all hail your risen King!
Sound aloud the Easter chorus,
Send the news afar,
While in glory shining o'er us,
Beams our Morning Star.
Songs of joy, and peace, and gladness,
Let our voices sing;
Cheer each heart and banish sadness,
While we hail our risen King.
Glory to His name glory to His name
There to my heart was the blood applied
Glory to His name
Verse 1:
Down at the cross where my Savior died
Down here for cleansing from sin I cried
There to my heart was the blood applied
Glory to His name
Verse 2:
I am so wondrously saved from sin
Jesus so sweetly abides within
There at the cross where He took me in
Glory to His name
Verse 3:
O precious fountain that saves from sin
I am so glad I have entered in
There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean
Glory to His name
Verse 4:
Come to this fountain so rich and sweet
Cast Thy poor soul at the Savior's feet
Plunge in today and be made complete
Glory to His name
In the distant past, very long ago,
Leaders took care of the members of the tribe.
Many centuries passed then in 1773.
You could only make the team,
If you had the green.
And from that the Shareholder clan was born.
Now the tribal chief,
Had dissolved into a different beast.
He is known as the MD, or CEO.
Now these guys are farmers not leaders.
They grow the wealth with noxious pesticide.
They strive to inflate the share & stock price.
They turn a blind eye to human sacrifice.
The big cheese has to please,
All of his shareholder masters.
But he can't achieve,
Financial prosperity,
Without his faithful employees.
So let's look back through history,
And see what these pillars of the community,
Think about their "greatest assets".
"Coal Dust?
Don't make a fuss,
Collapsed mines,
Broken lives,
Pockets of gas,
People dying on mass,
They know the risks can be insurmountable,
I will not be held personally accountable"
"Coal Dust?
Don't make a fuss,
Collapsed mines,
Broken lives,
Pockets of gas,
People dying on mass.
They know the risks can be insurmountable,
I will not be held personally accountable".
"Padlocks on the fire doors?
I just have the cause,
To believe employees are stealing my stock.
If they burn,
What the hey!
I'll be OK.
I'll buy myself a new workforce!"
"Padlocks on fire doors?
I have just cause!
To believe employees are stealing my stock.
If they burn,
What the hey!
I'll be OK... !
I'll buy myself a new workforce!"
"Employees are a great resource,
Much like computers & photocopier ink.
If you want to increase your gross margin,
Then you need to cut back, just a little bit.
A person's pay will save you more,
Than having one less photocopier"
"There's only one disdain,
Which causes me more pain.
Than those ungrateful, always right customers,
And that's my employees,
And having sick & holiday leave,
Burdening their poor employer".
"A woman? Doing my job?
Don't be a tedious bore.
I'm on the ball 24/7.
Not three weeks out of every four!"
"In all my years,
If I have learned one thing,
And that's to ensure,
That you place your office,
On the very top floor.
That way all the employees will look up to you,
Even if you treat them like poo!"
"For my employees I have to give thanks,
For they are the perfect human shields,
We will grease the tracks,
Of our corporate tanks,
With the blood of the employees."
We have the power,
To make the shareholders cower,
With the power, of the wallet.
We can kick them right in the profits.
And not support the corporate machine!
We have the power,
To make the shareholders cower,
With the power of the wallet.
We can kick them in the profits,
And not support the corporate machine.!
Why would you want to?
Support the Corporate MACHINE.?
When you consider, it's a rich FUCKERS dream... !
In the distant past, very long ago,
Leaders took care of the members of the tribe.
Many centuries passed then in 1773,
You could only make the team,
If you had the green.
And Guess what.?
From that the Shareholder clan was born...
Galilee, bright Galilee,
Hallowed thoughts we turn to thee!
Woven through thy history,
Gleams the charming mystery
Of the life of One Who came,
Bearing grief, reproach and shame,
Savior of the world to be;
'God with us' by Galilee.
Once along that rugged shore
He, Who all our sorrows bore,
Journeyed oft with weary feet,
Through the storm or burning heat;
Healing all who came in faith,
Calling back to life from death;
King of kings from heaven was He,
Though so poor by Galilee!
Wild the night on Galilee;
Loudly roared the angry sea,
When upon the tossing wave
Jesus walked, His own to save:
Calmed the tumult by His will,
Only saying, 'Peace, be still!'
Ruler of the storm was He,
On the raging Galilee!
Still in loving tenderness
Doth the Master wait to bless;
Still His touch upon the soul
Bringeth balm and maketh whole;
Still He comforts mourning hearts,
Life, and joy, and peace imparts;
Still the Friend of all is He,
Single white male
This is an urban-legend type tale
Micro-meal for one
Time for some Swedish tit-arse fun!
I'm a bloke with a cock
Fuck me! I know how it rocks!
Administer relief to my raging hard on
Time to slap around my schlong.
It's not a strange thing to confess
But I fuckin' love breasts,
Big and bouncy small and sweet
Love the feel of them wrapped around my meat.
Sit on the sofa as my heart starts to race
Imagine leather clad tits rubbed in my face.
It's amazing that ladies get anything done
What stops you staying in all day?
Playing with your boobs till you come? x2
This thought filled my head
As I lay awake in bed
Closed my eyes, fantasised and drifted of instead.
My dreams were disturbed
I tossed and turned as I slept
I dreamt I traded in my knob,
And was given tits instead!
7am: alarm clock goes off again
Time to rise and shine
But then it was then I noticed them!
Two mounded peaks in the covers,
Two cherry topped domes,
I'd grown a pair of boobs in the night
I was their new home.
It's amazing that ladies get anything done
What stops you staying in all day?
Playing with your boobs till you come? x2
An unexpected delight,
Once I got over the fright
Time to test drive these babies
The time was just right
Jumped into the bath
Lathered my fun-bags with foam;
It didn't take long till I started to moan!
It was about this point that I started to fear
Sweat dripped down my cheek
I slid my hand past my ear.
Looked in the mirror; I'd got the same face,
There just seemed to be one thing wrong
Something seemed out of place.
I washed the soap off my bod
Looked myself up and down
The Whole planet heard my scream
My cock had been exchanged for my mounds.
It's amazing that ladies get anything done
What stops you staying in all day?
Playing with your boobs till you come? x2
Time was just right
Jumped into the bath
Lathered my fun-bags with foam;
It didn't take long till I started to moan!
It's amazing that ladies get anything done
What stops you staying in all day?
Playing with your boobs till you come? x2
It's amazing,
It's amazing,
It's amazing,
It's amazing, that ladies get anything done.
It's amazing, that ladies get anything done.
What stops you staying in all day?
The suns going down,
As I drive out of town.
Unlock the front door;
Time to turn into a bitch-whore.
Leather across my tits,
P.V.C. coated hips;
Restraints and chains are my toys,
I carry a variety of whips.
As the day turns to night
The transformation begins.
Lace of my bodice of leather,
Fasten each metallic pin.
Lose my daytime disguise
Each time I'm reborn;
Throw off a pin-stripe
And replace it with my horn.
Hair tied back from my face
Neck clad in a black leather embrace.
Cleavage bolstered, high and tight
I'm an imposing sight.
Walk with confidence as I stride;
Enter the darkened fantasy realm
Instructed by me as I take the helm.
I don't play games,
I just inflict pain;
Leather bound, tongue pierced
Circus mistress, my job is to tame.
Get down on all fours,
And beg me for more,
You know you need this lashing
Whip you until your arse is raw!
Bound to the floor
Leather tied, you're secure;
Prowling feline predator-ess
Place paw over paw.
Insect in my web
Spider with her prey;
Slap your cock into submission
Way to my fix, when we play!
Walk into my world
Where I make the rules;
Chains on your balls
Make you drop on all fours.
Lick the P.V.C. to my thighs
Plead for my whip released cries;
Slaves must prove to their mistress' delight
Before they're awarded a prize.
I don't play games,
I just inflict pain;
Leather bound, tongue pierced
Circus mistress, my job is to tame.
Bound to the floor
Leather tied, you're secure;
Walk into my world
Where I make the rules;
I'm an imposing sight.
Walk with confidence as I stride;
Enter the darkened fantasy realm
Instructed by me as I take the helm.
Lick the P.V.C. to my thighs
Plead for my whip released cries;
Slaves must prove to their mistress' delight
Before they're awarded a prize.
Don't you fucking look at me
Don't you fucking look at me
Don't you fucking look at me
Don't you know I'm looking at you.
Don't you fucking look at me
Don't you fucking look at me
Don't you fucking look at me
Pin-striped suits, designer boots,
Catalytic cars and idolized stars.
Toxic tabloids, tell-tale tales,
Sell out on life to maximize sales.
Focus in on details, wholesale or retail,
Capitalize, maximize, people can't be franchised.
Number on the paper, statistics in the pile:
When and how did we evolve to fit inside a file?
Awaken your heart, open your eyes,
Turn off your TV, question the lies.
There's nothing to stop change, have some belief,
We're all crying out for it, the world needs relief.
Material measures, penny and pound,
It's about time things changed fucking around.
Labels and bar-codes, processed and tagged,
A human conveyor belt, foil fresh and bagged.
Money making, profit guide,
Indulgent selfish pride.
A soul-less world, with cut throat rules,
Unquestioning ignorance, brainwashed fools
Awaken your heart, open your eyes,
Turn off your TV, question the lies.
There's nothing to stop change, have some belief,
We're all crying out for it, the world needs relief.
We're rotting with greed, dissolving in crime,
A product of currency driven time.
Capitalist corruption; muted destruction,
Blinkered, boxed in, unseeing within.
We're rotting with greed, dissolving in crime,
A product of currency driven time.
Capitalist corruption; muted destruction,
Blinkered, boxed in, unseeing within.
Blinkered, boxed in, unseeing within.
Unseeing within.
Awaken your heart, open your eyes,
Turn off your TV, question the lies.
There's nothing to stop change, have some belief,
We're all crying out for it, the world needs relief.
Awaken your heart, open your eyes,
Turn off your TV, question the lies.
There's nothing to stop change, have some belief,
Standing by a purpose true,
Heeding God's command,
Honor them, the faithful few!
All hail to Daniel's band!
Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone!
Dare to have a purpose firm!
Dare to make it known.
Many mighty men are lost
Daring not to stand,
Who for God had been a host
By joining Daniel's band.
Many giants, great and tall,
Stalking through the land,
Headlong to the earth would fall,
If met by Daniel's band.
Hold the Gospel banner high!
On to victory grand!
Satan and his hosts defy,
And shout for Daniel's band.
Daily, daily, sing the praises
Of the city God hath made;
In the beauteous fields of Eden
Its foundation stones are laid.
O that I had wings of angels,
Here to spread and heavenward fly!
I would seek the gates of Zion,
Far beyond the starry sky.
All the walls of that dear city
Are of bright and burnished gold;
It is matchless in its beauty,
And its treasures are untold.
In the midst of that dear city
Christ is reigning on His seat,
And the angels swing their censers
In a ring about His feet.
From the throne a river issues,
Clear as crystal, passing bright,
And it traverses the city
Like a sudden beam of light.
There the forests ever blossom,
Like our orchards here in May;
There the gardens never wither,
But eternally are gay.
There the meadows green and dewy
Shine with lilies wondrous fair;
Thousand, thousand, are the colors
Of the waving flowers there.
There the wind is sweetly fragrant,
And is laden with the song
Of the seraphs, and the elders,
And the great redeemèd throng.
O I would my ears were open
Here to catch that happy strain!
O I would my eyes some vision
Of that Eden would attain!
Skin and bone is what's in vogue;
Rack of ribs, to go in your bling-bling crib.
Coat hanger glamour, magazine clamour;
V.I.P. misery, paparazzi; R.I.P.
Lipstick ads, make up fads,
A thousand reasons to make us feel bad.
Why can't we celebrate, be glad?
We are diversity, we all must be mad!
There's no physical form, until we're reborn
Energy absorbed by the earth, return and transform.
Firefly's of light, cosmic balls of power,
There's no such thing as a soul that fits the norm!
Quest for eternal youth,
Masses focused on physical proof;
Few see guided truth.
Headed on a one-way track,
For a goal that serves no use.
When we achieve these goals,
'Eternal' life and perfect moulds,
Where will the depth and beauty be?
We'll all be soul-less, lifeless, no one will be free!
There's no physical form, until we're reborn
Energy absorbed by the earth, return and transform.
Firefly's of light, cosmic balls of power,
There's no such thing as a soul that fits the norm!
High street chic, catalogue man,
Why can't I be happy just the way I am?
So much weight on how we look,
Time we closed the chapter on that book,
Why can't we follow our dreams;
Learn about ourselves,
Make universal happiness reality?
No fake stretched smiles, or plastic spells,
Just enriched souls; eternally.
There's no physical form, until we're reborn
Energy absorbed by the earth, return and transform.
Firefly's of light, cosmic balls of power,
There's no such thing as a soul that fits the norm!
I'm not a rubber ball, don't want no plastic stretch,
Don't want my eyelids tweaked,
Or my butt cheeks clenched!
Just want to travel on my path.
Until my journeys end,
Learn the knowledge that I can,
And let my soul transcend.
I'm not a rubber ball, don't want no plastic stretch,
Don't want my eyelids tweaked,
Or my butt cheeks clenched!
Just want to travel on my path.
Until my journeys end,
Learn the knowledge that I can,
And let my soul transcend.
There's no physical form, until we're reborn
Energy absorbed by the earth, return and transform.
Firefly's of light, cosmic balls of power,
There's no such thing as a soul that fits the norm!
There's no physical form, until we're reborn
Energy absorbed by the earth, return and transform.
Firefly's of light, cosmic balls of power,
There's no such thing as a soul that fits the norm!
There's no physical form, until we're reborn
Energy absorbed by the earth, return and transform.
Firefly's of light, cosmic balls of power,
There's no such thing as a soul that fits the norm!
I'm not a rubber ball, don't want no plastic stretch,
Don't want my eyelids tweaked,
Or my butt cheeks clenched!
Just want to travel on my path.
Until my journeys end,
Learn the knowledge that I can,
And let my soul transcend.
In the vineyard of the Lord,
There is work for all to do;
Will you go and work today,
With a purpose strong and true?
Heed the call, brother dear,
For workers today;
Let your eyes see the need
Of workers today.
Brother, sister, hear the call!
All along, your aid afford,
Let us strive to save the lost
Strive to save by work and word.
Mark the spirit�s direful fate,
Wheresoever sin is found;
Come, and lend a helping hand,
Let the shackles be unbound.
Oh, for workers strong and brave,
Who will lift the banner high;
So the lost can see the way,
To the mansions in the sky.
(Verse 1)
God sent his son
They called him Jesus
He came to love
Heal and forgive
He lived and died
To buy my pardon
An empty grave
Is there to prove
My Savior lives
Because he lives
I can face tomorrow
Because he lives
All fear is gone
Because I know
He holds the future
And life and is worth the living
Just because he lives
(Verse 2)
How sweet to hold
A newborn baby
And feel the pride
And joy he gives
But greater still
The calm assurance
This child can face
Uncertain days
Because he lives
(Verse 3)
And then one day
I'll cross the river
I'll fight life's fi-
Nal war with pain
And then as death
Gives way to victory
I'll see the lights
Of glory and
I'll know he lives
Four walls that look the same,
They close in day by day;
Don't know which way to turn,
So it's easier just to stay.
Four walls that look the same,
They close in day by day;
Don't know which way to turn,
So it's easier just to stay.
I'm standing by a road
Though I'm sitting in a chair,
The traffics gone by,
But I pretend that it's not there.
I'm shutting out my thoughts,
Blindfolding my eyes;
I want to live my life,
I want to keep some pride.
I don't know what I want,
I haven't had the time,
To realize my skills;
And understand my mind.
I'm frightened of the world,
And what it means to see;
So I'll ignore the path,
That's right in front of me.
Four walls that look the same,
They close in day by day;
Don't know which way to turn,
So it's easier just to stay.
Four walls that look the same,
They close in day by day;
Don't know which way to turn,
So it's easier just to stay.
I view your tiny form,
So vulnerable and small;
And start to wonder if,
We're so different after all?
I don't control my life,
It's in another's hands;
I guess that he knows best,
But I wish I knew the plans.
Reminisce about the past,
I wish those days could last.
I hope and wait and watch,
As time goes quickly by.
Four walls that look the same,
They close in day by day;
Don't know which way to turn,
So it's easier just to stay.
Crossroad up ahead,
Which I look upon in dread.
Alternate path to chose,
A risky place to tread.
You look at me with love,
Your soul is in my care.
A new route in this world;
I don't know if I dare?
Look back and don't know when,
I lost sight of the track.
I taste the lure of change,
Don't have the strength to pack.
The route that calls to me,
Provides no security.
I sacrifice myself,
Will this mean you'll be free?
Four walls that look the same,
They close in day by day;
Don't know which way to turn,
It's easier just to stay.
Four walls that look the same,
They close in day by day;
Don't know which way to turn,
So it's just easier to stay.
I'll make a cup of tea,
I'm thinking far too hard.
Back to reality,
I must be feeling tired.
Give my mum a ring,
I miss her nagging voice,
I'll make do with this
I don't really have the choice...
Four walls that look the same,
They close in day by day;
Don't know which way to turn,
So it's just easier to stay.
Cup of tea, far too hard.
Feeling tired.
Mum a Ring?
Nagging voice...
Do, with this?
Lying in our bed at night
Protected as I'm held tight;
Time for my spirit to take flight,
See the colours in their newborn light.
Lying in our bed at night
Protected as I'm held tight;
Time for my spirit to take flight,
See the colours in their newborn light.
My body's wrapped up warm,
As I take a cosmic form;
My core spirits been reborn;
In a colour-coated storm.
Lying in our bed at night
Protected as I'm held tight;
Time for my spirit to take flight,
See the colours in their newborn light.
Lying in our bed at night
Protected as I'm held tight;
Time for my spirit to take flight,
See the colours in their newborn light.
Do I visit you at night?
When my soul drifts in astral flight,
When I see otherworldly rainbow lights;
Brilliant blue-purple ethereal bright.
Do I visit you at night?
When I see otherworldly rainbow lights.
Brilliant blue-purple ethereal bright.
Lying in our bed at night
Protected as I'm held tight;
Time for my spirit to take flight,
See the colours in their newborn light.
Lying in our bed at night
Protected as I'm held tight;
Time for my spirit to take flight,
See the colours in their newborn light.
Timeless eyes, for my new sight;
I'm guided by eternal right;
Journey in unconscious flight,
To your working day at night.
Timeless eyes, for my new sight;
I'm guided by eternal light;
Journey in unconscious flight,
To your working day at night.
Lying in our bed at night
Protected as I'm held tight;
Time for my spirit to take flight,
To See colours in their newborn light.
Lying in my bed at night
Protected as I'm held tight;
Time for my spirit to take flight,
See the colours in their newborn light.
In the hours of sleep I go,
Sometimes fast, sometimes slow;
When your spirit calls I just know,
That I want to help your soul grow.
When your spirit calls, just say I know,
Cos I want to help your spirit and your soul
Psychically you called, I knew you were alone;
Felt your anger; desperation, like it were my own.
Soul-support here for you, even if unknown;
Your spirit calls across the plains, objects being thrown.
Physically you called, I knew you were alone;
Felt your anger; desperation, like it were my own.
Soul-support here for you, even if unknown;
Your spirit called across the plains, object being thrown.
Lying in my bed at night.
Want to be there in support;
Absorb the fuckers cheap retorts,
Help channel all our musical thoughts,
Soul connection, the mind transports.
Feel empathic to past pain,
Fear you'll feel so lost again.
I visit just to break the chain,
Don't want doubt to leave a stain.
Lying in our bed at night
Protected as I'm held tight;
Time for my spirit to take flight,
See the colours in their newborn light.
Lying in our bed at night
Protected as I'm held tight;
Time for my spirit to take flight,
Abide in me, O Lord, and I in Thee,
From this good hour, oh, leave me nevermore;
Then shall the discord cease, the wound be healed,
The lifelong bleeding of the soul be o'er.
Abide in me; o'ershadow by Thy love
Each half formed purpose and dark thought of sin;
Quench ere it rise each selfish, low desire,
And keep my soul as Thine, calm and divine.
As some rare perfume in a vase of clay,
Pervades it with a fragrance not its own,
So, when Thou dwellest in a mortal soul,
All Heaven's own sweetness seems around it thrown.
Abide in me; there have been moments blest
When I have heard Thy voice and felt Thy power;
Then evil lost its grasp; and passion, hushed,
Owned the divine enchantment of the hour.
These were but seasons beautiful and rare;
Abide in me, and they shall ever be;
Fulfill at once Thy precept and my prayer,
�Abba, Father!� We approach Thee
In our Savior�s precious Name;
We, Thy children, here assembled,
Now Thy promised blessing claim;
From our sins His blood hath washed us,
'Tis through Him our souls draw nigh,
And Thy Spirit, too, hath taught us,
'Abba, Father,' thus to cry.
Once as prodigals we wandered
In our folly far from Thee,
But Thy grace, o'er sin abounding,
Rescued us from misery;
Thou Thy prodigals hast pardoned,
Kissed us with a Father's love,
Spread the festive board, and called us,
E'er to dwell with Thee above.
Clothed in garments of salvation,
At Thy table is our place,
We rejoice, and Thou rejoicest,
In the riches of Thy grace;
'It is meet,' we hear Thee saying,
'We should merry and be glad,
I have found My once lost children,
Now they live who once were dead.'
'Abba, Father!' all adore Thee,
All rejoice in Heav'n above,
While in us they learn the wonders
Of Thy wisdom, grace, and love;
Soon before Thy throne assembled,
All Thy children shall proclaim,
'Glory, everlasting glory,
Here I am sat in a Bar and a Man walks in.
A man walks into a bar in Kemp Town and says
"I fuckin' hate queers
I tell you what
If one came near
I'd smash a glass in his fuckin' face.
I'd mess him up good
Bits of ponce all over the place"
I'm ENGLISH and I'm Hard.
The barman looks confused but addresses the man all the same
"You're a man of extreme views
So I'm a little perplexed
Why you have chose to booze
In a rub-a-dub-dub
In the hub of a town where
The men, they hold hands in two's"
The man looked irritated and leant forward.
"I'm an Englishman
And I go where I damn well please
No shirt lifter will dictate
Where I can buy a beer
I bet you're one of them, aint you?
If I catch you looking at my arse
Then I'll fuck you up too!"
The barman handed him his beer
"I'm not gay
& if you kicked off in here
Then I wouldn't stand in your way.
You're obviously a bloke
Who wouldn't bat a eyelid
If you were to choke
Someone who stood in your path."
Would you?
The man took a large gulp of his drink.
"Too right, I'm a hard fucker me
Nobody messes with a geezer who confesses
To regularly filling up " AnE ".
It's not right all these fucking perverts, towel heads & immigrants
Polluting my fair Eng-ger-land.
The Germans had it spot on.
With the extermination camps and the gassing.
Our race needs cleansing.
The asylum seekers send em fucking packing"
"Cos they are all a bunch of paki cunts
I fucking hate the runts
I want to step on their face 'n' kick their bitches in their cunts
Cos I'm fuckin' 'ard I'm from England. You'd better look at me BARMAN.
Cos I'm a fucking CUNT. You can see it in my Smile.
Oh, by the way. I'm a football supporter too.
I love United for a fight.
YEAH.! Kicking Pakis' keeps me up all fucking night.
I fucking loves it. You can see the tat on my arm,
Hitler had it on his uniform.
"Don't be scared of me, your the BARMAN.!
You feed me booze."
The barman was careful not to look the man square in the eye when he said
"You're not going to understand
A single word I say
As far as you're concerned
Je parle au francais
Years of influence from the right wing views
Inherited ignorance & the tabloid news
Has turned you into the man
I see before me
You're a victim because you blame others
For misfortunes in life
Anybody different will do
All potential targets for your butterfly knife.
The crime of nonconformity
Shall be punished via you
You mete out your justice
Enforced by fists & boots
When you reach the end
You will look back at what you have achieved
A trail of blood & fear
You're tortured soul will be unable rest
You'll be confined to your spirit prison
An eternity of hell
Your guilt, you're soul, company.
You will have failed the test"
The man gulps the last of his pint and says
"What the fuck you are going on about?"
A man walks into a bar in Kemp town
Another man walks into the same bar
One man leaves with blood on his shirt
The other man is wheeled out and he is badly hurt
Another pub, another night
Framed by sirens & blue flashing light.
They fucking deserve it, the fucking Queers,
The Fucking Pakis the FUCKING NIGGERS,
They all Fucking need it.
Cos I'm an Englishman, and I have my fun.
I watch the football, and I drink lots of beer
Then I go out into the street and I kick a fucking queer.
They bleed real good, when I step on their face.
My BOOT cracks in their face.
It's a fucking disgrace...
Their teeth are in the sole of my boot.
How DARE those fucking queers destroy my boot.
I'm a fucking NAZI man, an' I love it.
I'm always fucking right.
The aryan race is for me.
I'm a football supporter 'n' I love united.
I like to beat the fucking people up.
Cos I thinks I'm really 'ard.
My mates all love it, on a Saturday Night.
A man walks into a bar in Kemp Town
Another man walks into the same bar
One man leaves with blood on his shirt
The other man is wheeled out and he is badly hurt
Another pub, another night
Framed by sirens & blue flashing light.
This is dispatch, we have a person. he is on his death bed.
Yeah, we hope he is going to make it. He's received a stab wound
To his chest, also his face is a bit of a mess.
I think we are going to need the Helicopter on this one.
Mate... Are you alright.?
A debtor to mercy alone,
Of covenant mercy I sing,
Nor fear, with God's righteousness on,
My person and off'rings to bring.
The terrors of law and of God
With me can have nothing to do;
My Savior's obedience and blood
Hide all my transgressions from view.
2 The work which His goodness began,
The arm of His strength will complete;
His promise is Yea and Amen,
And never was forfeited yet.
Things future, nor things that are now,
Not all things below or above,
Can make Him His purpose forego,
Or sever my soul from His love.
3 My name from the palms of His hands
Eternity will not erase;
Imprest on His heart, it remains
In marks of indelible grace.
Yes! I to the end shall endure,
As sure as the earnest is giv'n;
More happy, but not more secure,