Rathad nan Eilean: bho Dhùn Phris chun an Eilein Sgitheanaich

Edit Scotsman 09 Sep 2016
Rugadh mi tràth sna leth-cheudan ann an Dùn Phris – nach eil air a’ Ghàidhealtachd, ged a bha Gàidhlig ann là dhan robh an saoghal – agus thogadh mi an siud. Nuair a bha mi nam dheugaire, dh’fhàs mi gu math dèidheil air cultar na h-Alba ... Hamish Henderson ... Thairis air na h-ath chòig bliadhna deug, rinn mi cùrsa an sin bho àm gu àm, le beàrnan mòra eatarra ... Examples ... Examples....

B’ e cuideigin a bh’ ann a dhìon an rìoghachd ach cò bu leis e?

Edit Scotsman 06 Aug 2016
Cò leis thu? Ceist a tha eileanaich a choinnicheas ri chèile gu luath a’ cur agus ma tha am freagairt ag innse gu bheil càirdeas ann, tha dàimh ann ... Ach cò bu leis e? ... Bha obair ro Mhurchadh MacLeòid ... Tha e air aithris gu'n robh Mr Winans a' toirt seachad ochd mìle deug punnd Sasunnach am màil a mhàin air son a bhi car naoi no deich de sheachduinean a' sealg nam fiadh an àireamh de fhrìthean 'san Taobh Tuath....

Keating Drug-Take Back Provision Included in Comprehensive Opioid Legislation (William Keating)

Edit Public Technologies 13 Jul 2016
(Source. William Keating). Washington, DC - Today, the US House of Representatives passed the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 ... ### ... Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 13 July 2016 00.43.05 UTC. Original documenthttp.//keating.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=361.keating-deug-take-back-provision-included-in-comprehensive-opioid-legislation&catid=14&Itemid=13 ... (noodl....

Flo Kraus: Legal aid cuts have forced me out of my career at the bar

Edit The Guardian 29 Jun 2016
A barrister whose work for prisoners is legendary, spells out why she believes justice should be accessible for all, not just the wealthy ... I am going to peddle my wares elsewhere.” ... It's brutal and disgusting ... She enjoyed meeting prisoners ... Age 55 ... Education Lycée Gabriel Faure, Paris; Nanterre University, diplôme d’études universitaires générales (DEUG) de Lettres modernes; Sheffield University, law degree; youth/community work diploma ... ....

H+K Canada strengthens Montreal office with addition of new GM, Dimitri Gourdin

Edit Business Wire 20 Oct 2014
MONTREAL--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Hill+Knowlton Strategies (H+K)—Canada’s top-ranked public relations and public affairs firm—is pleased to welcome Dimitri Gourdin as senior vice-president and general manager of its Montreal office ... A track record that speaks for itself ... Dimitri holds a DEUG in law from Panthéon-Assas University in Paris, France and a master’s degree in management from the Paris Management School. About H+K Canada ... ....

Degree recipients earn scores of honors, awards (Rice University)

Edit noodls 17 May 2014
(Source. Rice University). This years graduating students earned numerous prizes, honors and awards.. Alan Grob Prize. Jemina Jasmine Bouma. Joyce Wei-Sue Chou. Colleen Suzanne Fugate. Julika Ayla Kaplan. Ashlin Virginia Orr. Melody T. Tan. Alan J. Chapman Award in Mechanical Engineering. Anthony Albert Urbanelli. Julie Marie Walker. Alice Pratt Brown Scholarship. Catherine Allen. Jennifer M. Richards. Lauren Ashley Thompson ... De Yi ... Deug Hyeong An ... Team....