
Sarius "2040" prod. DJ Eprom
Kup CD: http://www.asfaltshop.pl/sarius-blisko-lezy-obraz-konca-1757-p-1827.html
iTunes: h...
published: 29 Nov 2013
Sarius "2040" prod. DJ Eprom
Sarius "2040" prod. DJ Eprom
Kup CD: http://www.asfaltshop.pl/sarius-blisko-lezy-obraz-konca-1757-p-1827.html iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/blisko-lezy-obraz-konca/id750876949 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1ELGXqCCAoYDBKkxVNrrya https://www.facebook.com/sariusmc produkcja: DJ Eprom, nagranie: DJ Deszczu Strugi w Otrabarwa Studio, mix i mastering: DJ Eprom i Jacek Gawłowski w JG Master Lab. Okładka: Forin dla www.projektowanie.org, logo: Artvaders.com dla www.projektowanie.org, ilustracje: Paulina Czak Sarius to młody częstochowski raper, debiutujący w ramach Asfalt Records. Od kilku miesięcy trwają nagrania na jego pierwszą płytę pod skrzydłem DJ Eproma, autora prawie wszystkich produkcji i głównego realizatora całości. Styl muzyczny to oczywiście tłuste lata 90'e, w których Eprom specjalizuje się jak mało który producent w Polsce (posiada w tym celu odpowiednie zabytkowe instrumentarium). Częstochowa to wbrew pozorom nie najweselsze miasto do zamieszkania. Bezrobocie i bieda to w tej bramie do Śląska problem bardzo istotny. Jak wszędzie, także w Częstochowie problemy te skupiają się przede wszystkim na blokowiskach, w tym na skądinąd kojarzonym już w środowisku hiphopowym "Osiedlu 1000-lecia", skąd pochodzi Sarius. Od wczesnego dzieciństwa naoglądał się różnych otaczających go na osiedlu ludzkich historii. Dzisiaj część jego kolegów wyjechała nie tylko z Częstochowy, ale i z Polski. Wielu młodych ludzi, których nie trzymają tu inne sprawy wybiera tę ścieżkę kariery. Sariusa póki co trzyma w Polsce świeżo podpisany kontrakt z Asfalt Records. Kiedy do wytwórni trafiła jego demówka, było jasne, że lista wybitnych i inteligentnych raperów na naszej scenie nie jest jeszcze zamknięta. Sarius ma mocny i charakterystyczny styl. Rozpiera go energia, ale nie ta, którą emanują na ludzi monitory komputerów, ale ta zdrowa, która pozwalała mu trenować i jeździć na zawody bokserskie juniorów. Dzisiaj idzie na zwarcie z mikrofonem w studio i nie potrzebuje w tym celu sparring partnerów. ---- published: 29 Nov 2013
- views: 3819

Future in 2040
http://lubos.galbavy.sweb.cz/Future/index2.html Future in 2040 Technology evolves exponent...
published: 31 Jan 2010
author: xgalba00
Future in 2040
Future in 2040
http://lubos.galbavy.sweb.cz/Future/index2.html Future in 2040 Technology evolves exponentially; the rate of technical progress itself is accelerating, so ex...- published: 31 Jan 2010
- views: 43082
- author: xgalba00

City Vision 2040
A creative description of Edmonton's future, the vision guides our decisions, helps us set...
published: 02 Mar 2009
author: City of Edmonton
City Vision 2040
City Vision 2040
A creative description of Edmonton's future, the vision guides our decisions, helps us set direction and encourages us to align our priorities as we work to ...- published: 02 Mar 2009
- views: 12576
- author: City of Edmonton

Asteroid Headed for Earth in 2040
An asteroid called 2011 AG5 could collide with Earth in 2040 according to researchers. htt...
published: 29 Feb 2012
author: IBTimesTV
Asteroid Headed for Earth in 2040
Asteroid Headed for Earth in 2040
An asteroid called 2011 AG5 could collide with Earth in 2040 according to researchers. http://www.ibtimestv.com.- published: 29 Feb 2012
- views: 67384
- author: IBTimesTV

Robot Takeover by 2040
New study shows that robots will heavily impact our work and personal lives in many scary ...
published: 22 Apr 2014
Robot Takeover by 2040
Robot Takeover by 2040
New study shows that robots will heavily impact our work and personal lives in many scary ways by 2040. Buy some awesomeness for yourself! http://www.forhumanpeoples.com/collections/sourcefed Our Sources: http://dailym.ai/1jwqDoc More stories at: http://www.sourcefed.com or check out: http://youtube.com/sourcefed for our 5 daily videos or anything else we've ever done. Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/sourcefed Follow us on Tumblr: http://sourcefed.tumblr.com/ Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/xQDV8M Philly D OFFICIAL APP for instant updates: http://bit.ly/aIyY0w Get your SourceFed Posters here: http://bit.ly/P2Zn7h OFFICIAL SourceFed APP: http://bit.ly/1nmTFJp P.O. Box address: Attention: SourceFed 6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd. #805 Canoga Park, CA 91303 SourceFed Host: @joebereta @thatgrltrish Edited by: @kezfx Music: @ronaldjenkees @Hagemeister- published: 22 Apr 2014
- views: 103140

Robots Will Take Over by 2040
Futurologists, commissioned by global job search website xpatjobs.com, are making some bol...
published: 28 Apr 2014
Robots Will Take Over by 2040
Robots Will Take Over by 2040
Futurologists, commissioned by global job search website xpatjobs.com, are making some bold predictions about robots, workers, and life in general in the year 2040. Watch the video for the researches bold predictions about what effect robots will have on life in the year 2040. Will you embrace these changes if they become reality or fight them? More from this story here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2609391/Rise-robots-Humans-compete-droids-jobs-2040-study-claims.html Subscribe to The Rubin Report: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RubinReport Follow Dave on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubinReport Like Dave on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daverubin More Dave Rubin: http://daverubin.tv/ Host: Dave Rubin @RubinReport Louis Peitzman @LouisPeitzman Jack Moore @JackPMoore The Rubin Report is a comedy and current events panel show on The Young Turks Network hosted by Dave Rubin. Comedians, celebrities and media personalities join Dave each week to discuss hot topics in the worlds of news, politics, pop culture and more.- published: 28 Apr 2014
- views: 4008

CONTACTO, PRENSA, NEGOCIOS : danielaguilarcontacto@gmail.com
VINE: https://vine.co/Daniel_...
published: 25 Apr 2014
CONTACTO, PRENSA, NEGOCIOS : danielaguilarcontacto@gmail.com VINE: https://vine.co/Daniel_Jaguar INSTAGRAM:http://instagram.com/daniel_jaguar FECEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/MrJaguarU2 TWITTER: http://twitter.com/#!/Daniel_Jaguaru JEFE DE INFORMACION: https://twitter.com/sabio28 COLUMNA CHIDOTA: http://www.sexenio.com.mx/columna.php?id=7404 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HAPPY ES UNA COPIA: http://vimeo.com/92226001 humanos vs robots: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2609391/Rise-robots-Humans-compete-droids-jobs-2040-study-claims.html netflix lanza serie en español: http://www.cnet.com/es/noticias/netflix-lanzara-una-comedia-en-espanol-sobre-futbol-con-el-equipo-de-nosotros-los-nobles/ policia de NY: http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/noticias/2014/04/140423_tecnologia_twitter_nypd_policia_nueva_york_rg.shtml Chavo sobrevive: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-fbi-miracle-boy-survived-flight-to-hawaii-in-jets-wheel-well-20140421,0,5623323.story#axzz2zWfIJvw6- published: 25 Apr 2014
- views: 13517

Kigali Masterplan 2040 video
This is a video showing the land use plan of the City of Kigali up to 2040...
published: 21 Nov 2013
Kigali Masterplan 2040 video
Kigali Masterplan 2040 video
This is a video showing the land use plan of the City of Kigali up to 2040- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 1078

EkoCentria, Savon ammatti- ja aikuisopisto, Uutiset 2040
Uutiset 2040 -vielä voit vaikuttaa. Uutiset 2040 -video on tuotettu Savon ammatti- ja aiku...
published: 21 Mar 2012
author: EkoCentria
EkoCentria, Savon ammatti- ja aikuisopisto, Uutiset 2040
EkoCentria, Savon ammatti- ja aikuisopisto, Uutiset 2040
Uutiset 2040 -vielä voit vaikuttaa. Uutiset 2040 -video on tuotettu Savon ammatti- ja aikuisopiston EkoCentrian Kestävyyttä Itä-Suomen ruokapalveluihin (Kest...- published: 21 Mar 2012
- views: 1744
- author: EkoCentria

Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Opening
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Opening sin creditos....
published: 17 Sep 2009
author: Emiya Kiritsugu
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Opening
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Opening
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Opening sin creditos.- published: 17 Sep 2009
- views: 61653
- author: Emiya Kiritsugu

KARI 우주항공미래비전2040 영상(2D, 7분)
PAV, 우주비행기, 우주로켓 KSLV-III, 우주로켓 KSLV-IV 개발, 우주호텔 건설 등 2040년 대한민국 우주항공 미래비전을 담은 7분 분량의 영상물입...
published: 02 Aug 2013
author: KARItelevision
KARI 우주항공미래비전2040 영상(2D, 7분)
KARI 우주항공미래비전2040 영상(2D, 7분)
PAV, 우주비행기, 우주로켓 KSLV-III, 우주로켓 KSLV-IV 개발, 우주호텔 건설 등 2040년 대한민국 우주항공 미래비전을 담은 7분 분량의 영상물입니다.- published: 02 Aug 2013
- views: 225
- author: KARItelevision

Asteroid 2011AG5 could strike Earth in 2040
DOWNLOAD HERE: http://newsdirect.nma.com.tw/SingleItem.aspx?asset_id=OEM_20120228_OINT_002...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: NMANewsDirect
Asteroid 2011AG5 could strike Earth in 2040
Asteroid 2011AG5 could strike Earth in 2040
DOWNLOAD HERE: http://newsdirect.nma.com.tw/SingleItem.aspx?asset_id=OEM_20120228_OINT_002 There is a 1 in 625 chance that a 460-foot asteroid named 2011 AG5...- published: 28 Feb 2012
- views: 56874
- author: NMANewsDirect

Mobil2040 - Projection CERIA (Bruxelles) / Toekomstvisie COOVI (Brussel) - 2040
Vidéo réalisée dans le cadre de l'étude prospective Mobil2040
Video gemaa...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Mobil2040 - Projection CERIA (Bruxelles) / Toekomstvisie COOVI (Brussel) - 2040
Mobil2040 - Projection CERIA (Bruxelles) / Toekomstvisie COOVI (Brussel) - 2040
www.mobil2040.be Vidéo réalisée dans le cadre de l'étude prospective Mobil2040 Video gemaakt in het kader van de prospectieve studie Mobil2040 Video made in the context of the prospective study Mobil2040 Conception - Ontwerp-Design: Technum et Espaces-Mobilités Images-Beelden-Images : ZOOO- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 1110
Vimeo results:

As the Arctic's ice rapidly disappearces, scientists believe that the Arctic w...
published: 11 Dec 2009
author: Roman Ruetten
As the Arctic's ice rapidly disappearces, scientists believe that the Arctic will expierience it's first ice free summer as early as the year 2040. This could destroy the habitants and threaten the extinction of over one million species of plants and animals, even polar bears or sea lions. The lose of the seas ive cover also create many risks to the way of life for the indigenous people in the Arctic.
The topic of global warming is getting back in focous at the moment through the Copenhagen Climate Summit 2009 and movies like the Hollywood blockbuster "2012". For the client Greenpeace we want to make use of this by placing their own trailer for global warming in cinemas. We made a melting 2040 completely out of ice and let it melt to symbolize a countdown. We didnt use any CG for this project which was quite fun and something different, for details please check the making of (http://vimeo.com/8120282). The trailer will be shown before the movie 2012 in diverse cinemas.
check out my site: www.ruetten.tv for more infos
Also visit:
Concept: Roman Rütten & Jörg Iversen
Design: Roman Rütten & Jörg Iversen
Execution: Roman Rütten & Jörg Iversen
Tutor: Paul Plowman
Uni: Bucks New University
Voice-Over: Stephen Buss
Voice-Over Recording: Bensen Brown
Ice Moulds: Joe Perfect & Horio

SP 2040 - A cidade que queremos
Vídeo institucional sobre o plano de longa duração da cidade de São Paulo....
published: 03 Dec 2012
author: SP 2040
SP 2040 - A cidade que queremos
Vídeo institucional sobre o plano de longa duração da cidade de São Paulo.

2040 making of
Special thanks to all people who had been involved by Jörg Iversen and Roman Rütten...
published: 11 Dec 2009
author: Roman Ruetten
2040 making of
Special thanks to all people who had been involved by Jörg Iversen and Roman Rütten

2040|The Shelter.
The behind closed doors wall painting of a world which is waning. With the downfall...
published: 03 Jul 2010
2040|The Shelter.
The behind closed doors wall painting of a world which is waning. With the downfall of the capitalistic social formation the prehistory of the human society closes.While the means of subsistence have been eliminated, three characters survive "at the desire" of the end.
Act on | Anastasios Zervas, Natalia Hatzi, Konstantinos Bourdos, Xristina Banalopoulou
Produced by | déµodé production
Directed by | Ioannis Nikiforos
Script by | Kontantinos Bourdos
Video edited by | Alexandros Tiniakos
Sound design by | Giannis Revis
Music by | Thodoros Ntantos(music factory studios), Moby(mobygratis.com)
-FIRST SCREENING | 2/10/2010 - 04 Thess International Short Film Festival.(Cine Alexandros)
-SECOND SCREENING | 16/3/2011 - International Science fiction & Fantasy Film Festival Of Athens.(Mikrokosmos)
-THIRD SCREENING | 9/4/2011 - Fantasy Festival 2011 (Vaggelis Kotronis).
Awards: Best Supporting Actress(Natalia Hatzi),Best Sci-Fi Short Film.
-FORTH SCREENING | 28/5/2011 - BABYLONIA FESTIVAL 2011(School of Fine Arts).
-FIFTH SCREENING | 7/7/2011 - 1st life n' art short film festival(8west-8dytika)
-SIXTH SCREENING | 26/8/2011 - 2nd Argo Film Festival 2011(cinema Achileion)
-SEVENTH SCREENING | 6/10/2011 - 13th International Film n Culture Festival of Patras(INTEAΛ)
-EIGHTH SCREENING | 12/6/2012 - Portugal Underground Film Festival (Museu de Portimão)
Youtube results:

DOWNLOAD WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 For Free
Get it here: http://smol.us/652356
WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 new
WizFlow Flo...
published: 02 May 2014
DOWNLOAD WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 For Free
DOWNLOAD WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 For Free
Get it here: http://smol.us/652356 WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 new WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 netload WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 keygen WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 serial WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 keymaker WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 crack WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 serials WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 serial generator WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 serials generator WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 serial number WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 emule WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 premium download WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 free WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 pro edition WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 full key WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 activation code WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 free full download WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 unlocked WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 full version WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 keygenerator WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 download WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 free download WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 get free WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 uploaded WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 mediafire WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 torrent WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 zippyshare WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 full WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 patch WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 patched WizFlow Flowcharter 6.20.2040 cracked- published: 02 May 2014
- views: 0

Future of India 2040 - A film on the Delhi Mumbai Industrial corridor
To become a developed person in developing India this is the correct time to invest, we ar...
published: 14 Mar 2013
author: DumdaarProperty
Future of India 2040 - A film on the Delhi Mumbai Industrial corridor
Future of India 2040 - A film on the Delhi Mumbai Industrial corridor
To become a developed person in developing India this is the correct time to invest, we are providing you free hold plots(Durvish city) in keshwana industria...- published: 14 Mar 2013
- views: 1406
- author: DumdaarProperty

DOWNLOAD EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 For Free
Download it here: http://smol.us/652356
EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 new
EDGE Diagr...
published: 02 May 2014
DOWNLOAD EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 For Free
DOWNLOAD EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 For Free
Download it here: http://smol.us/652356 EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 new EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 netload EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 keygen EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 serial EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 keymaker EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 crack EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 serials EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 serial generator EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 serials generator EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 serial number EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 emule EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 premium download EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 free EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 pro edition EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 full key EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 activation code EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 free full download EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 unlocked EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 full version EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 keygenerator EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 download EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 free download EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 get free EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 uploaded EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 mediafire EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 torrent EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 zippyshare EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 full EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 patch EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 patched EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 cracked- published: 02 May 2014
- views: 0

DOWNLOAD EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 Full Version
Download it here: http://smol.us/652356
EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 new
EDGE Diagr...
published: 02 May 2014
DOWNLOAD EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 Full Version
DOWNLOAD EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 Full Version
Download it here: http://smol.us/652356 EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 new EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 netload EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 keygen EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 serial EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 keymaker EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 crack EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 serials EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 serial generator EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 serials generator EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 serial number EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 emule EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 premium download EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 free EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 pro edition EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 full key EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 activation code EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 free full download EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 unlocked EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 full version EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 keygenerator EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 download EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 free download EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 get free EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 uploaded EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 mediafire EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 torrent EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 zippyshare EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 full EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 patch EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 patched EDGE Diagrammer 6.20.2040 cracked- published: 02 May 2014
- views: 0