S. Y. Quraishi

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S. Y. Quraishi

Rihanna obsessed with aliens?

Rihanna Rihanna has employed an unidentified flying object watcher for 24-hour updates. (Photo: Twitter)

R&B; star Rihanna has employed an unidentified flying object (UFO) watcher for 24-hour updates on extraterrestrial activity, according to a report.

The 25-year-old singer and her rapper brother Rorrey, 23, believed in UFOs as a child and they still think aliens exist somewhere, reported Daily Star.

"Rihanna has always been convinced aliens will land on Earth in her lifetime. So she started using the man, who calls himself a sky scanner, to give her information from Nevada on anything that relates to sightings," a source said.

"He keeps in touch with her from the Little A'Le'Inn – a motel which hosts UFO hunters. It's also near one of the world's most secret government bases, Area 51. This isn't a fad for Rihanna, she is a total believer and doesn't mind spending her money on it to get results," the source added.

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