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  • Syria Intervention: The Beginning End of The American Empire...14:13
  • Ariel Castro found dead hanging in his cell - Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro dies prison 9/3/2013...3:34
  • Brazil: Glenn Greenwald slams US media, shares tips to avoid NSA...2:24
  • Syria - President Obama Meets with Members of Congress...5:39
  • Did John Kerry Orchestrate The Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria?...36:28
  • Israel & US joint missile test in Mediterranean sparks Syria strike alarm...2:43
  • President Obama Speaks on Syria...10:05
  • Fukushima Emergency: Plant leaks 300 tons of radioactive water daily...4:39
  • UN: Syrian refugee numbers cross two million...2:33
  • BBC News - Syria divides opinion in France...2:23
  • NSA Surveillance Techniques 'Require Imposing Extraordinary Trust in Executive Branch' 'This Week'...20:30
  • UN: Sarin used in Syria chemical attack...2:34
  • Egypt to Put Ousted President Morsi on Trial...0:50
add video playlist NSA whistleblower Wayne Madsen joins the show to discuss these recent developments in Syria. Stay in the know - Follow Alex on Twitter: 'Like' Alex on FACEBOOK - [[START GETTING HEALTHY NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE]] **Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 is the most advanced multi-vitamin mineral complex to date. [[INFOWARS THE MAGAZINE - AUGUST ISSUE]] [[DONATE TO ALEX JONES]] $5 or $10 A week. WE NEED YOU! [[PREPAREDNESS PRODUCTS]] NEW ITEMS** **EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SURVIVE THE COLLAPSE** [[HUGE LIST OF DVDS AT INFOWARS STORE] [[INFOWARS GEAR]] [[CLEARANCE ITEMS]] - Get Them Before They're Gone!
NSA whistleblower Wayne Madsen joins the show to discuss these recent developments in Syria. 
Stay in the know - Follow Alex on Twitter:
\'Like\' Alex on FACEBOOK - 
 **Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 is the most advanced multi-vitamin mineral complex to date.
[[DONATE TO ALEX JONES]] $5 or $10 A week. WE NEED YOU!
[[CLEARANCE ITEMS]] - Get Them Before They\'re Gone!
Syria In­ter­ven­tion: The Be­gin­ning End of The Amer­i­can Em­pire
Ariel castro dead ariel castro suicide in jail Convicted Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro was found dead ariel castro suicide in prison jail hanging castro breaking news Tuesday inside his cell at the Correction Reception Center in Orient, Ohio, according to corrections officials. Ariel Castro who was sentenced to life plus 1,000 years for kidnapping, raping and holding captive three women was found hanging in his prison cell,  ariel castro dead die died in jail  ohio corrections officials say Ariel Castro who held three women captive in his home for nearly a decade has committed suicide at a state prison facility.

Spokeswoman JoEllen Smith says 53-year-old Castro was found hanging in his cell around 9:20 p.m. Tuesday at the Correctional Reception Center in Orient. Prison medical staff performed CPR before Castro was transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. authorities said told CNN affiliate WOIO. ariel castro dead die died in jail 

Officials found Castro hanging in his cell at the Correctional Reception Center in Orient, Ohio, about 9:20 p.m.

He was taken to The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center where he was pronounced dead at 10:52 p.m.

Castro was not a part of the general prison population, officials said.

In handing down a sentence last month, Judge Michael Russo told the kidnapper there was no place in the world for his brand of criminal.

Castro pleaded guilty to 937 counts, including murder and kidnapping, in exchange for the death penalty being taken off the table.

The charges stem from his kidnapping, rape and assault of three women: Knight, abducted in 2002; Georgina DeJesus, abducted in 2004; and Amanda Berry; abducted in 2003.

Castro is the father of Berry\'s 6-year-old girl, DNA tests confirmed.

All three women kept diaries with Castro\'s permission, providing many of the details of their abuse.

Ariel Cas­tro found dead hang­ing in his cell - Cleve­land kid­nap­per Ariel Cas­tro dies prison 9/3/2013
Journalist Glenn Greenwald discussed US surveillance, how to avoid it and how journalists are complicit in the crackdown against truth, during an interview with Ruptly in Brasilia, on Wednesday. Greenwald, known for his methodical approach, declined to answer our more salacious questions. Instead, he used the platform to discuss his approach to the internet in light of the NSA revelations, and how he views the response of US journalists to Edward Snowden\'s leaks to the UK\'s Guardian newspaper - for whom Greenwald works.

Instead of holding power to account, many US journalists are simply mouthpieces for the American government, Greenwald stressed. \
Brazil: Glenn Green­wald slams US media, shares tips to avoid NSA
Syria 2013 - President Obama issued a statement to the press before a meeting with members of Congress about the use of chemical weapons situation in Syria.
Syria - Pres­i­dent Obama Meets with Mem­bers of Congress
Sec. State Kerry Prepares WMD Pretext Ahead of Syria Attack

Once again the US invokes false flag attacks and outright lies to stoke the flames of war. John
Did John Kerry Or­ches­trate The Chem­i­cal Weapons At­tack in Syria?
Russia\'s early warning radars detected the launch of two ballistic rockets in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, Russia\'s Defense Ministry stated. Israel later claimed responsibility for firing the target test rockets - READ MORE


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Is­rael & US joint mis­sile test in Mediter­ranean sparks Syria strike alarm
President Obama speaks on the situation in Syria from the White House Rose Garden. August 31, 2013.
Pres­i­dent Obama Speaks on Syria
The Japanese Prime Minister has ordered the government to step in and help contain ongoing radiation leaks from the Fukushima power plant. Tepco - the company that runs the facility that was crippled in the 2011 tsunami and earthquake - has been unable to prevent contaminated groundwater from breaching a barrier and pouring into the ocean. Nuclear energy expert Malcolm Grimston joins RT to discuss this.


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Fukushi­ma Emer­gen­cy: Plant leaks 300 tons of ra­dioac­tive water daily
More than two million Syrians have now fled their war-ravaged country, according to the UN refugee agency, marking the nearly 10-fold increase from a year ago.

In addition to the two million Syrians living as refugees, another 4.25 million people have been displaced within the country since the conflict began in March 2011, UN figures show.

Al Jazeera\'s Nisreen El-Shamayleh reports from Zaatari camp in Jordan
UN: Syr­i­an refugee num­bers cross two mil­lion
Members of the French parliament will debate President Francois Hollande\'s determination to take part in military action against Syria.

He says the use of chemical weapons must not go unpunished. French MPs will not vote on the issue though - constitutionally the President does not need their agreement.

But, as Europe Correspondent Chris Morris reports from Paris, Syria is dividing opinion.
BBC News - Syria di­vides opin­ion in France
President Obama speaks on the situation in Syria from the White House Rose Garden. August 31, 2013.
Pres­i­dent Obama Speaks on Syria
George Will, Matthew Dowd, Paul Krugman, Greta Van Susteren, and Rep. Keith Ellison.
NSA Surveil­lance Tech­niques 'Re­quire Im­pos­ing Ex­traor­di­nary Trust in Ex­ec­u­tive Branch' 'This Week'
United Nations weapons inspectors say samples from victims confirm Syria used sarin in a chemical attack on civilians. More from CNN at
UN: Sarin used in Syria chem­i­cal at­tack
Egypt\'s top prosecutor has referred ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi to trial. He\'s accused of inciting his supporters to kill his opponents while he was in office. (Sept. 2)
Egypt to Put Oust­ed Pres­i­dent Morsi on Trial
Images have emerged on social media purporting to show U.S. servicemen speaking out against a looming strike against Damascus. People wearing military uniform are seen posing in front of cameras with posters saying they did not join-up to fight with al-Qaeda in Syria. Those pictures cannot be verified but the Pentagon is reportedly already looking into the identities of those involved. RT speaks to Gordon Duff, a marine veteran and the editor of the independent news website Veterans Today. READ MORE:


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
'I didn't join Navy to fight for Al-Qae­da': US ser­vice­men against Syria strike

updated 04 Sep 2013; published 04 Sep 2013
Syria In­ter­ven­tion: The Be­gin­ning End of The Amer­i­can Em­pire
CNN 04 Sep 2013, September 4, 2013 -- Updated 0847 GMT (1647 HKT) (CNN) -- The White House's case for a military strike on Syria enters Round II Wednesday. Secretary of State John Kerry returns to the Hill, this time to be grilled by the House Foreign Affairs Committee. On Tuesday, he appeared before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee to sway skeptical lawmakers....
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updated 04 Sep 2013; published 04 Sep 2013
Ariel Cas­tro found dead hang­ing in his cell - Cleve­land kid­nap­per Ariel Cas­tro dies prison 9/3/2013
Jezebel 04 Sep 2013, Ariel Castro, who was sentenced on August 1 to life in prison, plus 1,000 years, for kidnapping, imprisoning, and repeatedly raping Gina DeJesus, Amanda...
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updated 17 Jul 2013; published 17 Jul 2013
Brazil: Glenn Green­wald slams US media, shares tips to avoid NSA
Newstrack India 04 Sep 2013, Tweet Brasilia, Sep 4 (IANS) Brazil's senate has formed an Investigative Parliamentary Commission to follow up on reports that the US National Security Agency (NSA) spied on Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. "We intend to protect national sovereignty," Xinhua quoted Senator Vanessa Graziotin of the Communist Party of Brazil as saying Tuesday. The...
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updated 04 Sep 2013; published 04 Sep 2013
Syria - Pres­i­dent Obama Meets with Mem­bers of Congress
Voa News 04 Sep 2013, Kate Pound Dawson WASHINGTON — Top U.S. military and diplomatic officials came to Capitol Hill together Tuesday to support President Barack Obama's plan for retaliation against Syria for using chemical weapons against civilians, and they argued strongly for Congress to vote to authorize an attack. Secretary of State John Kerry told the Senate...
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updated 27 Aug 2013; published 27 Aug 2013
Did John Kerry Or­ches­trate The Chem­i­cal Weapons At­tack in Syria?
BBC News 04 Sep 2013, US senators in a key committee have agreed on a draft resolution backing the use of US military force in Syria. The measure to be voted on next week sets a time limit of 60 days on any operation. The draft document also bans the use of any ground forces in Syria. Secretary of State John Kerry said the US had to act after the Assad regime's...
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updated 03 Sep 2013; published 03 Sep 2013
Is­rael & US joint mis­sile test in Mediter­ranean sparks Syria strike alarm
The New York Times 03 Sep 2013, JERUSALEM — Israel and the United States tested a new air-defense system on Tuesday morning, launching a missile from deep in the Mediterranean Sea that caused consternation in Syria and Russia given the heightened tension in the region as the Obama administration weighs a military strike in Syria. Multimedia Multimedia Feature A Broader Look at...
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updated 31 Aug 2013; published 31 Aug 2013
Pres­i­dent Obama Speaks on Syria
Bloomberg 03 Sep 2013, No U.S. president has ever been turned down by Congress when asking to use military force. President Barack Obama doesn’t want to become the first. To avoid that with a request for military action in Syria, he’ll have to win over war-weary Democrats, Tea Party members who don’t see a threat to U.S. interests and other lawmakers who want more...
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updated 07 Aug 2013; published 07 Aug 2013
Fukushi­ma Emer­gen­cy: Plant leaks 300 tons of ra­dioac­tive water daily
San Francisco Chronicle 03 Sep 2013, TOKYO (AP) — The Japanese government announced Tuesday that it is funding a costly, untested subterranean ice wall in a desperate step to stop leaks of radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant after repeated failures by the plant's operator. The decision is widely seen as a safety appeal just days before the International Olympic...
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updated 03 Sep 2013; published 03 Sep 2013
UN: Syr­i­an refugee num­bers cross two mil­lion
BBC News 03 Sep 2013, More than two million Syrians are now refugees, with the total going up by half a million in the past three months, the UN refugee agency has said. More than 700,000 have fled to Lebanon, and more Syrians are now displaced than any other nationality, the UNHCR says. France and the US are continuing to push for military action over alleged chemical...
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updated 04 Sep 2013; published 04 Sep 2013
BBC News - Syria di­vides opin­ion in France
The Los Angeles Times 03 Sep 2013, PARIS -- France says it has evidence gathered by its intelligence services to prove "undeniably" that Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces carried out a "massive and coordinated" chemical attack on its civilian population. The French government released the evidence in a nine-page declassified document Monday evening to boost its calls for...
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updated 31 Aug 2013; published 31 Aug 2013
Pres­i­dent Obama Speaks on Syria 02 Sep 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Given the immensity and enormous power of the U.S. military with its advanced weaponry systems, the greatest threat to global security since the end of World War Two has not been nuclear weapons but the misuse and abuse of presidential military power. It was therefore a stunning surprise for civic...
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updated 09 Jun 2013; published 09 Jun 2013
NSA Surveil­lance Tech­niques 'Re­quire Im­pos­ing Ex­traor­di­nary Trust in Ex­ec­u­tive Branch' 'This Week'
BBC News 02 Sep 2013, Brazil says it will demand an explanation from the US after allegations that the National Security Agency (NSA) spied on Brazilian government communications. The allegations were made by Rio-based journalist Glenn Greenwald in a programme on TV Globo on Sunday. Mr Greenwald obtained secret files from US whistle-blower Edward Snowden. Communications...
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updated 03 Sep 2013; published 03 Sep 2013
UN: Sarin used in Syria chem­i­cal at­tack
Al Jazeera 02 Sep 2013, Syria has asked the UN to prevent "any aggression" against Syria following a call over the weekend by US President Barack Obama for punitive strikes against the Syrian military for last month's alleged chemical-weapons attack. US military action will be put to a vote in Congress, which ends its summer recess on September 9, giving Syrian...
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updated 02 Sep 2013; published 02 Sep 2013
Egypt to Put Oust­ed Pres­i­dent Morsi on Trial
Khaleej Times 02 Sep 2013, Ousted Egyptian president Mohammed Mursi is to stand trial in a criminal court for 'incitement to murder', state television reported on Sunday, without giving a date for the trial. It said the former leader would stand trial along with 14 other suspects in his Brotherhood movement on charges of “incitement to murder and violence” in...
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Syria possible strike: The White House makes its case Round II
Full Article CNN
04 Sep 2013

September 4, 2013 -- Updated 0847 GMT (1647 HKT) (CNN) -- The White House's case for a military strike on Syria enters Round II Wednesday. Secretary of State John Kerry returns to the Hill, this time to be grilled by the House Foreign Affairs Committee. On Tuesday, he appeared before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee to sway skeptical lawmakers.... War
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry delivers remarks on Syria at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on August 30, 2013.
photo: US DoS

Ariel Castro Reportedly Found Hanging in Prison Cell
Full Article Jezebel
04 Sep 2013

Ariel Castro, who was sentenced on August 1 to life in prison, plus 1,000 years, for kidnapping, imprisoning, and repeatedly raping Gina DeJesus, Amanda... Castro Kidnappings
Ariel Castro
photo: AP / Tony Dejak

Brazil senate committee to probe US spying
Full Article Newstrack India
04 Sep 2013

Tweet Brasilia, Sep 4 (IANS) Brazil's senate has formed an Investigative Parliamentary Commission to follow up on reports that the US National Security Agency (NSA) spied on Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. "We intend to protect national sovereignty," Xinhua quoted Senator Vanessa Graziotin of the Communist Party of Brazil as saying Tuesday. The... Spying Snowden
Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff shades her face from the sun as she arrives to meet members of Brazil's soccer team at Alvorada palace in Brasilia, Brazil, Monday, Sept. 2, 2013. The Brazilian government condemned a U.S. spy program that reportedly targeted the nation's leader.
photo: AP / Eraldo Peres

US Congress Weighs Attack on Syria
Full Article Voa News
04 Sep 2013

Kate Pound Dawson WASHINGTON — Top U.S. military and diplomatic officials came to Capitol Hill together Tuesday to support President Barack Obama's plan for retaliation against Syria for using chemical weapons against civilians, and they argued strongly for Congress to vote to authorize an attack. Secretary of State John Kerry told the Senate... Intervention In Syria War
President Barack Obama stands with Members of Congress in House Speaker John Boehner's ceremonial office as Bill Livingood, House Sergeant at Arms, left, and Terrance Gainer, Senate Sergeant at Arms, right, prepare to escort them onto the floor of the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol, Jan. 25, 2011.
photo: White House / Pete Souza

Syria crisis: US senators' draft backs limited action
Full Article BBC News
04 Sep 2013

US senators in a key committee have agreed on a draft resolution backing the use of US military force in Syria. The measure to be voted on next week sets a time limit of 60 days on any operation. The draft document also bans the use of any ground forces in Syria. Secretary of State John Kerry said the US had to act after the Assad regime's... Weapons In Syria Crisis In Syria
Secretary of State John Kerry said the US had to act after the Assad regime's "undeniable" chemical weapons attack.
photo: AP / Jacquelyn Martin, Pool

Israel and U.S. Conduct Missile Test in Mediterranean
Full Article The New York Times
03 Sep 2013

JERUSALEM — Israel and the United States tested a new air-defense system on Tuesday morning, launching a missile from deep in the Mediterranean Sea that caused consternation in Syria and Russia given the heightened tension in the region as the Obama administration weighs a military strike in Syria. Multimedia Multimedia Feature A Broader Look at... Missile Test Intervention In Syria Israel Military Exercise
American and Israeli Soldiers work together during Austere Challenge 2012 exercise at a military installation in Israel, on Oct 30, 2012.  Austere Challenge is the largest joint exercise US has conducted with Israeli Defense Forces.  DOD photo by D. Myles Cullen
photo: US DoD / D. Myles Cullen

Split Congress Mulls Denial of Military Force Request
Full Article Bloomberg
03 Sep 2013

No U.S. president has ever been turned down by Congress when asking to use military force. President Barack Obama doesn’t want to become the first. To avoid that with a request for military action in Syria, he’ll have to win over war-weary Democrats, Tea Party members who don’t see a threat to U.S. interests and other lawmakers who want more... War
President Barack Obama meets with Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham in the Oval Office to discuss Syria, Sept. 2, 2013. National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice is at left.
photo: White House / Pete Souza

Japan to fund ice wall to stop reactor leaks
Full Article San Francisco Chronicle
03 Sep 2013

TOKYO (AP) — The Japanese government announced Tuesday that it is funding a costly, untested subterranean ice wall in a desperate step to stop leaks of radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant after repeated failures by the plant's operator. The decision is widely seen as a safety appeal just days before the International Olympic... Disaster Pollution
In this photo provided by Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA), NRA commissioners inspect storage tanks used to contain radioactive water at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, operated by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), in Okuma in Fukushima prefecture, northern Japan, Friday, Aug. 23, 2013.
photo: AP / Nuclear Regulation Authority

UN refugee agency says more than 2m have fled Syria
Full Article BBC News
03 Sep 2013

More than two million Syrians are now refugees, with the total going up by half a million in the past three months, the UN refugee agency has said. More than 700,000 have fled to Lebanon, and more Syrians are now displaced than any other nationality, the UNHCR says. France and the US are continuing to push for military action over alleged chemical... Crisis Refugee In Syria
Syrian refugees gather on a street lined by makeshift shops, during a strike at Zaatari refugee camp, in Mafraq, Jordan, Thursday, April 25, 2013.
photo: AP / Mohammad Hannon

France releases new, 'undeniable' evidence against Syria
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
03 Sep 2013

PARIS -- France says it has evidence gathered by its intelligence services to prove "undeniably" that Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces carried out a "massive and coordinated" chemical attack on its civilian population. The French government released the evidence in a nine-page declassified document Monday evening to boost its calls for... Weapons In Syria Intelligence War
A Syrian army soldier secures the scene as he stands next to a military truck which was attacked by a roadside bomb, in Daraa city, southern Syria, on Wednesday May 9, 2012.
photo: AP / Muzaffar Salman

Obama Just Challenged Pathology of Power
Full Article
02 Sep 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Given the immensity and enormous power of the U.S. military with its advanced weaponry systems, the greatest threat to global security since the end of World War Two has not been nuclear weapons but the misuse and abuse of presidential military power. It was therefore a stunning surprise for civic... War
File - President Barack Obama walks along the South Lawn Drive of the White House with Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., May 5, 2010.
photo: White House / Pete Souza

NSA 'spied on Brazil and Mexico' - Brazilian TV report
Full Article BBC News
02 Sep 2013

Brazil says it will demand an explanation from the US after allegations that the National Security Agency (NSA) spied on Brazilian government communications. The allegations were made by Rio-based journalist Glenn Greenwald in a programme on TV Globo on Sunday. Mr Greenwald obtained secret files from US whistle-blower Edward Snowden. Communications... Spying
Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) Gen. Keith B. Alexander speaks during a forum at the International Conference on Cyber Security (ICCS) on Thursday, Aug. 8, 2013, at Fordham University in New York.
photo: AP / Bebeto Matthews

Syria asks UN to stop 'any aggression'
Full Article Al Jazeera
02 Sep 2013

Syria has asked the UN to prevent "any aggression" against Syria following a call over the weekend by US President Barack Obama for punitive strikes against the Syrian military for last month's alleged chemical-weapons attack. US military action will be put to a vote in Congress, which ends its summer recess on September 9, giving Syrian... Weapons In Syria War Inspectors In Syria
Free Syrian Army fighters ride a motorbike to approach Syrian Army tanks in Idlib, north Syria, Sunday, March 11, 2012.
photo: AP / Rodrigo Abd

Mursi to stand trial for ‘inciting murder’
Full Article Khaleej Times
02 Sep 2013

Ousted Egyptian president Mohammed Mursi is to stand trial in a criminal court for 'incitement to murder', state television reported on Sunday, without giving a date for the trial. It said the former leader would stand trial along with 14 other suspects in his Brotherhood movement on charges of “incitement to murder and violence” in... Spring Coup
In this Saturday, June 16, 2012 file photo, Egyptian presidential candidate Mohammed Morsi waves after he casts his vote at a polling station in Zagazig, 63 miles (100 kilometers) northeast of Cairo, Egypt.
photo: AP / Amr Nabil

Usain Bolt to retire after Rio Olympics
Full Article Lexington Herald-Leader
04 Sep 2013

BRUSSELS — Usain Bolt plans to retire after the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics. Bolt said Wednesday he wants to win more gold in Rio, set another world record in the 200 meters next year, and perhaps win a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games. "So far, (it) is after the Olympics in Rio," Bolt said of his retirement plans. "I think if I... Rio Olympics Bolt
Jamaica's Usain Bolt poses beside the indicating board after setting a new Men's 100m World Record in the Men's final at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin on Sunday, Aug. 16, 2009
photo: AP / David J. Phillip

Djokovic tells critics to give Federer a break
Full Article South China Morning Post
04 Sep 2013

World number one Novak Djokovic leaped to the defence of Roger Federer, telling critics of the slumping Swiss to give the 17-time major winner a break. Federer suffered a stunning US Open fourth-round straight-sets upset at the hands of Spanish 19th seed Tommy Robredo on Monday. It is...
Novak Djokovic of Serbia reacts after beating Tomas Berdych of the Czech Republic in a Men's singles quarterfinal match at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships in Wimbledon, London, Wednesday, July 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Sang Tan

Li Na a step closer to grand slam, but toughest game is yet to come
Full Article South China Morning Post
04 Sep 2013

Li Na carved out another bit of grand slam history for China, then joked she would grab a bag of chips and enjoy watching Serena Williams take on Carla Suarez Navarro. That, though, is unlikely to have been pleasant viewing. After Li became the first Chinese player to reach the semi-finals at the US Open with a laboured 2½-hour win over 24th seed...
China's Li Na celebrates after defeating Russia's Maria Sharapova in their semifinal match at the Australian Open tennis championship in Melbourne, Australia, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Dita Alangkara

Jay-Z Will Reportedly Sell His Share Of The Nets To Jason Kidd
Full Article Cinema Blend
04 Sep 2013

Jay-Z’s much-hyped tenure as a partial owner of the Brooklyn Nets is reaching its conclusion. The hip-hop star has reportedly agreed to sell his whopping .067% stake in the team to new coach Jason Kidd for $500,000. It’s unclear when exactly the deal might go through, but... Nets Kidd
Jason Kidd of the Dallas Mavericks
photo: Creative Commons / Calebrw

Diamond League: Usain Bolt responds to Ben Johnson claims
Full Article BBC News
04 Sep 2013

Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Speaking ahead of the Diamond League meeting in Brussels, Usain Bolt says that Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson would "never" have beaten him over 100m. The comments follow Johnson's claims last week that he would have out-run the World and Olympic champion. Bolt added that... Rio Olympics Bolt
Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt reacts as he wins in the Men's 100 meters during the Athletics Diamond League Areva meeting at Stade De France in Saint Denis , north of Paris, Friday, July 15, 2010
photo: AP / Francois Mori

Flavia Pennetta into first US Open semifinals
Full Article Stuff
04 Sep 2013

Flavia Pennetta made it to her first Grand Slam semi-final and climbed back on top of Italy's competitive tennis ladder by defeating 10th-seeded Roberta Vinci 6-4 6-1 in the US Open today. Back in 2009, the 31-year-old Pennetta became the first Italian woman to crack the top 10. But she fell out of the spotlight in her country's tennis scene...
Flavia Pennetta (ITA) competes against  Lourdes Dominguez Lino (ESP) during the Day 5 of the Sony Ericsson Open at Crandon Park Tennis Center on March 23, 2012 in Key Biscayne, Florida - USA.
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Allegri delight at Kaka deal
Full Article Sporting Life
04 Sep 2013

Kaka spent six years at the San Siro before being sold to Real Madrid for a reported 70million euros (£56million) in 2009. However, he struggled to tie down a starting berth during his time at the Bernabeu and with the arrival of Gareth Bale, Kaka would have found himself even further down the pecking order. The 31-year-old made clear his... Allegri Madrid Cf
Real Madrid's Gonzalo Higuain, left, leaves the pitch to be substituted by Kaka, center, during a Champions League quarterfinal soccer match against APOEL at GSP stadium in Nicosia, on Tuesday, March 27, 2012.
photo: AP / Thanassis Stavrakis

ARCHIV: FIFA-Praesident Joseph Blatter (l.) und UEFA-Praesident Michel Platini unterhalten sich in Budapest (Ungarn) beim 62. FIFA-Kongress (Foto vom 25.05.12).
photo: AP / Laszlo Beliczay

Report: Jay Z to sell Nets ownership stake to Jason Kidd
Full Article Newsday
04 Sep 2013

Galleries Web links Jay Z is selling half his minority stake in the Nets to new coach Jason Kidd for $500,000, SB Nation's "Nets Daily" blog reported, citing a Nets source. The site said the entertainer sold the other half of his 0.1608 percent ownership of the team to another minority owner, having been forced to divest upon recently... Nets Kidd
E - In this Oct. 15, 2008 file photo, rapper Jay-Z performs at the grand reopening of the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

Happy Birthday, Beyoncé! How This Girl Came To Rule The Music World
Full Article Business Insider
04 Sep 2013

People Features Beyonce Jay-Z Blue Ivy Carter Destiny's Child Music Grammy Awards Singer Get Alerts for these topics » Melia Robinson What 25 Celebrities Were Like In High School Advertisement: Join The Discussion OR Login With Facebook Login With Twitter Login With Google Submit the comment for Insider Status Insiders 0 All Comments 0... Birthday
Beyonce speaks during a news conference Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013, in New Orleans. Beyoncé is scheduled to perform during halftime of the NFL Super Bowl XLVII football game
photo: AP / Morry Gash

Senegalese singer Youssou Ndour removed from gov't
Full Article Herald Tribune
02 Sep 2013

DAKAR, Senegal - Grammy-winning singer Youssou Ndour is no longer Senegal's tourism minister, according to the Cabinet list announced by new Prime Minister Aminata Toure. Over the weekend, President Macky Sall dismissed his former premier in the first major shake-up of his government since he was elected in a landslide victory in March 2012. Toure,... Toure Government Sall Ndour
In this Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2010 photo, Senegalese pop star Youssou Ndour gestures during the launch of his television station, TFM, in Dakar, Senegal.
photo: AP / Rebecca Blackwell

Katy Perry is a genius in the studio, says Juicy J
Full Article Digital Spy
02 Sep 2013

Katy Perry has been praised for being "hands-on" in the recording studio by collaborator Juicy J. The singer has teamed up with the rising rapper for her new song 'Dark Horse', which will be released on September 17 as a promotional track from her new album Prism. © WENN / Apega Katy Perry at the LA Premiere of The Smurfs 2 "I just did... J Perry
Katy Perry @ MuchMusic Video Awards 2010 Soundcheck 05 wikis
photo: Creative Commons / Tm

Taylor Swift has it all, says Austin Mahone
Full Article Digital Spy
02 Sep 2013

Austin Mahone has said that Taylor Swift is "super nice". Mahone has served as an opening act on Swift's blockbuster 'Red' tour, which recently travelled to LA for several record-breaking shows. © Doug Peters/PA Wire/Press Association Images Austin Mahone © Evan Agostini/AP/Press Association Images Taylor Swift Speaking to Life & Style,... Mahone Swift
Singer Taylor Swift performs at Z100's Jingle Ball 2012 presented by Aeropostale at Madison Square Garden on Friday Dec. 7, 2012 in New York.
photo: AP / Evan Agostini/Invision

Gaga stunned by meaty hugs
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Sep 2013

Lady Gaga thinks anyone who embraced her while wearing the meat dress should have "aborted the mission". The eccentric popstar caused a stir when she sported an outfit made entirely of meat at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards. Singer Florence Welch admitted she was reluctant to embrace Gaga in the bizarre creation and looking back, the 27-year-old...
U.S. performer Lady Gaga shops at the Dilli Haat handicrafts market in New Delhi, India, Friday, Oct. 28, 2011. (AP Photo/Mustafa Quraishi)
photo: AP / Mustafa Quraishi

Kanye paid 3 mil for Kazakhstan gig
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Sep 2013

Kanye West has reportedly raked in three million dollars for performing at the wedding of the president of Kazakhstan's grandson. The Yeezus rapper was called in to entertain guests at President Nursultan Nazarbayev's grandson's big day, according to TMZ. The bash was at the Hotel Royal Tulip in Almaty on August 31, meaning Kanye missed Labour Day...
Kanye West
photo: Creative Commons / Kanonkas

Rock music concerts in Washington State, September 2013
Full Article The Examiner
01 Sep 2013

Check out these upcoming rock music concerts and rock festivals (by date) for September 2013 in Washington State! More concert updates to be posted soon, so check back! Ga's Too Broke To Rock Series featuring Baroness / Mindset Evolution / Royal Thunder Sunday,...
Crowd puts their rock-on fists in the air during a concert.
photo: WN / RTayco

Jack Nicholson
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

I felt like I betrayed the audience: Mitalee Jagtap
Full Article The Times of India
04 Sep 2013

National Award winning Marathi actress Mitalee Jagtap-Varadkar who plays a key role in Prakash Jha's recently released film 'Satyagraha' is apparently upset about the way her role progressed in the film. The sources informed...
Lead Actress Mitalee Jagtap .
photo: PIB of India

Lance Armstrong Documentary Premieres at Venice
Full Article The New York Times
03 Sep 2013

VENICE, ItalyDirector Alex Gibley started filming Lance Armstrong before the cyclist acknowledged doping, and looking back now at the 2009 footage he realizes "there was a lot of material there where he was just lying to me straight out." Gibley was in Venice on Tuesday for the premiere of his film "The Armstrong Lie," in which he salvaged the... Armstrong
This July 23, 2000 file photo shows Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong riding down the Champs Elysees with an American flag after the 21st and final stage of the cycling race in Paris.
photo: AP / Laurent Rebours

Michael Douglas Says His Marriage Is Fine, Thank You
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
03 Sep 2013

Michael Douglas is squashing reports that his marriage to Catherine Zeta-Jones is in crisis. The Oscar-winning actor made his first public appearance since reports that he and his wife of 13 years were ending their marriage on Monday in Berlin. The 68-year-old was in Germany to promote his HBO film, "Behind the Candelabra" and was adamant that his... Zeta-jones Douglas
Actor Michael Douglas poses for a portrait, while promoting "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps", at the at the 63rd international film festival, in Cannes, southern France
photo: AP / Mark Mainz

Rachel Zoe confirms she's expecting second child with husband Rodger Berman
Full Article Celebrity Café
03 Sep 2013

Rachel Zoe has confirmed that she and husband Rodger Berman are expecting their second child. They welcomed son Skyler in March 2011. We previously reported rumors that surfaced back in June about Zoe, 41, being...
Designer Rachel Zoe poses in front of her Spring 2012 fashion line during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York, Monday, Sept. 12, 2011. (AP Photo/Charles Sykes)
photo: AP / Charles Sykes

Scarlett Johansson: 'I Think Hillary Clinton Would Make A Wonderful President'
Full Article Huffington Post
03 Sep 2013

Scarlett Johansson is getting out front when it comes to celebrity endorsements for 2016, telling Harper's Bazaar she believes Hillary Clinton would make a fantastic leader. "I think Hillary Clinton would make a wonderful president,” the politically active actress told the magazine. “I think we could only benefit from having someone in office who...
U.S. actress Scarlett Johansson is seen on stage at the Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo Thursday Dec. 11, 2008.
photo: AP / Heiko Junge, SCANPIX

Lily Collins 'steams' hair
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
03 Sep 2013

Lily Collins steams her hair in a shower cap to ensure it always looks its best. The actress is a chameleon when it comes to her tresses. Although she keeps her brunette hair the same shade, she always tries out different styles when attending premieres. Her hairdresser Mara Roszak has opened up about the tips she has shared with the 24-year-old...
Lily Collins speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Stocks move higher as auto sales increase
Full Article The Salt Lake Tribune
04 Sep 2013

NEW YORK • Stocks are closing higher on Wall Street after automakers reported strong sales gains. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 96 points, or 0.7 percent, to... Stock York Stock Exchange
Specialist of Bank of America Donald W. Himpele works his post on the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange just before the closing bell Friday, Oct. 16, 2009
photo: AP / David Karp

Wall St gains as US car sales accelerate
Full Article NZ Herald
04 Sep 2013

Wall Street gained amid data showing US car sales are on track for their best month in six years, underpinning the view that the world's largest economy is accelerating its recovery. Shares of General Motors rose, last up 4.7 per cent, as did those of Ford, last 3.9 per cent stronger. GM said August auto sales were 16.3 million vehicles on a... Stock
Specialist on the floor of the New York's Stock Exchange watch Goldman Sachs executives testifying before a Senate panel investigating Goldman's role in the financial crisis and the Securities and Exchange Commission fraud suit against it,Tuesday, April 27, 2010
photo: AP / Richard Drew

San Antonio contractors face an uphill battle to find good employees
Full Article Business Journal
04 Sep 2013

Tricia Lynn Silva Reporter/Project Coordinator- San Antonio Business Journal Email | Twitter | Google+ The construction industry in San Antonio is buzzing once again. Keeping that momentum going, however, could be difficult — as local contractors scramble to find qualified workers to keep up with the demand for new projects....
Carl Hilmar Guenther (Günther), a German immigrant to Texas, constructed his first flour mill near Fredericksburg in 1851. He moved his business to San Antonio in 1859 where he built mills along the San Antonio River.
photo: Creative Commons / Leaflet

5 minutes with Visible Changes founder John McCormack
Full Article Business Journal
04 Sep 2013

Katy Stewart Social Engagement Manager- Houston Business Journal Email | Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+ Visible Changes Inc. CEO and founder John McCormack earned his way to the top with just a high school degree and lots of unconventional education from mentors. However, he encourages his employees' children to go to...
 "1408"   starring  John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, Mary McCormack             (js1)
photo: Dimension Films

Nasdaq Experiences 6-Minute Outage, Trading Not Affected
Full Article Huffington Post
04 Sep 2013

NEW YORK -- The Nasdaq Stock Market says that one of its trading systems had a brief outage, but the problem was resolved and trading was not affected. Nasdaq OMX, the parent company of the Nasdaq Stock Market, says the outage lasted six minutes – from 11:35 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time to 11:41 a.m. The outage occurred in one of Nasdaq's quote... Stock Market
 ** FILE ** A man enters the headquarters of the Nordic bourse operator OMX in Stockholm, Sweden, in this Sept. 19, 2006 file photo. Nasdaq and Borse Dubai said Wednesday Sept. 26, 2007, they raised their bid for Sweden´s OMX exchange by 15 percent
photo: AP Photo/Janerik Henriksson/Scanpix

'Asha' is the new hope for Microsoft
Full Article The Times of India
04 Sep 2013

BANGALORE: Microsoft-Nokia may never reach the market share highs that Nokia saw in India-it was 56% in 2008-but the merged entity stands a good chance of arresting the fall (the share is now down to 27%) and making gains in the mid and upper segments of the mobile phone market. Most analysts don't think Microsoft will bother about the low-end of...
Mr. Kislay Kumar, Regional General Manager (East), Nokia India along with City Model Sonika Chauhan display the New Nokia Asha 501 smartphone at Kolkata on Wednesday 17 July 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Milk prices slowly moving upward
Full Article Business Journal
04 Sep 2013

Staff The Business Journal Milk prices in Wisconsin are expected to rise a bit in August compared with last year, but not as much as the jump state farmers saw in July. Read More at Wisconsin Ag Connection Related links: Madison, Agriculture < Older posts Comments If you are commenting using a Facebook account, your profile information may be...
Milk in a mug - healthy food
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

Syria Intervention: The Beginning End of The American Empire
Syria Intervention: The Beginning End of The American Empire
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:13
  • Updated: 04 Sep 2013
NSA whistleblower Wayne Madsen joins the show to discuss these recent developments in Syria. Stay in the know - Follow Alex on Twitter: 'Like' Alex on FACEBOOK - [[START GETTING HEALTHY NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE]] **Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 is the most advanced multi-vitamin mineral complex to date. [[INFOWARS THE MAGAZINE - AUGUST ISSUE]] [[DONATE TO ALEX JONES]] $5 or $10 A week. WE NEED YOU! [[PREPAREDNESS PRODUCTS]] NEW ITEMS** **EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SURVIVE THE COLLAPSE** [[HUGE LIST OF DVDS AT INFOWARS STORE] [[INFOWARS GEAR]] [[CLEARANCE ITEMS]] - Get Them Before They're Gone!
  • published: 04 Sep 2013
  • views: 12286

Ariel Castro found dead hanging in his cell - Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro dies prison 9/3/2013
Ariel Castro found dead hanging in his cell - Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro dies prison 9/3/2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:34
  • Updated: 04 Sep 2013
Ariel castro dead ariel castro suicide in jail Convicted Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro was found dead ariel castro suicide in prison jail hanging castro breaking news Tuesday inside his cell at the Correction Reception Center in Orient, Ohio, according to corrections officials. Ariel Castro who was sentenced to life plus 1,000 years for kidnapping, raping and holding captive three women was found hanging in his prison cell, ariel castro dead die died in jail ohio corrections officials say Ariel Castro who held three women captive in his home for nearly a decade has committed suicide at a state prison facility. Spokeswoman JoEllen Smith says 53-year-old Castro was found hanging in his cell around 9:20 p.m. Tuesday at the Correctional Reception Center in Orient. Prison medical staff performed CPR before Castro was transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. authorities said told CNN affiliate WOIO. ariel castro dead die died in jail Officials found Castro hanging in his cell at the Correctional Reception Center in Orient, Ohio, about 9:20 p.m. He was taken to The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center where he was pronounced dead at 10:52 p.m. Castro was not a part of the general prison population, officials said. In handing down a sentence last month, Judge Michael Russo told the kidnapper there was no place in the world for his brand of criminal. Castro pleaded guilty to 937 counts, including murder and kidnapping, in exchange for the death penalty being taken off the table. The charges stem from his kidnapping, rape and assault of three women: Knight, abducted in 2002; Georgina DeJesus, abducted in 2004; and Amanda Berry; abducted in 2003. Castro is the father of Berry's 6-year-old girl, DNA tests confirmed. All three women kept diaries with Castro's permission, providing many of the details of their abuse. "I cried every night. I was so alone. I worried what would happen to me and the other girls every day," Knight, 32, said, as she addressed her abductor head-on during his sentencing. "I will live on. You will die a little every day." In each case, Castro lured the women into his car with the promise of a ride, according to court documents. The women and girl were freed in May after Berry shouted for help while Castro was away.
  • published: 04 Sep 2013
  • views: 4209

Brazil: Glenn Greenwald slams US media, shares tips to avoid NSA
Brazil: Glenn Greenwald slams US media, shares tips to avoid NSA
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:24
  • Updated: 17 Jul 2013
Journalist Glenn Greenwald discussed US surveillance, how to avoid it and how journalists are complicit in the crackdown against truth, during an interview with Ruptly in Brasilia, on Wednesday. Greenwald, known for his methodical approach, declined to answer our more salacious questions. Instead, he used the platform to discuss his approach to the internet in light of the NSA revelations, and how he views the response of US journalists to Edward Snowden's leaks to the UK's Guardian newspaper - for whom Greenwald works. Instead of holding power to account, many US journalists are simply mouthpieces for the American government, Greenwald stressed. "You would think journalists would naturally cheer for and be supportive of what he (Snowden) has done and instead what you have is the exact opposite, journalists have been most vicious, aggressive about condemning him, calling him a criminal, demanding his arrest, even demanding the arrest of other journalists such as myself and the people I work with for reporting these stories," he stated. "I think what this shows is that a lot of American media are not really engaged in the product of journalism, at least as I understand it, but are really spokespeople for political power. They are just spokespeople for the US government posing as journalists," he added. Greenwald discussed how the US government might crack down on whistleblowers and the journalists who report on them, saying: "There's been instances in the past where the Obama administration has flirted pretty closely with trying to criminalise not just whistleblowers but also the journalists who report on their leaks, so there is certainly reason to think about what the US government might want to do in terms of punishing us and me specifically for the journalism we're doing, but that's not anything that's going to constrain me or deter me or intimidate me in any way. We're going to continue to report as we've been doing." The Guardian journalist also expanded on ways internet users can avoid the NSA's dragnet spying programmes, saying: "There's a lot of really important measures that somebody who wants to protect their communications from unwanted surveillance should take. Using encryption, email encryption is a really important way, or you can install PGP encryption technology, you can talk to people online using only what's called OTR getting a Java account and then speaking using OTR in pidgin. These are common ways to make sure that your online communications are encrypted." He added: "If you are working with sensitive documents you just need to make sure that you use a laptop that never connects to the internet, that's an airgap that's called, to make sure nobody can remotely access your computer and see what documents you are working on." Greenwald also stressed that more revelations concerning the NSA's operations are in the pipeline, saying: "We want to continue to shine a light on what the NSA is doing and there are definitely lots of programmes that we are going to write about and report on that aren't yet known but that are at least as significant as the ones we have already reported." Edward Snowden has been trapped in the transit zone of Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport for more than three weeks after authorities in Hong Kong allowed him to travel to the Russian capital. The US whistleblower has applied for temporary asylum in Russia.
  • published: 17 Jul 2013
  • views: 732,_shares_tips_to_avoid_NSA

Syria - President Obama Meets with Members of Congress
Syria - President Obama Meets with Members of Congress
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:39
  • Updated: 04 Sep 2013
Syria 2013 - President Obama issued a statement to the press before a meeting with members of Congress about the use of chemical weapons situation in Syria.
  • published: 04 Sep 2013
  • views: 170

Did John Kerry Orchestrate The Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria?
Did John Kerry Orchestrate The Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 36:28
  • Updated: 27 Aug 2013
Sec. State Kerry Prepares WMD Pretext Ahead of Syria Attack Once again the US invokes false flag attacks and outright lies to stoke the flames of war. John
  • published: 27 Aug 2013
  • views: 6285

Israel & US joint missile test in Mediterranean sparks Syria strike alarm
Israel & US joint missile test in Mediterranean sparks Syria strike alarm
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:43
  • Updated: 03 Sep 2013
Russia's early warning radars detected the launch of two ballistic rockets in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, Russia's Defense Ministry stated. Israel later claimed responsibility for firing the target test rockets - READ MORE RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 03 Sep 2013
  • views: 39186

President Obama Speaks on Syria
President Obama Speaks on Syria
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:05
  • Updated: 31 Aug 2013
President Obama speaks on the situation in Syria from the White House Rose Garden. August 31, 2013.
  • published: 31 Aug 2013
  • views: 220325

Fukushima Emergency: Plant leaks 300 tons of radioactive water daily
Fukushima Emergency: Plant leaks 300 tons of radioactive water daily
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:39
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013
The Japanese Prime Minister has ordered the government to step in and help contain ongoing radiation leaks from the Fukushima power plant. Tepco - the company that runs the facility that was crippled in the 2011 tsunami and earthquake - has been unable to prevent contaminated groundwater from breaching a barrier and pouring into the ocean. Nuclear energy expert Malcolm Grimston joins RT to discuss this. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 07 Aug 2013
  • views: 19692

UN: Syrian refugee numbers cross two million
UN: Syrian refugee numbers cross two million
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:33
  • Updated: 03 Sep 2013
More than two million Syrians have now fled their war-ravaged country, according to the UN refugee agency, marking the nearly 10-fold increase from a year ago. In addition to the two million Syrians living as refugees, another 4.25 million people have been displaced within the country since the conflict began in March 2011, UN figures show. Al Jazeera's Nisreen El-Shamayleh reports from Zaatari camp in Jordan
  • published: 03 Sep 2013
  • views: 3739

BBC News - Syria divides opinion in France
BBC News - Syria divides opinion in France
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:23
  • Updated: 04 Sep 2013
Members of the French parliament will debate President Francois Hollande's determination to take part in military action against Syria. He says the use of chemical weapons must not go unpunished. French MPs will not vote on the issue though - constitutionally the President does not need their agreement. But, as Europe Correspondent Chris Morris reports from Paris, Syria is dividing opinion.
  • published: 04 Sep 2013
  • views: 0

President Obama Speaks on Syria
President Obama Speaks on Syria
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:05
  • Updated: 31 Aug 2013
President Obama speaks on the situation in Syria from the White House Rose Garden. August 31, 2013.
  • published: 31 Aug 2013
  • views: 220325

NSA Surveillance Techniques 'Require Imposing Extraordinary Trust in Executive Branch' 'This Week'
NSA Surveillance Techniques 'Require Imposing Extraordinary Trust in Executive Branch' 'This Week'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:30
  • Updated: 09 Jun 2013
George Will, Matthew Dowd, Paul Krugman, Greta Van Susteren, and Rep. Keith Ellison.
  • published: 09 Jun 2013
  • views: 14800'Require_Imposing_Extraordinary_Trust_in_Executive_Branch'_'This_Week'

UN: Sarin used in Syria chemical attack
UN: Sarin used in Syria chemical attack
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:34
  • Updated: 03 Sep 2013
United Nations weapons inspectors say samples from victims confirm Syria used sarin in a chemical attack on civilians. More from CNN at
  • published: 03 Sep 2013
  • views: 29511

Egypt to Put Ousted President Morsi on Trial
Egypt to Put Ousted President Morsi on Trial
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:50
  • Updated: 02 Sep 2013
Egypt's top prosecutor has referred ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi to trial. He's accused of inciting his supporters to kill his opponents while he was in office. (Sept. 2)
  • published: 02 Sep 2013
  • views: 1438

'I didn't join Navy to fight for Al-Qaeda': US servicemen against Syria strike
'I didn't join Navy to fight for Al-Qaeda': US servicemen against Syria strike
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:13
  • Updated: 03 Sep 2013
Images have emerged on social media purporting to show U.S. servicemen speaking out against a looming strike against Damascus. People wearing military uniform are seen posing in front of cameras with posters saying they did not join-up to fight with al-Qaeda in Syria. Those pictures cannot be verified but the Pentagon is reportedly already looking into the identities of those involved. RT speaks to Gordon Duff, a marine veteran and the editor of the independent news website Veterans Today. READ MORE: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 03 Sep 2013
  • views: 26352'I_didn't_join_Navy_to_fight_for_Al-Qaeda'_US_servicemen_against_Syria_strike

Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff arrives to meet members of Brazil's soccer team at Alvorada palace in Brasilia, Brazil, Monday, Sept. 2, 2013. The Brazilian government condemned a U.S. spy program that reportedly targeted the nation's leader, labeled it an "unacceptable invasion" of sovereignty and called Monday for international regulations to protect citizens and governments alike from cyber espionage. AC Milan forward Mario Balotelli, third from right, celebrates with his teammates forward Mbaye Niang, of France, and Mattia De Sciglio, right, after scoring during the Serie A soccer match between AC Milan and Palermo at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Sunday, March 17, 2013. The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh at the Plenary Session of the Fifth BRICS Summit, at Durban, South Africa on March 27, 2013. Apples in a plastic bag - fruit - healthy food

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang reacts at the end of a press conference after the signing ceremony of several agreements between Switzerland and China, in Kehrsatz near Bern, Switzerland, Friday, May 24, 2013. A man walks past the electronic stock board showing Japan's benchmark Nikkei 225 index, at a securities firm in Tokyo, Japan, Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011. Asian stocks slumped for a third day Wednesday, as fears intensified that Greece might reject an austerity plan and default on its massive debts. (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye) Rice - food grain - staple food of India - food security law Mother and child - relationship

Protesters formed a human chain to protest against the national government headed by Ali Laareidh in Tunis, Saturday, Aug. 31, 2013. Oussama Assaidi ** ADVANCE FOR SUNDAY, JAN. 11 ** Traditional gold miners use a high-pressure water jet to blast through the soil at a mine in Hampalit, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, Thursday, April 24, 2008. With the price of gold tripling since 2001, tens of thousands of remote mining sites have sprung up mostly in Asia, Latin America and Africa. (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara)hg3 ** NO ONLN ** NO IONLN ** File -  Nelson Mandela (left), President of South Africa, enters General Assembly Hall to address its fifty - third session. At his side is United Nations Chief of Protocol, Nadia Younes, 21 September, 1998.

 Marina Silva FC Barcelona's Lionel Messi from Argentina, in action during a Spanish La Liga soccer match against Granada at Los Carmenes stadium in Granada, Spain, Saturday, Feb. 16, 2013. Coffee plantation - agriculture - Karnataka, India  Employees of Samsung Electronics Co. walk by their company logo at the headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co. in Seoul Friday, Jan. 14, 2005. Samsung Electronics Co. said Friday its net profit topped US$10 billion last year, reaching a new landmark in i

A Syrian tank is seen in Idlib, Syria, Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012. President Barack Obama looks up during the signing of the New START Treaty, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2011. Standing, from left are, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., and the committee's ranking Republican Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind. Palestinians wait near their luggage at the Rafah border terminal in the southern Gaza Strip before crossing into neighbouring Egypt on August 24, 2013. A week after Cairo closed down the passage that bypasses Israel it reopened today for four hours daily, for humanitarian cases and Palestinians with foreign nationalities. Photo by Ahmed Deeb / WN Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heads the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem

Liberal Party leader Tony Abbott arrives to address a crowd of supporters in Sydney, Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010, following a national election. Pakistan's batsman Umar Akmal leaves the field, after being dismissed by New Zealand's bowler Ian Butler, unseen, for 55 runs, during their semi-final of the Champions Trophy cricket match at the Wanderers stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa, Saturday Oct. 3, 2009. Keira Knightley, a cast member in "Anna Karenina," poses for a photographer at the premiere of the film at The Arclight Hollywood, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP) Vitamin Capsules  -  Food Supplement

Princess Diana is the deceased celebrity many Americans would want to bring back to life while most men would prefer to die before their spouses, according to a new survey about...
The New York Times
The rising tide of high-end bartending is lifting every type of spirit, but whiskey seems to be riding a slightly higher crest. A quick scan of the names of New York’s new and...
Huffington Post
Americans remain widely opposed to U.S. military airstrikes in Syria, two new polls show, with voters skeptical of President Barack Obama's case for intervention. In a Pew Research...

Secretary of State John Kerry testifies before the Senate with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey at the Senate Hart Office Building in Washington D.C. Sept. 3, 2013. Kerry and Dempsey testified to the Senate on the upcoming decision by congress for U.S. Military intervention in Syria. Photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo (Released)
Secretary of State John Kerry says that when chemical weapons were used in Syria last spring, President Obama did not have a "compelling" enough case to push for a U.S. military response. Testifying to the House Foreign Affairs Committee today, Kerry...
photo: US DoD / A. Kirk-Cuomo
A Malian soldier walks in the street as Malian troops work with French forces to battle radical Islamic rebels in Gao, Mali, Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013.
Mali’s newly sworn in leader Ibrahim Boubacar Keita pledged on Wednesday (03.09.2013) to unite the deeply divided West African nation. Keita's inauguration marks a return to civilian rule following a coup in March, 2012. ‘IBK’ as he is popularly...
photo: AP
A man inspects the aftermath of a car bomb attack at the Karrada neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2013.
BAGHDAD (AP) — Bombings and shootings targeting security forces across Iraq killed at least 12 people Wednesday, officials said, as authorities found the bodies of 16 people killed in an attack overnight on two Shiite families south of Baghdad. The...
photo: AP / Hadi Mizban
Egypt's chief justice Adly Mansour, center, is applauded by by chiefs of the constitutional court after he is sworn in as the nation's interim president Thursday, July 4, 2013. The chief justice of Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court was sworn in Thursday as the nation's interim president, taking over hours after the military ousted the Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.
CAIRO - Egypt's interim president Adly Mansour on Tuesday vowed his government will stick to a timetable for elections next year and hoped to lift a state of emergency in mid-September. Mansour, in his first television interview since the military...
photo: AP / Amr Nabil
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during an interview with John Daniszewski, the Associated Press's Senior Managing Editor for International News during an AP interview at Putin's Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013.
Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, has warned the US against taking one-sided action in Syria, but has also said that Russia "doesn't exclude" the possibility of supporting a UN resolution authorising military strikes. He says that such an...
photo: AP / Alexander Zemlianichenko
Tokyo Tower at night
TOKYO — A strong earthquake has shaken the Tokyo area and eastern Japan, though no injuries or damage was immediately reported. The Japan Meteorological Agency said the quake early Wednesday registered a magnitude of 6.9 but was centered offshore...
photo: Creative Commons / 自身で撮影
Soldiers hold a candle light vigil at Fort Hood, Texas, Friday, Nov. 6, 2009. Authorities said Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan shot and killed 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas on Thursday.
FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan. — The Army psychiatrist sentenced to death for the Fort Hood shooting rampage has been forcibly shaved. Maj. Nidal Hasan began growing a beard in the years after the November 2009 shooting that left 13 dead and 30 wounded. The...
photo: AP / LM Otero