Today, medical science recognizes
That some folks aren't helped by relaxing exercises
In cases of difficult tension and nervous apprehension
Doctors are now prescribing medicine
It makes those who fear they're about to quit
Feel like they're ready to begin
Bidding their darkened spirits goodbye
Riposa sul petto di una morbida compagna
crine di viola eletta dolceridente Saffo
posero intorno al petto fiori di loto ed intrecci di collane
io sono vecchio, ascoltami, sei bella
con quei capelli lunghi e quella veste d'oro
hai cosi' vaga l'anima
voce di cigno sul fluire ondoso dello Xanto
incoronata lei da quei capelli biondi,
The universal had your presence
splitting the archetype
into a mask
with your own features
it was me
who was erecting the statue
of epidermic marbles
in symbiotic catharsis
Oh, mylord, you never returned
I was waiting for you my love
You told me to see
the scarlet leaves, the scarlet leaves
when they had fallen on the earth
you would have returned
you would have returned
Oh mylord, now I'm laying on the ground
I'm still waiting for you, my love
Oh mylord, now I'm laying on the cold ground
and I'm still waiting for you, my love
Now I fell the scarlet leaves
flying over me, flying over me
please, please, come to me
and spread my ashes among scarlet leaves
I would like to flutter with them
I would like to have wings
I would like to feel breeze and air
I would like to be wind
Seasons have passed and I'm still alone
in the breeze in the snow, my love
With the eyes of my soul
I will nevermore
see scarlet leaves
the feeble eyes of my soul
now they are closed
I will never return
Oh, mylord, now that you've returned
Satis vixi sine causa
acta est fabula
omnia sub leges mors vocat atra suas
ad perpetuam rei memoriam
mors acerba aut mori in tormentis
morsi sibi consiscere
mors ultima ratio
animus ad corpore se abstrahit
Omnia orta occidunt aequo pulsat
Pede moriendum certum est
Abscondo Sacra In Memoria
Et Purpurea In Tremore Pervigil
"Hei, Viator" Inquam "Dignabere?"
Always rock me, always rock me on the rocking chair of dreams
you embroider with silvery sugar and starch that shine on the skin-moon
thousands thousands pink butterflies are flying
if you stare at me I see silk confetti raining like umbrellas
always rock me on the rocking chair of dreams
you embroider with silvery sugar and starch
I'm a free spiral-winged butterfly that lies only on your breast
how I love your perfect figure, the sublime harmony of your shape
c'est encore la nuit des prodigues violons
dans le clapotis de la mer eternelle,
en reversant un paturage etoile d'ou s'enfuirent
les anemos
...s'en va avec l'eau ta main
a refaire lit de noces la mer
parle avec quatrecents roses ta bouche
c'est encore la nuit des prodigues violons
dans les moulins demidelabres
tu parlais avec une sorciere en secret
dans la poitrine tu cachais une grace qui etait
propre la lune
le jardin entrait dans la mer
oillet profonde, promontoire
parle avec quatrecents rose ta bouche
Avec la mer je me suis
fait un cercueil de fraicheur.
Give me a nest of morbid existence
ancient, green nest of morbid existence
emerald velvet nest
ancient green nest of morbid existence
berry fern nest more blazes in colours
and lashes of indigo blue...
ancient green nest of morbid existence
Riposa sul petto di una morbida compagna
crine di viola eletta dolceridente Saffo
posero intorno al petto fiori di loto ed intrecci di collane
io sono vecchio, ascoltami, sei bella
con quei capelli lunghi e quella veste d'oro
hai cosi' vaga l'anima
voce di cigno sul fluire ondoso dello Xanto
incoronata lei da quei capelli biondi,
Horresco referens
Sed semel in anno
Licet insanire nitimur in
Vetitur semper
Cupimusque negata, sed si
Vis me flere flendum est
Primum ipsi tibi,
Nosce te ipsum in cauda venenum.
[In the opera's vaults]
O tempora
per corpora vacantia
fracta subagit iam lux et palude
De brama aurora fingitur!
Ut nitens cunctas vitas
adversum rabidos exhuriat
fures flammulae.
Iste mundus furibundus
falsa praestat gaudia
quia fluunt et decurrunt
ceu campi lilia
laus mondana vita vana
vera tollit praemia
nam impellit et submergit
anima in tartara
lex carnalis et mortalis
valde transitoria
fugit transit velut umbra
quae non est corporea
dimitemus et perdemus
quasi quaercus folia
fugiamus condemnamus
vius vitae dulcia
depredamus in futuro
praetiosa munera
ut cum iustis et electis
in caelesti gloria
gratulari mereamur per aeterna secula
Ti prego, metti la tunica bianchissima e vieni a me
Davanti : intorno a te vola desiderio d'amore.
Astimelusa nulla mi risponde, ma con la sua corona
Pare pare un germoglio d'oro, una morbida piuma
Ti porgo questa corona d'elicriso, mirti, rose,
Tenere fronde, alloro e una collana d'oro
Ti prego, metti la tunica bianchissima e vieni a me
Davanti, tra viole, pomi e alcioni dalle lunghe ali
Astimelusa nulla mi risponde e guarda tra ciglia
Azzurre con quegli occhi struggenti, occhilucente
Pare una stella figlia del cielo e della chiara luna,
Ti crebbro fra petali di rosa ed alghe porporine
Ti prego, metti la tunica bianchissima e vieni a me
Davanti, a fior dell'onda, cangiante come il mare
Astimelusa nulla mi risponde, screziati manti e veli
E fibbie ella si scioglie e non ha tremiti
Ho parlato in sogno a te Afrodite, piena splendeva
La luna, ora l'amata cetra tocco e canto amore.
Your hands and my words trace circles,
Lines, volutes, assonances,
Fragrances of sonorous abstractions
Atmospheric nuances,
Tenuous impalpable motions of spinging chords;
Cerulean, overseas-blues hover and twist
In floating constellations
"We open the dance like unusual
Comedians or sylvestrian
Contemplatio, pulcritudo, voluptas, conjunctio
Contemplation, grace, sensual pleasure, union
Desire, destiny, existence, equilibrium
Azure ideal, spirit
Mysteries, music, birth,
Ocean, oxigene, space
"Modulo incanti
E incanti io so dire
Vibrando primavera di capelli
Melodiosa piu di un arpa d'oro,
Piu dell'oro,
Parlami cetra divina,
Trova la voce!
...e tu, si tu Calliope,
Flauto dolcenota,
Piu d'ogni cosa aleggi..."
Nostra Damus cum falsa
Damus nam fallere
Nostrum est sed cum
Falsa damus nihil
Many and many a year ago
In a kingdom by the sea,
A maiden there lived
By the name of annabell lee.
She lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me,
In this kingdom by the sea
Her name was annabell lee.
All the night - tide,
I lie down her side
Oh my darling - my darling - my bride
My life and my bride
All the night - tide
In her sepulchre there by the sea
In her tomb by the sounding sea
I lie down by her side
All the night - tide
Oh my darling my darling - my bride
Her high-born kinsmen came
And bore her away from me
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.
Neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful annabell lee.
[To The Bal Masque]
Nero e a me a fronte assio
Magneti strappato m'avete dagli occhi
Corvine chiome a,e fronte assia
L'absence eternelle,
L'insolite mystere,
Ritual, le froid avec
Ses silences de faux,
Mille sepulcres pour dispuatre,
Aigues Mortes, Aigues Mortes.
Solitude sterile des doleurs, defiles
Nocturnes et triste j'erre, vide
Nenie et je meurs, mille sepulcres
Pour dispuatre, Aigues Mortes,
"They became proud and defiant
- We are the kings, we are the Gods - they said,
They took beautiful wifes,
They erected temples to the human body,
They built immense towns with precious marbles and adored them.
...So the third eye stopped seeing...
The first massive waters came
And swallowed the seven big islands.
A few remained, some yellow, some brown,
Some red remained,
The moon-like coloured ones
Had disappeared for ever."
[extract from M. Blavatsky's"The Book of Dzyan"]
Tide, distance,.. sailing, where?
Fading, raising, flying, submerging
When the moon sang on the april chair you were a face to paint tulips
Grey steps, eyes on the walls, red-green women
Perched cats, in your world of arcanum and usual
You took me by hand to the white ancient taste of childhood
Brightness, knowledge, research, wisdom
Transparent, pure, sacred, sacred
Asking... vision, revealing... meaning
[Is it the Phantom]
Consequor hoc
Ut ne nec timeas nec ames!
Quid concupisquam ergo?
Basia dum nolo nisi quae luctania carpsi et palcet
Ira mihi tua faces.
"I don't mind the harmony of waters
I'm looking nothing but dissonances
Something more than perfection
Crossing the narrow arch
That I know"
[passage from S. Quasimodo]
Even today
We found a treasure
We found the masks
But nothing of what was found here
Will be sent-away
Or fall in wrong hands
Bois Bois de la connaissance
Tu n'dois pas t'arreter
Bois Bois de la connaissance
Tu n'dois pas reculer
Tu peux toucher la terre
ca pourra te donner de la puissance
Tu peux flotter dans la mer
et trouver le sens de tes sens
Bois Bois de la connaissance
Tu n'dois pas t'arreter
Bois Bois de la connaissance
Tu n'dois pas reculer
Tu peux traverser le feu
ca pourra te donner de la sagesse
Tu peux flotter dans l'air
Flakes of lights
Flakes of voices
Wherever pirouetted
Like a primigenial chaos
Like a futurist site
Gushing rainbows
Gushing darkness
Evaporated we...
Ethereal we...
In the glass dome
Flakes of light
While clementines and lemons
In the sharp teeth
Abscondo Sacra In Memoria
Et Purpurea In Tremore Pervigil
"Hei, Viator" Inquam "Dignabere?"
It was midnight
The midnight tolling
It was midnight
October Thursday
It was Nineteen Nineeteentwentyeight
It was a male or rather a female
He came and the Autumn leaves were falling
In stillness, silvery stillness
He had a savage name
And the steel shining blue
He had a hoarse laughing
In a silvery pool
A fleshing vassel in the sun
From the Southern Seas
A ghostly wandering alone
In undistinguished seas
The torches, the flames and the shadows
The wind, it's moaning and the dazzling lights
He came, the wind...
Dieu des recifs, vieux de la mer,
Souverian des vagues,
Toi qui mouilles les ames en les
Allument de blanc nacre.
Dieu des recifs, vieux de la mer,
Souverain des vagues
Toi qui les fais germer comme de coraux
D'obsidienne de mille reflets.
En infinis ruisseaux nous retournons terre,
Thymos, nos essences, tes intimes soeurs,
Oubli d'immaculee candide nuit nuptiale
Eres passees impalpables
Dans les blancs draps comme la nuit blanche
Nous levons sonnanbules d'indefinite
La vede, la sente, la tocca
Questa notte
La scorge, l'ammalia, la sfiora
Questa notte
Perche questa notte il plenilunio la domina
Perche questa notte
Le carni l'abbandonan
La trova, l'inebria, l'incanta
Questa notte
L'incalza, l'innalza, la trasfigura
Questa notte
Perche questa notte il plenilunio la domina
Perche questa notte
Le carni l'abbandonan
L'attrae, l'illumina, l'empie di se
Questa notte
La turba, la svela, la sublima
Questa notte
Perche questa notte il plenilunio la domina
Perche questa notte
Le carni l'abbandonan
La vede, la sente, la tocca
hyerogliphic omens
I feel
in the opal sphere
I feel
Where do you bring me to die, honey hands...
where do you bring me to die..?
of perceptions
with the fountain-pen end
on the heart
with the fountain-pen end
where do you bring me to die, honey hands...
where do you bring me to die..?
Your frame
yeld to the pain
in your bowels
silent sons we are
in your moving urn
in your moving urn
where do you bring me to die, honey hands...
where do you bring me to die..?
absence, distance, loss...
solitude, lack, sleep...
"...the first one was moon-like coloured,
the second was gold-like yellow,
the third red, the fourth brown,
the first seven buds were all of the same colour,
the following ones began mixing."
I ran away from the black church on fire
golden and silver trees falling on me
their leaves just like tears of mercy
I reached the lake whose waters changed into ice
they tried to bury me
as a violet light
took me
a wild scream skinned inside
I looked around, myriads myriads of mirrows
all my images went out of their glass
showing me their hands a red cross stamped with
I was the victim of a sacrifice
they tried to bury me
as a violet light
took me
Nihil effugium
rota torturae se circumagit
cum lamina acuta
culpas ab corpore
et sibi eius torquem facit
Spiritus mendaci
Spiritus ad vindictam
Spiritus insanus
Spiritus insanus
Spiritus mendaci
Spiritus ad vindictam
Spiritus insanus
in an ivory pyramid
sudden I penetrate
your roseate welcome
Shake of mahogany your skin
dives me back
in the round of senses
I'm waiting
to free the chaos
magma in fire
that your artist hands
[Apollo' s lyre]
Les filles du soleil ont les clefs portes celestes,
de l'outretombe,du people des reves,
dans les solstices,comme dards de feu,
deux voilieurs levent l'ancre,la lune c'est le bateau...
Les filles du soleil ont les clefs des portes celestes
de l'autrecombe,du people des reves.
dans les solstices,elles ouvrent les battants
june was tender
you can still see her
swinging in the moon-scythe
like spirits or ghosts
that nobody sees
that nobody believes in
june was tender
you can still see her
if the red-skin had been of flesh
he wouldn't have spent so many years
listening to june in the waves
if the red-skin had been of flesh
he wouldn't have spent so many years
listening to the voice that there wasn't
june would like to be
under the earth
like a beautiful stone-hand
white open
with the streched palm
on wich falling asleep
or at least
[The Enchanted Violin]
Par espaces immobiles,lointain.
Ames lumineuses sont transportees
Avec rythme cadence
A la derniere demeure,
Strange acorns of goose-grey laurel
brushwoods, branches and insects
laying down the border of the brothchannel
beside the eyes
an asphalted emerald hill
studded of intermittent lights
fire-flies and syrens
sea-urchins and fire-flies
fire-flies and wagons
hedgehogs and fire-flies
but whirls,
the funeral umbrella
of your gowns,
my dear, my dearest
my dear, my dearest
Nichts mehr halt, nicht mehr halt.
Er ist so mude geworden, da? er nichts mehr halt
Nichts mehr halt seinen Blick auf d'e
Stabe und keine Welt hinter den Staben keine Welt.
Sie Blick ist vorubergehen der Stabe so mude geworden,
Da? er nichts mehr halt.
Ihm ist, als ob es tausend Stabe keine Welt.
Ich aber schwanke fort oben.
Es ist leider kein Tod, sondern die ewigen Qualen des Sterbens.
Der Tod geht uns nichts an,
Denn solange wir sind, ist der Tod nicht da;
Und wenn er einmal da ist,
No rays from the holy heaven come down
on the long night time of that town
But light from out the lurid sea
streams up the turrets silently
Gleams up the pinnacles far and free
Gleams up the pinnacles far and free
Up domes - up spires - up kingly halls
Up fanes - up Babylon - like walls
up shadowy long-forgotten bowers
up sculptured ivy and stone flowers
up shadowy long-forgotten bowers
up sculptured ivy and stone flowers
up many and many a marvellous shrine
whose wreathed friezes interwine
the viol, the violet and the vine
the viol, the violet and the vine
Je te donne mes jeux parce-que je
Sais que tu t'en prendras bien soin.
Descends comme un dieu entre
Mes bras et acueille-moi toujours acueilli,
Eleve-moi tant de faire de moi et toi une guirlande
Des sens imbibee,
Is it to die my night ?
Tonight I dreamt a plan streaked of freshness,
today, I lied in a water urn and like a relic I rested.
Is it to die my night ?
The endless time consumes me like a rustle.
When night vanishes, a gloomy weep colour and we remain, just carried away.
Now that's night my life seems to be a corolla of darkness.
Is it to die my night ?
The marble kiss is on my lips, just carried away...
When I find a word in this silence of mine, it's dug in my life as an abyss.
This sadness of returns had stolen my sleep.
Is it to die my night ?
I bow my head
stoning pearls
like enamel marbles
becoming unstrung
one by one
like verdigris wounds
of my boldness necklace
sunk wreckages
the only hold of instants
till the core bit
Rose dans les tenebres,
Rose saignante et pale,
Tu es la force du silence,
Mort le seul basier,
Je vais voir l'ombre, mon ombre
Saignante et pale,
Tu es la force du silence
Non ignara mali homo homini lupus,
Diligite iustitiam qui iundicatis terram.
"Quis, quid ubi, cur, quomodo quando?"
"Quis, quid ubi, quibus auxiliis?"
"Nec me pudet fateri nescire quid nesciam."
Tempus est jocundum, o virgines
modo cum gaudete vos juvenes!
Oh, Oh, totus floreo!
Iam amore virginali totus ardeo!
Novus, Novus amor est quo pereo!
Canta Philumena sic dulciter
et modulans auditur itus caleo
Oh, Oh, totus floreo!
Iam amore virginali totus ardeo!
Novus, Novus amor est quo pereo!
Flos et puellarum quam diligo
et rosa rosarum quam sepe videor
Oh, Oh, totus floreo!
Iam amore virginali totus ardeo!
Novus, Novus amor est quo pereo!
Mea me confortat promissio
mea me deportat negatio
Oh, Oh, totus floreo!
Iam amore virginali totus ardeo!
Novus, Novus amor est quo pereo!
Sine Philumena pro tempore
surge cantilena de pectore
Oh, Oh, totus floreo!
Iam amore virginali totus ardeo!
Novus, Novus amor est quo pereo!
Tempore brumali vir patients
animo vernali lasciviens
Oh, Oh, totus floreo!
Iam amore virginali totus ardeo!
Novus, Novus amor est quo pereo!
Mea mecum ludit virginitas
mea me detrudit simplicitas
Oh, Oh, totus floreo!
Iam amore virginali totus ardeo!
Novus, Novus amor est quo pereo!
Veni domicella cum gaudio
veni veni pulchra iam pereo
Oh, Oh, totus floreo!
Iam amore virginali totus ardeo!
Novus, Novus amor est quo pereo!
Fog weaves
anthills of steps
in plushy labyrinths
of swallowed palaces
...swings of desire are looking for the sea...
Litanies and Laments
in the mazes dance
Litanies and Laments
in the mazes dance
Fog is moving
to disguise snakes
the Truth answers
a sugar garden
...swings of desire are looking for the sea...
Litanies and Laments
sacra eiecisti tanquam lapillos
in lacum, ad flores, ad fabulas
cum pervolavat cupiditas
totam oram cordis
totam oram cordis
deos, ad deos, medusas
versa glaucas
far, nefas, borealia oscula
et laetitiae verbera
pistor misce
dum epicis crepundis coelum
totum vincam lubricum
deos ad deos medusas
versa glauca
versa glauca
sacra eiecisti tanquam lapillos
in lacum, ad flores, ad fabulas
cum pervolavat cupiditas
totam oram cordis
deos, ad deos medusas
Sempervirens panica rosa
obliquitans luces mortisque me invenit
fui parva sparsa beluilla nanciscor sub mucillagine
cupiens aliquot deos,
praeter omnes cerere, Pan et Cibelem
"Hei, viator" inquam "dignabere ?"
"Hei, dignabere ?"
Abscondo sacra in memoria et purpurea in tremore pervigil
"Hei viator, dignabere ?" les longs corbillards,
sans tambours ni musique,
defilent lentement
dans mon ame.
A los largos entierros
Sin tambores ni la musica
Desfilan lentamente
En mi alma
En mi alma
lubna erre vague bleu comme sa maison
elle scrute
les pupilles comme des pieces de monnaie jettees
au fond en desirs,
lubna reve de pouvoir se dissoudre
entre un amalgame blanc
lubna tu es poesie d'obscurite
ainsi je m'asseois dans ton bord
jusque tu te calmes et moi,
je me transforme en balancoire
de bambou
dans les oliviers
"The azure thrones remain vacant.
Who can assume the plant
with the golden-like stem
and the azure bloom?
Who can take his seat
on the thrones of grace and wisdom?"
lass dir eingehen und vernimm
das leben ist um des sterbens willen geschaffen
gabe es kein leben wir waren nicht
du weisst nicht wie du de in leid aus dem herzen reissen sollst
freude und furcht kurzen leid und hoffnung verlangern die zeit
nach freude trusbal, nach liebe leid muss hier auf erden folgen
jeder mensch ist dem tode sein leben,
den leib der erde, die seele uns zu geben verpflichtet
[Cronique a la suite du roman de Favel]
Li Frere, Li Mestre du Temple
Qu'estoient rempli et ample
D'or et d'argent et de richesse
Et qui menoient tel noblesse
[The pink hours of Mazenderan]
Your screams are in my mouth
and fail inside my heads.........
The spirit among the trees,the mask I've never kissed........
I will unhinge the balcony,
leaving against it will tremble and run on the contrary.
Trying to keep back life
I take-off my eyes,
dancing in my shoes,
Dying is an art like everything else
I do it exceptionally well
I do it that it feels like hell
I do it that it seems real
I guess you could say I've a call
It's easy enough to do it in a cell
It's easy enough to do it and stay put
It's theatrical, beware !
Herr God, Herr Lucifer beware !
Out of the ash I'll rise with my black hair
and I'll eat men like air
Out of the ash I'll rise with my black hair
Herr God, Herr Lucifer beware!
Out of the ash I'll rise with my black hair
and I'll eat men like air
Out of the ash I'll rise with my black hair
Herr God, Herr Lucifer beware !
[The New Marguerite]
[cover version of Kate Bush Wuthering Heights]
Follow my steps,cross the glances
I will bring you with me
In the other room,she lays her hands
embraces the courtains
How could you leave me,
When I needed to possess you?
I hated you and I loved you too.
She lays her hands,
She embraces the courtain on the walls,
she's smiling and wandering,wandering wandering
"It's me"
Christine,Christine took heat from ice,so cold,
I needed you,so cold
You,follow me and you will be young forever
You,follow me and you will sing forever
It's me Christine,it's me.
[Original version:]
Ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
ridi, ridi, ridi poiche domani piangerai
Oh bel messere vi rimirate invano
nello specchio mentitore delle vanita
il vostro bel viso pallido e diafano
domani, sol domani il vaiolo sfigurato avra
Ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
ridi, ridi, ridi poiche domani piangerai
Oh dolce madonna, padrona di virtu
da chiunque amata e riverita a volonta
ogni vostro onere ed ogni vostro onore
morendo di parto vi porterete nell'al di la
Ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
ridi, ridi, ridi poiche domani piangerai
Oh nobil signore dalla viril prestanza
oggi fate il computo delle vostre proprieta
castelli, terre, uomini che oggi possedete
domani a ferro e fuoco il nemico mettera
Ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
ridi, ridi, ridi poiche domani piangerai
Leggiadra giovinetta affacciata sulla vita
danzate arie amene e ricevete il baciaman
sguardi furtivi ed attesi amori dimenticate
poiche domani in convento vostro padre vi menera
Ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
ridi, ridi, ridi poiche domani piangerai
Io che son giullare e nulla possiedo
ne terre, ne virtu, ne bellezza e castita
oggi sono vostro umil servitore
domani servitore di chi vi rovinera
Ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
io sono il giullar non temo nemico ne maesta
ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
io sono il giullar non temo nemico ne maesta
[English version:]
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh 'cause tomorrow you'll cry.
Oh fine Sir who admire yourself in vain
in the lying mirror of vanities
your gentle pale and diaphanous face
tomorrow only tomorrow the smallpox disfigured will have.
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh 'cause tomorrow you'll cry.
Oh gentle Lady owner of virtue
by anyone loved and revered as much as you please
each onus and honour of yours
dying in chilbirth you'll take with you in the next world.
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh 'cause tomorrow you'll cry.
Oh noble Lord with a mainly air
today you're making the counting of your own properties
castles, lands, men that today are yours
tomorrow your enemies will put to fire and sword.
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh 'cause tomorrow you'll cry.
Lovely girl facing life
you dance plaisant airs and receive the hand-kissing
furtive glances and awaited loves forget
'cause tomorrow your father will make you become a nun.
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh 'cause tomorrow you'll cry.
Me who I am jester and nothing I own
neither lands nor virtue or beauty or chastity
today I am your humble servant
tomorrow I'll be servant of whom will ruin you.
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
I am the jester I don't fear neither enemy or majesty,
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
Ad inferos vehor extremae laetitiae !
Denique introibo ubi magna arborea radicat umbras.
Rursus limina surrexunt, nondum existescere coepi
sub pace trepidante ignissimae lunae.
Arabesqued damasks,
pillows of liquid and clear eyes
shining intense mirrors
of green silvery recesses,
tangled gardens,
emerald water-works,
old crumbled balaustrades
where ivies and ferns
fresco in the wind
spiritual thrills of bluish-green contrasts.
My liquid and clear eyes
grasp and welcome
the bright run-after
of immanent fountains.
My eyes now and ever
dilute in circles
of yellow-ochre water and flora
and vanish off-shore
brushing surfaces
into threads and fibres
I've unravveled green tangles
with talons dirty of earth
I've pulled up, lacerated,
I've moulded me like mud
I've dug, removed tumuls and roots
I was rooted to the earth
I've modulated me in the deep slow flowing
of the underground seasons
I've taken shape like a shrub dilating my limbs,
I've disentangled from the womb of the earth like
a wild weed
I rise primigenial livid daughter of creation
Au fond des abimes de la falaise
On entend un son de flute dans le fremissement
Des vagues qui se cassent sur le tombeau ou
Flee et Fabian sont enterres dans le guffre_
Flee et Fabian ne sont maintenant
Qu'une legende,
La sort se revolte contre celui qui
Tue et qui est tue,
Flee et Fabian maintenat font
Partie des abimes aui les ont
Enterres dans l'eternite
Oh mio signore, io gli dissi"Signore,
no!, per la dea bendata,
io non ho gusto di grandezze mio signore,
di morir mi punge vaghezza,
veder nella rugiada di loto il fiore
lungo l'Acheronte..."
Oh, mio signor, si fece freddo il cuore
cedere d'ali stremate
Filava Melis, al fuso un filo fine
Filava Melis, al fuso un filo fine
Oh mio signore, io gli dissi"Signore,
no!, per la dea bendata,
io non ho gusto di grandezze mio signore,
di morir mi punge vaghezza,
veder nella rugiada di loto il fiore
lungo l'Acheronte..."
Non c'era ballo, non festa mio signore,
non c'eran neppure boschi...
Filava Melis, al fuso un filo fine
Filava Melis, al fuso un filo fine
[Faust In A Cursed Hall]
Contempler ton visage sous la pale claret
L'astre de la nuit comme une
Nuage,caresse ta beaute
Rien pas une voix ne glisse
A mon oreile un mot consolateur
O silence!O bonheur!Ineffable mystere!
Envivant languer!
L'ecoute et je comprends cette voix solitaire
qui chante dans mon Coeur!
Abscondo Sacra In Memoria
Et Purpurea In Tremore Pervigil
"Hei, Viator" Inquam "Dignabere?"
Perfumed buds
we are velvety caskets
Riposa sul petto di una morbida compagna
Crine di viola eletta dolceridente Saffo
Posero intorno al petto fiori di loto ed intrecci di collane
Io sono vecchio, ascoltami, sei bella
Con quei capelli lunghi e quella veste d'oro
Hai cosi' vaga l'anima
Voce di cigno sul fluire ondoso dello Xanto
Incoronata lei da quei capelli biondi,
Froze asleep
Coma deep
I dream I'm not out with you
Alone at sea
And you watched the waves
And you sang to me
As we sink
I dream I'm not out with you
Dropping deep
Below the sea
This dream I had with you
Alone at sea
And we watch the waves
You sing to me
As we sink
This dream I had with you