1120#40 Human Rights Conflict
Human rights groups say indigenous Mapuches in Chile are being detained without trial amid...
published: 26 Nov 2009
Author: TITVWeekly
1120#40 Human Rights Conflict
Human rights groups say indigenous Mapuches in Chile are being detained without trial amid rising tensions between police and indigenous groups. So far, five Mapuches have been jailed because of protests against the government.
The Chicago Conspiracy Trailer (English Version)
This is a trailer for our upcoming feature length documentary based in Chile and the Mapuc...
published: 05 Jun 2009
Author: SubversiveAction
The Chicago Conspiracy Trailer (English Version)
This is a trailer for our upcoming feature length documentary based in Chile and the Mapuche indigenous territory of Wallmapu. The concept for the film was born with the death of a former military dictator, Augusto Pinochet. His regime murdered thousands and tortured tens of thousands after the military coup on September 11, 1973. The Chicago Conspiracy takes its name from the approximately 25 Chilean economists who attended the University of Chicago and other prestigious universities beginning in the 1960s to study under the neoliberal economists Milton Friedman and Arnold Harberger. After embracing Friedman's neoliberal ideas, these economists returned to assist Pinochet's military regime in imposing free market policies. They privatized nearly every aspect of society, and Chile soon became a classic example of free market capitalism under the barrel of a gun. The Chicago Conspiracy is about today. We began this documentary with the death of a dictator, but we continue with the legacy of a dictatorship. The Chicago Conspiracy is about the Day of the Youth Combatant. On this day, two young brothers and militants of the MIR, Rafael and Eduardo Vergara, were gunned down by police as they walked through the politically active community Villa Francia. March 29 is not only about the Vergara brothers—it is a day to remember all youth combatants who have died under the dictatorship and current democratic regime. The Chicago Conspiracy is about the students who fight a <b>...</b>
Representantes mapuche ONU 2007
Intervencion de Nilo Kayukeo en el marco del foro permantente sobre las cuestiones indigen...
published: 07 Jun 2007
Author: GranMassay
Representantes mapuche ONU 2007
Intervencion de Nilo Kayukeo en el marco del foro permantente sobre las cuestiones indigenas en Nueva York. Esto a nombre de la asociacion Mundo Indigena, Lonko Puran y Pelon Xaru de Ngulumapu (Chile) y Puelmapu (Argentina).
The Mapuche are a group of indigenous inhabitants of south-central Chile and southwestern ...
published: 28 Apr 2012
Author: loncomilla13
The Mapuche are a group of indigenous inhabitants of south-central Chile and southwestern Argentina. They constitute a wide-ranging ethnicity composed of various groups who shared a common social, religious and economic structure, as well as a common linguistic heritage. Their influence extended between the Aconcagua River and Chiloé Archipelago and later eastward to the Argentine pampa. The Mapuche make up about 4% of the Chilean population,[3] and are particularly concentrated in Araucanía Region due to emigration into Santiago. The term Mapuche can refer to the whole group of Picunches (people of the north), Huilliches (people of the South) and Moluche or Nguluche from Araucanía, or exclusively to the Moluche or Nguluche from Araucanía. The Mapuche traditional economy is based on agriculture; their traditional social organisation consists of extended families, under the direction of a "lonko" or chief, although in times of war they would unite in larger groupings and elect a toqui (from Mapudungun toki "axe, axe-bearer") to lead them. The Araucanian Mapuche inhabited at the time of Spanish arrival the valleys between the Itata and Toltén rivers, south of it as did the Huilliche and the Cuncos lived as far south as the Chiloé Archipelago. In the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, Mapuche groups migrated eastward into the Andes and pampas, fusing and establishing relationships with the Poyas and Pehuenche. At about the same time, ethnic groups of the pampa regions, the <b>...</b>
cesantía, educación y conflicto mapuche
published: 18 Nov 2009
Author: EconomiaUC2009
cesantía, educación y conflicto mapuche
Sustainable Peoples Webisode 2
We visit a Mapuche (native) pharmacy, where we investigate peoples attitudes toward the na...
published: 24 Jun 2008
Author: WithDrake
Sustainable Peoples Webisode 2
We visit a Mapuche (native) pharmacy, where we investigate peoples attitudes toward the native population, and toward older, more sustainable ways of thinking.
Jailed Mapuche Leader Vows to Continue His People's Struggle
See the original video, by Andrea Henriquez, here: www.vjmovement.com...
published: 31 Aug 2010
Author: TheVJMovement
Jailed Mapuche Leader Vows to Continue His People's Struggle
See the original video, by Andrea Henriquez, here: www.vjmovement.com
Bicentenario Chile - Actividad Mapuche COOAMS [etnomedia]
18 de Septiembre de 2010, mientras la población chilena festeja el Bicentenario de ...
published: 21 Sep 2010
Author: etnomedia
Bicentenario Chile - Actividad Mapuche COOAMS [etnomedia]
18 de Septiembre de 2010, mientras la población chilena festeja el Bicentenario de la República, 35 Presos Políticos Mapuche cumplen 69 días en huelga de hambre en distintas cárceles del país, víctimas de la Ley Antiterrorista con que el Estado chileno reprime las manifestaciones en favor de la autonomía territorial de la población Mapuche. El conflicto tiene su origen en la invasión del Territorio Mapuche a partir de 1861 por parte del Estado chileno, cuyo ejército masacra a la población y somete a los sobrevivientes confinándolos en reducciones, confiscando sus tierras, marginalizándolos y criminalizando sus demandas de justicia hasta el día de hoy. Producido por Etnomedia para los Pueblos Libres de la Tierra. September 18, 2010, while the Chilean population celebrates the Bicentenary of the Republic, 35 Mapuche (Araucanian) Political Prisoners comply 69 days in hunger strike in different jails of the country, victims of the Antiterrorist Law with which the Chilean State represses the demonstrations in favor of the territorial autonomy of the Mapuche (Araucanian) population. The conflict has its origin in the invasion of the Independent Mapuche Territory from 1861 on the part of the Chilean State, whose army massacres to the population and submits the survivors confining them in reductions, confiscating its lands, marginalizing them and criminalizing its demands of justice to the day of today. Produced by Etnomedia for the Free People of the Earth.
Mapuche mars 2008: Patricia Troncoso 105 dagen in hongerstaking
Vertaald van Canal Barrial 3 (www.youtube.com Nieuwsuitzending van "Canal Barrial 3&q...;
published: 20 Dec 2010
Author: globalisehope
Mapuche mars 2008: Patricia Troncoso 105 dagen in hongerstaking
Vertaald van Canal Barrial 3 (www.youtube.com Nieuwsuitzending van "Canal Barrial 3" een media-initiatief voor en door de bewoners uit de volkse wijken in Chili, een noodzaak gezien de zeer bedenkelijke kwaliteit van de gangbare mediakanalen. De Beelden die nu volgen zijn de meest courante beelden die op manifestaties te rapen vallen. De politie zet meteen de grove middelen in om elk volksverzet in de kiem te smoren. Een tafereel dat zich herhaalt op vakbondsbetogingen, studentenmarsen en herdenkingsdagen. Betogingen die worden toegelaten hebben minder last van repressie, maar steeds vaker krijgen betogingen geen toestemming meer. De media en de overheid wijten dit aan de rellen die steeds vaker met betogingen gepaard gingen. Van deze rellen kregen vooral de anarchisten de schuld, wat zorgde voor verdeeldheid in het links blok. Kenmerkend aan de rellen is dat ze echter vooral gehoor vinden bij de allerarmste jongeren. Deze niche uit de Chileense bevolking is echter zeer groot en hun eisen zijn zo groots dat ze niet kunnen worden ingewilligd. Zij willen dat de armoede waarin ze leven wordt beëindigd. Een eis die lijnrecht staat op het neoliberale beleid van de regering. Dit beleid vond in Chili zijn ingang tijdens en dankzij de militaire dictatuur van Pinochet. Tot op de dag van vandaag wordt het door het leger, de politie en de upperclass (om Luchingers en Angelini's) met geweld verdedigt. Deze vertaling vond plaats in nagedachtenis aan Juan 'Orangu' Cruz, die eind 2008 <b>...</b>
chile threat south america peace
sebastian pinera , alfredo moreno, Andrés Allamand , threat to south america, mapuc...
published: 11 Jun 2011
Author: dontablon
chile threat south america peace
sebastian pinera , alfredo moreno, Andrés Allamand , threat to south america, mapuche, agents of the queen, SA racists, threat to peace.troublemakers , basque.conflicts, sea dispute, argentina , peru, bolivia
Ownerships, Mapuche, Cherry Tree
In their last two months of activity the Auroville Council has been busy mainly with compl...
published: 11 Jun 2012
Author: AurovilleRadio
Ownerships, Mapuche, Cherry Tree
In their last two months of activity the Auroville Council has been busy mainly with complaints related to territory issues : extensions of fences leading to disputes among Aurovilians, misuse of AV assets, non authorized construction on AV lands or by Aurovillians on their family land inside the Master Plan area. If ownership is becoming the main achievement then we are drifting away form the dream of a more conscious society. Tomorrow at 6pm at Unity Pavilion at Women's Circle Macarena will share Mapuche's Sacred Dance with the community.. For more visit www.aurovilleradio.org
Damming of the Bio Bio - Chile
Nov 1997 The damming of the Biobìo is a pivotal conflict for Chile - a battle betwe...
published: 02 Nov 2007
Author: journeymanpictures
Damming of the Bio Bio - Chile
Nov 1997 The damming of the Biobìo is a pivotal conflict for Chile - a battle between new democracy and the shady world of Pinochet's fascism. When civilian government returned in 1990 an indigenous Law was passed. It allowed the Mapuche people threatened by the dam to register claims. Yet most people were simply too scared to complain. "They're afraid in case the government gets angry with them [and] sends the military to smash them" But a brave few are testing out the new law. Two lawyers fight it out over a key parcel of land. They're two sides of Chile's past. The Mapuche's lawyer: a former exile and prisoner of Pinochet's regime. The power company's lawyer: a founding member of the firm. It's a tough fight. Many of today's senators, judges and military officers were hand selected by Pinochet. Attending the 24th anniversary of his ascension to power it's clear that his influence is intact. Here he's getting more medals while a military band salute his honour. As he still receives support from home, the Mapuche lawyer neatly sums it up: "The government of Pinochet ended, but not the power of Pinochet." Produced by ABC Australia Distributed by Journeyman Pictures
Youtube results:
Eagle and Condor
The legend of the Eagle and the Condor goes back a very long time in the Andes and in many...
published: 13 Mar 2008
Author: Achanqara
Eagle and Condor
The legend of the Eagle and the Condor goes back a very long time in the Andes and in many other parts of the world. In the Andes it is expressed as the coming of the new Pachacuti. A Pachacuti is an interval of roughly 500 years. It was known for a long, long time before it happened, that the fourth Pachacuti, which began about the 1490's, would be a time of turmoil, of struggle, of conflict. In addition, at the fifth Pachacuti, which began in the late 1990's, it would be a time of coming together, of partnership, of union, and particularly a time when the Eagle of the North will fly with the Condor of the South. It is known to all the indigenous peoples that there has been unbalance and tremendous conflict throughout the Americas during the past 500 years. The Eagle Power and Spirit which is mental and materialistic, has outweighed and dominated the Condor Spirit which is spiritual and heart centered. Now it is time for the two to come together and fly in the same skies as equals so that the Earth may become balanced. You can also look at it as the balancing of the male and the female or the yin and the yang. All this was predicted in many cultures throughout the world. The Mayan people in Central America have similar prophecies for this time. The new Pachacuti, the new era for the coming together of the Eagle and the Condor , is an idea that is shared by many cultures all around the world.
Ecoaldea "El Romero" - Valle de Elqui, Chile
Centro Harday - Ecoaldea El Romero Práctica de kundalini yoga y sanaciones 98935399...
published: 08 Jun 2008
Author: prim3ro
Ecoaldea "El Romero" - Valle de Elqui, Chile
Centro Harday - Ecoaldea El Romero Práctica de kundalini yoga y sanaciones 98935399 (celular) Correo Postal: Casilla 452, La Serena www.ecoaldeaelromero.org El Molle - Valle de Elqui Chile centroharday@yahoo.es gabriela@ecoaldeaelromero.org enero 2008 cámara y edición nicolas sepulveda p. entrevistas: agustin sepulveda s.
Marcelo F. Lazcano: Fayman...es por esta razon
I wrote this piece inspired by the native people of Chile, my home land. Some of the indig...
published: 04 Aug 2010
Author: MAFL77
Marcelo F. Lazcano: Fayman...es por esta razon
I wrote this piece inspired by the native people of Chile, my home land. Some of the indigenous cultures there have very particular ways to resolve conflicts without the use of violence. One of these methods used by the Mapuche people and the people of Easter Island is sort of like an arbitration. Here I intended to do the same with overtone series. Of course, this is just my perspective on the piece and not an absolute. it will hopefully speak to someone else in a different way.
TRAILER_Las Mujeres Rebeldes_ESP.mov
Si quieres apoyar el desarrollo y crecimiento de este proyecto, hospedando la muestra foto...
published: 04 Apr 2012
Author: ItineranteFilms
TRAILER_Las Mujeres Rebeldes_ESP.mov
Si quieres apoyar el desarrollo y crecimiento de este proyecto, hospedando la muestra fotográfica itinerante MuJeReS ReBeLDeS: Capitulo - I Mesoamerica Contáctanos a: info@itinerante.net