- published: 02 Sep 2017
- views: 1610902
Capsula are a Bilbao, Spain, based band from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Their name is the Spanish word for capsule and derives from the David Bowie song "Space Oddity".
Influenced as much by 1960s South American psychedelic rock as by garage rock, they started in Argentina, recording three albums: Sublime (1999), Yudoka (2000) and a recording of experimental rarities named Ultimo Fragmento (2000).
They began touring in Europe in 1998 and moved to Bilbao, Spain, in 2001, the city where all the band members have since relocated. In 2002 they issued Capsula with songs in Spanish and their first songs in English. For writing in English, they used Surrealist automatism and cut-up techniques.
From 2003 to 2005, they toured Europe and published several CD singles.
In 2006, they recorded Songs & Circuits with Madrid-based label Discos Liliput. The album was released on January 16, 2007 was described as "garage rock for the 21st Century" reminiscent of The Stooges, The Velvet Underground and the early The Rolling Stones.
I Know may refer to:
El Rey, Spanish for The King, may refer to:
La Capsula - Twister El Rey (Audio Oficial)
Capsula - I Know That I Know
Capsula - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
HOTEL CÁPSULA no JAPÃO | o DIFERENTE do JAPÃO | Travel and Share | T4. Ep.142
¿Cómo es dormir adentro de una CÁPSULA DEL FUTURO?
la capsula original
La Capsula (Video Archive)
Capsula - Seven Crimes (Live on KEXP)
Como é dormir em uma cápsula espacial
Capsula - Candle Candle (Live on KEXP)
Abrimos a cápsula do tempo!
Capsula - "Blind" (FILTER Premiere)
Como fazer uma cápsula do tempo
Capsula 'Caballos de Mar' HD (1080p) #Capsulaband
Beach Park tobogã INSANO / CAPSULA / ARREPIUS / KALAFRIO Fortaleza-CE HD Gopro Hero 3
Actors: Pascal Thomas (actor), Pascal Thomas (director), Noémie Lvovsky (actress), Pascal Thomas (writer), Gisèle Casadesus (actress), Pascal Thomas (producer), François Morel (actor), Mathieu Amalric (actor), Jean-François Balmer (actor), Maurice Risch (actor), Pierre Arditi (actor), Bernard Verley (actor), Cheik Doukouré (actor), Reinhardt Wagner (composer), Reinhardt Wagner (actor),
Plot: Thanks to the law of 1948 and to her grandmother, the nominal tenant who is always absent, Francesca Cigalone and all her tribe (thoughtless husband, orphan sister, self-centered film maker and his mistress of the day, eccentric granny, friends, friends of the friends, daughter...) live on a shoestring in a very big apartment. Which is not to the liking of supercilious bitchy owner Charlotte Falingard, who has been intent for some time on having them evicted for obvious speculative reasons. But suing Francesca is no bed of roses. The lady is tenacious. Moreover she once studied law...
Keywords: apartment-eviction, eviction, female-frontal-nudity, female-nudity, nude-with-glasses, squatting, woman-with-glassesMusic video by Twister El Rey performing ---. © 2016 by Organizacion Musical Twister El Rey Contrataciones: (+57) 310 493 0249 - 300 3361040 Cartagena - Colombia. Twitter: https://twitter.com/TwisterElRey Instagram: https://instagram.com/TwisterElRey Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TwisterElReyOfficial/ Google+: https://plus.google.com/+twisterunico Este vídeo, esta protegido con leyes de derechos de autor. Todas las copias serán Borradas.
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded December 18, 2013. Songs: Moonage Daydream (David Bowie) Mejor No Hablar De Ciertas Cosas (Sumo) Atomic Breakdown I Need Somebody (The Stooges) Host: Cheryl Waters Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Luke Knecht Editor: Jim Beckmann photo thumbnail by Jim Bennett http://kexp.org www.capsulacapsula.com
Hotel Cápsula no Japão, uma opção de hotel diferente no Japão. ♦ Inscreva-se em nosso canal: http://bit.ly/inscreva-seTravelandShare ♦ Siga nossa viagem pelas Redes sociais: Snapchat: Travelandshare https://www.instagram.com/travelandshare https://www.facebook.com/travelandsharebr https://twitter.com/Travelsharebr https://www.travelandshare.com.br ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♦ Contato comercial: contato@travelandshare.com.br ♦ Apoie nosso canal e contribua para criação de novos vídeos. https://www.paypal.me/travelandshareeuropa ♦ Ou pelo botão de doação do paypal em nosso site: http://travelandshare.com.br -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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Sentí que me había dormido 105 años y había despertado para enterarme de que estoy descansando a bordo de una nave espacial rumbo a otra galaxia. * Música - Good Thing - Ménage Quad https://soundcloud.com/menagequad/good-thing-1 - Used under license Creative Commons 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ - Facebook del artista https://www.facebook.com/menagequad - Songkick del artista http://www.songkick.com/artists/6763909-menage-quad ¡SUSCRÍBETE! - Twitter https://www.twitter.com/LuisitoComunica - Facebook http://www.facebook.com/LuisitoComunica - Instagram http://www.instagram.com/LuisitoComunica
lo mas sonado del momento -Video Upload powered by https://www.TunesToTube.com
Chuva de skins uhuuuuuuuuuul ! Assista e descubra tudo o que ganhei ♥♥♥ - LOJA SHOPINFO!! http://www.goo.gl/DTDiQS - PAGINA SHOPINFO!! https://www.facebook.com/Shopinfo/?re... USEM MEU CUPOM PARA GANHAR DESCONTO NA LOJA: ISABARRI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCORD BEBÊS DA ISA (DISCORD PARA VCS SE CONHECEREM E TBM CONVERSAREM CMG QUANDO DER) ^^ : https://discord.gg/QDZZWvG ♥ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Minha pagina do Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IsabelaBarriGamer/ -- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Isabela_Barri -- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/isabelabarri -- Instagram: xisabelabarrix -- Canal que pego as musicas: https://www.yout...
AHHHH esse Vlog... Como me deu dor de cabeça! Mas finalmente consegui postar! Muuuuitas coisas aconteceram, desde passeata anti guerra, me hospedei em um hotel cápsula, prestei a prova IELTS, veeem assistir porque está muito divertido! - JA FUI MODELO NO JAPAO? https://youtu.be/uSejf_zzxc4 - MEU ANIVERSARIO EM TOKYO https://youtu.be/_Iqh3n0BvVM - COMO É MEU TRABALHO NO JAPÃO? https://youtu.be/xVUTK9kRlQA - 50 FATOS SOBRE MIM https://youtu.be/rOTLuKkQwk4 Nicole Okinokabu
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula performing "Seven Crimes" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded on May 8, 2013. Host: Cheryl Waters Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Justin Wilmore Editor: Jim Beckmann http://kexp.org http://www.capsulacapsula.com
Se quiser viajar o mundo gastando pouco, compre este livro: https://www.livrariacultura.com.br/p/livros/viagem/literatura-de-viagem/como-sobreviver-no-exterior-46766777 Na 2ª vez que fui a Singapura, me hospedei no MET A Space Pod @ Boat Quay. Eu gravei com a voz baixa porque tinha gente dormindo nas cápsulas.
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula performing "Candle Candle" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded February 13, 2015. Host: Kevin Cole Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Shelly Corbett & Scott Holpainene Editor: Jim Beckmann Photo thumbnail by Jim Bennett http://kexp.org http://www.capsulacapsula.com
Visitamos el hotel capsula 9h en Kyoto / Japon. Un hotel capsula muy futurista, mixto para hombres y mujeres, eso si por separado. Dormir en japon en un hotel asi es toda una experiencia y fue una experiencia dificil de olvidar :-D Viajar con nosotros en una fiesta !!! ¡Si no quieres perderte nuestros videos suscríbete aquí con un sólo click! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4dQ-4i859BQTBZ2k3isgCA?sub_confirmation=1 ¿Qué cámaras utilizas para grabar? Gopro: http://amzn.to/2sXNSSN xiaomi 4k: http://amzn.to/2tsA85V canon g7x: http://amzn.to/2sAq6Ni Sony ax 33: http://amzn.to/2uVi429 tripode: http://amzn.to/2uUZV4n próximamente: http://amzn.to/2tWN8kU ▶ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PauyKasia ▶ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/pauykasia ▶ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pauykasia ...
►Como fazer uma cápsula do tempo: https://youtu.be/WTaJp0pHfe0 ►►Inscreva-se aqui: http://goo.gl/5A9g7T ►Torre de líquidos: https://youtu.be/6JCxDhOVKcM ►Lanterna de limão: https://youtu.be/crCfjevd9UE Site: http://manualdomundo.com.br Facebook: http://facebook.com/manualdomundo Instagram: http://instagram.com/manualdomundo Snapchat: omanualdomundo Twitter: @manualdomundo Pinterest: @manualdomundo AGRADECIMENTO: Guilherme Pereira CRÉDITOS: Direção e apresentação: Iberê Thenório Produção executiva: Mariana Fulfaro Produção: Cristiane Poveda Arte gráfica e edição: Daniel Henares Este é o canal do Manual do Mundo. Vídeos novos todas as terças e sábados, às 11h30. Manual do Mundo Comunicação LTDA Caixa Postal 77795 CEP 05593-000 SP - SP
Aprenda passo a passo a fazer uma cápsula do tempo! Abertura da cápsula do tempo: http://youtu.be/FoamLgksTjg Comemoração aos 10 milhões de views: http://goo.gl/oF1HFF Vídeo de 50 milhões de views http://goo.gl/rhmeM9 Site http://manualdomundo.com.br Facebook http://facebook.com/manualdomundo CRÉDITOS: Direção, música e apresentação: Iberê Thenório Câmera e edição: Daniel Henares Produção: Cristiane Poveda Joinha: Guilherme Pereira Produção executiva: Mariana Fulfaro
Capsula 'Caballos de Mar' From 'Sublime' (1999/2012 reissue, Hotsak) Watch it 1080 or 720p HD featuring Kepa Acero! www.kepaacero.com iTunes: http://smarturl.it/capsublimeitunes Amazon: http://smarturl.it/capsublimeamazon Google Play: https://goo.gl/umzMTZ Site: http://capsulacapsula.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/capsulamusic Twitter: http://twitter.com/capsula_band YouTube: http://youtube.com/capsulaband Instagram: http://instagram.com/capsula_band #Capsulaband #capsula #sublime #surf #music #rock #cápsula #band #banda #kepa acero Directed & Produced by Carismatico Films www.carismaticofilms.com #Cápsula #Capsula
Insano - Um dos maiores tobogã da América Latina com 41 metros de altura. Os prédios ficam pequenos perto dele hehe.Muita gente desistiu de descer. Muitos degraus pra subir e a descida é bem rápida! O corpo chega a descolar do tobogã pois ele é bem ingrime. Gostei mais do Capsula do que o Insano. O Beach Park é meio caro mas vale a pena! Aconselho a ir em dia de semana que é mais vazio pois chega a ter filas em alguns brinquedos. Alimentação também é salgado$$, então vá prevenido.
E não é que essas cápsulas friaca compensam mesmo? Recomendo demais! Quem for comprar, me conta aí nos comentários o que conseguiu. Boa sorte! :) ______________________ Twitter: @Squallzera Instagram: @Squallzera Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Squallzera Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Squallzera ________________________ Gostou do vídeo? INSCREVA-SE! ________________________ CONHEÇA TAMBÉM: + Pato Papão é Amor - http://goo.gl/bnvnK1 + Não Muito Noob - http://goo.gl/Ju1Uga + Loja da Liga - http://goo.gl/axAh8P + Toca da Raposa - http://goo.gl/2l2gc0 + Grupo da Reporta Time - http://goo.gl/U7Itzt + Makilandia - http://goo.gl/0SMkF0 + Ahri DK - http://goo.gl/7duzt5 + Ilha de Freljord - https://goo.gl/3N34I8
Capsula perform "Into My Skull/Magnetic Brain" live during KEXP & Seattle Center's Concerts at the Mural series at the Mural Amphitheater. Recorded 8/6/11. Audio: Toby Basiliko, Matt Ogaz Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen, Ryan Enkema, Andrew Persons & Luke Knecht Edits: Justin Wilmore http://www.kexp.org
Capsula live music video for "Seven Crimes" from the new album "Solar Secrets" out now on Krian Music Group. Produced by Tony Visconti. Download it at http://smarturl.it/capsula-solarsecrets Who has the right to keep a crown / Who writes the rules to keep the ground / We are all slaves of the same lie / The servant says: Praise the snake Yes it's coming through / To see around / So powerful and crawling down / The silent death / Walking the ground / You know the truth no reason why to keep the same old rule / Who has the power to keep us blind / The glove of death is right behind / It s going through to see you blown / To see the murder into your mind / Yes it's coming through / To see around / So powerful and crawling down The silent death / Walking the ground / You know the truth / No...
"What's in the Mirror" "Candle Candle" Capsula "Dead or Alive" New Live Album Postproducción: Alejandro Girona Cámaras: Twobaskos Sonido en directo: Néstor Varela / Xabier "Jota" Navarro Iluminación: Josu Murgia Arriola http://www.capsulacapsula.com
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded December 18, 2013. Songs: Moonage Daydream (David Bowie) Mejor No Hablar De Ciertas Cosas (Sumo) Atomic Breakdown I Need Somebody (The Stooges) Host: Cheryl Waters Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Luke Knecht Editor: Jim Beckmann photo thumbnail by Jim Bennett http://kexp.org www.capsulacapsula.com
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded February 13, 2015. Songs: Candle Candle El Infierno Dead or Alive Host: Kevin Cole Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Shelly Corbett & Scott Holpainene Editor: Jim Beckmann Photo thumbnail by Jim Bennett http://kexp.org http://www.capsulacapsula.com
As featured on LIVE AT KEXP VOLUME SEVEN http://kexp.org/CD Capsula performs "Still In the Way" & "Magnetic Brain" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded 10/14/10. www.kexp.org host: Cheryl Waters engineer: Kevin Suggs cameras: James Bailey, Shelly Corbett, Luke Knecht editing: Luke Knecht
Caméras : Céline Kraemer / Arnaud Réguigne / Ben Sylvère Montage : Ben Sylvère CAPSULA est l'un des groupes de rock les plus excitants du moment. Fournisseurs d'envoûtement et d'hallucinations depuis 1997, ces bêtes de scène ont à leur actif plus de 10 tournées sur deux continents : Royaume-Uni, France, Allemagne, Irlande, Pays-Bas, Belgique, Portugal, Espagne, Amérique du Sud, États-Unis et Canada. Capsula transgresse les frontières avec des mots renversants. Basés à Bilbao, leurs chansons puisent dans les rugissements proto-punk des Velvet Underground et des Stooges et s'inspirent des sons rock, blues et psychédéliques nés en Amérique du Sud à la fin des années 60. Le résultat : « un hologramme furieux dont les chansons lysergiques et tenaces se conjuguent au futur ». Aperçu en vidéo l...
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded on May 8, 2013. Songs: Dark Age Constellation Freedom Cannot Deny Seven Crimes Host: Cheryl Waters Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Justin Wilmore Editor: Jim Beckmann http://kexp.org http://www.capsulacapsula.com
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula covering David Bowie's "Moonage Daydream" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded December 18, 2013. Host: Cheryl Waters Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Luke Knecht Editor: Jim Beckmann photo thumbnail by Jim Bennett http://kexp.org www.capsulacapsula.com
TONE PROJECTOR_ _Capsula - сольный проект музыканта и диджея Марии Веретенниковой, участницы московского дуэта Sputniki. Ее музыка направленна в сторону техно и хаус звучания, сочетающего в себе отголоски эмбиента, брейкбита и афро-американской культуры.
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula covering Sumo's "Mejor No Hablar De Ciertas Cosas" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded December 18, 2013. Host: Cheryl Waters Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Luke Knecht Editor: Jim Beckmann photo thumbnail by Jim Bennett http://kexp.org www.capsulacapsula.com
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula covering The Stooge's "I Need Somebody" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded December 18, 2013. Host: Cheryl Waters Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Luke Knecht Editor: Jim Beckmann photo thumbnail by Jim Bennett http://kexp.org www.capsulacapsula.com
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula performing "El Infierno" and "Dead or Alive" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded February 13, 2015. Host: Kevin Cole Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Shelly Corbett & Scott Holpainene Editor: Jim Beckmann Photo thumbnail by Jim Bennett http://kexp.org http://www.capsulacapsula.com
Capsula live performing "What's In The Mirror"
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula performing "Seven Crimes" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded on May 8, 2013. Host: Cheryl Waters Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Justin Wilmore Editor: Jim Beckmann http://kexp.org http://www.capsulacapsula.com
Argentins installés à Bilbao, Capsula, c’est d’abord un couple (Coni et Martin) accompagné par le redoutable Guantxe à la batterie. C’est surtout un mélange de rock’n’roll, post-punk, garage, psyché, shoegaze, pop… Des sons qui explosent au rythme de leurs influences latines. Leur nouvel album « Santa Rosa » est sorti en France chez les excellents Vicious Circle. C’est aussi un groupe constamment sur la route depuis 1998 pour défendre leurs morceaux sur les scènes du monde entier. « Garage rock du 21e siècle, rappelant les Stooges, le Velvet et les premiers Stones. » (Rolling Stone) www.capsulacapsula.com
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded December 18, 2013. Songs: Moonage Daydream (David Bowie) Mejor No Hablar De Ciertas Cosas (Sumo) Atomic Breakdown I Need Somebody (The Stooges) Host: Cheryl Waters Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Luke Knecht Editor: Jim Beckmann photo thumbnail by Jim Bennett http://kexp.org www.capsulacapsula.com
↓↓ DESPLIEGA LA CAJA DE INFORMACIÓN ↓↓ Un agradecimiento especial a todas mis Patronas, deciros que estoy abrumada por la acogida que le habeis dado a esta iniciativa... S O I S I N C R E I B L E S ! ! ! PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/elenahg EMAIL - elenahgom@gmail.com INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/eherraiz/ ANIMACIONES - http://carlesgascon.com/ Déjame tus dudas, sugerencias o comentarios por aquí abajo, suscríbete y comparte en redes sociales! ♡ Subo video nuevo todos los Viernes por la tarde a las 17h00 CET. Para suscribirte haz click aqui: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr5V... ♡ Licencias PACIFIC SUN by Nicolai Heidlas Music https://soundcloud.com/nicolai-heidlas Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Mu...
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded February 13, 2015. Songs: Candle Candle El Infierno Dead or Alive Host: Kevin Cole Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Shelly Corbett & Scott Holpainene Editor: Jim Beckmann Photo thumbnail by Jim Bennett http://kexp.org http://www.capsulacapsula.com
http://KEXP.ORG presents Capsula performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded on May 8, 2013. Songs: Dark Age Constellation Freedom Cannot Deny Seven Crimes Host: Cheryl Waters Audio Engineer: Kevin Suggs Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Justin Wilmore Editor: Jim Beckmann http://kexp.org http://www.capsulacapsula.com
Entrada libre: Cápsula, música en directo. Los componentes del grupo musical Cápsula, Martin Guevara, Coni Duchess y Ritxi Camino visitan 'Entrada Libre' para hablar de su nuevo dico llamado 'Solar Secrets'. Además actuan en directo en el plató interpretando 'Constellation Freedom' y 'Dark Age'. Visita nuestra web http://www.eitb.com/ Más vídeos interesantes en http://www.youtube.com/eitbcom/ Televisión a la carta http://www.eitb.tv/es/ Suscríbete el canal de vídeos de EiTB en Youtube http://www.youtube.com/eitbcom
Canal de Directos: https://www.twitch.tv/g4g_revenant ►►Juegos Baratos: https://www.g2a.com/r/g2adescuento Mi Canal de Videojuegos: https://www.youtube.com/user/Gaming4GamersTV Twitter: @G4G_Revenant Reve Joputa YA NUNCA CAMBIAS LO DE JOPUTA RIPORT!! APP para ver mis vídeos: http://myapp.wips.com/revenant Viva Manín.
Nesse vídeo descrevo em detalhes a minha experiência no Hotel Capsula Omotenashi, em Ueno. Espero que gostem de viver comigo essa experiência super japonesa! Contribuam para o crescimento do canal curtindo e compartilhando esse vídeo!!! Quer contribuir para que mais pessoas tenham acesso aos nossos vídeos? Nos ajude com legendas: http://bit.ly/mjlegendas Um grande abraço! 📌Inscreva-se no canal: http://bit.ly/mtjpinscrevase 📸Instagram: http://bit.ly/muito_japao 💬Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/muitojapao/ 🐤Twitter: http://bit.ly/twittermuitojapao Assistam também os canais dos nossos amigos e comentem com #vimpelomuitojapao: 👍DE CARA NO MUNDO: https://goo.gl/2xag3z 👍NATHY NO JAPÃO: https://goo.gl/QEkRXo 👍TAMMY MIURA: https://goo.gl/mbBv4V 👍CRAZY JAPANTV: https://goo.gl/G63E9N 👍...
La economía de mercado ocurre espontáneamente en una sociedad donde se respeta la vida, la propiedad y los contratos. Por sus características, es imposible establecer un diseño para su funcionamiento. El mercado se basa en normas éticas de conducta y su objetivo primordial es satisfacer los requerimientos de los demás. Su eficiencia se hace posible en países libres, donde los gobernantes se ocupan de hacer valer las normas de conducta aceptadas por todos. Dr. Manuel F. Ayau El Dr. Manuel F. Ayau (1925-2010) fue fundador del Centro de Estudios Económico-Sociales y primer rector de la Universidad Francisco Marroquín; miembro del Consejo Directivo de Liberty Fund y directivo de Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). También, escribió varias obras, entre ellas: Cómo mejorar el nivel de vid...
2018 el año de la acción y la adopción crypto - recomendaciones del guru de la seguridad y ahora guru crypto John Mcafee. Código para ganar 10US en Coinbase www.coinbase.com/join/551e55fe3fe581f5280000bc Twitter: @mayulibre Correo electrónico: mayulibre@gmail.com Binance enlace referido https://www.binance.com/?ref=10908655 Dadi ICO referido https://dadi.cloud/r/s3dvg6s402 Latium https://latium.org/welcome/Mayu2018 Importante para ver: Los amos del dinero https://youtu.be/T14lvfZCY-M
Será que existe uma cápsula da juventude? O farmacêutico Jamar Tejada explica como o sílico orgânico pode funcionar como rejuvenescedor facial. Siga a gente nas redes sociais! Twitter: @vocebonita Instagram: @vocebonitatv Facebook.com/vocebonitatv Site oficial: www.tvgazeta.com.br/vocebonita
Capsula Altavoz 2016. Medellín, Colombia. Full Show. 6 Nov 2016
Teste completo da cápsula Tostio para a 3 Corações, desde a chegada da cápsula ate o primeiro uso. NADA PROFISSIONAL, mas esclarecedor. teste com café comum, cappuccino e café solúvel. informações completas de uso.
O Armário Cápsula é uma técnica utilizada para deixar seu guarda-roupa funcional, limitando-o à um número estipulado de peças em cada estação e fazendo com que consigamos desenvolver melhor nosso estilo, utilizando as peças que já temos para montar nossos looks, de forma assertiva e criativa. Siga o MODO DE USAR MODA nas Redes Sociais: Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/MODODEUSARMODA/ Instagram: @mododeusarmoda Pinterest:https://br.pinterest.com/mododeusarmoda/pins/ Blog: www.buyerandbrand.com.br
www.trembletremble.com We talked with Argentinean 3 piece Capsula about dadaism, the future noise, and the effects of the economic crisis on musicians in Argentina. Performance footage is from their show at the Grackle in Austin during SXSW.
The Red Bull Stratos science team has spent five years developing the capsule that will deliver Felix Baumgartner to the edge of space for his record-breaking freefall attempt from 36,000 meters. The craft will protect Baumgartner from stratospheric temperatures and offer a stable oxygenated and pressurized environment during the ascent so he has air to breathe and can avoid decompression sickness. The vessel will also act as a stable base for his step-off into freefall. The step by step run through of how the capsule was developed and built by the Red Bull Stratos team is accompanied by explanatory interviews from Felix Baumgartner, Joe Kittinger, the current record holder, and Art Thompson, the mission's technical director. http://redbullstratos.com Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/su...
Official video for "Dark Age" from Solar Secrets by Capsula HIGH DEF VERSION HERE: http://youtu.be/meyheXqBa_8 Purchase Solar Secrets here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/solar-secrets/id680990775 Follow Capsula: Twitter: https://twitter.com/capsula_band Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CapsulaMusic www.capsulacapsula.com Krian Music Group: Twitter: https://twitter.com/krianmusicgroup Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/krianmusicgroup www.krianmsuicgroup.com Video produced by: Erin Lee Smith DOUBLE CYCLOPS (www.doublecyclops.com)
“Personally I think the icon of the Statue of Liberty has been raped enough, too many people have been claiming whatever stupidity on what freedom might or might not be,” says artist Danh Vo in this interview about his sculptural piece, ‘We the People’. With his actual-size but fragmentary copy of the Statue of Liberty, Danh Vo wanted not so much to interpret Lady Liberty, but rather to use it as a platform for people to renegotiate what they consider freedom to be. ‘We the People’ consist of about 250 1:1 scale pieces of the Statue of Liberty. It has been recreated using the same fabrication techniques and cobber material as the original statue created by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi in 1886. The many pieces are exhibited all over the world, and have to this date never been assembled. W...
"Le vamos pillando el truco a eso de enchufar la guitarra directamente al ampli y que cruja" Coni y Martin nos ofrecen sus puntos de vista sobre lo que es dar un buen espectáculo, qué piensas antes, durante y después de subir al escenario, así como su perspectiva de los géneros o etiquetas musicales y las referencias psicodélicas en sus composiciones. Más vídeos en http://www.stereozona.com
Tacita Dean on her work FILM, and the necessity to preserve the medium of film in the digital age. "Film and digital are different mediums; they make different cinema and different art." - Tacita Dean Dean's work FILM is an epic, episodic homage to the analogue processes of celluloid cinema that brings our attention to the beautiful, auratic qualities and historical uses of light through film and highlights the special effects made possible by hand tinting, manual editing, and masking. FILM was first shown in London as the Tate Turbine Hall Commission in 2011-2012 and, in 2013, at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art. www.accaonline.org.au SAVEFILM.ORG www.savefilm.org With the advent of digital, the medium of film is gravely threatened and might, unless action is taken, simply ...
My interview with Dutchess ahead of the bands November 2013 date in Syracuse, NY via Skype. The interview and editing was done by me. Images and music clips used with permission. No copyright claims are made to those assets.
No te pierdas la entrevista de Ernesto Ledesma, director de Rompeviento TV, al Dr. John Ackerman, investigador de la UNAM. En esta entrevista, Ackerman responde a señalamientos que le hizo el Dr. Edgardo Buscaglia, investigador de la Universidad de Columbia. ¡No te la pierdas! ¡Sólo aquí, en www.rompeviento.tv!
Geoffrey Hinton (who popularized backpropagation in the 80s) recently published his long-awaited paper on "Capsule Networks" - which provide state of the art classification accuracy on the MNIST dataset. In this video I'll go over how Convolutional networks work, some improvements to them over the years, then i'll go over capsule networks in both theory and code. Code for this video: https://github.com/llSourcell/capsule_networks Please Subscribe! And like. And comment. That's what keeps me going. Follow me: Twitter: https://twitter.com/sirajraval Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sirajologyyy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/llsourcell/ More learning resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTr3n7uBIuE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAICT4Al5Ow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v...
you´ve got to know
That this place is rotten an has hole?
You better run
Youre not gonna be safe in to your out?
house Let me show
Surround the flood The screaming hell
so let me show surround the voices underground
i think that you still got to learn
i think that you still got to learn
you say its better to burn ohno no
i say its about burn in your head
look at babe
the roof is climbing out your door
in your bed
you know youre gonna be safe into your hole
so let me show
the cat inside and the spider nests
so let me show
the rocks are growing in your head
i think that you still got to learn
i think that you still got to learn
i say its better to learn no no nono
i say its about burn in your head solo
Surround the flood The screaming hell
sorround the voices undergroun
the cats inside, the spiders nests
sorround the voices underground