The triquetral bone (/traɪˈkwɛtrəl/ or /traɪˈkwiːtrəl/; also called triquetrum, pyramidal, three-cornered or triangular bone, and formerly cuneiform bone) is located in the wrist on the medial side of the proximal row of the carpus between the lunate and pisiform bones. It is on the ulnar side of the hand, but does not articulate with the ulna. It connects with the pisiform, hamate, and lunate bones. It is the 3rd most commonly fractured carpal bone.
The triquetral is one of the eight carpal bones of the hand. It is a three-sided bone found within the proximal row of carpal bones. Situated beneath the pisiform, it is one of the carpal bones that form the carpal arch, within which lies the carpal tunnel.
The triangular bone may be distinguished by its pyramidal shape, and by an oval isolated facet for articulation with the pisiform bone. It is situated at the upper and ulnar side of the carpus. To facilitate its palpation in an exam, the hand must be radially deviated so that the triquetrium moves out from under the ulnar styloid process. The triquetrum may be difficult to find, since it also lies under the pisiform.
Merge tractorul,
Bate motorul,
Merge la vale,
Doarme soferul.
- Stai, mai, ce mai faci?
Hai cu noi sa prindem raci
Prin gradina lui Ion,
Unde pasarile dorm.
Focuri in zare,
Noaptea in vale,
Stau eu calare,
Apas pe pedale.
Valeu, valeleu,
Of, ma doare capul meu,
Noaptea plec la pescuit
Sa fac rugul pe pamant.
Merge tractorul meu
Unde de trecut e greu,
Ãsta-i magarul meu,
Sa-mi ajute Dumnezeu!
Curge izvorul,
Trage starterul,
Nu se vede satul,
Valura dorul.
-Mai, Vologhea, ce-i cu tine,
Te simti rau sau bine,
Unde e masina ta?
-Sta stricata la cismea.
Hai, merge tractorul meu
Unde de trecut e greu,
Ãsta-i armasarul meu
Sa-mi ajute Dumnezeu!
Glasul motorului se aude
La marginea satului.
Ma opresc la Valea Rusului
Sa dorm la umbra nucului.
-Mai, Vologhea, dealu-i mare!
Hai, “cruteste' din pedale!
Let's go!