New Scientist
23 Apr 2013
'Big Brother' applicants wanted for one-way Mars trip. The Mars One project has officially opened its application process for wannabe astronauts willing to go on a televised mission to the Red Planet ... Nano-sized protractor measures molecule movement ... Engineer Azzam Alwash is intent on restoring the fabled Mesopotamian marshes in southern Iraq that Saddam Hussein tried to wreck ....(size: 1.7Kb)
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
17 Apr 2013
For more than five millennia, tribal groups of Marsh Arabs lived sustainably in this water world, using the dominant plant, a giant grass called Phragmites australis, for housing, animal feed, fuel, and commerce ... Hope in the Marshes of Iraq," due out in July ... Zedler, who was a co-author of the Mesopotamian marsh restoration plan ... The Goldman Prize administrators recognize that the Mesopotamian marshes are not fully restored....(size: 8.7Kb)
15 Apr 2013
In the 1990s, Saddam Hussein diverted the flow of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, then drained and burned the marshes of southern Iraq ...It’s where writing was invented,” said Azzam Alwash, 54, a dual citizen of Iraq and the U.S., and a force in the efforts to restore the Mesopotamian marshes ... He started Nature Iraq, a nonprofit based in the town of Sulaimani, and consulted with the Madan, or Marsh> Arabs....(size: 6.4Kb)
The Columbus Dispatch
30 Sep 2012
A life in wetlands. Bill Mitsch. Education. Bachelor’s degree, mechanical engineering, Notre Dame University, 1969. Master’s degree, environmental engineering sciences, University of Florida, 1972. Ph.D., systems ecology, University of Florida, 1975. Career ... Awards, honors. U.S. EPA national award for wetland research, 1996 ... Mitsch traveled to the Middle East in 2004 to advise Iraqi officials on how to revive war-torn Mesopotamian marshes ... ....(size: 9.8Kb)
BBC News
18 Jan 2011
The Mesopotamian Marshes in southern Iraq were once home to thousands of marsh Arabs, millions of birds - and rebels fighting against Saddam Hussein....(size: 0.7Kb)
photo: Creative Commons / basic_sounds
Kylie Minogue 2010 Tour
The Examiner
07 Nov 2010
8 P.M. (WABC) EXTREME MAKEOVER ... The pop singer Kylie Minogue, who like Ms ... (13, 49) BRAVING IRAQ “Nature” travels to the Mesopotamian marshes, which were drained in the early 1990s by Saddam Hussein in an attempt to punish the indigenous marsh Arabs, who had rebelled against him ... Then Azzam Alwash, an eco-visionary and Iraqi exile in the United States, returned to his homeland to recreate the marshes he remembered from his childhood ... ....(size: 3.1Kb)