
Ogasawara Islands 小笠原(自然) (Tokyo Japan)
Tokyo Stock Footage http://tokyo-footage.com/ 東京 映像素材集 http://tokyo-footage.com/ja/ 世界自然遺産...
published: 31 Oct 2011
author: TokyoStockFootage
Ogasawara Islands 小笠原(自然) (Tokyo Japan)
Ogasawara Islands 小笠原(自然) (Tokyo Japan)
Tokyo Stock Footage http://tokyo-footage.com/ 東京 映像素材集 http://tokyo-footage.com/ja/ 世界自然遺産に登録された小笠原の風景は、まさに「東洋のガラパゴス」という言葉が相応しい自然の楽園。- published: 31 Oct 2011
- views: 534
- author: TokyoStockFootage

Ogasawara / Bonin Islands
April 2013 Japan....
published: 24 Apr 2013
author: pitcairn62
Ogasawara / Bonin Islands

New Island Erupts In Japan - Ogasawara Islands
Original Link: http://www.fnn-news.com/news/headlines/articles/CONN00258215.html
Japan Coa...
published: 21 Nov 2013
New Island Erupts In Japan - Ogasawara Islands
New Island Erupts In Japan - Ogasawara Islands
Original Link: http://www.fnn-news.com/news/headlines/articles/CONN00258215.html Japan Coast Guard has called for vigilance as ships heed "navigation warning", passing through the vicinity. It was confirmed in Nishinoshima near the Ogasawara Islands. Japan Coast Guard have taken the latest video of the island has made black ash plume, You can also check how the rock seen the video that the 20th, Japan Coast Guard caught a state in which the "new island" appeared, and black plume rise spout with explosion, and jumped out at the same time, scattered in all directions. The diameter of the island, about 200 meters. Includes the volcanic ash, the plume rises from the surface of the island, because it contains mainly steam is observed intermittently, black plume associated with explosion, that looks white. about 1,000 km to the south, where the island has appeared, 500 meters south-southeast near the uninhabited island of the Ogasawara Islands, Nishinoshima from Tokyo. 20 at around 10:00 am, there is a report "plume is rising" and the Japan Meteorological Agency from the Maritime Self-Defense Force, 17 minutes 4:00 pm, I was sure that the Japan Coast Guard, new island has emerged. In about two months ago, just after the large earthquake of magnitude 7.7 occurred in Pakistan, suddenly, the island appeared. In this case, it is observed crustal movement could take the credit but, eruption and takes place in "submarine volcano, occasionally, even. Near Japan Niijima that these are now available, Hiroshi Ito volcano investigators Japan Coast Guard after the war 4 The story was about five times - is a "has been observed Niijima like this. In the video, or the impact of submarine volcano, around the new island, how are discolored the color greenish seawater can be confirmed, this island, that there is a possibility that disappear after a short period of time. There is a possibility that it remains this ", it is cut by wave, gone. Simply, such as lava flows, and or covered with hard lava on, it lasts a long time, Ito investigators may remain as an island I said.Be subjected to 1973-1974 years eruption occurred in the waters around the Nishinoshima. May in this effect, a new island is formed, since this, eruption that was 40 years ago. As there is a possibility that the eruption will occur in the future, the Japan Meteorological Agency announced a "crater alarm".- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 261

Ogasawara's New Island is Born 11/21/13
Japan's Meteorological Agency is warning vessels in the Pacific to take caution after a vo...
published: 21 Nov 2013
Ogasawara's New Island is Born 11/21/13
Ogasawara's New Island is Born 11/21/13
Japan's Meteorological Agency is warning vessels in the Pacific to take caution after a volcanic eruption was confirmed near one of the Ogasawara Islands, about 1,000 kilometers south of Tokyo. The agency says the Japan Coast Guard on Wednesday confirmed black smoke spewing out of a new land mass about 500 meters southeast of Nishinoshima island. Photo analysis shows that the mass measures about 200 meters across. Black and white smoke was rising from its center to a height of about 600 meters. The agency says multiple clusters of white smoke overhead suggest intermittent explosions. Officials are urging vessels in the area to take caution against flying volcanic rocks. The uninhabited Nishinoshima grew in size between 1973 and 1974, when it became connected to a new island created by volcanic activity. The latest eruption is the first near the island in about 40 years. Nov. 21, 2013 - Updated 01:18 UTC sourced links: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20131121_11.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmW_kVdO1do&feature;=youtu.be- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 18

natural world heritage ogasawara islands 小笠原諸島世界遺産(baby baby - amy grant)
The Bonin Islands, known in Japan as the Ogasawara Group are an archipelago of over 30 sub...
published: 06 Jun 2010
author: nys2772 .
natural world heritage ogasawara islands 小笠原諸島世界遺産(baby baby - amy grant)
natural world heritage ogasawara islands 小笠原諸島世界遺産(baby baby - amy grant)
The Bonin Islands, known in Japan as the Ogasawara Group are an archipelago of over 30 subtropical and tropical islands, some 1000 kilometres (540 nmi; 620 ...- published: 06 Jun 2010
- views: 1428
- author: nys2772 .

Ogasawara Islands Dives, Japan.
Diving around the Ogasawara Islands, Japan over two days in June 2012....
published: 27 Jul 2012
author: PelagicProductionsUW
Ogasawara Islands Dives, Japan.
Ogasawara Islands Dives, Japan.
Diving around the Ogasawara Islands, Japan over two days in June 2012.- published: 27 Jul 2012
- views: 269
- author: PelagicProductionsUW

Surfing the Ogasawara Islands, Japan
This amazing place is located 600 miles south of Tokyo, and accessable only by ferry. Virt...
published: 14 May 2007
author: Ericsurf6
Surfing the Ogasawara Islands, Japan
Surfing the Ogasawara Islands, Japan
This amazing place is located 600 miles south of Tokyo, and accessable only by ferry. Virtually unknown to the Japanese themselves, these unspoiled, sparsely...- published: 14 May 2007
- views: 18620
- author: Ericsurf6

Chichi Jima Island, Ogasawara
Swim with wild dolphins, and watch mobulas in formation flight. Dynamic marine life around...
published: 24 Nov 2011
author: sabukoro17
Chichi Jima Island, Ogasawara
Chichi Jima Island, Ogasawara
Swim with wild dolphins, and watch mobulas in formation flight. Dynamic marine life around Ogasawara islands.- published: 24 Nov 2011
- views: 2181
- author: sabukoro17

Surfing in Japan's Ogasawara - Bonin Islands on UNESCO's World Heritage List
Japan's Ogasawara Islands on UNESCO's World Heritage List A few scenes from a mediocre typ...
published: 01 Nov 2011
author: My Natour
Surfing in Japan's Ogasawara - Bonin Islands on UNESCO's World Heritage List
Surfing in Japan's Ogasawara - Bonin Islands on UNESCO's World Heritage List
Japan's Ogasawara Islands on UNESCO's World Heritage List A few scenes from a mediocre typhoon swell. 2010. from-ogasawara.blogspot.com and on vimeo http://v...- published: 01 Nov 2011
- views: 884
- author: My Natour

AlgosysFx Forex News Desk: Volcanic eruptions continue on Ogasawara Islands
Get more news and analysis at http://www.algosysfx.com
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published: 22 Nov 2013
AlgosysFx Forex News Desk: Volcanic eruptions continue on Ogasawara Islands
AlgosysFx Forex News Desk: Volcanic eruptions continue on Ogasawara Islands
Get more news and analysis at http://www.algosysfx.com Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/AlgosysFx Volcanic eruptions continue at a new land mass near one of Japan's Ogasawara Islands in the Pacific Ocean, about 1,000 kilometers south of Tokyo. Source: NHK World http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20131121_37.html- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 12

Japan world heritage site :: Ogasawara Islands 日本小笠原群岛
[http://www.world-heritage-site.com/] 由三组共30多座岛屿组成,覆盖面积7393公顷。岛屿自然景观丰富多样,是一种属于极危物种的蝙蝠——小笠原...
published: 26 Dec 2013
Japan world heritage site :: Ogasawara Islands 日本小笠原群岛
Japan world heritage site :: Ogasawara Islands 日本小笠原群岛
[http://www.world-heritage-site.com/] 由三组共30多座岛屿组成,覆盖面积7393公顷。岛屿自然景观丰富多样,是一种属于极危物种的蝙蝠——小笠原大蝙蝠(Bonin Flying Fox),以及195种濒危鸟类等大量动物栖息的家园。在这些岛屿上已发现并记录了441种当地特有的植物类群,在其周边水域中生活着种类繁多的鱼类、鲸目动物和珊瑚。小笠原群岛的生态系统体现了一系列的生物进化过程,主要表现在这里不仅有着来自东南亚地区与西北亚地区的植物物种,同时还生长着大量当地特有物种。- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 11

Ogasawara Islands 小笠原諸島
published: 11 May 2011
author: bibibibibitoo
Ogasawara Islands 小笠原諸島
Ogasawara Islands 小笠原諸島
世界遺産になるかもしれないと聞いてうれしくて昔撮影した動画をつなげてみました。- published: 11 May 2011
- views: 475
- author: bibibibibitoo

360° View of Chichijima (Ogasawara Islands, Japan)
Wonderful view from a viewpoint en route to Takayama on Chichijima, part of the Ogasawara ...
published: 17 Jan 2013
author: shirubia78
360° View of Chichijima (Ogasawara Islands, Japan)
360° View of Chichijima (Ogasawara Islands, Japan)
Wonderful view from a viewpoint en route to Takayama on Chichijima, part of the Ogasawara Islands.- published: 17 Jan 2013
- views: 78
- author: shirubia78

Performance of Ogasawara Islands "Nanyo Odori" (Japan)
Performance of Ogasawara Islands (Japan) in The 9th Festival of Pacific Arts in Palau, Jul...
published: 29 Apr 2008
author: mangiapo92
Performance of Ogasawara Islands "Nanyo Odori" (Japan)
Performance of Ogasawara Islands "Nanyo Odori" (Japan)
Performance of Ogasawara Islands (Japan) in The 9th Festival of Pacific Arts in Palau, July 2004. Nanyo Odori. 2004年の第9回太平洋芸術祭パラオ大会での、小笠原諸島の南洋踊りのパフォ ーマンス。南洋踊...- published: 29 Apr 2008
- views: 18827
- author: mangiapo92
Youtube results:

Rough Seas on Boat Trip around Chichijima, Ogasawara Islands, Japan
Rauher Seegang bei unserer Umrundung von Chichijima, Ogasawara Inseln, Japan. Mehr Infos u...
published: 02 Sep 2012
author: shirubia78
Rough Seas on Boat Trip around Chichijima, Ogasawara Islands, Japan
Rough Seas on Boat Trip around Chichijima, Ogasawara Islands, Japan
Rauher Seegang bei unserer Umrundung von Chichijima, Ogasawara Inseln, Japan. Mehr Infos unter http://miurakagian.blogspot.com.- published: 02 Sep 2012
- views: 74
- author: shirubia78

中山峠と海水ソムリエ 11月19日 2/2 『世界遺産の旅36』 Ogasawara Islands #322
連続ドラマ『コイサクラン』→http://goo.gl/ghLto 友達や家族と一緒に劇団スカッシュの舞台を見に行こう!→ http://www.e-squash.jp/ GEKI...
published: 28 Nov 2011
author: SQUASHfilms
中山峠と海水ソムリエ 11月19日 2/2 『世界遺産の旅36』 Ogasawara Islands #322
中山峠と海水ソムリエ 11月19日 2/2 『世界遺産の旅36』 Ogasawara Islands #322
連続ドラマ『コイサクラン』→http://goo.gl/ghLto 友達や家族と一緒に劇団スカッシュの舞台を見に行こう!→ http://www.e-squash.jp/ GEKIDAN SQUASH is the actors of the stage and YouTube! SUBSCRIBE! And c...- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 9180
- author: SQUASHfilms