Archive for July, 2010

Leaked report on Land grabs

By on 07/28/2010 in Uncategorized with 6 Comments

Today’s Financial Times has a preview of a much-awaited World Bank report on land grabs. The Bank has, for months, been promising the arrival of a report that makes a cast iron case for why allowing rich foreign investors to buy land in poor countries is win-win-win-win. The release date for the report keeps slipping because it appears that even the Bank is struggling to massage the facts to fit its case. From a leaked version of the report: Keep Reading »

Palo Alto, California

By on 07/27/2010 in Events, Uncategorized with No Comments

Raj will be moderating a talk with Jonathan Safran Foer for the Commonwealth Club

Jacksonville, Florida

By on 07/27/2010 in Events, Uncategorized with No Comments

University of North Florida

Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA

By on 07/27/2010 in Events, Uncategorized with No Comments

The Carmel Authors and Ideas Festival

This is the fourth annual Carmel Authors and Ideas Festival.  There will be 35 award winning authors and speakers, who will discuss their books.  These include authors of New York Times best-sellers, Pulitzer and Nobel Prize winners, and winners of nearly every prestigious literary award.

Elon University, North Carolina

By on 07/27/2010 in Events with No Comments

McCrary Theatre 

Raj will disscuss the nations economic structure, explore the economic collapse and illustrat how achiving a fairer society and sustainable economy are possible.  Q & A will follow his keynote address.

Toronto, Canada

By on 07/27/2010 in Events with 1 Comment

4th Annual From the Ground Up Lecture and Sunday Supper.

Lecture Sunday October 17 at 2:30-4pm
Featuring Mr. Raj Patel
Stuffed & Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World’s Food System
Date: Sunday, October 17, 2011
Time: 2:30 to 4:00pm
Location: Gardiner Museum, Terrace Room
Pricing: $12 general admission, $10 students

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Turin, Italy

By on 07/27/2010 in Events, Uncategorized with No Comments

TERRA MADRE world meeting of food communities

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Mendocino, California

By on 07/27/2010 in Events, Uncategorized with No Comments

Sustainable Mendocino is a collective of people who have come together to discuss and work on issues of sustainability in Mendocino County

Globalisation New and Old

By on 07/26/2010 in Uncategorized with 7 Comments

It’s all here – transnational capital flows, land grabs, Chinese investment, Brazilian regional hegemony, and water wars. Twenty first century concerns if ever there were. And, right in the middle, a very nineteenth century name. The first sentence from a recent Financial Times article demonstrates why globalisation is always old and always new. Keep Reading »

School Bilk Programme

By on 07/14/2010 in Uncategorized with 5 Comments

One day, I’ll find time to write at length about Jamie Oliver but for now, an observation widely shared: when he ran into the food service regulations in his recent US school meal adventures, it was clear he was outgunned in ways he couldn’t fathom. That’s not his fault. School meal regulations in the US are almost deliberately unfathomable. A small legion of food activists and journalists are trying to get to the bottom of it, though – the Time for Lunch campaign is trying to transform school meals, for instance, but two new bits of investigation, across the US and in DC, suggest the scale of the task. The kickback agreements that industrial caterers have with brand suppliers is something that they’ll fight very hard to keep, even if it means that the fresh, local and sustainable produce needed to head off the US obesity epidemic remains off the menu. [Via Jenny Huston]