Images of Resistance

We Remember Manuel: Photos from Anaheim's Struggle Against Police Brutality

On July 21st, 2012, a young man named Manuel Diaz was shot and killed by the Anaheim Police Department. Diaz was unarmed, but--as the story often goes--the killer cop felt that his life was "in imminent danger" nevertheless. Diaz was hit once in the buttocks and again in the back of the head, and was reported dead shortly thereafter.

Anaheim erupted into protests shortly after, and the police response only angered the community further: video evidence shows cops unleashing a K-9 unit on children and firing rubber bullets at crowds filled with angry mothers, youth, kids.

A year later, hundreds of community members and their supporters--along with the families of over 30 victims of police violence in California--assembled in Anaheim to express our continued outrage not simply at last summer's crimes, but at the continued assault by cops everywhere against particularly young Black and Latino men.


May 1 in Nepal: "If they use arms, we'll do the same"

Reports are beginning to come in from May 1 in Nepal. Kasama will share more as the develop. Special thanks to Bikkil Sthapit for sharing photos and reports.

may 1 2013 nepal 1 a44fd

Thousands of workers marched through Kathmandu in rallies organized by the All Nepal Revolutionary Trade Union Federation, chanting demands for 8 hours for work, 8 hours for recreation, and 8 hours for rest. The workers delivered a 25 point demand list, chanting "implement it without change."

The crowd was led by Biplab, a leading member of the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist, who then gave a speech stating that the unconstitutional coup government of Kil Raj Regmi has been attempting to brutally suppress their party, and that the sham elections are a part of that plan. Biplab said that the Maoists have heard the state is planning to deploy the police and the army if they disrupt the sham elections. "Our decision is, if they try to conduct the election without arms, we'll defy it without arms. If they use arms or armed forces, we'll do the same."

More photos after the break.