- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 3074
- author: videosfromIAS
Quanta, Symmetry, and Topology | Frank Wilczek
Frank Wilczek, Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: videosfromIAS
Quanta, Symmetry, and Topology | Frank Wilczek
Frank Wilczek, Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology web.mit.edu Quantum theory radically transforms our fundamental understanding of physical reality. It reveals that the world contains a hidden richness of structure that we have barely begun to control and exploit. In this lecture, Frank Wilczek indicates the extraordinary potential of quantum engineering (the size and nature of Hilbert space); reviews one important ongoing effort to harness it (topological quantum computing); and speculates on its ultimate prospects (quantum minds). This lecture was part of the Institute for Advanced Study's celebration of its eightieth anniversary, and took place during the events related to the Schools of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. More videos at video.ias.edu
- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 3074
- author: videosfromIAS
Darwin Lecture Series 2011: Professor Frank Wilczek
James Cox interviews Nobel Prize winning Physicist Frank Wilczek about the elegance of nat...
published: 10 Feb 2011
author: cambridgeunitv
Darwin Lecture Series 2011: Professor Frank Wilczek
James Cox interviews Nobel Prize winning Physicist Frank Wilczek about the elegance of nature and his life in Theoretical Physics. Professor Wilczek was at the University of Cambridge on the 4th February 2011 to give the 3rd lecture of the 2011 Darwin Lecture series entitled "Quantum Beauty". To view Frank Wilczek's lecture and others in the series, see: sms.cam.ac.uk
- published: 10 Feb 2011
- views: 3019
- author: cambridgeunitv
The J. Robert Oppenheimer Lecture - Frank Wilczek
"Anticipating a New Golden Age" Frank Wilczek, Nobel Laureate and Professor, Massachusetts...
published: 04 Mar 2010
author: UCBerkeleyEvents
The J. Robert Oppenheimer Lecture - Frank Wilczek
"Anticipating a New Golden Age" Frank Wilczek, Nobel Laureate and Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Fundamental physics is poised to take a great leap forward in coming years. An extraordinary instrument - the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC - will enable us to see whether some gorgeous ideas about the ultimate laws of physics describe reality correctly. Nature has given us hints: Is she teaching, or teasing? In a multimedia presentation including rap video, spectacular images, some amazing ideas, and a few jokes, Mr. Wilczek demonstrates why this is an especially exciting time to be a physicist - or a curious person. Sponsored by the UC Berkeley Department of Physics physics.berkeley.edu http
- published: 04 Mar 2010
- views: 15282
- author: UCBerkeleyEvents
Superconductivity: a far-reaching theory
Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology discusses superconductivity and...
published: 06 Dec 2011
author: PhysicsWorldTV
Superconductivity: a far-reaching theory
Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology discusses superconductivity and how it continues to stretch beyond its traditional boundaries into other areas of physics. Visit physicsworld.com for more videos, webinars and podcasts. physicsworld.com
- published: 06 Dec 2011
- views: 2667
- author: PhysicsWorldTV
Nobel Winner Frank Wilczek Chats w/ Jim Clash
Dr. Frank Wilczek, the famous MIT physicist, talks about how the 2004 Nobel Prize changed ...
published: 12 Jul 2007
author: jimclash
Nobel Winner Frank Wilczek Chats w/ Jim Clash
Dr. Frank Wilczek, the famous MIT physicist, talks about how the 2004 Nobel Prize changed his life.
- published: 12 Jul 2007
- views: 4058
- author: jimclash
What is the Large Hadron Collider? - Frank Wilczek
Complete video at: fora.tv Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek explains the Large ...
published: 13 Nov 2008
author: ForaTv
What is the Large Hadron Collider? - Frank Wilczek
Complete video at: fora.tv Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek explains the Large Hadron Collider, how it works, and what scientists hope to discover with it. ----- Light and matter have long been seen as separate: spirit vs. flesh, earthy vs. divine. However, according to Wilczek, physics has blurred the line between light and matter, showing that reality is far from permanent, but rather ever-changing. The 2004 Nobel Prize winner in physics takes a closer look at the very nature of reality, and how our perceptions of reality have changed over time - The Commonwealth Club of California Frank Wilczek has received many prizes for his work in physics, including the Nobel Prize of 2004 for work he did as a graduate student at Princeton University, when he was only 21 years old. He is known, among other things, for the discovery of asymptotic freedom, the development of quantum chromodynamics, the invention of axions, and the exploration of new kinds of quantum statistics (anyons). Much in demand for public lectures to a wide range of audiences, Frank has been anthologized in the Norton Anthology of Light Verse and twice in Best American Science Writing (2003, 2005). His television appearances include "ghostbusting" for Penn and Teller (2005). Frank grew up in Queens, NY and attended the University of Chicago. After getting his Ph.D. from Princeton, he spent time on the faculty there and at the Institute for Advanced Study, as well as at UCSB's Institute for ...
- published: 13 Nov 2008
- views: 6591
- author: ForaTv
Higgs fest symposium at Uppsala Castle, part 1 - Uppsala University
2012-09-27 The State Hall att Uppsala Castle, Uppsala Sweden The discovery of the Higgs pa...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: Uppsalauniversitet
Higgs fest symposium at Uppsala Castle, part 1 - Uppsala University
2012-09-27 The State Hall att Uppsala Castle, Uppsala Sweden The discovery of the Higgs particle this summer was world braking news. What is the Higgs particle? How was it discovered? Why did it take 50 years to make the discovery and why was it so difficult? What does the discovery mean and why is it so important? Uppsala University participates in the Higgs research at CERN and will celebrate the Higgs discovery with a public Higgs Fest Symposium for its employees and students and for the general public. Program Higgs and Uppsala University Introduction by Tord Ekelöf, professor of elementary particle physics at Uppsala University How the great discovery was made at CERN Talk by Fabiola Gianotti, Spokesperson for the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Honorary Doctor at Uppsala University Congratulations Interlude by Janet Conrad, professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA What the great discovery means and why it is so important Talk by Frank Wilczek, Nobel Prize in Physics, professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA ------------------ In 2005 a world particle physics conferens was held in Uppsala. At the conference dinner at Uppsala Castle prof. Franck Wilczek and prof. Janet Conrad, both from MIT in the USA, made a bet recorded on a paper towel. Frank Wilczek bet that the Higgs boson would be found at CERNs large accelerator LHC. Janet Conrad bet against. She will meet Frank Wilczek again at Uppsala Castle during the Symposium ...
- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 357
- author: Uppsalauniversitet
Higgs fest symposium at Uppsala Castle, part 2 - Uppsala University
2012-09-27 The State Hall att Uppsala Castle, Uppsala Sweden The discovery of the Higgs pa...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: Uppsalauniversitet
Higgs fest symposium at Uppsala Castle, part 2 - Uppsala University
2012-09-27 The State Hall att Uppsala Castle, Uppsala Sweden The discovery of the Higgs particle this summer was world braking news. What is the Higgs particle? How was it discovered? Why did it take 50 years to make the discovery and why was it so difficult? What does the discovery mean and why is it so important? Uppsala University participates in the Higgs research at CERN and will celebrate the Higgs discovery with a public Higgs Fest Symposium for its employees and students and for the general public. Program Higgs and Uppsala University Introduction by Tord Ekelöf, professor of elementary particle physics at Uppsala University How the great discovery was made at CERN Talk by Fabiola Gianotti, Spokesperson for the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Honorary Doctor at Uppsala University Congratulations Interlude by Janet Conrad, professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA What the great discovery means and why it is so important Talk by Frank Wilczek, Nobel Prize in Physics, professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA ------------------ In 2005 a world particle physics conferens was held in Uppsala. At the conference dinner at Uppsala Castle prof. Franck Wilczek and prof. Janet Conrad, both from MIT in the USA, made a bet recorded on a paper towel. Frank Wilczek bet that the Higgs boson would be found at CERNs large accelerator LHC. Janet Conrad bet against. She will meet Frank Wilczek again at Uppsala Castle during the Symposium ...
- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 112
- author: Uppsalauniversitet
Part 2: Nobelist Frank Wilczek Chats w/ Jim Clash
This time Nobel Prize-winning physicist Dr. Frank Wilczek talks about nuclear terrorism an...
published: 13 Jul 2007
author: jimclash
Part 2: Nobelist Frank Wilczek Chats w/ Jim Clash
This time Nobel Prize-winning physicist Dr. Frank Wilczek talks about nuclear terrorism and the late Dr. Edward Teller.
- published: 13 Jul 2007
- views: 1988
- author: jimclash
Frank Wilczek Gauge Theory 1
Boston APS 2-27-12...
published: 01 Mar 2012
author: Jack Sarfatti
Frank Wilczek Gauge Theory 1
Boston APS 2-27-12
- published: 01 Mar 2012
- views: 424
- author: Jack Sarfatti
Another 50 Renowned Academics Speaking About God (Part 2)
Speakers in order of appearance: 51. Frank Wilczek, Nobel Laureate in Physics, MIT 52. VS ...
published: 07 Aug 2011
author: J Pararajasingham
Another 50 Renowned Academics Speaking About God (Part 2)
Speakers in order of appearance: 51. Frank Wilczek, Nobel Laureate in Physics, MIT 52. VS Ramachandran, World-Renowned Neuroscientist, UC San Diego 53. Bruce C. Murray, Caltech Professor Emeritus of Planetary Science 54. Sir Raymond Firth, World-Renowned Anthropologist, LSE 55. Alva Noë, Berkeley Professor of Philosophy 56. Alan Dundes, World Expert in Folklore, Berkeley 57. Massimo Pigliucci, Professor of Philosophy, CUNY 58. Bede Rundle, Oxford Professor of Philosophy 59. Sir Richard Friend, Cambridge Professor of Physics 60. George Lakoff, Berkeley Professor of Linguistics 61. Sir John Sulston, Nobel Laureate in Physiology/Medicine 62. Shelley Kagan, Yale Professor of Philosophy 63. Roy J. Glauber, Nobel Laureate in Physics 64. Lewis Wolpert, Emeritus Professor of Biology, UCL 65. Mahzarin Banaji, Harvard Professor of Social Ethics 66. Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Professor of Practical Ethics, Duke University 67. Richard Dawkins, Oxford Evolutionary Biologist 68. Bruce Hood, Professor of Experimental Psychology, Bristol 69. Marvin Minsky, Artificial Intelligence Research Pioneer, MIT 70. Herman Philipse, Professor of Philosophy, Utrecht University 71. Michio Kaku, CUNY Professor of Theoretical Physics 72. Dame Caroline Humphrey, Cambridge Professor of Anthropology 73. Max Tegmark, World-Renowned Cosmologist, MIT 74. David Parkin, Oxford Professor of Anthropology 75. Robert Price, Professor of Theology and Biblical Criticism 76. Jonathan Haidt, Professor of Psychology ...
- published: 07 Aug 2011
- views: 43652
- author: J Pararajasingham
Frank Wilczek Gauge Theory 2
Boston APS 2-27-12...
published: 01 Mar 2012
author: Jack Sarfatti
Frank Wilczek Gauge Theory 2
Boston APS 2-27-12
- published: 01 Mar 2012
- views: 52
- author: Jack Sarfatti
ASU Origins Symposium - Nobel Lauerates
A panel of six Nobel Laureates gathered to discuss the origins of the universe, during the...
published: 20 May 2009
author: ASU
ASU Origins Symposium - Nobel Lauerates
A panel of six Nobel Laureates gathered to discuss the origins of the universe, during the Origins Symposium at Arizona State University April 6, 2009. The panel was moderated by Ira Flatow, host of NPR's Science Friday. Panelists include: Sheldon Glashow, David Gross, John Mather, Frank Wilczek, Walter Gilbert and Baruch Blumberg
- published: 20 May 2009
- views: 8930
- author: ASU
Youtube results:
Prof. Frank Wilczek doktorem honoris causa UJ
20 września w auli Collegium Maius odbyła się uroczystość wręczenia tytułu doktora honoris...
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: unijagiellonski
Prof. Frank Wilczek doktorem honoris causa UJ
20 września w auli Collegium Maius odbyła się uroczystość wręczenia tytułu doktora honoris causa Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego profesorowi Frankowi Wilczkowi. Senat UJ przyznał tytuł profesorowi m.in. za interdyscyplinarne badania teoretyczne materii kwantowej, aw szczególności za odkrycie tak zwanej asymptotycznej swobody w oddziaływaniach cząstek elementarnych, za prace nad zachowaniem materii kwantowej w ekstremalnie wysokich temperaturach i przy ultrawysokich gęstościach, za zastosowanie metod kwantowych i statystycznych fizyki materii skondensowanej i teorii pola w chromodynamice kwantowej. Prof. Frank Wilczek jest wybitnym amerykańskim fizykiem teoretycznym, laureatem nagrody Nobla. Urodził się w 1951 roku w Nowym Jorku jako potomek polskich i włoskich imigrantów. Studiował matematykę na Uniwersytecie w Chicago i Uniwersytecie Princeton. W Princeton uzyskał tytuł magistra matematyki i doktora fizyki, aw 1989 roku stanowisko profesora. Od 2000 roku jest profesorem w Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). W 2004 roku otrzymał nagrodę Nobla z fizyki za opisane w pracy doktorskiej w 1973 roku zjawisko swobody asymptotycznej. Wraz z nim nagrodę Nobla otrzymał David Gross oraz Hough David Politzer.
- published: 21 Sep 2012
- views: 212
- author: unijagiellonski
Frank Wilczek, Passion for Knowledge 2010
Conferencia "Anticipando una nueva Edad de Oro" por el Profesor Frank Wilczek en el marco ...
published: 26 Oct 2010
author: DIPC10
Frank Wilczek, Passion for Knowledge 2010
Conferencia "Anticipando una nueva Edad de Oro" por el Profesor Frank Wilczek en el marco del festival del conocimiento Passion for Knolwdge, organizado por DIPC para celebrar su décimo aniversario. Aquí podrás disfrutar de la conferencia en su totalidad: dipc.tv
- published: 26 Oct 2010
- views: 484
- author: DIPC10
Frank Wilczek o teorii ostatecznej
Jeden z genialnych naukowców współczesności, popychających naszą wiedzę do przodu, m.in. o...
published: 04 Mar 2011
author: plechol
Frank Wilczek o teorii ostatecznej
Jeden z genialnych naukowców współczesności, popychających naszą wiedzę do przodu, m.in. o podstawowych cegiełkach materii.
- published: 04 Mar 2011
- views: 366
- author: plechol
Higgs fest symposium at Uppsala Castle, part 3 - Uppsala University
2012-09-27 The State Hall att Uppsala Castle, Uppsala Sweden The discovery of the Higgs pa...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: Uppsalauniversitet
Higgs fest symposium at Uppsala Castle, part 3 - Uppsala University
2012-09-27 The State Hall att Uppsala Castle, Uppsala Sweden The discovery of the Higgs particle this summer was world braking news. What is the Higgs particle? How was it discovered? Why did it take 50 years to make the discovery and why was it so difficult? What does the discovery mean and why is it so important? Uppsala University participates in the Higgs research at CERN and will celebrate the Higgs discovery with a public Higgs Fest Symposium for its employees and students and for the general public. Program Higgs and Uppsala University Introduction by Tord Ekelöf, professor of elementary particle physics at Uppsala University How the great discovery was made at CERN Talk by Fabiola Gianotti, Spokesperson for the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Honorary Doctor at Uppsala University Congratulations Interlude by Janet Conrad, professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA What the great discovery means and why it is so important Talk by Frank Wilczek, Nobel Prize in Physics, professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA ------------------ In 2005 a world particle physics conferens was held in Uppsala. At the conference dinner at Uppsala Castle prof. Franck Wilczek and prof. Janet Conrad, both from MIT in the USA, made a bet recorded on a paper towel. Frank Wilczek bet that the Higgs boson would be found at CERNs large accelerator LHC. Janet Conrad bet against. She will meet Frank Wilczek again at Uppsala Castle during the Symposium ...
- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 820
- author: Uppsalauniversitet