Misa Mozárabe
Celebración de la Eucaristía en Rito Hispano-Mozárabe del Inicio del Año, se celebra todos...
published: 07 Jan 2008
author: jesustf1992
Misa Mozárabe
Misa Mozárabe
Celebración de la Eucaristía en Rito Hispano-Mozárabe del Inicio del Año, se celebra todos lo Martes en la Iglesia de San Pascual en el Paseo de Recoletos, n...- published: 07 Jan 2008
- views: 36270
- author: jesustf1992
Mozarabic Chant: Inlatio & Sanctus
(Click for more info) The Inlatio for the feast of St. James the Great followed by the San...
published: 09 May 2010
author: flyingblackboard
Mozarabic Chant: Inlatio & Sanctus
Mozarabic Chant: Inlatio & Sanctus
(Click for more info) The Inlatio for the feast of St. James the Great followed by the Sanctus, sung by Ensemble Organum from from 'Chant Mozarabe Cathédrale...- published: 09 May 2010
- views: 10088
- author: flyingblackboard
Mozarabic Chant: Gloria in Excelsis Deo
(Click more info) A Merry Christmas to all viewers! The Mozarabic version of the Gloria, s...
published: 24 Dec 2010
author: flyingblackboard
Mozarabic Chant: Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Mozarabic Chant: Gloria in Excelsis Deo
(Click more info) A Merry Christmas to all viewers! The Mozarabic version of the Gloria, sung by Ensemble Organum from 'Chant Mozarabe: Cathedrale de Tolede'...- published: 24 Dec 2010
- views: 18378
- author: flyingblackboard
Praelegendum de la Misa Mozarabe (UBI SUNT?)
La Capilla Gregoriana del Santisimo Cristo del Calvario de Merida interpreta el Praelegend...
published: 12 Feb 2008
author: José Miguel Galán
Praelegendum de la Misa Mozarabe (UBI SUNT?)
Praelegendum de la Misa Mozarabe (UBI SUNT?)
La Capilla Gregoriana del Santisimo Cristo del Calvario de Merida interpreta el Praelegendum (Introitus o Canto de Entrada) de la Reconstruccion de la Misa M...- published: 12 Feb 2008
- views: 3724
- author: José Miguel Galán
San Isidoro y San Leandro Spanish Orthodox Church
On fourth street in Manhattan, just west of Avenue D, there is a small church: La Iglesia ...
published: 05 Nov 2007
author: NYCulturalPhysician
San Isidoro y San Leandro Spanish Orthodox Church
San Isidoro y San Leandro Spanish Orthodox Church
On fourth street in Manhattan, just west of Avenue D, there is a small church: La Iglesia de San Isidoro y San Leandro. It is a Western Orthodox Church, usin...- published: 05 Nov 2007
- views: 11576
- author: NYCulturalPhysician
Catholic Rites
Music is Super Mario 64 ending theme. 0:00 Catholic Churches and Rites 0:18 Roman Rite 0:2...
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: mariomusicmadness
Catholic Rites
Catholic Rites
Music is Super Mario 64 ending theme. 0:00 Catholic Churches and Rites 0:18 Roman Rite 0:27 Anglican Use 0:36 Mozarabic Rite 0:44 Ambrosian Rite 0:53 Bragan ...- published: 02 Feb 2012
- views: 627
- author: mariomusicmadness
Mozarabic Baptism
Baptism of Joshua Theodore Suaiden, according to the Hispanic Orthodox (Mozarabic) rite. T...
published: 13 Mar 2008
author: nycxenia
Mozarabic Baptism
Mozarabic Baptism
Baptism of Joshua Theodore Suaiden, according to the Hispanic Orthodox (Mozarabic) rite. The baptism, March 8, 2008, was performed by Abp John of New York an...- published: 13 Mar 2008
- views: 10257
- author: nycxenia
A Interactive Map of the Catholic Church
This is an interactive map of the Catholic Church designed by the Society of Sts. Peter & ...
published: 17 Jun 2013
author: StsPeter Andrew
A Interactive Map of the Catholic Church
A Interactive Map of the Catholic Church
This is an interactive map of the Catholic Church designed by the Society of Sts. Peter & Andrew. Software used: Prezi and Screen-O-Matic For a more interact...- published: 17 Jun 2013
- views: 50
- author: StsPeter Andrew
Aperiat tibi Dominus "Canto mozárabe/Mozarabic Chant"
Antiphon (Ordo in finem hominis diei) Aperiat tibi (Psal 22,1-3a) Aperiat tibi Dominus par...
published: 20 Dec 2010
author: sh4m69
Aperiat tibi Dominus "Canto mozárabe/Mozarabic Chant"
Aperiat tibi Dominus "Canto mozárabe/Mozarabic Chant"
Antiphon (Ordo in finem hominis diei) Aperiat tibi (Psal 22,1-3a) Aperiat tibi Dominus paradisi ianuam, ut ad illam patriam revertaris ubi mors non est, ubi ...- published: 20 Dec 2010
- views: 782
- author: sh4m69
Ingressa: "Lux fulgebit hodie super nos"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of t...
published: 20 Nov 2009
author: micrologus2
Ingressa: "Lux fulgebit hodie super nos"
Ingressa: "Lux fulgebit hodie super nos"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but dist...- published: 20 Nov 2009
- views: 974
- author: micrologus2
Alleluia Verset:"Hodie in Bethlehem puer natus est"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of t...
published: 20 Nov 2009
author: micrologus2
Alleluia Verset:"Hodie in Bethlehem puer natus est"
Alleluia Verset:"Hodie in Bethlehem puer natus est"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but dist...- published: 20 Nov 2009
- views: 2901
- author: micrologus2
Responsorium: "Congratulamini mihi omnes qui diligitis Dominum"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of t...
published: 20 Nov 2009
author: micrologus2
Responsorium: "Congratulamini mihi omnes qui diligitis Dominum"
Responsorium: "Congratulamini mihi omnes qui diligitis Dominum"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but dist...- published: 20 Nov 2009
- views: 1025
- author: micrologus2
Lucernarium: "Paravi lucernam Christo meo"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of t...
published: 20 Nov 2009
author: micrologus2
Lucernarium: "Paravi lucernam Christo meo"
Lucernarium: "Paravi lucernam Christo meo"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but dist...- published: 20 Nov 2009
- views: 1680
- author: micrologus2
Youtube results:
Liturgia Mozárabe - Sanctus
Canto del Sanctus, según la liturgia mozárabe celebrada en la catedral de Salamanca....
published: 16 Dec 2006
author: Sagarzas
Liturgia Mozárabe - Sanctus
Liturgia Mozárabe - Sanctus
Canto del Sanctus, según la liturgia mozárabe celebrada en la catedral de Salamanca.- published: 16 Dec 2006
- views: 25260
- author: Sagarzas
Pilgrimage to Spain following the footsteps of Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross
April 11-19, 2012 pilgrimage to Spain with Secular Discalced Carmelites from the United St...
published: 24 Apr 2012
author: chirchlady
Pilgrimage to Spain following the footsteps of Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross
Pilgrimage to Spain following the footsteps of Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross
April 11-19, 2012 pilgrimage to Spain with Secular Discalced Carmelites from the United States. In association with The Order of Discalced Carmelites Secular...- published: 24 Apr 2012
- views: 736
- author: chirchlady
Canticum: "Ecce quam bonum et jocundum"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of t...
published: 20 Nov 2009
author: micrologus2
Canticum: "Ecce quam bonum et jocundum"
Canticum: "Ecce quam bonum et jocundum"
Ambrosian chant (also known as Milanese chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to but dist...- published: 20 Nov 2009
- views: 653
- author: micrologus2
Against Abortion - Teachings of the Church of Christ
The Catholic Church, i.e. Church of Christ, has always held abortion at all stages to be t...
published: 27 Jul 2012
author: Petrus Josephus
Against Abortion - Teachings of the Church of Christ
Against Abortion - Teachings of the Church of Christ
The Catholic Church, i.e. Church of Christ, has always held abortion at all stages to be the destruction of an innocent life. Long before science had "proven...- published: 27 Jul 2012
- views: 1032
- author: Petrus Josephus