- published: 17 Nov 2013
3 min 50 sec

Jumbo Ozaki
Jumbo Ozaki is the most successful player of all time on the Japan Golf Tour, having led t...
published: 17 Nov 2013
Jumbo Ozaki
Jumbo Ozaki
Jumbo Ozaki is the most successful player of all time on the Japan Golf Tour, having led the money list a record 12 times and won 94 tournaments, more than 40 more than the second highest tally.- published: 17 Nov 2013
1 min 37 sec

2011 World Golf Hall of Fame
To kickoff THE PLAYERS, the World Golf Hall of Fame will induct former President George H....
published: 17 Nov 2013
2011 World Golf Hall of Fame
2011 World Golf Hall of Fame
To kickoff THE PLAYERS, the World Golf Hall of Fame will induct former President George H.W. Bush, Frank Chirkinian, Ernie Els, Doug Ford, Jock Hutchison and Masashi "Jumbo" Ozaki.- published: 17 Nov 2013
1 min 15 sec

Shota Ozaki- Boys 15-19 Division Champion at The IJGT Georgia Open
Shota Ozaki talks with IJGT SE Operations associate Nick Koppin about the keys to his vict...
published: 17 Nov 2013
Shota Ozaki- Boys 15-19 Division Champion at The IJGT Georgia Open
Shota Ozaki- Boys 15-19 Division Champion at The IJGT Georgia Open
Shota Ozaki talks with IJGT SE Operations associate Nick Koppin about the keys to his victory at the IJGT Georgia Open at Savannah Quarters CC. The event was held on October 20-21 at Savannah Quarters Country Club. For more information on this event or any others, please visit www.ijgt.com, call 800-792-9143, or click http://bluegolf.ijgt.com/bluegolf/ijgt13/event/ijgt1310/contest/1/leaderboard.htm- published: 17 Nov 2013
14 min 59 sec

Japan Pro Golf Tour 64, Part 12. Prize Money King mode's Tournament wins and Ending
Japan Pro Golf Tour 64, Walkthrough and Translation by "Teary Eyes" Anderson. This walkthr...
published: 17 Nov 2013
Japan Pro Golf Tour 64, Part 12. Prize Money King mode's Tournament wins and Ending
Japan Pro Golf Tour 64, Part 12. Prize Money King mode's Tournament wins and Ending
Japan Pro Golf Tour 64, Walkthrough and Translation by "Teary Eyes" Anderson. This walkthrough, translation is not endorsed or sponsored by Nintendo, Media Factory, or Seta. Use at your own risk. For my full guide can be found at http://faqs.ign.com/articles/122/1224741p1.html 0:02 Tsuruya {Crane house} Open Golf Tournament 0:04 Sports Shinko {Promotion} Country Club Mountain's Prairie course, Ozaki Masashi, Suzuki Toru 0:34 Overall victory, Prize {number of amount won} Thousand yen, Tsuruya {Crane house} Open Golf Tournament 0:48 1 Ranked at {first, second, place and so on}, Prize Thousand{s}, Owned prizes, Total Amount 1:00 Seta Sports, Evening Publication, Actual reason, Seta's screen quality up {Image of player trowing ball} V was successful!! Hooray!! Overall victory!!, Seta Sp {sports abbreviation} 100 yen, The jack pot was establish! 1:14 {Player's character}, Performance experience: None, Highest ranking: None, Seed authority {Position in ranking groups}: Permanent seed, Physical strength: {This begins to fade and makes the player's accuracy decreases the more they play.} 1:50 {Text isn't very good resolution possible translation, messages along the sides of the paper are the same as before, only the center changes.} If one more somehow was forced to attach yet hot water is wanted for a drink as to die. Actually it is a disappointment 2 ranked at, Overall victory was aimed for 2:42 3 ranked at, tied 2:54 {Text isn't very good resolution possible translation, messages along the sides of the paper are the same as before, only the center changes.} Was this shot at bat unreasonable? Was the attack began with a miss with a powerful emotional insecurity in the minds objective was clumsy in reality that caused this gentleman was stopped from the Overall victory?, It is regrettable!!, 3 tie {tied for third with another competitor} ranked at, Frustrating it is! It is one step however! 3:05 Asian Tour Kirin Open Golf championship 3:08 Ibaraki Golf Club East Course, Teshima Kuichi, Ozaki Masashi 4:14 {Text isn't very good resolution possible translation, messages along the sides of the paper are the same as before, only the center changes.} A person's diligent is a gallery of flowing powerful forceful play and superior performance and technique. Tour player. Leader of the people. In this victor. Overall Victory!! 4:32 Ube Kosan {Home area entertaining products} Open Gold Japan Tournament (at Ube Country Club Mannenike {Ten Thousand Years Pond}, East Course) 5:04 Ubekosan Open Golf Tournament 5:24 JCB Classic Sendai {Mountain living person on the summit} 5:26 Omotezao Kokusai {Surface warehoue at Kingdom's edge} Golf Club, Kaneko Yoshinori 6:18 6:20 and 6:48 Yomiuri {Newspaper} Open Golf Tournament 6:24 Yomiuri Country Club, S. Conran {Steven Conran real life Australian golfer.} 7:12 and 7:42 ~Zenei heno Bii {To all England it is the road}~ Mizuno {watery field} Open 7:14 Setonaikai {Inland sea} Golf Club 8:05 and 8:36 {Lasting light medicine manufacture} KBC {Kyushu Asahi = Ninth State morning, Broadcasting Corporation} Augusta Golf Tournament 8:08 Keya {Ground house = sod hut} Golf Club, Ozaki Tateo 8:59 and 9:32 Bridgestone Open Golf Tournament 9:02 Sodegaura {Expanding Seacoast} Country Club Sodegaura {Expanding Seacoast} Course, Kuwabara Katsunori {real life Japanese player, but not one of the playable characters} 10:00 Acom {Affection, Confidence and Moderation} International 10:02 Seve Ballesteros {Severiano Ballesteros, a Spanish golf player} Golf Club Izumi {Fountain} Course, Watanabe Tsukasa {real life Japanese player, but not one of the playable characters} 11:00 and 11:36 Sumitomo {A residing friend} VISA {Latin word, meaning authorization papers, later taken as a credit cards name} Taiheiyo {Pacific Ocean} Masters 11:06 Taiheiyo {Pacific Ocean} Club Gotemba {governing place's location} Course, Ida Yasunori {seems to be a imaginary person} 12:24 Prize Money King Tournament, Ending- published: 17 Nov 2013
1 min 54 sec

ジャンボ尾崎が世界殿堂入り 日本のゴルフ普及への貢献に評価
■アサヒ・コム動画 http://www.asahi.com/video/
published: 17 Nov 2013
ジャンボ尾崎が世界殿堂入り 日本のゴルフ普及への貢献に評価
ジャンボ尾崎が世界殿堂入り 日本のゴルフ普及への貢献に評価
■アサヒ・コム動画 http://www.asahi.com/video/ 世界ゴルフ殿堂(米フロリダ州)は6日、尾崎将司(63)の殿堂入りを正式に発表した。日本選手としては、2003年の樋口久子、04年の青木功、05年の岡本綾子に続く4人目の栄誉。プロスポーツとしてのゴルフを、日本に定着させた最大の功労者に改めて光が当てられた。 横浜市のホテルで記者会見した同殿堂最高執行責任者のジャック・ピーター氏から正式に名前を告げられると、尾崎将は軽く笑みを浮かべた。 「日本でゴルフ(の普及)に貢献した自負はある。世界の方が評価して下さり、賞をいただけたことを光栄に思う」と喜びを語った。 だが、栄誉ある賞を受賞した喜びの一方で、本音を漏らした。「世界でゴルフに貢献したことは残念ながら、ない。世界のトーナメントで上位に入って(殿堂入りの)ポイントをあげたわけではないし、その気持ちはずっと心の中にある」 確かに海外の主要大会で結果を残し、過去に殿堂入りした3人に比べ、尾崎将の海外実績は乏しい。ではなぜ今回選出されたのか。 殿堂側は「16年のリオデジャネイロ五輪でゴルフの採用が決まった。世界の各地で活躍する選手がいなければ五輪種目にはならなかっただろう」。規模やレベルでは米国、欧州のツアーには劣るものの、圧倒的な強さと飛距離で国内ツアー通算94勝を挙げ、ゴルフ人気を日本に定着させた功績を、投票権を持つゴルフ記者ら約200人は高く評価した。「国際投票部門」で尾崎将は最高得票だった。 「ゴルフというものは勇気、感動を与えるもの。みなさんが(受賞を)喜んでくれるのなら、と真摯(しんし)に受け止めないといけないのかな」と最後は納得した表情を見せた。 そして、石川遼、池田勇太ら若手の台頭には「その2人に薗田(峻輔)も加わった。この3人は日本のゴルフを背負っていけるんじゃないかな。僕もその中に入りたいね」。細めた目の奥にはまだ闘志がみなぎっていた。 表彰式は来年5月、同殿堂で行われる。 ◇ 石川遼の話 日本のゴルフ界をこれだけ大きくしたのもジャンボさんの力。僕らだけではなく、何世代も下の世代のゴルファーにも語り伝えられると思う。 池田勇太の話 殿堂入りは遅すぎたくらいだと思う。実際に自分がこの2年間で6勝してみて、ジャンボさんがプロ通算で100勝以上しているすごさが分かる。 ※「Channel ASAHI」にアップロードされている動画の改ざんや、朝日新聞社の許可なく商用・営利目的で利用することを禁じます。- published: 17 Nov 2013
52 sec

ニューギン「CRジャンボRUSH」 9/26販売 ジャンボ尾崎&手島優とのタイアップ機! 究極のスピード勝負がここにある! 【お断り】この動画の無断転載を禁じます。 また動画の音量...
published: 17 Nov 2013
ニューギン「CRジャンボRUSH」 9/26販売 ジャンボ尾崎&手島優とのタイアップ機! 究極のスピード勝負がここにある! 【お断り】この動画の無断転載を禁じます。 また動画の音量調節は行っておりませんのでご注意ください。- published: 17 Nov 2013
14 min 12 sec

Japan Pro Golf Tour 64, Part 11. Rally Ending and Player Qualification
Japan Pro Golf Tour 64, Walkthrough and Translation by "Teary Eyes" Anderson. This walkthr...
published: 17 Nov 2013
Japan Pro Golf Tour 64, Part 11. Rally Ending and Player Qualification
Japan Pro Golf Tour 64, Part 11. Rally Ending and Player Qualification
Japan Pro Golf Tour 64, Walkthrough and Translation by "Teary Eyes" Anderson. This walkthrough, translation is not endorsed or sponsored by Nintendo, Media Factory, or Seta. Use at your own risk. For my full guide can be found at http://faqs.ign.com/articles/122/1224741p1.html 0:14 18 H {Hole}, Par 4, 4 Strokes Observed {so far on this hole.} R. Backwell {Richard Backwell, real life Australian player}, Distance 5 Foot {also used for Feet}, 5m {miles per hour of wind} 0:27 Serizawa Nobuo {real life Japanese player, also 1 of the 20 playable Pro Tour characters} 0:38 Tsuruya {Crane house} Open Golf Tournament, Leader Board 1:08 Ozaki Masashi {real life Japanese player, also 1 of the 20 playable Pro Tour characters} 1:19 Miyamoto Katsumasa {real life Japanese player, but not one of the playable characters} 2:05 Sports Shinko {Promotion}Country Club Mountain's Prairie course 2:11 Primaries passed 2:30 Tournament, Number 3 day, Finals group 2:40 Yokoo Kaname {real life Japanese player, but not one of the playable characters} 2:45 Tournament, Final day, Finals group 3:10 Kuwabara Katsunori {real life Japanese player, but not one of the playable characters} 3:58 David Ishii {real life Japanese player, also 1 of the 20 playable Pro Tour characters} 5:00 Ending starts 6:25 Seve {Severiano} Ballesteros Golf Club Izumi {Fountain} Course {Severiano Ballesteros is a Spanish golfer} 6:42 515 Yard {also used for Yards}, Dormy Hole {meaning the player can only be tied or they win.} 7:12 {At top of Menu Screen} Select chosen item desired by selecting please. Game {go to Game Menu} Game Start {In side window} Play Method and Number of People deciding for game can be done. Continue {go to Continue Menu} Game's Resumption {In side window} In DD preserved game is resumed. Data {Go to Data Menu} Data's Management {In side window} Every kind of result is seen and Best Shot Replay. Config {go to Configuration Menu} Environment Conditions Menu {In side window} Weather and Time, Season Conditions and Music and Sound Effects testing is possible. 7:14 Chipin {Ball lands in Hole without rolling across the cups edge.} 7:20 If B button is pushed a replay will be saved. 8:04 Play off {In red letters, only appears if there was a tie game.} 8:26 Setonaikai {shallow doorway of inward sea, or Sea Strait} Golf Club 8:34 Month/Day, Amateur. HDCP {Handicap then followed by a number} 8:40 The stance direction change it please {you are standing in a way where you can't make the shot.} 8:45 Give up score it is unplayable and not possible. 9:12 For Use a File from selection choose please. In box above system.} HDCP {Handicap} 21 it will become from 36 is this all right? Yes, No. {In red box and drop down menu, If yes is selected save will be done then exited. If no is selected go to next message.} Saving will not be done is this all right? Yes {Then it will exit without saving.} No {return to option to save.} 9:50 Expert {Need a Handicap less then 36.} 10:32 Handicap, 0 Achieved! Congratulations, Q tournament (Qualifying tournament) can now be taken, if the eyes are set on that goal 10:48 {See 'Part 00' for menu text.} 10:52 To Use a file choose it please. 10:55 Character {options screen}, Straight, Three piece Ball, revert {takes you back to pervious screen.} Possession of objects change {change clubs}, Confirm decisions. 10:57 Sodegaura {Extension of the bay} Country Club Sodegaura Course, Hiraiwa Takenori, Iwakura Keisuke {both seem to be made up names} 11:09 Kikuike Showaji, Abe Kenichi {both seem to be made up names} 12:14 Q tournament (Qualifying tournament) Successful! Congratulations. 12:45 Amateur will become a Tour Player that is the change is this all right? Yes, No. {In red box and drop down menu.} 13:02 To use characters of different types select choice please. *New Player Create {This will let you start a character from the beginning, once you save it the same options will appear as 'Original Player' screen. *Original Player {character already created by the player if none it will take you to same start screen as 'New Player Create' go to save section of 'New Player Create'.} *Tour Player- published: 17 Nov 2013
4 min 52 sec

15の夜 Ozaki Yutaka cover The dearest weekender
超高層ビルの上の空 届かない夢を見てる
校舎の裏 煙草をふかして見つかれば逃げ場もない
しゃがんでかたまり ...
published: 17 Nov 2013
15の夜 Ozaki Yutaka cover The dearest weekender
15の夜 Ozaki Yutaka cover The dearest weekender
落書きの教科書と外ばかり見てる俺 超高層ビルの上の空 届かない夢を見てる やりばのない気持の扉破りたい 校舎の裏 煙草をふかして見つかれば逃げ場もない しゃがんでかたまり 背を向けながら 心のひとつも解りあえない大人達をにらむ そして仲間達は今夜家出の計画をたてる とにかくもう 学校や家には帰りたくない 自分の存在が何なのかさえ 解らず震えている 15の夜- 盗んだバイクで走り出す 行き先も解らぬまま 暗い夜の帳りの中へ 誰にも縛られたくないと 逃げ込んだこの夜に 自由になれた気がした 15の夜 冷たい風 冷えた体 人恋しくて 夢見てるあの娘の家の横を サヨナラつぶやき 走り抜ける 闇の中 ぽつんと光る 自動販売機 100円玉で買えるぬくもり 熱い缶コーヒー握りしめ 恋の結末も解らないけど あの娘と俺は将来さえ ずっと夢に見てる 大人達は心を捨てろ捨てろと言うが 俺はいやなのさ 退屈な授業が俺達の全てだというならば なんてちっぽけで なんて意味のない なんて無力な 15の夜- 盗んだバイクで走り出す 行き先も解らぬまま 暗い夜の帳りの中へ 覚えたての煙草をふかし 星空を見つめながら 自由を求め続けた 15の夜 盗んだバイクで走り出す 行き先も解らぬまま 暗い夜の帳りの中へ 誰にも縛られたくないと 逃げ込んだこの夜に 自由になれた気がした 15の夜- published: 17 Nov 2013