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BAT | Consegnato il Gonfalone della Provincia
Yugioh! Cosmo Blazer Sneak Peek Saturday January 19, 2013
256 Bretonnia vs Wood Elves Dec2012
got pices  today
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Newcastle United Emblem Tutorial
World of Tanks - Version 7.2 perks
Obamas Trip to Africa & RABBI JEW BARKER FUKUSHIMA Fuel Pool Four Agenda 21 on Steroids DIC OF DOOM
HATIKVAH with English & Hebrew Lyrics plus Musical Notes
Pre-Heresy Vampire Counts!
HE vs Skaven 2013 05 18

Bat Heraldry

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BAT | Consegnato il Gonfalone della Provincia
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:37
  • Updated: 27 May 2012

BAT | Consegnato il Gonfalone della Provincia

BAT | Consegnato il Gonfalone della Provincia Presso la sede della Provincia BAT la cerimonia ufficiale del decreto con cui il Presidente della Repubblica co...
  • published: 19 Sep 2011
  • views: 103
  • author: Amica9tv | Consegnato il Gonfalone della Provincia
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:42
  • Updated: 02 Aug 2013


READ THE DESCRIPTION (100++ LIKES Would Be AMAZING) he doesn't play Mind control . - mind control + ROTA + COMPULSORY EVACUATION DEVICE DECK AS 41 CARDS Hiya...
  • published: 24 Feb 2013
  • views: 4645
Yugioh! Cosmo Blazer Sneak Peek Saturday January 19, 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:07:28
  • Updated: 26 May 2013

Yugioh! Cosmo Blazer Sneak Peek Saturday January 19, 2013

Well, it's time for another Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG new Cosmo Blazer booster pack to come out. These booster packs should only be release every 3 1/2 months. But it le...! Cosmo Blazer Sneak Peek Saturday January 19, 2013
256 Bretonnia vs Wood Elves Dec2012
  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:17
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2013

256 Bretonnia vs Wood Elves Dec2012

Bretonnia vs Wood Elves in a Warhammer Fantasy battle report. Bretonnia vs Wood Elves Dec2012
got pices  today
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:59
  • Updated: 31 May 2012

got pices today

My new pices. pices today
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Newcastle United Emblem Tutorial
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:58
  • Updated: 22 May 2013

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Newcastle United Emblem Tutorial

How to create a Newcastle United crest emblem on Call of Duty Black Ops Layers: curved line rectangle thin rectangle thin heraldic dragon heraldic dragon cre...
  • published: 08 Jun 2011
  • views: 1615
  • author: pelling of Duty: Black Ops - Newcastle United Emblem Tutorial
World of Tanks - Version 7.2 perks
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:34
  • Updated: 02 Dec 2012

World of Tanks - Version 7.2 perks

Hello there ;) this is my first english commentary about the perks being used in the version 7.2 0.0 DONT FORGET TO THUMBS UP! :D THANK YOU [EXTRA TAGS IGNOR... of Tanks - Version 7.2 perks
Obamas Trip to Africa & RABBI JEW BARKER FUKUSHIMA Fuel Pool Four Agenda 21 on Steroids DIC OF DOOM
  • Order:
  • Duration: 21:03
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2013

Obamas Trip to Africa & RABBI JEW BARKER FUKUSHIMA Fuel Pool Four Agenda 21 on Steroids DIC OF DOOM 100% secure PAY~ PAL TRANSACTIONS Obamas Trip to Africa & RABBI JEW BARKER FUKUSHIMA Fuel Pool Four Agenda 21 on Steroids DIC O... Trip to Africa & RABBI JEW BARKER FUKUSHIMA Fuel Pool Four Agenda 21 on Steroids DIC OF DOOM
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:07
  • Updated: 07 Mar 2013


HATIKVAH with English & Hebrew Lyrics plus Musical Notes
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:33
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

HATIKVAH with English & Hebrew Lyrics plus Musical Notes

HISTORY The title of the national anthem of ISRAEL is HATIKVAH, meaning "The Hope." It was written by NAPHTALI HERZ IMBER (1856-1909), who moved to Palestine... with English & Hebrew Lyrics plus Musical Notes
Pre-Heresy Vampire Counts!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:43
  • Updated: 05 Jul 2013

Pre-Heresy Vampire Counts!

Blog - And by Pre-Heresy, of course, I mean Pre-Vlad-von-Carstein-turning-everyone-in-his-army-into-zombies =D Wooooo! I am u...
  • published: 03 Jan 2012
  • views: 1425
  • author: WarbossTae Vampire Counts!
HE vs Skaven 2013 05 18
  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:30
  • Updated: 21 Jun 2013

HE vs Skaven 2013 05 18

Third game of my High Elf slow-grow, and it's done Camphammer style!
  • published: 22 May 2013
  • views: 1274
  • author: MrMalorian vs Skaven 2013 05 18
From Box to Battle - Cockatrice Part 2 of 2 (FULLY PAINTED!)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:09
  • Updated: 28 Jun 2013

From Box to Battle - Cockatrice Part 2 of 2 (FULLY PAINTED!)

First thing - I'm uploading this video at ten minutes past midnight on 7/18 which means it's officially my birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Favorite this vi...
  • published: 18 Jul 2011
  • views: 2134
  • author: WarbossTae Box to Battle - Cockatrice Part 2 of 2 (FULLY PAINTED!)
Batman Arkham City: Exploring Gotham City
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:42
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2013

Batman Arkham City: Exploring Gotham City

today michael shows you how to escape the walls of arkham and explore gotham.
  • published: 06 Jun 2012
  • views: 97560
  • author: feardealer Arkham City: Exploring Gotham City

BAT | Consegnato il Gonfalone della Provincia

BAT | Consegnato il Gonfalone della Provincia Presso la sede della Provincia BAT la cerimonia ufficiale del decreto con cui il Presidente della Repubblica co...
  • published: 19 Sep 2011
  • views: 103
  • author: Amica9tv

BAT | Con­seg­na­to il Gon­falone della Provin­cia
BAT | Con­seg­na­to il Gon­falone della Provin­cia Pres­so la sede della Provin­cia BAT la ce­r­i­mo...
pub­lished: 19 Sep 2011
au­thor: Am­i­ca9tv
READ THE DE­SCRIP­TION (100++ LIKES Would Be AMAZ­ING) he doesn't play Mind con­trol . - mind ...
pub­lished: 24 Feb 2013
au­thor: Vex­a­cus4666
Yu­gioh! Cosmo Blaz­er Sneak Peek Sat­ur­day Jan­uary 19, 2013
Well, it's time for an­oth­er Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG new Cosmo Blaz­er boost­er pack to come out. These...
pub­lished: 20 Jan 2013
au­thor: Lo Vong­naraj
256 Bre­ton­nia vs Wood Elves Dec2012
Bre­ton­nia vs Wood Elves in a Warham­mer Fan­ta­sy bat­tle re­port....
pub­lished: 21 Dec 2012
got pices today
My new pices....
pub­lished: 22 Oct 2009
au­thor: Metal­lic Bat
Call of Duty: Black Ops - New­cas­tle Unit­ed Em­blem Tu­to­ri­al
How to cre­ate a New­cas­tle Unit­ed crest em­blem on Call of Duty Black Ops Lay­ers: curved lin...
pub­lished: 08 Jun 2011
au­thor: pelling
World of Tanks - Ver­sion 7.2 perks
Hello there ;) this is my first en­glish com­men­tary about the perks being used in the versi...
pub­lished: 02 Apr 2012
Oba­mas Trip to Africa & RABBI JEW BARK­ER FUKUSHI­MA Fuel Pool Four Agen­da 21 on Steroids DIC OF DOOM
http://​www.​angelsontheark.​com 100% se­cure PAY~ PAL TRANS­AC­TIONS Oba­mas Trip to Africa & RA...
pub­lished: 19 Jun 2013
pub­lished: 06 Jun 2012
HATIK­VAH with En­glish & He­brew Lyrics plus Mu­si­cal Notes
HIS­TO­RY The title of the na­tion­al an­them of IS­RAEL is HATIK­VAH, mean­ing "The Hope." It was...
pub­lished: 25 Apr 2012
Pre-Heresy Vam­pire Counts!
Blog - http://​warbosstae.​blogspot.​com/​ And by Pre-Heresy, of course, I mean Pre-Vlad-von-C...
pub­lished: 03 Jan 2012
au­thor: War­bossTae
HE vs Skaven 2013 05 18
Third game of my High Elf slow-grow, and it's done Cam­pham­mer style!...
pub­lished: 22 May 2013
From Box to Bat­tle - Cock­a­trice Part 2 of 2 (FULLY PAINT­ED!)
First thing - I'm up­load­ing this video at ten min­utes past mid­night on 7/18 which means it...
pub­lished: 18 Jul 2011
au­thor: War­bossTae
Bat­man Arkham City: Ex­plor­ing Gotham City
today michael shows you how to es­cape the walls of arkham and ex­plore gotham....
pub­lished: 06 Jun 2012
au­thor: feardeal­er
Youtube results:
Drag­on Nest: Level 40 El­e­men­tal Lord Solo Game­play - Cere­bus Nest (Hell Mode)
El­e­men­tal lord solo­ing hell mode cere­bus (lv 32 nest). A rough idea on her stats on this v...
pub­lished: 11 Apr 2011
au­thor: Blizte
296 Bre­ton­nia vs Vam­pires Ju­ly2013
Game 6 of the Bre­ton­nia cam­paign: Bre­ton­nia vs Vam­pire Counts in a 2500 pt Warham­mer Fanta...
pub­lished: 01 Aug 2013
Beast­men v High Elves 14-07-2013
Let­ting the Mino­taurs rutt one more time!...
pub­lished: 14 Jul 2013
To­geth­er Let's Play Star Ocean: The Sec­ond Story Part 25
After par­tak­ing in the hos­pi­tal­i­ty of Ce­line's par­ents, we un­der­take some Pri­vate Ac­tions ...
pub­lished: 01 Sep 2010
au­thor: eltaire
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore
Of Kyle XY fame
Edit New York Daily News
05 Nov 2013
Jaimie Alexander's red carpet look stole the spotlight at the "Thor. The Dark World" premiere on Monday ... PHOTOS. CELEBRITY WARDROBE MALFUNCTIONS ... ....(size: 0.7Kb)
photo: AP
In this photo taken with a mobile phone on Monday, Oct. 28, 2013, police look down on a burnt out army personal carrier following an attack by Boko Haram in Damaturu, Nigeria.
Edit Reuters
04 Nov 2013
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Suspected Boko Haram militants have killed 70 people in three attacks in northeastern Nigeria in recent days, officials said on Monday, a sign that a military crackdown is failing to subdue the Islamist insurgency ... The sect wants to carve out an Islamic state in a country split roughly equally between Christians and Muslims, making it the biggest security threat to Africa's top oil exporter....(size: 2.1Kb)

Edit New Straits/Business Times
06 Nov 2013
GOLDEN RULE. The people of the state look forward to the coronation of Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar next year. JOHOR BARU ... To complement the heraldry he designed flags, a coat-of-arms, and instituted two orders of chivalry the Darjah Kerabat Yang Amat Dihormati (Most Esteemed Order of the Royal Family) and the Darjah Mahkota Johor Yang Amat Mulia (Most Honorable Order of the Crown of Johor) ... The Crown Of Johor ... 1 / 5. ....(size: 6.6Kb)
Edit Indian Express
06 Nov 2013
I tried to copy him; be it his batting, particularly his drive and his general style ... I bunked school to watch Sachin bat at a stadium for the first time ... What I recall is that Tendulkar batted brilliantly that day. When Sachin started using MRF bats, I too wanted one ... When I used to pass by sports goods shops, I would stand and stare at MRF bats. I even searched for a MRF sticker to paste on my bat but I couldn't find one....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit The Examiner
06 Nov 2013
While the Whitecaps record is 21-31 at the end of May, Whitecaps second baseman Hernan Perez leads the Whitecaps in batting average and ranks fourth in that category for the entire Midwest League. Perez has played in 48 of the Whitecaps 52 games this year and is currently batting .330 ... Perez has dominated left handed pitchers with his bat this year batting .383 against them....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit noodls
06 Nov 2013
On the NCAA's behalf, the Washington State University lab evaluates and certifies baseball bats used in NCAA competition for compliance with bat performance standards ... The core of the ball and the bat-exit speed will not change ... The first year of the new home of the MCWS also marked the year that the bat standards changed to make metal bats perform more like wood bats....(size: 5.1Kb)
Edit The Times of India
06 Nov 2013
While the first two are his current tally of runs in Tests and ODIs, the third is the online price (in rupees) of a special bat signed by the champion to celebrate his 'century of centuries'. "We had 100 bats to celebrate his century of centuries of which we have already sold approximately 80-90 pieces. The other bat autographed by Tendulkar too is doing phenomenally well ... "This was a bat signed by Bradman and later signed by Tendulkar....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit The Wichita Eagle
06 Nov 2013
Clemson's Jack Leggett and Rice's Wayne Graham led the call for a new ball after dialed-back bats put into play in 2011 led to a drop in offense to levels not seen since the wooden-bat era before 1974 ... The .234 CWS batting average was the lowest since it was .227 in 1974, the year metal bats replaced wood. The CWS moved to TD Ameritrade Park in 2011, the same year the new bat standards went into effect....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Newstrack India
06 Nov 2013
England wicketkeeper Matt Prior has insisted that his flop batting performance last summer had nothing to do with a cycling-based weight-loss programme which has seen him lose nearly twelve kilograms or two stone....(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit Sky Sports
06 Nov 2013
Having won the toss and opted to bat, the England openers put the Australia attack to the sword in Hobart to reach 196-0 at tea ... Date 5th - 8th Nov 2013 Toss England won the toss and elected to bat ... england BATTING CARD ... Extras 2nb, 1w, 2lb 5 Total 61.0 Overs 196 - 0 Full Batting Card....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit noodls
06 Nov 2013
Hosmer, 24, earned his first Les Milgram Player of the Year award after leading the team with a .302 batting average with a career-high 34 doubles, 17 homers and 79 RBI ... Kansas City's first-round selection in 2008, Hosmer ranked seventh in the league in hits (188), ninth in overall batting average (.302) and sixth in batting average vs....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit Dawn
06 Nov 2013
Amla will boost a struggling South African batting which slumped to 183 and 143 in the first two matches while Steyn will strengthen the bowling attack in the remaining three matches ... “We are hoping that the changes will help, especially in the batting department. We know we are under pressure as a batting unit and as a team ... Pakistan is also likely to strengthen their batting by bringing uncapped Sohaib Maqsood in place of Umar Amin....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit DNA India
06 Nov 2013
And like he did on match-eve, the Mumbaikar will probably bat in the net away from all the madness ... He will then wait for the toss by the completion of which he’ll know if India are batting or fielding ... Depending on the way the coin falls, he’ll either field in the covers or bat at No ... A couple of years ago, his seemingly casual, I-don’t-give-a-damn outlook to life outweighed his batting....(size: 3.6Kb)
Edit The Telegraph India
06 Nov 2013
Both Pakistan and South Africa would look to get their batting right when they square off in the third one-dayer, here, at the Sheikh Zayed Stadium, on Wednesday ... to their batting line-up....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit The Australian
06 Nov 2013
The all-rounder injured himself bowling the last of the one day matches in India and appeared to aggravate it further batting in a vain attempt to win the deciding game ... A like for like replacement could see James Faulkner come in as an all-rounder, but his batting ......(size: 1.4Kb)
Ratpenat (the Crest of the Bat), an heraldic symbol of the former Crown of Aragon.
Teruel city coat of arms.

The bat as a heraldic symbol is primarily represented in the coats of arms of certain important towns of the former Crown of Aragon. It appears mostly at the top, above the crown over the shield.



The heraldic use of the bat in Valencia, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands has its origins in a winged dragon (vibra or vibria) that was crowning the helmet or cimera reial of the Kings of Aragon. Although traditionally the dragon helmet is ascribed to king James I of Aragon (1208 – 1276),[1] reliable documents state that the winged dragon cimera reial didn't appear over the helmet until Peter IV of Aragon's reign (1319 – 1387).

There is also a legend that says that thanks to the humble intervention of a bat, king James I of Aragon was able to win a crucial battle against the Saracens that allowed him to win Valencia for his kingdom. However, original documents state that the animal was a swallow and not a bat.[2]

The bat in official heraldry[link]

The coats of arms of certain cities in eastern Spain, like Valencia,[2] Palma de Mallorca[3] and Fraga[4] have the bat over the shield. Also smaller towns, like Catarroja and Novallas, use this symbol.

Formerly the Barcelona city coat of arms had a bat crowning it as well, but the bat was removed at the beginning of the 20th century for unknown reasons.[5] The city of Teruel[4] used to have the bat surmounting the coat of arms' crown. There the bat represents a commemoration of the role of this city in the conquest of Valencia.[6] The bat now rests just below the crown in Teruel's seal.

The use of the bat as a heraldic symbol is prevalent in the territories of the former Crown of Aragon and it is rarely used elsewhere. However, it can be found in a few places, like in the coats of arms of the city of Albacete, in Spain, as well as the town of Montchauvet (Yvelines), in France and Fiefbergen in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Outside of the European continent, the coat of arms of Santa Fe de Antioquia has multiple bats. It was granted to the town in 1545 by Charles I of Castile and Aragon and his mother Joanna of Castile.[7]

Other uses[link]

Based on the heraldic symbol of their city, certain Spanish football club badges, like the Valencia CF, the CD Alcoyano (Alcoiá) the Albacete Balompié and the Llevant Unió Esportiva, have a bat on them. The ancient badge of the FC Barcelona, used only during the 1899-1910 period, had a small bat crowning it as well.[8]

The Burgee of the Royal Valencia Yacht Club (Reial Club Nàutic de València) displays a bat on a golden field in its center.

Lo Rat Penat, a political organization based in Valencia in 1878, was named after the heraldic bat. Established by Constantí Llombart, Teodor Llorente and Fèlix Pizcueta, its aim was originally to foster a movement similar to the Catalan Renaixença in the region of Valencia.

The Royal Air Force No IX Squadron adopted the bat badge in 1917 along with the Latin language motto "Per Noctem Volamus" (we fly through the night). The badge was approved by King Edward VIII in November 1936.[9]


See also[link]


  1. ^ Diario de Palma - Vicisitudes históricas en torno a la cimera de Jaime I
  2. ^ a b Luis Tramoyeres Blasco, Lo Rat Penat en el escudo de armas de Valencia
  3. ^ Antoni I. Alomar i Canyelles, L'Estendard, la festa nacional més antiga d'Europa (s. XIII-XXI) Palma 1998
  4. ^ a b Emblemata-Revista aragonesa de emblematica no. 11, 2005
  5. ^ L'escut de Barcelona, Societat Catalana de Genealogia, Heràldica, Sigil·lografia, Vexil·lologia i Nobiliària
  6. ^ Old Teruel city coat of arms
  7. ^ REUNA - Municipio de Santa Fé de Antioquia
  8. ^ L'origen dels colors i l'escut del Barça
  9. ^ RAF Bomber command

External links[link]

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Temporal range: 52–0 Ma
Early Eocene – Recent
Townsend's big-eared bat, Corynorhinus townsendii
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Infraclass: Eutheria
Superorder: Laurasiatheria[1]
Order: Chiroptera
Blumenbach, 1779

See article

Worldwide distribution of bat species

Bats are mammals of the order Chiroptera (play /kˈrɒptərə/; from the Greek χείρ - cheir, "hand"[2] and πτερόν - pteron, "wing"[3]) whose forelimbs form webbed wings, making them the only mammals naturally capable of true and sustained flight. By contrast, other mammals said to fly, such as flying squirrels, gliding possums, and colugos, glide rather than fly, and can only glide for short distances. Bats do not flap their entire forelimbs, as birds do, but instead flap their spread-out digits,[4] which are very long and covered with a thin membrane or patagium.

Bats represent about 20% of all classified mammal species worldwide, with about 1,240 bat species divided into two suborders: the less specialized and largely fruit-eating 'megachiroptera', or flying foxes, and the more highly specialized and echolocating 'microchiroptera'.[5] About 70% of bats are insectivores. Most of the rest are frugivores, or fruit eaters. A few species, such as the fish-eating bat, feed from animals other than insects, with the vampire bats being the only parasitic mammalian species. Bats are present throughout most of the world, performing vital ecological roles of pollinating flowers and dispersing fruit seeds. Many tropical plant species depend entirely on bats for the distribution of their seeds. Bats are important in eating insect pests, reducing the need for pesticides. The smallest bat is the Kitti's hog-nosed bat, measuring 29–34 mm (1.14–1.34 in) in length, 15 cm (5.91 in) across the wings and 2–2.6 g (0.07–0.09 oz) in mass.[6][7] It is also arguably the smallest extant species of mammal, with the Etruscan shrew being the other contender.[citation needed] The largest species of bat is the giant golden-crowned flying fox, which is 336–343 mm (13.23–13.50 in) long, has a wingspan of 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in) and weighs approximately 1.1–1.2 kg (2–3 lb).[8]


Classification and evolution[link]

Bats are mammals. They are often mistakenly called "flying rodents" or "flying rats". In many languages, the word for "bat" is cognate with the word for "mouse": for example, chauve-souris ("bald-mouse") in French, murciélago ("blind mouse") in Spanish, летучая мышь ("flying mouse") in Russian, and nahkhiir ("leather mouse") in Estonian. An older English name for bats is flittermice (singular flittermouse), which matches their name in other Germanic languages (for example German Fledermaus and Swedish fladdermus).[9] However, they are not directly related to rodents, and much less to birds, and do not in fact have any closely related orders (their uniqueness can be demonstrated by the fact their closest living genetic relatives are thought to be carnivorans, certain hoofed animals, such as alpacas and hippopotamuses, and sea mammals, such as dolphins.)

The two traditionally recognized suborders of bats are:

Not all megabats are larger than microbats. The major distinctions between the two suborders are:

  • Microbats use echolocation: megabats do not with the exception of Rousettus and relatives.
  • Microbats lack the claw at the second toe of the forelimb.
  • The ears of microbats do not close to form a ring: the edges are separated from each other at the base of the ear.
  • Microbats lack underfur: they are either naked or have guard hairs.

Megabats eat fruit, nectar or pollen, while most microbats eat insects; others may feed on the blood of animals, small mammals, fish, frogs, fruit, pollen or nectar. Megabats have well-developed visual cortices and show good visual acuity, while microbats rely on echolocation for navigation and finding prey.

The phylogenetic relationships of the different groups of bats have been the subject of much debate. The traditional subdivision between Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera reflects the view that these groups of bats have evolved independently of each other for a long time, from a common ancestor already capable of flight. This hypothesis recognized differences between microbats and megabats and acknowledged that flight has only evolved once in mammals. Most molecular biological evidence supports the view that bats form a single or monophyletic group.[10]

Researchers have proposed alternate views of chiropteran phylogeny and classification, but more research is needed.

Genetic evidence indicates megabats originated during the early Eocene and should be placed within the four major lines of microbats.

Consequently, two new suborders based on molecular data have been proposed. The new suborder Yinpterochiroptera includes the Pteropodidae or megabat family, as well as the Rhinolophidae, Hipposideridae, Craseonycteridae, Megadermatidae, and Rhinopomatidae families. The new suborder Yangochiroptera includes all the remaining families of bats (all of which use laryngeal echolocation). These two new suborders are strongly supported by statistical tests. Teeling (2005) found 100% bootstrap support in all maximum likelihood analyses for the division of Chiroptera into these two modified suborders. This conclusion is further supported by a 15-base-pair deletion in BRCA1 and a seven-base-pair deletion in PLCB4 present in all Yangochiroptera and absent in all Yinpterochiroptera.[11] The chiropteran phylogeny based on molecular evidence is controversial because microbat paraphyly implies one of two seemingly unlikely hypotheses occurred. The first suggests laryngeal echolocation evolved twice in Chiroptera, once in Yangochiroptera and once in the rhinolophoids.[12][13] The second proposes laryngeal echolocation had a single origin in Chiroptera, was subsequently lost in the family Pteropodidae (all megabats), and later evolved as a system of tongue-clicking in the genus Rousettus.[14]

Common pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pipistrellus

Analyses of the sequence of the "vocalization" gene, FoxP2 was inconclusive as to whether laryngeal echolocation was secondarily lost in the pteropodids or independently gained in the echolocating lineages.[15] However, analyses of the "hearing" gene, Prestin seemed to favor the independent gain in echolocating species rather than a secondary loss in the pteropodids.[16]

In addition to Yinpterochiroptera and Yangochiroptera, the names Pteropodiformes and Vespertilioniformes have also been proposed for these suborders.[17][18] Under this new proposed nomenclature, the suborder Pteropodiformes includes all extant bat families more closely related to the genus Pteropus than the genus Vespertilio, while the suborder Vespertilioniformes includes all extant bat families more closely related to the genus Vespertilio than to the genus Pteropus.

In the 1980s, a hypothesis based on morphological evidence was offered that stated the Megachiroptera evolved flight separately from the Microchiroptera. The so-called flying primates theory proposed when adaptations to flight are removed, the Megachiroptera are allied to primates by anatomical features not shared with Microchiroptera. One example is the brains of megabats show a number of advanced characteristics that link them to primates. Although recent genetic studies support the monophyly of bats,[19] debate continues as to the meaning of available genetic and morphological evidence.[20]

Little fossil evidence is available to help map the evolution of bats, since their small, delicate skeletons do not fossilize very well. However, a Late Cretaceous tooth from South America resembles that of an early microchiropteran bat. The oldest known, definitely identified bat fossils, such as Icaronycteris, Archaeonycteris, Palaeochiropteryx and Hassianycteris, are from the early Eocene period, 52.5 million years ago.[10] These fossil bats were already very similar to modern microbats. Archaeopteropus, formerly classified as the earliest known megachiropteran, is now classified as a microchiropteran.

Bats were formerly grouped in the superorder Archonta along with the treeshrews (Scandentia), colugos (Dermoptera), and the primates, because of the apparent similarities between Megachiroptera and such mammals. Genetic studies have now placed bats in the superorder Laurasiatheria along with carnivorans, pangolins, odd-toed ungulates, even-toed ungulates, and cetaceans.[1]










"Chiroptera" from Ernst Haeckel's Kunstformen der Natur, 1904

The traditional classification of bats is:

Megabats primarily eat fruit or nectar. In New Guinea, they are likely to have evolved for some time in the absence of microbats. This has resulted in some smaller megabats of the genus Nyctimene becoming (partly) insectivorous to fill the vacant microbat ecological niche. Furthermore, there is some evidence that the fruit bat genus Pteralopex from the Solomon Islands, and its close relative Mirimiri from Fiji, have evolved to fill some niches that were open because there are no nonvolant or non-flying mammals in those islands.

Fossil bats[link]

There are few fossilized remains of bats, as they are terrestrial and light-boned. An estimated only 12% of the bat fossil record is complete at the genus level.[21] An Eocene bat, Onychonycteris finneyi, was found in the 52-million-year-old Green River Formation in Wyoming, United States, in 2003.[22][23] It had characteristics indicating it could fly, yet the well-preserved skeleton showed the cochlea of the inner ear lacked development needed to support the greater hearing abilities of modern bats. This provided evidence flight in bats developed well before echolocation. The team that found the remains of this species, named Onychonycteris finneyi, recognized it lacked ear and throat features present not only in echolocating bats today, but also in other known prehistoric species. Fossil remains of another Eocene bat, Icaronycteris, were found in 1960.

The appearance and flight movement of bats 52.5 million years ago were different from those of bats today. Onychonycteris had claws on all five of its fingers, whereas modern bats have at most two claws appearing on two digits of each hand. It also had longer hind legs and shorter forearms, similar to climbing mammals that hang under branches such as sloths and gibbons. This palm-sized bat had broad, short wings, suggesting it could not fly as fast or as far as later bat species. Instead of flapping its wings continuously while flying, Onychonycteris likely alternated between flaps and glides while in the air. Such physical characteristics suggest this bat did not fly as much as modern bats do, rather flying from tree to tree and spending most of its waking day climbing or hanging on the branches of trees.[24]


Flight has enabled bats to become one of the most widely distributed groups of mammals.[25] Apart from the Arctic, the Antarctic and a few isolated oceanic islands, bats exist all over the world.[26] Bats are found in almost every habitat available on Earth. Different species select different habitats during different seasons, ranging from seasides to mountains and even deserts, but bat habitats have two basic requirements: roosts, where they spend the day or hibernate, and places for foraging. Bat roosts can be found in hollows, crevices, foliage, and even human-made structures, and include "tents" the bats construct by biting leaves.[27]

The United States is home to an estimated 45 to 48 species of bats.[28][29] The three most common species are Myotis lucifugus (little brown bat), Eptesicus fuscus (big brown bat), and Tadarida brasiliensis (Mexican free-tailed bat). The little and the big brown bat are common throughout the northern two-thirds of the country, while the Mexican free-tailed bat is the most common species in the southwest.[30]


Skeleton of a Greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis)
Scapulae, spine and ribs of Myotis lucifugus (little brown bat)


Spectrogram of Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Common Pipistrelle) bat vocalizations - one echolocation call, followed by series of multiharmonic pulses, forming a social call (here, precisely, an advertisement call, produced by territorial male during the mating season in autumn).[31] This spectrogram was generated with Fatpigdog's PC-based real-time FFT spectrum analyzer.

Bat echolocation is a perceptual system where ultrasonic sounds are emitted specifically to produce echoes. By comparing the outgoing pulse with the returning echoes, the brain and auditory nervous system can produce detailed images of the bat's surroundings. This allows bats to detect, localize and even classify their prey in complete darkness. At 130 decibels in intensity, bat calls are some of the most intense, airborne animal sounds.[32]

To clearly distinguish returning information, bats must be able to separate their calls from the echoes they receive. Microbats use two distinct approaches.

  1. Low duty cycle echolocation: Bats can separate their calls and returning echos by time. Bats that use this approach time their short calls to finish before echoes return. This is important because these bats contract their middle ear muscles when emitting a call so they can avoid deafening themselves. The time interval between call and echo allows them to relax these muscles so they can clearly hear the returning echo.[33] The delay of the returning echos provides the bat with the ability to estimate range to their prey.
  2. High duty cycle echolocation: Bats emit a continuous call and separate pulse and echo in frequency. The ears of these bats are sharply tuned to a specific frequency range. They emit calls outside of this range to avoid self-deafening. They then receive echoes back at the finely tuned frequency range by taking advantage of the Doppler shift of their motion in flight. The Doppler shift of the returning echos yields information relating to the motion and location of the bat's prey. These bats must deal with changes in the Doppler shift due to changes in their flight speed. They have adapted to change their pulse emission frequency in relation to their flight speed so echoes still return in the optimal hearing range.[34]

The new Yinpterochiroptera and Yangochiroptera classification of bats, supported by molecular evidence, suggests two possibilities for the evolution of echolocation. It may have been gained once in a common ancestor of all bats and was then subsequently lost in the Old World fruit bats, only to be regained in the horseshoe bats, or echolocation evolved independently in both the Yinpterochiroptera and Yangochirpotera lineages.[35]

Two groups of moths exploit a bat sense to echolocate: tiger moths produce ultrasonic signals to warn the bats they (the moths) are chemically protected or aposematic. This was once thought to be the biological equivalent of "radar jamming", but this theory has yet to be confirmed. The moths Noctuidae have a hearing organ called a tympanum, which responds to an incoming bat signal by causing the moth's flight muscles to twitch erratically, sending the moth into random evasive maneuvers.

Plecotus auritus01.jpg

In addition to echolocating prey, bat ears are sensitive to the fluttering of moth wings, the sounds produced by tymbalate insects and the movement of ground-dwelling prey, such as centipedes, earwigs, etc. The complex geometry of ridges on the inner surface of bat ears helps to sharply focus not only echolocation signals, but also to passively listen for any other sound produced by the prey. These ridges can be regarded as the acoustic equivalent of a fresnel lens, and may be seen in a large variety of unrelated animals, such as the aye-aye, lesser galago, bat-eared fox, mouse lemur and others.[36][37][38]

By repeated scanning, bats can mentally construct an accurate image of the environment in which they are moving or their prey item.[39] This process is similar to that now known to be used by dolphins.

Other senses[link]

Although the eyes of most microbat species are small and poorly developed, leading to poor visual acuity, none of them are blind. Microbats use vision to navigate, especially for long distances when beyond the range of echolocation. Some species have been shown to be able to detect ultraviolet light. They also have high-quality senses of smell and hearing. Bats hunt at night to avoid competition with birds, and travel large distances of up to 800 km in their search for food.[4]


A preserved fruit bat showing how the skeleton fits inside its skin.
Thermographic image of a bat using trapped air as insulation

The finger bones of bats are much more flexible than those of other mammals, owing to their flattened cross-section and to low levels of minerals such as calcium near their tips. The skin on their wing membranes has more elasticity, so can stretch much more than other mammals.

The wings of bats are much thinner than those of birds, allowing bats to maneuver more quickly and more accurately than birds.[citation needed] It is also delicate, ripping easily;[40] however, the tissue of the bat's membrane is able to regrow, such that small tears can heal quickly.[40][41] The surface of their wings is equipped with touch-sensitive receptors on small bumps called Merkel cells, also found on human fingertips. These sensitive areas are different in bats, as each bump has a tiny hair in the center,[42] making it even more sensitive and allowing the bat to detect and collect information about the air flowing over its wings, and to fly more efficiently by changing the shape of its wings in response.[42] An additional kind of receptor cell is found in the wing membrane of species that use their wings to catch prey. This receptor cell is sensitive to the stretching of the membrane.[42] The cells are concentrated in areas of the membrane where insects hit the wings when the bats capture them.


The teeth of microbats resemble insectivorans. They are very sharp to bite through the hardened armor of insects or the skin of fruit.

Mammals have one-way valves in veins to prevent the blood from flowing backwards, but bats also have one-way valves in arteries.

The tube-lipped nectar bat (Anoura fistulata), has the longest tongue of any mammal relative to its body size. This is beneficial to them in terms of pollination and feeding. Its long, narrow tongues can reach deep into the long cup shape of some flowers. When the tongue retracts, it coils up inside its rib cage.[43]


Most microbats are nocturnal[44] and are active at twilight. A large portion of bats migrate hundreds of kilometres to winter hibernation dens,[45] some pass into torpor in cold weather, rousing and feeding when warm weather allows for insects to be active.[46] Others retreat to caves for winter and hibernate for six months.[46] Bats rarely fly in rain, as the rain interferes with their echo location, and they are unable to locate their food.

The social structure of bats varies, with some bats leading solitary lives and others living in caves colonized by more than a million bats.[47] The fission-fusion social structure is seen among several species of bats. The term "fusion" refers to a large numbers of bats that congregate in one roosting area, and "fission" refers to breaking up and the mixing of subgroups, with individual bats switching roosts with others and often ending up in different trees and with different roostmates.

Studies also show bats make all kinds of sounds to communicate with others. Scientists in the field have listened to bats and have been able to identify some sounds with some behaviour bats will make after the sounds are made.[47]

Insectivores make up 70% of bat species and locate their prey by means of echolocation. Of the remainder, most feed on fruits.[48] Only three species sustain themselves with blood. Some species even prey on vertebrates: these are the leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae) of Central America and South America, and the two bulldog bat (Noctilionidae) species, which feed on fish. At least two species of bat are known to feed on bats: the spectral bat, also known as the American false vampire bat, and the ghost bat of Australia.[48] One species, the greater noctule bat, catches and eats small birds in the air.

Predators of bats include bat hawks and bat falcons.


Newborn common pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pipistrellus
Colony of mouse-eared bats, Myotis myotis

Most bats have a breeding season, which is in the spring for species living in a temperate climate. Bats may have one to three litters in a season, depending on the species and on environmental conditions, such as the availability of food and roost sites. Females generally have one offspring at a time, which could be a result of the mother's need to fly to feed while pregnant. Female bats nurse their young until they are nearly adult size, because a young bat cannot forage on its own until its wings are fully developed.

Female bats use a variety of strategies to control the timing of pregnancy and the birth of young, to make delivery coincide with maximum food ability and other ecological factors. Females of some species have delayed fertilization, in which sperm are stored in the reproductive tract for several months after mating. In many such cases, mating occurs in the fall, and fertilization does not occur until the following spring. Other species exhibit delayed implantation, in which the egg is fertilized after mating, but remains free in the reproductive tract until external conditions become favorable for giving birth and caring for the offspring. In yet another strategy, fertilization and implantation both occur, but development of the fetus is delayed until favorable conditions prevail. All of these adaptations result in the pup being born during a time of high local production of fruit or insects.

At birth, the wings are too small to be used for flight. Young microbats become independent at the age of six to eight weeks, while megabats do not until they are four months old.

A single bat can live over 20 years, but the bat population growth is limited by the slow birth rate.[49]

Hunting, feeding, and drinking[link]

BAT.young-Tamil Nadu-202.ogv
A very young bat in Tamil Nadu

Newborn bats rely on the milk from their mother’s nipples for sustenance.[50] When they are a few weeks old, bats are expected to fly and hunt on their own. It is up to them to find and catch their prey, along with satisfying their thirst.[51]


Most bats are nocturnal creatures. Their daylight hours are spent grooming, sleeping, and resting; they hunt during the nighttime hours. The means by which bats navigate while finding and catching their prey in the dark was unknown until the 1790s, when Lazzaro Spallanzani conducted a series of experiments on a group of blind bats. These bats were placed in a room in total darkness, with silk threads strung across the room. Even then, the bats were able to navigate their way through the room. Spallanzani concluded the bats were not using their eyes to fly through complete darkness, but something else.

Spallanzani decided the bats were able to catch and find their prey through the use of their ears. To prove this theory, Spallanzani plugged the ears of the bats in his experiment. To his pleasure, he found the bats with plugged ears were not able to fly with the same amount of skill and precision they were able to without their ears plugged.

Bats seem to use their ears to locate and catch their prey, but how they accomplish this was not discovered until the 1930s, by Donald R. Griffin, a biology student at Harvard College at the time. He discovered bats use echolocation to locate and catch their prey. When bats fly, they produce a constant stream of high-pitched sounds only bats are able to hear. When the sound waves produced by these sounds hit an insect or other animal, the echoes bounce back to the bat, and guide them to the source.[51]

Feeding and diet[link]

The majority of food consumed by bats includes insects, fruits and flower nectar, vertebrates and blood.[52] Almost three-fourths of the world’s bats are insect eaters. Insects consumed by bats include both aerial and ground-dwelling insects. Each bat is typically able to consume one-third of its body weight in insects each night, and several hundred insects in a few hours. This means a group of one thousand bats could eat four tons of insects each year. If bats were to become extinct, the insect population is calculated to reach an alarmingly high number.[53]

Vitamin C[link]

In a test of 34 bat species from six major families of bats, including major insect- and fruit-eating bat families, bats in all tested families were found to have lost the ability to make vitamin C, and this loss may derive from a common bat ancestor, as a single mutation.[54]

Aerial insectivores[link]

Watching a bat catch and eat an insect is difficult. The action is so fast that all one sees is a bat rapidly change directions, and continue on its way. Scientist Frederick A. Webster discovered how bats catch their prey. In 1960, Webster developed a high-speed camera that was able to take one thousand pictures per second. These photos revealed the fast and precise way in which bats catch insects.[51] Occasionally, a bat will catch an insect in mid-air with its mouth, and eat it in the air. However, more often than not, a bat will use its tail membrane or wings to scoop up the insect and trap it in a sort of "bug net".[50] Then, the bat will take the insect back to its roost. There, the bat will proceed to eat said insect, often using its tail membrane as a kind of napkin, to prevent its meal from falling to the ground.[52]

Forage gleaners[link]

These bats typically fly down and grasp their prey off the ground with their teeth, and take it to a nearby perch to eat it. Generally, these bats do not use echolocation to locate their prey. Instead, they rely on the sounds produced by the insects. Some make unique sounds, and almost all make some noise while moving through the environment.[50]

Fruits and flower nectar[link]

Fruit eating, or frugivory, is a specific habit found in two families of bats. Megachiropterans and microchiropterans both include species of bat that feed on fruits. These bats feed on the juices of sweet fruits, and fulfill the needs of some seeds to be dispersed. The fruits preferred by most fruit-eating bats are fleshy and sweet, but not particularly strong smelling or colorful.[50] To get the juice of these fruits, bats pull the fruit off the trees with their teeth, and fly back to their roosts with the fruit in their mouths. There, the bats will consume the fruit in a specific way. To do this, the bats crush open the fruit and eat the parts that satisfy their hunger. The remainder of the fruit; the seeds and pulp, are spat onto the ground. These seeds take root and begin to grow into new fruit trees.[53] “Over one hundred and fifty types of plants depend on bats in order to reproduce”.[53]

Some bats prefer the nectar of flowers to insects or other animals. These bats have evolved specifically for this purpose. For example, these bats possess long muzzles and long, extensible tongues covered in fine bristles that aid them in feeding on particular flowers and plants.[50] When they sip the nectar from these flowers, pollen gets stuck to their fur, and is dusted off when the bats take flight, thus pollinating the plants below them.[53] The rainforest is said to be the most benefitted of all the biomes where bats live, because of the large variety of appealing plants.[55] Because of their specific eating habits, nectar-feeding bats are more prone to extinction than any other type of bat.[56] However, bats benefit from eating fruits and nectar just as much from eating insects.[57]


A small group of carnivorous bats feed on other vertebrates and are considered the top carnivores of the bat world.[50] These bats typically eat a variety of animals, but normally consume frogs, lizards, birds, and sometimes other bats.[53] For example, one vertebrate predator, Trachops cirrhosus, is particularly skilled at catching frogs. These bats locate large groups of frogs by distinguishing their mating calls from other sounds around them. They follow the sounds to the source and pluck them from the surface of the water with their sharp canine teeth.[50] Another example is the greater noctule bat, which is believed to catch birds on the wing.

Also, several species of bat feed on fish. These types of bats are found on almost all continents. They use echolocation to detect tiny ripples in the water’s surface to locate fish. From there, the bats swoop down low, inches from the water, and use specially enlarged claws on their hind feet to grab the fish out of the water. The bats then take the fish to a feeding roost and consume the animal.[50]


A few species of bats consume blood exclusively as their diet. This type of diet is referred to as hematophagy, and three species of bats exhibit this behavior. These species are the common, the white-winged, and the hairy-legged vampire bats. The common vampire bat typically consumes the blood of mammals, while the hairy-legged and white-winged vampires feed on the blood of birds.[58]

Results of eating[link]

Bats' dung, or guano, is so rich in nutrients that it is mined from caves, bagged, and used by farmers to fertilize their crops. During the U.S. Civil War, guano was used to make gunpowder.[53]

To survive hibernation months, some species build up large reserves of body fat, both as fuel and as insulation.[51]


Generally, bats drink water. In 1960, Frederic A. Webster discovered how bats are able to acquire this water. To do this, Webster developed a high-speed camera and flashgun that could take 1000 photos per second. Webster's camera captured the bat's method of skimming the surface of a body of water, and lowering its jaw to get just one drop of water. It then skims again to get a second drop of water, and so on, until it has had its fill of water. Its precision and control is very fine, and it almost never misses.[51] Other, such as the flying fox or fruit bat, gently skim the water's surface, then land nearby to lick water from their chest fur.[59]

Conservation efforts[link]

Through conservancy efforts of groups such as the Organization for Bat Conservation and Bat Conservation International, bats are becoming better understood and people beginning to understand the crucial role bats play in insect control and pollination.

In the United Kingdom, all bats are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Acts, and even disturbing a bat or its roost can be punished with a heavy fine.

In Sarawak, Malaysia, bats are protected species under the Wildlife Protection Ordinance 1998 (see Malaysian Wildlife Law). The large naked bat (see Mammals of Borneo) and greater nectar bat are consumed by the local communities.

Bats can be a tourist attraction. The Congress Avenue Bridge in Austin, Texas is the summer home to North America's largest urban bat colony, an estimated 1,500,000 Mexican free-tailed bats, which eat an estimated 10,000 to 30,000 pounds of insects each night. An estimated 100,000 tourists per year visit the bridge at twilight to watch the bats leave the roost.

Artificial roosts[link]

Very large bat house, Tallahassee, Florida, United States

Many people put up bat houses to attract bats just as some put up birdhouses to attract birds. Reasons for this vary, but most center around the bats being the primary nocturnal insectivores in most, if not all, ecologies. Bat houses can be made from scratch or from kits, or bought ready made. Plans for bat houses exist on many web sites, as well as guidelines for designing a bat house.[60] Some conservation societies give away free bat houses to enthusiasts worldwide.[citation needed]

Constructed in March of 1991, the University of Florida bat house is the largest occupied artificial roost in the world. The bat house has an approximated 300,000 insect-eating residents. These bats can eat upwards of 2.5 billion bugs(2,500 pounds) per night.

An unfortunate fire in 1987 caused the colony of bats (residing in Johnson Hall's attic) to become homeless. This forced them to move to the James G. Pressly Stadium on the north side of campus. The odor and the guano from this newly arrived colony did not please spectators, thus furthering the movement for a new bat-ordained structure. In September of 1991, thousands of bats were captured and transported to the newly built bat house. In the following evenings, these bats flew away, and found new homes. For three years the bat house remained empty. Finally, in 1995, the bats moved in permanently, and the colony continued to grow. The colony grew so much, that in 2009, part of the original bat house collapsed, and a new “Bat Barn” was constructed next to it. Along with that, the interior of the original was rebuilt. [61]

In Britain, British hardened field defences of World War II have been converted to make roosts for bats. Pillboxes that are well dug-in and thick-walled are naturally damp and provide the stable thermal environment required by bats that would otherwise hibernate in caves. With a few minor modifications, suitable pillboxes can be converted to artificial caves for bats.[62][63]

Again in the UK, purpose-built bat houses are occasionally built when existing roosts are destroyed by developments such as new roads; one such has been built associated with bat bridges on the new (2008) A38 Dobwalls bypass.[citation needed]


A little brown bat with white nose syndrome

While conservation efforts are in place to protect bats, many threats still remain.

White nose syndrome[link]

White nose syndrome is a condition associated with the deaths of more than a million bats in the northeastern United States.[64] The disease is named after a white fungus found growing on the muzzles, ears, and wings of some afflicted bats, but it is not known if the fungus is the primary cause of the disease or is merely an opportunistic infection.[65] Mortality rates of 90–100% have been observed in some caves.[65] At least six species of hibernating bats are affected, including the endangered Indiana bat.[66] Because the affected species have long lifespans, and birth rates of only about one offspring per year, populations are not expected to recover quickly.[66]

Barotrauma and wind turbines[link]

Although sounds or vibrations emitted from wind turbines have no adverse effect on human health,[67] evidence suggests barotrauma is causing bat fatalities around wind farms.[68] The lungs of bats are typical mammalian lungs, and unlike the lungs of birds, they are thought to be more sensitive to sudden air pressure changes in their immediate vicinity, such as near wind turbines, and are more liable to rupture.[69] Bats suffer a higher death rate than birds in the neighborhood of wind turbines.[70][71][72] Since there are no signs of external trauma, the cause has been hypothesized to be a greater sensitivity to sudden pressure fluctuations in the mammalian lung than in that of birds.[73] In addition, it has been suggested that bats are attracted to these structures, perhaps seeking roosts, and thereby increasing the death rate.[69]

Pathogens and role in the transmission of zoonoses[link]

Among ectoparasites, bats occasionally carry fleas, but are one of the few mammalian orders that cannot host lice (most of the others are water animals).

Bats are natural reservoirs for a large number of zoonotic pathogens,[74] including rabies,[75] severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS),[76] Henipavirus (i.e. Nipah virus and Hendra virus)[77] and possibly ebola virus.[78][79] Their high mobility, broad distribution, and social behaviour (communal roosting and fission-fusion social structure) make bats favourable hosts and vectors of disease. Many species also appear to have a high tolerance for harbouring pathogens and often do not develop disease while infected. However, contrary to folklore, this is not true of rabies, which is as fatal to bats as it is to all other species. However, a bat may be ill with rabies for a longer time than other mammals.[citation needed]

In regions where rabies is endemic, only 0.5% of bats carry the disease. In the United States, bats typically constitute around a quarter of reported cases of rabies in wild animals. However, their bites account for the vast majority of cases of rabies in humans. Of the 36 cases of domestically-acquired rabies recorded in the country in 1995-2010, two were caused by dog bites and four patients were infected by receiving transplants from an organ donor who had previously died of rabies. All other cases were caused by bat bites.[80] Rabies is considered fully preventable if the patient is administered a vaccine prior to the onset of symptoms. However, unlike raccoon or skunk bites, bat bites may go ignored or unnoticed and hence untreated. Rabid bats are broadly distributed throughout the United States; in 2008-2010, cases were reported in every state except Alaska and Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.

Rabid bats may be clumsy, disoriented, and unable to fly, which makes it more likely they will come into contact with humans. Although one should not have an unreasonable fear of bats, one should avoid handling them or having them in one's living space, as with any wild animal. If a bat is found in living quarters near a child, mentally handicapped person, intoxicated person, sleeping person, or pet, the person or pet should receive immediate medical attention for rabies. Bats have very small teeth and can bite a sleeping person without being felt. There is evidence that it is possible for the bat rabies virus to infect victims purely through airborne transmission, without direct physical contact of the victim with the bat itself.[81][82]

If a bat is found in a house and the possibility of exposure cannot be ruled out, the bat should be sequestered and an animal control officer called immediately, so the bat can be analysed. This also applies if the bat is found dead. If it is certain nobody has been exposed to the bat, it should be removed from the house. The best way to do this with live bats is to close all the doors and windows to the room except one that opens to the outside. The bat should soon leave.

Due to the risk of rabies and to health problems related to their faecal droppings, bats should be excluded from inhabited parts of houses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide fullly detailed information on all aspects of bat management, including how to capture a bat, what to do in case of exposure, and how to bat-proof a house humanely.[83] In certain countries, such as the United Kingdom, it is illegal to handle bats without a license.

Where rabies is not endemic, as throughout most of Western Europe, small bats can be considered harmless. Larger bats can give a nasty bite.


In European cultures, bats have long been associated with witchcraft, black magic and darkness. The witches incorporate bat in their brew in Shakespeare's Macbeth.[84] Because bats are mammals, yet can fly, this gives them status as liminal beings in many cultural traditions.[citation needed]

The bat is sacred in Tonga and is often considered the physical manifestation of a separable soul.[85] Bats are closely associated with vampires, who are said to be able to shapeshift into bats, fog, or wolves. Bats are also symbols of ghosts, death, and disease. Among some Native Americans, such as the Creek, Cherokee and Apache, the bat is a trickster spirit.

Chinese lore claims the bat is a symbol of longevity and happiness, and is similarly lucky in Poland and geographical Macedonia and among the Kwakiutl and Arabs.

Pre-Columbian cultures associated animals with gods, and often displayed them in art. The Moche people depicted bats in their ceramics.[86]

In Western culture, the bat is often a symbol of the night and its foreboding nature. The bat is a primary animal associated with fictional characters of the night, both villains, such as Dracula, and heroes, such as Batman. The association of the fear of the night with the animal was treated as a literary challenge by Kenneth Oppel, who created a best-selling series of novels, beginning with Silverwing, which feature bats as the central heroic figures much as anthropomorphized rabbits were the central figures to the classic novel Watership Down.

An old wives' tale has it that bats will entangle themselves in people's hair. One likely source of this belief is that insect-eating bats seeking prey may dive erratically toward people, who attract mosquitoes and gnats, leading the squeamish to believe the bats are trying to get in their hair.


In Mesoamerican mythology during the Classic-Contemporary period, bats symbolized the land of the dead, which was considered to be the underworld.[87] They also symbolized destruction and decay. Bats may have symbolized in this way because they fly only at night and dwell in caves during the daytime and are associated with human skulls and bones by classic Maya ceramists. Central Mexicans sometimes depicted bats having snouts that looked like "sacrificial knives and carrying human head" in the Postclassic era.[88] Bat images were engraved onto funerary urns, and were emphasized with large claws and round ears by Zapotecs. They were commonly associated with death.[89] The depiction of bats on funeral urns and goods took on some the characteristics of the jaguar, which was, and still is, another entity of the night and the underworld. There have also been instances where bats are portrayed next to other animals portrayed negatively in Mesoamerica, including scorpions and other nocturnal animals such as owls.

A gigantic, life-size, ceramic bat-man has been discovered and dug up from the Templo Mayor.[citation needed] The Templo Mayor is located in the center of the Mexica capital of Tenochtitlan. Known as a god of death, this statue has the clawed feet and hands of a bat, but the body of a man. The statue's human-like eyes bulged out from the bat-like head, making the Zapotec images very realistic and living. In the 1930s, the Kaqchikel Maya were said to have proclaimed the bat was the Devil’s provider. Kaqchikel would leave the Devil’s underworld home and collect blood from the animals to be used for scrumptious meals to feed the Devil. “In the myths, the beast of prey and the animal that is preyed upon play two significant roles. They represent two aspects of life—the aggressive, killing, conquering, creating aspect of life, and the one that is the matter or, you might say, the subject matter”.[90] In the Devil’s underworld, dead sinners would work off their sins to get to heaven, indicating the bat, too, was a sinner and worked under the authority of the Devil.[91]


Oaxacans believe the jealousy of the bat in wanting birds' feathers that gently fit their bodies led him to become nocturnal. The bat feeling isolated and undesirable spoke to God after that he complained he was extremely cold. God, fair and just, turned to birds in the animal kingdom and asked if they would show compassion and donate a feather to the bat so the feathers would keep him warm. The birds all agreed, and began to pluck one feather from their bodies to give to the bat. With all of the feathers, the bat became more magnificent-looking than all birds, even able to spread color to the night sky. During daylight, the bat created rainbows that reflected vibrant colors from the sun. The bat soon became overly arrogant and conceited, due having this new and improved look. The birds grew tired of the bat’s self conceitedness and glorification, and so decided to fly up to heaven and speak to God to do something. The birds informed God of the bat's behaviour, God was surprised and so decided to take a look himself. When on Earth, God called on the bat to show him what he was doing. The bat began to fly across the light blue sky, where one by one each feather began to fall out, uncovering the bat’s natural, ugly-looking body. The bat became ashamed and distressed of his appearance after all feathers came off, missing the beautiful, plentiful feathers that he had, so he decided to hide in caves during the day. He would only come out during the night, searching high and low for the feathers to avoid embarrassment that he will not be seen during his search.[91]

East Nigeria[link]

According to a particular East Nigerian tale, the bat developed its nocturnal habits after causing the death of his partner the bush-rat. The bat and the bush-rat would share activities such as rummaging through the grass and trees, hunting, talking and bonding during the day. When at night, the bat and the bush-rat would alternate in cooking duties, cooking what was caught, and eat together. It appeared to be a dedicated partnership, but the bat hated the bush-rat immensely. The bush-rat always found the bat’s soup more appetising, so when eating dinner one night, asked the bat why the soup tasted better than his own and also asked how it was made. The bat agreed to show him how to make it the next day, but instead was forming a malicious plan.

Next day as bat prepared his soup, the bush-rat came, greeting him and asking if he could be shown what was agreed yesterday. Earlier, the bat has found a pot looking exactly like the one he used usually, but it held warm water and so decided to use this instead. The bat explained to the bush-rat that to make his soup, he had to boil himself prior to serving the soup, where sweetness and flavor of the soup came from the flesh. The bat jumped in the pot seemingly excited, with the bush-rat mesmerised. After a few minutes the bat climbed out and while the bush-rat was distracted, switched pots. The bat then served his soup out of the soup pot, both tasted it. Overanxious and eager, the bush-rat jumped into the pot of warm water. He stayed much longer in the pot, dying in the process.

When the bush-rat’s wife returned that night to find her husband dead, she wept and ran to the chief of the land's house, telling him about what happened and what she was sure what the bat had done. In hearing this, the chief became angry, ordering for the immediate arrest of the bat. It just so happened that the bat was flying over the house and overheard what was just said. He quickly went into hiding high up in a tree. When the chief’s men went looking for the bat, he could not be found. The search to arrest the bat carried on over several days, but he still could not be found. The bat needed to eat, so flew out of hiding every night to hunt for food to escape of being arrested. This, according to Eastern Nigeria mythology, is why bats only fly at night.[92]


Burgee of the Royal Valencia Yacht Club

The bat is sometimes used as a heraldic symbol. The coats of arms of certain cities in eastern Spain, such as Valencia, Palma de Mallorca and Fraga, have the bat over the shield. Formerly, the Barcelona city coat of arms also had a bat crowning it, but the bat has been removed in the present-day versions.

The heraldic use of the bat in Valencia, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands has its origins in a winged dragon (vibra or vibria), which featured in King James I of Aragon's helmet or cimera reial. This is the most widely accepted theory, although there is also a legend that says that due to the intervention of a bat, King James was able to win a crucial battle against the Saracens that allowed him to win Valencia for his kingdom.

The use of the bat as a heraldic symbol is prevalent in the territories of the former Crown of Aragon and it is little used elsewhere. However, it can be found in a few places, as in the coats of arms of the city of Albacete, in Spain, as well as the town of Montchauvet (Yvelines), in France.

Certain Spanish football clubs including Valencia CF and Levante UD use bats in their badges.

The Burgee of the Royal Valencia Yacht Club (Reial Club Nàutic de València) displays a bat on a golden field in its center.

State symbols[link]

Three U.S. states have an official state bat. Texas and Oklahoma are represented by the Mexican free-tailed bat; Virginia is represented by the Virginia big-eared bat.[93]

See also[link]


  1. ^ a b Eick et al.; Jacobs, DS; Matthee, CA (2005). "A Nuclear DNA Phylogenetic Perspective on the Evolution of Echolocation and Historical Biogeography of Extant Bats (Chiroptera)". Molecular Biology and Evolution 22 (9): 1869. DOI:10.1093/molbev/msi180. PMID 15930153. "Several molecular studies have shown that Chiroptera belong to the Laurasiatheria (represented by carnivores, pangolins, cetartiodactyls, eulipotyphlans, and perissodactyls) and are only distantly related to dermopterans, scandentians, and primates (Nikaido et al. 2000; Lin and Penny 2001; Madsen et al. 2001; Murphy et al. 2001a, 2001b; Van Den Bussche and Hoofer 2004)." 
  2. ^ χείρ, Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, on Perseus
  3. ^ πτερόν, Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, on Perseus
  4. ^ a b Hunter, P. (September 2007). "The nature of flight. The molecules and mechanics of flight in animals". Science and Society 8 (9): 811–813. DOI:10.1038/sj.embor.7401050. PMC 1973956. PMID 17767190. Retrieved 2009-07-17. 
  5. ^ Tudge, Colin (2000). The Variety of Life. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-860426-2. 
  6. ^ "Bumblebee bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai)". EDGE Species. Retrieved 2008-04-10. 
  7. ^ Kitti's Hog-Nosed Bat: Craseonycteridae - Physical Characteristics - Bats, Bumblebee, Species, Inches, Brown, and Tips
  8. ^ ARKive - Golden-capped fruit bat videos, photos and facts - Acerodon jubatus
  9. ^ Online Etymology Dictionary: flitter (verb)
  10. ^ a b Nancy B. Simmons1, Kevin L. Seymour2, Jo¨rg Habersetzer3 & Gregg F. Gunnell4 (2008). "Primitive Early Eocene bat from Wyoming and the evolution of flight and echolocation". Nature 451 (7180): 818. Bibcode 2008Natur.451..818S. DOI:10.1038/nature06549. PMID 18270539. 
  11. ^ Teeling et al. (2005). "A Molecular Phylogeny for Bats Illuminates Biogeography and the Fossil Record". Science 307: 580–584. Bibcode 2005Sci...307..580T. DOI:10.1126/science.1105113. PMID 15681385. 
  12. ^ Teeling et al. (2000). "Molecular evidence regarding the origin of echolocation and flight in bats". Nature 403 (6766): 188–192. Bibcode 2000Natur.403..188T. DOI:10.1038/35003188. 
  13. ^ "Order Chiroptera (Bats)". Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved 2007-12-30. 
  14. ^ Springer et al. (2001). "Integrated fossil and molecular data reconstruct bat echolocation". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98: 6241–6246. Bibcode 2001PNAS...98.6241S. DOI:10.1073/pnas.111551998. PMC 33452. PMID 11353869. // 
  15. ^ Li et al. 2007. "Accelerated FoxP2 Evolution in Echolocating Bats". PLOS ONE.
  16. ^ Li et al. 2008. "The hearing gene Prestin reunites the echolocating bats". Proc. Natl. Academy. Sci. U.S.A.
  17. ^ James M. Hutcheon and John A.W. Kirsch. "A moveable face: deconstructing the Microchiroptera and a new classification of extant bats" (PDF). DOI:10.3161/1733-5329(2006)8%5B1:AMFDTM%5D2.0.CO;2. [dead link]
  18. ^ Eick et al.; Jacobs, DS; Matthee, CA (2005). "A Nuclear DNA Phylogenetic Perspective on the Evolution of Echolocation and Historical Biogeography of Extant Bats (Chiroptera)". Molecular Biology and Evolution 22 (9): 1869. DOI:10.1093/molbev/msi180. PMID 15930153. "Following the recommendations of Hutcheon and Kirsch (2004), we refer to the two suborders of chiropterans as ‘Pteropodiformes’ (comprising the Pteropodidae, Rhinolophidae, Hipposideridae, Megadermatidae, and Rhinopomatidae) and ‘Vespertilioniformes’ (remaining microbat families)." 
  19. ^ "Primitive Early Eocene bat from Wyoming and the evolution of flight and echolocation". Nature. 2008-02-14. Retrieved 2008-07-03. 
  20. ^ Pettigrew JD, Maseko BC, Manger PR (April 2008). "Primate-like retinotectal decussation in an echolocating megabat, Rousettus aegyptiacus". Neuroscience 153 (1): 226–31. DOI:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2008.02.019. PMID 18367343. 
  21. ^ Eiting, T.P. and G.F. Gunnell. 2009. Global completeness of the bat fossil record. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 16:151-173.
  22. ^ Simmons, N.B., K.L. Seymour, J. Habersetzer, and G.F. Gunnell. 2008. Primitive early Eocene bat from Wyoming and the evolution of flight and echolocation. Nature 451:818-U816.
  23. ^ (BBC News) "Bat fossil solves evolution poser" 13 February 2008.
  24. ^ (Discovery Channel article) "Prehistoric bats learned to fly before they could see" February 13, 2008.[dead link]
  25. ^ Thomas, S.P., and R.A. Suthers. 1972. Physiology and energetics of bat flight. Journal of Experimental Biology 57:317-&.
  26. ^ "Bats of the World". Bat Conservation Trust. Retrieved January 2011. 
  27. ^ Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Vol 13 Mammals II (2nd ed.). 2003. p. 311. ISBN 0-7876-5362-4. 
  28. ^ "Bat Conservation International: Species Profiles". 
  29. ^ "The Mysterious White Nose Syndrome and the 10 Bat Species Most at Risk". 
  30. ^ "California Bats". 
  31. ^ page 10
  32. ^ Jones, K. E., O. R. P. Bininda-Emonds, and J. L. Gittleman (2005). "Bats, clocks, and rocks: diversification patterns in chiroptera". Evolution 59 (10): 2243–2255. PMID 16405167. 
  33. ^ Teeling, E. C. (2009). "Hear, hear: the convergent evolution of echolocation in bats?". Trends in Ecology & Evolution 24 (7): 351–354. DOI:10.1016/J.Tree.2009.02.012. PMID 19482373. 
  34. ^ Jones, G., and M. W. Holderied (2007). "Bat echolocation calls: adaptation and convergent evolution". Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 274 (1612): 905–912. DOI:10.1098/Rspb.2006.0200. PMC 1919403. PMID 17251105. // 
  35. ^ DesRoche, K., M. B. Fenton, and W. C. Lancaster (2007). "Echolocation and the thoracic skeletons of bats: a comparative morphological study". Acta Chiropterologica 9 (2): 483–494. DOI:10.3161/1733-5329(2007)9[483:EATTSO]2.0.CO;2. ISSN 1733-5329. 
  36. ^
  37. ^
  38. ^
  39. ^
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  41. ^ Irwin, N. (March 1997). "Wanted DNA samples from Nyctimene or Paranyctimene Bats" (PDF). The New Guinea Tropical Ecology and Biodiversity Digest 3: 10. Retrieved 2009-07-17. 
  42. ^ a b c Melissa Calhoun (15 December 2005). "Bats Use Touch Receptors on Wings to Fly, Catch Prey, Study Finds". Retrieved 2006-10-18. 
  43. ^ Chamberlain, Ted (2006-12-06). "Photo in the News: Bat Has Longest Tongue of Any Mammal". National Geographic News. National Geographic Society. Retrieved 2007-06-18. "A. fistulata (shown lapping sugar water from a tube) has the longest tongue, relative to body length, of any mammal—and now scientists think they know why." 
  44. ^ Smithsonian Institute
  45. ^ Fenton, M. Brock (2001). Bats. New York: Checkmark Books. pp. 60–62. ISBN 0-8160-4358-2. 
  46. ^ a b Fenton, M. Brock (2001). Bats. New York: Checkmark Books. pp. 93=94. ISBN 0-8160-4358-2. 
  47. ^ a b Fenton, M. Brock (2001). Bats. New York: Checkmark Books. pp. 95–107. ISBN 0-8160-4358-2. 
  48. ^ a b Fenton, M. Brock (2001). Bats. New York: Checkmark Books. pp. 4–5. ISBN 0-8160-4358-2. 
  49. ^ Retrieved 22 October 2006.[dead link]
  50. ^ a b c d e f g h Wilson, Don. Bats in Question. London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1997
  51. ^ a b c d e Lauber, Patricia. Bats: Wings in the Night. New York: Random House, 1968
  52. ^ a b Johnson, Sylvia. Bats. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company, 1985
  53. ^ a b c d e f Shebar, Sharon. Bats. New York: Franklin Watts, 1990
  54. ^ A trace of GLO was detected in only one of 34 bat species tested, across the range of six families of bats tested: See Jenness, R., E. Birney, and K. Ayaz. 1980. Variation of L-gulonolactone oxidase activity in placental mammals. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 67B:195-204. Earlier reports of only fruit bats being deficient were based on smaller samples.
  55. ^ Hodgkison, Robert, Sharon T. Balding, Akbar Zuibad, and Thomas H. Kunz. "Fruit Bats (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) as Seed Dispersers and Pollinators in a Lowland Malaysian Rain Forest." Biotropica 35.4 (2003): 491–502
  56. ^ Arita, Hector T., and Karina Santos-del-Prado. "Conservation Biology of Nectar-Feeding Bats in Mexico." Journal of Mammalogy 80.1 (1999): 31–41
  57. ^ M, L. Gerardo H., Keith A. Hobson, Adriana M. A, Daniel E. B, Victor Sanchez-Corero, and German M. C. "The Role of Fruits and Insects in the Nutrition of Frugivorous Bats: Evaluating the Use of Stable Isotope Models." Biotropica 33.3 (2001): 520–28
  58. ^ Greenhall, Arthur M. 1961. Bats in Agriculture. A Ministry of Agriculture Publication. Trinidad and Tobago
  59. ^ Jones, V. (2000). "Drinking in the river". Vivian Jones. Retrieved 17 July 2009. 
  60. ^ Bat Conservation International
  61. ^ Glover, Martin. "Facts about this colony". UF News. University of Florida. p. 1. Retrieved 2012-03-16. "." 
  62. ^ "Protecting and managing underground sites for bats (pdf), see section 6.4." (PDF). Retrieved 2006-05-18. 
  63. ^ "Pillbox converted to bat retreat, BBC website". BBC News. 2006-04-06. Retrieved 2006-05-18. 
  64. ^ "Fish and Wildlife Service Awards $800,000 in Grants to Explore Cause, Control of White-Nose Syndrome in Bats". United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2009-10-26. Retrieved 2009-10-30. 
  65. ^ a b "White-nose syndrome in bats – Frequently Asked Questions" (PDF). United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2009-04. Retrieved 2009-10-27. 
  66. ^ a b "White-Nose Syndrome Threatens the Survival of Hibernating Bats in North America". United States Geological Survey Fort Collins Science Center. Retrieved 2009-10-27. 
  67. ^ p63 Safety and Health Practitioner February 2010
  68. ^ Erin F. Baerwald et al, Barotrauma is a significant cause of bat fatalities at wind turbines Current Biology, 2008
  69. ^ a b "B.C. study to help bats survive wind farms[dead link]", National Wind Watch, September 23, 2008
  70. ^ "Bats take a battering at wind farms", New Scientist, May 12, 2007
  71. ^ "Caution Regarding Placement of Wind Turbines on Wooded Ridge Tops" (PDF). Bat Conservation International. 4 January 2005. Retrieved 2006-04-21. 
  72. ^ Arnett, Edward B.; Wallace P. Erickson, Jessica Kerns, Jason Horn (June 2005). "Relationships between Bats and Wind Turbines in Pennsylvania and West Virginia: An Assessment of Fatality Search Protocols, Patterns of Fatality, and Behavioral Interactions with Wind Turbines" (PDF). Bat Conservation International. Archived from the original on 2006-02-10. Retrieved 2006-04-21. 
  73. ^ Baerwald, Erin F; D'Amours, Genevieve H; Klug, Brandon J; Barclay, Robert MR (2008-08-26). "Barotrauma is a significant cause of bat fatalities at wind turbines". Current Biology 18 (16): R695–R696. DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2008.06.029. OCLC 252616082. PMID 18727900. Lay summary – CBC RadioQuirks & Quarks (2008-09-20). [dead link] Laysource includes audio podcast of interview with author.
  74. ^ Wong, Samson; Susanna Lau, Patrick Woo, Kwok-Yung Yuen (2006-10-16). "Bats as a continuing source of emerging infections in humans" (Review). Reviews in Medical Virology (John Wiley & Sons) 17 (2): 67–91. DOI:10.1002/rmv.520. PMID 17042030. Retrieved 2007-12-29. "The currently known viruses that have been found in bats are reviewed and the risks of transmission to humans are highlighted. (from abstract)" 
  75. ^ McColl, KA; N Tordo, AA Aquilar Setien (April 2000). "Bat lyssavirus infections". Revue scientifique et technique 19 (1): 177–196. PMID 11189715. "Bats, which represent approximately 24% of all known mammalian species, frequently act as vectors of lyssaviruses. (from abstract)" 
  76. ^ Li, Wendong; Z. Shi, M. Yu, W. Ren and 13 additional coauthors (2005-10-28). "Bats are natural reservoirs of SARS-like coronaviruses". Science 310 (5748): 676–679. Bibcode 2005Sci...310..676L. DOI:10.1126/science.1118391. PMID 16195424. Retrieved 2007-12-29. Lay summary – Science (2005-10-28). "The genetic diversity of bat-derived sequences supports the notion that bats are a natural reservoir host of the SARS cluster of coronaviruses." 
  77. ^ Halpin, K.; P. L. Young, H. E. Field and J. S. Mackenzie (August 1, 2000). "Isolation of Hendra virus from pteropid bats: a natural reservoir of Hendra virus". Journal of General Virology 81 (8): 1927–1932. PMID 10900029. Retrieved 2007-12-29. "In this paper we describe the isolation of HeV from pteropid bats, corroborating our serological and epidemiological evidence that these animals are a natural reservoir host of this virus." 
  78. ^ Leroy, Eric M.; Brice Kumulungui, Xavier Pourrut, Pierre Rouquet and 6 additional coauthors (2005-12-01). "Fruit bats as reservoirs of Ebola virus" (Brief Communication). Nature 438 (7068): 575–576. Bibcode 2005Natur.438..575L. DOI:10.1038/438575a. PMID 16319873. Retrieved 2007-12-29. "We find evidence of asymptomatic infection by Ebola virus in three species of fruit bat, indicating that these animals may be acting as a reservoir for this deadly virus. (from abstract)" 
  79. ^ Charles Q. Choi (March 2006). "Going to Bat". Scientific American: pp. 24, 26. Retrieved 2007-12-29. "Long known as vectors for rabies, bats may be the origin of some of the most deadly emerging viruses, including SARS, Ebola, Nipah, Hendra and Marburg."  Note: This could be considered a lay summary of the various scientific publications cited in the preceding sentence.
  80. ^ "Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Human Rabies". 
  81. ^ Constantine, Denny G. (April 1962). "Rabies transmission by nonbite route". Public Health Reports (Public Health Service) 77 (4): 287–289. PMC 1914752. PMID 13880956. // Retrieved 2007-12-29. "These findings support consideration of an airborne medium, such as an aerosol, as the mechanism of rabies transmission in this instance." 
  82. ^ Messenger, Sharon L.; Jean S. Smith and Charles E. Rupprecht (2002-09-15). "Emerging Epidemiology of Bat-Associated Cryptic Cases of Rabies in Humans in the United States". Clinical Infectious Diseases 35 (6): 738–747. DOI:10.1086/342387. PMID 12203172. Retrieved 2007-12-29. "Cryptic rabies cases are those in which a clear history of exposure to rabies virus cannot be documented, despite extensive case‐history investigation. Absence of a documented bite history reflects inherent difficulties in obtaining accurate animal‐contact information.... <gap> Thus, absence of bite‐history data does not mean that a bite did not occur." 
  83. ^ CDC's website on bats and rabies
  84. ^ de Vries, Ad (1976). Dictionary of Symbols and Imagery. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company. p. 36. ISBN 0-7204-8021-3. 
  85. ^ Kingdom of Tonga: Safe Haven for Flying Foxes
  86. ^ Berrin, Katherine & Larco Museum. The Spirit of Ancient Peru:Treasures from the Museo Arqueológico Rafael Larco Herrera. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1997.
  87. ^ Aztec Symbols
  88. ^ Kay Almere Read and Jason J. Gonzalez. 2000. Mesoamerican Mythology. Oxford University Press. pp. 132
  89. ^ Artists Inspired by Oaxaca Folklore Myths and Legends
  90. ^ Joseph Cambell and Bill Moyers. 1988. The Power of Myth. Doubleday. pp. 91
  91. ^ a b Kay Almere Read and Jason J. Gonzalez. 2000. Mesoamerican Mythology. Oxford University Press. pp. 132–134
  92. ^ Arnott, Kathleen. 1962. African Myths and Legends. Oxford University Press. Pp. 150–152
  93. ^ "Official state bats". NSTATE, LLC.. Archived from the original on March 8, 2008. Retrieved February 13, 2011. 
  • Greenhall, Arthur H. 1961. Bats in Agriculture. A Ministry of Agriculture Publication. Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Nowak, Ronald M. 1994. " Walker's BATS of the World". The Johns Hopikins University Press, Baltimore and London.
  • John D. Pettigrew's summary on Flying Primate Hypothesis
  • Altringham, J.D. 1998. Bats: Biology and Behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Dobat, K.; Holle, T.P. 1985. Blüten und Fledermäuse: Bestäubung durch Fledermäuse und Flughunde (Chiropterophilie). Frankfurt am Main: W. Kramer & Co. Druckerei.
  • Fenton, M.B. 1985. Communication in the Chiroptera. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Findley, J.S. 1995. Bats: a Community Perspective. Cambridge: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge.
  • Fleming, T.H. 1988. The Short-Tailed Fruit Bat: a Study in Plant-Animal Interactions. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Kunz, T.H. 1982. Ecology of Bats. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Kunz, T.H.; Racey, P.A. 1999. Bat Biology and Conservation. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.
  • Kunz, T.H.; Fenton, M.B. 2003. Bat Ecology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Neuweiler, G. 1993. Biologie der Fledermäuse. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag.
  • Nowak, R.M. 1994. Walker's Bats of the World. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Richarz, K. & Limbruner, A. 1993. The World of Bats. Neptune City: TFH Publications.
  • Teeling, E.C. 2009. Chiroptera. Oxford University Press.
  • Twilton, B. 1999. My Life as The Bat. Liverpool Hope University press
Further reading

External links[link]

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Mi alzo presto la mattina /
Alle otto sono gia’ in cucina /
Faccio colazione e un buon caffe’ mi da’ benzina ! /
Mia madre che riempie la borraccia /
Un po’ di acqua fresca in faccia e via si viaggia /
Fuori fa caldo c’e’ l’estate /
Sono ancora in coma e non mi svegli neanche con le testate . /
Sulla mountain bike accendo il walkman /
La salita , giro a destra e passo il ponte. /
La pelle mi si appiccica sui jeans /
Mentre in sottofondo ho un po’ di musica del queens /
Mi aspetta una giornata di otto ore di sudore /
E poi stasera : tutti giu’ al festone ! /
Prendo il il cell. Mando un mess. A zesh /
Dico a jack di portare anche un tot di becks /
Qui non passa piu’ ..sono cotto /
Mi chiama bat : “passo a prenderti alle otto” ! /
Ok il puntello e’ gia fissato/
Preparo le cose ed esco di casa ma il caldo lascia senza fiato/
E’ tutto il giorno che boccheggio ma il peggio/
E’ che una serata solo ad alcool non la reggo/
Sono in ritardo almeno di venti minuti/
Bloccato in mezzo al traffico al telefono discuti/
Fa’ un caldo che si crepa e sono in coda/
Tengo il condizionatore cos? alto che ho paura esploda/
La strada scivola via lenta e intanto penso
Alla giornata passata e al lavoro sempre intenso
Riesco a stento a stare sveglio
Colgo l’attimo poi fermo il tempo cercando il meglio
Ma stasera tutto cambia c’e’ in programma
Una festa coi fratelli e questo caldo cazzo e’ un dramma
Preparo gia il mio fegato alle botte di stanotte
E dei postumi domani non mi fotte
Oddio che caldo che fa
Troppo caldo per restare in citt?
Troppo caldo per restarsene qua
Vorrei essere altrove
Oddio che caldo che fa
Troppo caldo per restare in citt?
Troppo caldo per restarsene qua
Che penso gia al festone
Apro gli occhi ma qualcosa non va
Fa troppo caldo punto l'aria pi? in qua
La mia auto ? pi? velcoe in cit??
Se ? desolata a parte i soliti che stanno sempre qua
Ho casa libera che i miei sono via
Fumiamo spliff di maria e poi giri di free a go-go
Il mio flow non segue pi? il beat a 40c tu dammi 40 oz
I morsi della fame richiedono morsi ma alzarsi a sto giro costa troppi
Colla mente volo in altri posti un coast to coast senza che manco mi sposti
Ma tu dammi quella boccia fresca e quella doccia fredda che mi sveglia la
Testa pongo fine alla siesta
Il mio corpo si desta c'? jap che ci aspetta fra un'ora per la festa
Oddio che caldo che fa
Troppo caldo per restare in citt?
Troppo caldo per restarsene qua
Vorrei essere altrove
Oddio che caldo che fa
Troppo caldo per restare in citt?
Troppo caldo per restarsene qua
Che penso gia al festone
Vorrei essere altrove
Primi di agosto sopra il furgone picchia il sole
I miei vestiti zuppi di sudore
Manca poco alle ferie ma sembra che non arrivino
Appena le assaggi son finite gia, scivolano
E ora come ora ? uno sforzo immane
E io a lavorare, gente al mare gia da un po’ di settimane
Che fare scompare il traffico al mattino non c’? pi? la fila al bar per far lo scontrino
Respiro aria condizionata come questa mia giornata da sto caldo in strada che la lascia desolata
Insalata frutta ed acqua dicon di mangiarla in tv, io sogno igloo al nord e tu al polo sud
Troppa afa la giornata troppo grigia la lavatrice lava i vestiti da mettere in valigia
Ok prendo un polverinplay qui per salvarci non basta un minute maid
Senti quanto ? caldo
Sono pure in megaritardo
E l’asfalto si scioglie a guardarlo
Ora fanno ventiseimila gradi
Pressione bassa vecio ocio che cadi
La situazione ? che fa caldone contro il fiatone ho th? col limone
E pure l’adige ? secco
Lecco un ghiacciolo fino a che ? solo stecco
Sogno il mare per scappare di qua
Le belle spiaggie con le palme senza l’umidit?
Ma fra gia qua sudo bello pezzato
Giro in infradito di-di disidratato
E aspetto questa sera
Litri di gin e pera
Sognando la playa come i righeira
Faccio bisboccia dopo il classico bis di doccia
E speriamo cada gi? qualche goccia
Oddio che caldo che fa
Troppo caldo per restare in citt?
Troppo caldo per restarsene qua
Vorrei essere altrove
Oddio che caldo che fa
Troppo caldo per restare in citt?
Troppo caldo per restarsene qua

oh oh, ma la cazzo di svolta?
doveva arrivare mica l'altra volta?
sono gi? con mio fratello kuno ed ? questo che importa
mi porta pi? fotta che pummarole dalla campagna
dodici barre per farti gridare sea nana!
il mio rap ? drive in
lo vedono in una ?cifra?
il tuo giusto tre quattro come davanti a un ?mig?
in un pugno il mic
nell'altra una quattro x
e sciroppo troppo sbocco in ginocchio come l'x
adesso faccio il serio -comeno-
da piccolo volevo essere adulto solo per fare adulterio
con me corri il rischio
mettiti il caso tanto ti schiaccio con un solo dito
come un tasto
ayo stile come cacio su li maccheroni
perci? tu prendi i miei coglioni
dagli un bacio e dimmi ma che buoni
marcio uomo fo' shizzle il suono
due volte perch? sono pi? postino di troisi
visi bianchi se rimo per fighe a conflitto
mio pap? mi ha sempre detto.. -sniff- riga dritto
perci? fotte un cazzo se urli
io strapotizzo tua mamma poi mi ci faccio il ?vurlich?
uomo di chi ti burli? qua non scherza nessuno
chiamami obie trice quando faccio cheers a kuno
mondo marcio con i tir di fumo
la puttana di ben harper ha i diamanti dentro?
la mia ha i ..
Tua nonna dopo barre due non guarda pi? il quiz show
si diletta a fare sai fa a ballare il rap 'n' roll
apre porte cambiamenti gonne
corte allineamenti stringe e morde con quei denti
come corde jimi hendrix
un paio di movimenti e va a puttane il budget
perch? ha il funk nelle mutande
perch? ha il blues dentro le scarpe
adesso ha un nuovo amante
di professione medico
data l'et? avanzata ? un colpo assai strategico
resta di un'eleganza piuttosto fine se
farlo senza amore ? come pittare senza vernice
ma ? fatto singolare a scopo terapeutico
con la sei nove liquido flow a livello simmetrico
Porto Milano in Europa come il Milan a Manchester
sono il master dell'underground il bouncer
nelle dancehall spingo soltanto il mio hardcore
prendo fuoco come alcool faccio gol sono il goleador
el matador su barre 2003 vodoo smokah quarto giallo rappresent
nada corrida soltanto figa
un tiro di weeda e senti la vida meno ruvida
porto il mio rap nei club delle varie citt?
incendio i party infatti soffitta
per asher kuno coi miei fr? mi raduno
agli altri offriamo la merda e i calci nel culo
Hey punk, bat man gi? col clan
mi riconosci perch? sono pi? big di pun -? gi?-
ti diamo scosse a duecentomila ampere
la sfida impari come don lurio con fred astaire
gli sbirri ti chiamano per un'indagine
perch? la mamma gangsta ha il grilletto facile
il vostro funkattismo ? celato dietro ai sorrisi
andatevene a l'Aquila citt? degli indecisi
io invece me ne resto in sciallo
ma quando poi ti sgombero fai la fine del leoncavallo
io ti creo interessi come un bot
chi vuole intendere intenda fratelli
gli altri in roulotte
Abbiam rinchiuso le otto belve dentro le otto gabbie
il sesto si dimena urla come una jena
morde stringe chi v'? nelle sbarre
inizia un nuovo round di barre
tornato insieme agli altri
per far tacer vecchi pagliacci come binny e compagni nei barre
ho un mega mondo fisso dal mio terz'occhio
spregiudicati la sigla sulle mie di trentotto
rime che fan perder la testa a tutti chi si crede highlander
cade come il mic quando sul palco vengo investito dai fulmini
volto il cappuccio contro ammassi di sizze a gavetta
santone tra apprendisti maghi esercizi a bacchetta
lucido il vetro che mi chiude in cupole
raccolgo i cocci di chi si crede una stella e casca dalle nuvole
Chi? Jack gomez bat.. naah nuova merda
? stato di allerta amico tu diserta
ne va della tua vita..
tu che non fai pi? un cazzo come un'industria di tinto fallita
jack rap gringo non fingo ringhio
come con gattuso sul mio ring YO
sono il king dei centauri
io ti influenzio al punto che quando mi vedi ingerisci aulin
per non farti sgamare ma sei in pista
ti schiaffeggio come il culo di una groupie in pista
vuoi essere il cardine
infatti per me sei un modello si ma come tony randine!
Asher kuno! ho la roba per i fucker
Numero uno! come in pista Schumacker
punchliner e a te non dono il mio rispetto
se pensi che Marco Polo abbia inventato maglie col colletto
Sempre in assetto il team droppa la merda
ed io non sono il tipo che si isola tipo elba
bella terzo capitolo di bars
la terra in pericolo come l'attacco da mars
punk! batterci ce l'hanno detto
? possibile se l'inter vince lo scudetto
spregiudiclick vacca marcio dueina e snake
e la milano rap ? come jake zero fake.
Noi siamo punk mica rap frocetti
Nah scherzavo..
Cazzo fai jack?
No no no oh c'ho un beat che cazzo ci sta bene sta roba l'attacco ? figo secondo me
prova su questo prova su questo
Dai dai dai
vab? io il sedici ce l'ho lo provo
Si dai io ti cago il ritornello
Yo! Noi siamo punk mica rap frocetti
Spregiudicati stilisticamente perfetti
in effetti noi respiriamo l'hiphop
abbiamo rime e beats da dare a qualsiasi nino
mc Mei droppa il beat jack the smoker
saremo gli assi da giocare nel tuo poker
poi da padova baranzate peschiera pioltello
niente pugnalate sulla schiena col coltello bello!
la gente quando ci sente resta estasiata
il nostro rap non ? adatto per la tua fidanzata
non va bene per le cene a lume di candela
facciamo schifo! ha! tu fai pena
hot shit! Muove il culo ogni gorilla
uomini di ferro come ghostface killah
una scintilla e si accende il fuego
sono troppo grezzo fanculo me ne frego
[Rit Jack]
Scriviamo barre, alziamo i calici al cielo
dall'anno zero con cola e pampero
spregiudicati team gestiamo bische
di rime clandestine qui non si fallisce
Scriviamo barre, calici al cielo
dall'anno zero con cola e pampero
hot shit! la nostra merda la pi? calda
lo vedi mentre sorseggio il mio long island
Ok sono insolente sono strafottente
sono l'incubo peggiore di tutte le fighette
di chi fa il figo con le fighe ma ? un babbeo
vi basta che respirino? scopatevi una geox
io sono kuno, 85 kili sul beat di jack
divento red hot chili rapper un mc con la fotta
hot shit la mia merda se si asporta
la do ai miei discepoli e dico
'prendetela e mangiatene tutti
e poi sputatela su un micro'
spregiudicati altro che n'sync
ci siamo noi sul palco e il party inizia come pink
dacci il drink leoni dell'happy hour
l'alcool dentro noi effetti tipo W power
ma non inquina, rima dopo rima
viva gli mc italiani e viva chi li stima

1° parte: Jack the Smoker
Nessuno fotte il mio dominio
tanto meno quel figlio di puttana
quindi, questa ? la paga tu quando lo vedi spara
io voglio vederlo morto,
il cane non si ? accorto
che sono l'uomo a cui nessuno pu? far torto
lui che si ? intrufolato nella mia villa
ed ha preso carte che fotterebbero la mia famiglia
quindi, piglia questa ? la foto dell'infame
non tornare finch? il cane non smette di respirare
immagino che tu sappia gi? le regole
se verrai scoperto sarai l'unico colpevole tu
non osare fare un nome
altrimenti la sua non sar? l'unica esecuzione
una raccomandazione
assicurati che non scappi in tempo
ma pure che capisca ci? che sta accadendo
voglio che muoia pensando alla mia faccia
mi raccomando pensa non lasciare traccia
prendi le carte e scappa
verser? tutto sul tuo conto appena sapr? che la cosa ? fatta
ora vai, fai presto domani ? il grande giorno
d'adesso un uomo morto in strada aspetta un colpo
2° parte: Bassi maestro
ho ricevuto il messaggio
accetto l'ingaggio
vada per domani quando il tipo ? di passaggio
scosto le tende di questa squallida stanza d'albergo
colano gocce di sudore...le tergo
da buon professionista ho sfilato una lista con gli alibi
tu basta che domani non sali qui
per il pagamento ti far? avere le mie coordinate in svizzera
domani me la squaglio la citt? ? piccola
ho il passaporto pronto fatto da quel tipo belga
prendo il cash dopo smetto con questa merda
il tuo uomo l'ho inquadrato
veste nero, sovrappeso
lo chiamano spregiudicato
sti cazzi, so che sar? un lavoro da ragazzi
non a caso hai assunto un tipo che si chiama (beep)
ho qui un fucile tedesco che ? perfetto
lo inquadro e lo freddo con un colpo di grilletto
sta passando adesso
si muove piano adesso
sembra lui, s'? cambiato chi vuol fare fesso
l'obbiettivo ? nel mirino
clic clic bang (sparo) sei finito, conosci il mio stilo
3° parte: Bat
Sono nel centro del mirino sotto tiro
da una finestra di un albergo scorgo la faccia del mio assassino
cammino a testa alta fra la gente
guardandomi le spalle ma avanzando sempre con passo silente
la paura gela il sangue nelle vene
non so pi? cos'? male e bene
non so se conviene
urlare, forse scappare
oppure uscire allo scoperto
rischiando di farmi ammazzare
mentre sto indagando sul da farsi
vedo un cazzo di laser rosso che viene a cercarmi
con un balzo verso il basso mi sposto
un secondo dopo... cazzo esplode un colpo (sparo)
cerco rifugio in una via, ma nada
esplodono altri colpi e scappo dritto in mezzo alla strada
sono cosciente, ma la mia mente latita
il problema ? che fuggo dalla mia anima
rimango esterefatto non so cosa fare
muoio di freddo e non riesco neanche a respirare
incrocio il mio assassino va di fretta (merda)

Parlato Mista: yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo Bat!
Questa ? roba nostra, al 3 ce lo riprendiamo, ok?
Ci siamo man? Ok. Yo, uno, due
Mentre l'hip hop prende corpo noi salviamo la sua anima
? una questione pratica mentre scriviamo il genoma
c'? chi lo taglia come droga, poi spaccia la mia roba nei club alla moda
al primo passo falso lo si inchioda, reclamo la mia fetta
ho una cattiva consigliera che si chiama fretta
e una scatola nera che in caso di incidente
vi far? vedere cosa avevo veramente in mente
distruggiamo i vostri piani, come aeroplani talebani
senza l'ombra di un domani riprendiamoci tutto,
ore 00, pronti al furto, pronti all'urto
vesto nero pronto al lutto
time, time, time for, time for some action
noi siamo hip hop, vogliamo l'hip hop non il fashion
e se dovessi svoltare con merda commerciale
sparami in testa e non piangere al mio funerale
Yo, c'hanno fottuto dall'inizio
ma ? ora che il supplizio finisca, questo ? il momento proprizio
hanno cercato di fermarci, di inibirci,
hanno cercato di lasciarci ma senza riuscirci,
siamo rimasti in piedi, tu nn ci credi (lo sai)
stiamo tornando sulla scena come lo Jedy
se c'? una storia, beh, io voglio scriverla
e queste rime sono colpi alla tua mandibola
e tu, cadi al tappeto subito,
io, sar? scarso ma non farmi passare per stupido
cerchi di screditarci, di maltrattarci,
dici "masterizzate i dischi tanto sono marci"
e yo attenzione coglione,
perch? sta arrivando il tempo della tua genoflessione
possono non piacerti queste rime (ok)
ma saremo solo noi a metter la parola fine
Pensavi fossimo spariti come Simon Le bonne
ma, dimmi un po' bro, che ti aspettavi che mollassi l'hip hop
siamo i cani dal Po', Giannino John mentre aspetti Tot?
ho elettroshock, troppi volt e sei KO
chiamami King Kong, il tempo ha detto che era finto
e chi voleva essere Star come Ringo
e questo fuoco, ? il magma che noi spingiamo
dal sottosuolo pi? su come un vulcano
ma io lo so ehi, certo che si,
che ora che il sole torna vorresti essere qui
io coi miei fratelli ho atteso affrontando ogni lutto
ma adesso tocca a me, mi prendo tutto
non azzardarti pi? a toccare il mio rap
mentre stavi nei club con 50cent e ora gi? alle jam
questa cosa ? una faccenda che non puoi tradire
e chi l'ha fatto per me pu? morire
C'hanno rubato il funk, perci?, mi chiamo punk
vogliono farsi pi? soldi di Donald Crump
per me, bla blaterano come Donald Duck
mentre io lancio bombe da tre alla John Starks
sono in fuga col malloppo, banditi con lo schioppo
io sono lo sceriffo zoppo col cerotto al galoppo e zitti (shhhh!)
il mio flow non vi convince, ascoltatevi P.Diddy
fotto con Bat, Mase e altri rappusi,
mentre i pi? truzzi si ascoltano la disco music
vengono alle jam vestiti alla Ku Klux Klan
pensando che la gang bang sia la crew di Method Man (eh?)
io bevo birra e brindo per la mia firma,
ho fatto un patto sul fatto che tu sia un pirla
riprendiamoci la merce rubata
tu fotti a casa di Lupin, nah! da Zenigata
Quando mi chiedono perch? voglio la sfida
socchiudo sempre gli occhi ripensando a una corrida
tra le mie dita la siga della vita
in stadi stretti in mano per 90 di partita
ehi, amo le sfide con me stesso se mi quoto a 100,
fanculo il sonno, il pc acceso quando tutto il resto ? spento
M, strano elemento,
tre giorni in strada, stadi e snai e notti a correre controvento
le mie ambizioni c'hanno il fiato corto
solo i soldi, un'altra notte di lavoro sporco
tra volantini, birrini e asfalto marcio,
tra incroci nelle piazze nel corso fianco parco
lavoro in strada e la strada mi alza di brutto
mi stimola il cervello, emozioni e il gioco ? giusto
il modo di attaccare, puntare e poi c'? il gusto

RIT(x2):non puoi fermare questo flusso hey
non puoi competere con queste liriche di lusso
noi ci riprendiamo tutto
tu resti sottotiro e in un attimo vieni distrutto
si cerca sempre di spiccare
da questa massa uniformata
droppando skills immensi
? merda sempre pi? pregiata
spregiudicati_team roba dannata
la cura per la nuova dura scena sempre pi? malata
ah ah
son tutti bravi a chiacchierare (sai)
son tutti bravi a dirti cosa devi fare
come ti devi comportare
il problema ? che la scena ? diventata una lotta personale
tutti contro tutti
questa ormai ? la prassi
in un mondo in cui bisogna a tutti i costi essere i pi? grassi
altrimenti non sei considerato
non conta quel che dici ma solo i dischi che hai cagato
discorsi pieni di eutopia nella tua testa
merda come questa tu lo sai che non si arresta
scrivi pure le tue gesta
ma intanto sono nel tuo spazio
solo per rovinarti la festa
RIT(x2):non puoi fermare questo flusso hey
non puoi competere con queste liriche di lusso
noi ci riprendiamo tutto
tu resti sottotiro e in un attimo vieni distrutto
hai sparato troppa merda
per anni addosso a questa scena
ma adesso devi stare attento sono alla tua schiena
gente d'esperienza che lotta come una iena
? sotto i tuoi piedi che ora la terra trema
perch? la mia gente ? gente pazza
non fottere con noi o ti estinguiamo
come una razza
lo sai siamo spregiudicati (oh si)
la fine che ti spetta
? come quella dei magistrati
? inutile parli di lotta di guerra
sar? difficile parlare quando sarai sotto terra
e nn finisco insisto
prima faccio uscire il disco
poi ti seppellisco
visto ti compatisco
fai talmente pena
che non ti guarda in faccia manco ges? cristo
questo ? per te solo l'antipasto (lo sai)
ma ti ridurr? in poltiglia fosse l'ultima cosa che faccio
RIT(x2):non puoi fermare questo flusso hey
non puoi competere con queste liriche di lusso
noi ci riprendiamo tutto

'Sta scena ? piena di gente meschina
facce da vetrina in copertina
villa con piscina, la uso come latrina
quale cocaina, ? cocacola con aspirina
ti metto nel colluttorio la varichina
cresciuto a cristalli liquidi come liquido amniotico
la mia mano esce dal tuo monitor lo porto in 'sta scena
mentre si dimena, ma in 'sta scena ci resta se riesce a mordere il suo gomito
qui le groupies sono solo buchi
io rincorro il vento mentre loro fanno footing in 'sta via crucis
mica siete a brooklyn
quale states, quale USA
made in italy ed ? qui che rinascerei
peace Phil I feel so good
facciamo dischi distribuiti da soulseek ed emule
tiriamo troppo la cinghia, quale gente finta
tu sei in ritardo come il mestruo di una donna incinta.
Il mio nome ? funky Turi e tu non duri, segui il filo?
se non conosci me, ok,ok non stai nel giro
la nostra storia scorre da una vita come il Nilo
la storia ti rincorre, tu sei il buco nel preservativo
vuoi fare il King come BB o Luther?
ti piscio sul tuo schermo e metto fuoco al tuo computer
sequestro la tua tipa col suo scooter
e neanche me la scopo, veste Freddy ma di faccia sembra Krugher
e poi non invitatemi alle battles siete fiacchi
fate brutte figure come in aula vanna Marchi
abbiamo 3 decenni e siamo stanchi
piuttosto che il tuo disco preferisco mille volte Tranqui Funky
i vostri demo fatti in fretta brutta roba
ma fateli in cassetta cos? ci registro sopra
tenete sempre conto del divario
lavatevi la bocca e baciate la mia foto sul diario!
Vedo gi? pronto lo showcase
e un sottofondo dagli States
produzioni col computer, sembrano essere Bill Gates
sanno programmi per mandare bit e formato mp3
skit per cambiare traccia hanno il flipper
parlan di me all'ottavo grado scala richter
io scuoto questa terra senza guerra
figlio delle rime genitore-babysitter
ma un viaggio personale in aeroplano che sta in volo e non sia afferra
vado in nomnation nel confessionale del professionale mandamici spesso
mi trovi in jam sassion
so che sta roba si ascolta e poi si elabora,
non si altera con chiacchiere da parrichiere a vanvera
ma ? una questione di ignoranza tra persone
mi studiano la musica su cattedra hanno perso anche anche le origini
cultura con vertigini, ed il suono che conoscono ? ormai carne per indigeni.
Dai, lavati la bocca tanto il tempo ? finito
continui a fare l'hater ma so che sono il tuo mito
sul beat di Phil, lo sai, vado spedito
gi? con Amir sul ring ? fight... amico
quello che faccio lo spingo ma non lo accetti
sputi verdetti e ti metti a parlare senza concetti
siete parecchi,
ma quando t'incontro hai ancora la lingua sporca per tutti i culi che lecchi
uomo abbatto l'argine sempre su queste pagine
bruci come cartagine al cospetto della mia compagine
zero margine d'errore,
manco se fai un'indagine riesci a capire il nostro spessore
chi ci sfida muore, niente perdono
andate in fiamme col suono come nel nostro logo il duomo
quindi non fotti se non hai la scorza,

[RIT] (x2)
Chiedo al mio fr? come v? la vita
2 giorni fa sembrava finita
ma il mondo non sa chi sono
ho gi? fatto un promo
ora sto fatto e volo
e ci sar? perdono
Ed ogni giorno il mondo ? sempre pi? stanco
giro con il mio branco
con lo sguardo affranto
un altro giorno che si ? infranto
noi veniamo fuori da diverse situazioni
teste diverse, ma abbiamo uguali direzioni
sai quello che vedo quando esco
vedo persone rovinate dalla vita, ma troppo presto
altri invece subire eventi
ridotti a cinquant'anni a fare quello che dovevano fare a 20
ma ? impossibile cercare sbocchi
la vita che ti fotte e questo ? davanti agli occhi
poi ? chiaro che si crea un divario
la gente sclera si, ma perch? il mondo gira al contrario
quindi sbaglio se sbaglio, un altro abbaglio
anche se quando la merda puzza, dopo scompaio
perch? di palle ne abbiamo solo un paio
ma ? l'inteligenza che a volte fa rendere tutti pi? del necessario
ogni giorno un marcio si sveglia
e sa che dovr? staccare un morso o ? finita
questa non ? una pubblicit?, stronzi, ? un corso di vita
addosso una sfida, in coro l'Hip-Hop,
ho 4 milioni di motivi in citt? per cui ? pi? dura stare vivi
ti dir?, credi in te stesso e tieni sveglio il tuo corpo
? una giungla l? fuori, se non resti sveglio sei morto
? dura anche con la testa sul cuscino
nessuno mi resta vicino
beh fanculo, nessuno testa il primo
Mondo Marcio uomo, nessuno ha questa sigla
il mio extra-steelo mi fa fare creep-walkin' sopra un bastardino
strip club e il mio cazzo resta in tiro
da quando ? uscito il disco, Z fa festa fino al mattino
perci? Dio mi stia accanto
e Ges? Cristo salvi il bambino
se ti parlo di morte, ? perch? l'ho vista da vicino
scopo puttane finch? non ce n'? pi?
e le sere gi?, fumo canne con Belzeb?...e tu Marcio
RIT (x2)
Ehy yo Marcio spiegami com'? che gira
com'? che pure avanzando si ? ultimi in questa cazzo di fila
la vita ? una trafila, c'? chi si fida
c'? chi c'ha sfiga, c'? chi tira file e denigra
c'? chi invece se la vive alla giornata,
chi pensa di risolvere i problemi con una coltellata
c'? chi subisce sempre e non si incazza
chi ? troppo buono e al primo complimento si imbarazza
c'? chi se la vive dura
chi invece viene nei club non conoscendo un cazzo di questa cultura
chi parla dietro da bastardo
c'? chi invece ti accoltella, solo per un fottuto sguardo
c'? chi sputa merda perch? non ha un valore
c'? chi si fa il culo perch? vuole un mondo migliore
sai, la speranza cade, adesso ? finita
ma non ci puoi fare un cazzo uomo, questa ? la vita
Questa ? vita vera...vita vera
la mia ragazza mi chiama, ma ? finita da stasera
un altro cuore spezzato, ora soffri, ma passer?
e non puoi sposare una carriera Rap col gusto per la passera
corri via da qua, rincorri i sogni fra
questo ? il giorno in cui decidi se essere celebrit? e poi chiss?
ormai ? iniziato, mi ha preso e ci prendo gusto
ho i miei dischi e li vendo al giusto
ma qui in Italia non ci spendo un lustro
uomo ti dico che ho un problema e non lo sto dicendo a Houston
S.O.S. l'Hop-Hop ? a puttane
2 mesi fa era moda, adesso ? gangsta, club e tanta droga
e non c'? un giorno che non sto a Milano
ma se vedo che la merda ? troppo calda me ne sto lontano
e forse questo ? il modo, giorno per giorno nuovi fans
fra chiedere a B o a Dio un'altra chance

I miei piedi assieme agli occhi corrono
si fanno strada in una strana atmosfera sospetta
fatta di carta ma sempre pi? vera sempre pi? tetra
qual'? la prossima mossa
arrivano dall'alto da destra a sinistra colpi di mitra
un'altra scossa
la nostra convinzione si getta nel fuoco
nasce una nuova certezza che spezza le ossa
a chi da sempre per paura scappa nel terrore
da una guerra che non vede sente solo il rumore
collassa il disertore da solo s'infossa
tanto clamore per niente e poi crepa
sembra finita eppure
questa volont? di ferro rester? fino alla fine intatta
almeno questo si spera
mimetizziamo ogni intenzione
aspettiamo ancora un'altra ora senza fretta
disfatta o disdetta qui da me non se ne parla
Scuoto la testa
teste di ferro pi? testarde di me
pi? resistenti della mia carne
calotte craniche metalliche
calibrate per sfondare il fronte
la mia fronte
sar? che i miei pugni si faranno d'acciaio
orde demoniache tra abitanti deboli appiccano fuoco
incendio nel pagliaio
dovr? farmi forte ancora pi? forte
rispetto a chi ha una malabrama
prima con la clava e adesso a colpi di lama
solidi colpi saldi
reazioni a catena porta a porta
piombo nel cielo il cielo s'inquina
si diffonde la melma tra i vicoli della metropoli
si aprono vortici come sabbie mobili
meccanici rettili attaccano il tuo petto
aspettano volti pallidi
ce la posso fare io stesso (Saracino)
con i miei vocaboli
nei confronti di chi conta soltanto nei suoi muscoli
non puoi togliermi la bocca quindi non puoi disarmarmi
sillabe come schermi
la mia scrivania non ha tarli
per qualsiasi catastrofe strofe a cataste
resto guerriero dell'ombra
sto sul chi vive cercasi verit? cerca luce
ma sempre partendo dall'ombra
Il sole brucia l'aria trema l'ombra diventa pi? nera
ma ? la nostra natura che non ci ferma
? un'anima che prende forma
usiamo pensieri fantasma
contro nemici pronti a leggerci le labbra
davanti a me squadre schierate
congegni rotanti mucchi di latta lucenti
ordigni tritacarne attaccano
ma non mi fottono per quel che fanno
senza sentimenti
avanti vado ? pronto il mio arsenale per quanti ne vedo
nascondo sotto pelle armi segrete
nella spina dorsale porto lezioni toccate con mano
adesso rido
mentre stringo soltanto matite come sbarre d'acciaio nei denti
come difesa
contro le menti ultra sofisticate di quegli esseri mutanti
sulla tesata pioggia artificiale
lampi meccanici tuoni sintetici
e all'improvviso scarafaggi meccanici dietro le schiene
comandati a distanza, microchip nelle vene,
da dove questo proviene
sono in troppi
prodotti lasciano laboratori
dove scienziati pazzi ricercati giocano col bisturi
plasmano catene del dna che non combaciano
la fuori la paura preme
coccodrilli bionici spinti dalla fame escono

Tra un p? non ci sar? pi? tempo
troppo poco svelto tutto troppo veloce per me
per troppo poco tempo attento combattendo senza mai tenere conto del tempo
quanto si ? perso?
pi? mi guardo attorno pi? non voglio non posso non andarci adesso ammesso che mi basti almeno questo
altri mille minuti ed avr? gi? perso
spirito mente rabbia ed istinto
se penso che ogni giorno buttato ogni millesimo sprecato ora porta il suo peso.
A testa bassa mani stanche fiato grosso ma non sono fermo da quando qualcuno nella notte mi ha detto
Chebeli che cosa apetti corri assieme ai tuoi e poi combatti
improvvisa non sai dove ti porta ogni strada ? sempre aperta
buoni e brutti percorsi la vita incerta quanto responsi di 40 indovini cinesi
l'ombra mi grida ricorda aspettati perfino 700 trucchi
occhi a mandorla di sconosciuti visi vigliacchi stupiti perch? per stupidi ci avevano presi
senza tregua mai arresi senza sosta
attendono laggi? nascosti nei boschi che tu caschi e ci staranno per mesi
mi ha detto
resta sul chi vive addestrati preparati adattati a tutto mi ha detto
poche alternative 609 nemici 3 uomini ed 1 proiettile per queste prove
fare schemi non basta
voltati e guarda la via pi? storta racconta con i fatti
tu conta quanti sono i progetti perfetti saltati come bombe in attentati a Giacarta
chebeli se Dio vuole non riusciranno pi? a conforderti
non fermarti hai un solo colpo vogliono fotterti la convinzione ma tu bruciali sul tempo
scordali stai sicuro lascia che quei diavoli si sbranino tra loro
tra 4 mura l'orologio va all'indietro
manca ossigeno io vado contro secondi contati al quarzo che stringono come lamette
gi? a 17 anni le lancette tagliano dentro
metro dopo centimetro avanzo ma sento i miei piedi di piombo che schizzano sopra questo pavimento di vetro
nel mezzo dell'azione senza pi? tasche in cui cercare la soluzione
per quale ragione

Guardatemi la schiena
Statemi dietro,proteggetemi
Siamo reduci insieme sin dalla genesi
Siamo ceneri apparentemente spente
Riprendiamo fuoco se serve rapidamente
Il branco,lupi solitari per le strade
Figli di un istinto che dal nostro corpo evade
Che ci assale che da noi si manifesta
Il mio branco per nulla al mondo mai si arresta
Giochi di sguardi intese insieme sacrifici
Emozioni vere conto solo sui miei amici
E non credo alle stronzate tipo patti di sangue
Si versan lacrime mica veleno se si piange
Sto col mio branco questo ? sicuro
Andiamo insieme verso il futuro
Soffrendo insieme percorrendo la strada
Non si ? campioni se dietro non si ha una squadra
Tu lo sai che col mio branco vivo denso
Ed ogni testo mi ispira ogni verso
Sono diverso a volte perso ma resto in piedi mai genuflesso
A volte integro ma a volte distrutto
Consapevole che la mia forza sta nel gruppo
Perch? la vita a volte non ti paga non servono solisti ma serve un gioco di squadra per vincere qualsiasi tipo di partita
Altrimenti rimani da solo e la tua gente tradita
? cos? che gira il mondo da ste parti
I tuoi fratelli qua solo per aiutarti
Per confrontarsi per darsi da fare non credere lo facciano
Per tornaconto personale perch?
Puoi avere soldi puttane macchine ma sai che la solitudine si paga in lacrime
Ho nuovi patti Nuove storie Nuovi schemi
Nuove facce Oggi come ieri Nuovi gatti fieri Nuovi condottieri Nuovi legami Spontanei e sinceri
Ed ogni pena lo sai Mi sfiora appena
Se so che uno dei miei ha la mia schiena
Ogni nostra vena Pulsa per la scena
Sei contro noi Sei la nostra cena
E se un problema Ci frena e incatena
? insieme che sfidiamo la iena
Dal duomo all’arena Uomo non si trema
Sono l’hacker che sabota il sistema
Io coi miei cani Mani nelle mani Che domani
Ho nuovi piani Nuove vie Nuovi brani
Il mio branco Adesso ? pronto per lo scontro
Volevi fottere?! Renditi conto
Vengo da fuori mi insinuo nei tuoi paraggi
Porto i miei omaggi valuto sti nuovi ingaggi
Dall’oggi al domani concretizzo i miei piani
Al mio fianco il mio branco supporta le mie ambizioni
Tra motivazioni pensieri paure illusioni
Ragionamenti che non sempre danno conclusioni
Resto a guardare il mondo in faccia
Lasciando un’altra traccia per mettere il mio nome sulla mappa
Per come la vedo troppe cose che non spiego
Le urlo sottovoce nei panni del mio alterego
Racconto del disordine e dei sogni
Degli incubi notturni
Di ci? che mi spinge a stringere i pugni
Ora dimmi in che modo vorresti cercassimo noi stessi
Se non rapiti dai nostri interessi
Fuori dagli schemi complessi confusi dagli eccessi
Ma senza mai finirne compromessi
Se sono gi? con il mio branco fuggo dal rimpianto
Pompo dall’impianto pezzi per noi e nessun altro
Il mondo fuori non importa cambio prospettiva
Meglio coi miei alla deriva che da solo a riva
Sai c’era chi non capiva l’unione della mia comitiva
Occhi aperti sullo sfondo con l’entusiasmo di bambini che scoprono il mondo andremo fino in fondo
Viaggio senza ritorno con voi salgo e affondo
Non c’? fatica che ci blocchi anche dopo mille rintocchi
Lo vedi dai miei occhi
Sputer? sangue per le vostre vite e pianger? lacrime per
Quelle fuggite
Ogni passo fatto affianco al mio branco
Spinge un nemico al disarmo
Qual ? per me il senso di un branco?
? fidarmi d’istinto di chi ci? affianco
Per sfidare chi l’istinto l’ha perso
Se basta una volta soltanto lasciar le impronte nel fango
Quando un compagno ? pi? stanco
Fissare il grigio distinguendone il nero dal bianco
Riprendo tesi sul falso e sul vero ma il vero ? scomparso
E resta il falso a stabilir chi lo ? di pi? chi meno
L’odore della corruzione dei corpi ora permea l’aria che ho intorno scioglie espressioni in volto alle menti pi? forti
Quanti branchi si perdono in banchi di solchi
Se c’? una morte a terra al centro di cerchi nel grano
In cielo all’ombra di cerchi di corvi
Iene ridono coi denti sporchi delle anime che han preso a morsi negli ultimi giorni
Carogne mangia carogne
La verit? dorme nel ventre dell’ultimo anello della catena
Delle menzogne
Nel mondo in cui l’istinto animale sovverte le regole umane

[Kuno] Devo rischiare d’altronde io so fare questo un futuro incerto oppure un mondo di successo
15 anni di scuola un diploma passa il tempo e mano a mano si sfoltisce la mia chioma
Un lavoro che in realt? non mi soddisfa devo rischiare con la musica la mia linfa
non tanto per potermi fare i conti in tasca ma per far tornare i conti ogni tanto quanto basta
20 anni dopo la mia nascita sento necessit? di farmi da pap? con le mie attivit?
un mestiere che equivale alla mia vita avere i calli sulle mani per il micro tra le dita
devo rischiare di trovarmi sul fondo e di doverlo raschiare di trovarmi
il problema resta questo ho preso cos? tante decisioni che oramai mi sono perso
mollo tutto chiamala incoscienza ho fatto esami di coscienza e la mia esistenza cos'??
in realt? ? scrivere le rime devo rischiare per arrivare alla fine
[Porno] Devo rischiare l'approccio concettuale al problema di sorta creare una svolta radicale a quest'era stravolta
Ho un nome da gretta marionetta dritta alla forca in cerca di conferma in questa melma che mi sporca e lorda perso nell'onda dei prodotti senza scorza ? il silenzio di una vita che straborda e mi da forza
chi non rischia la faccia se ne infischia e come inizia realizza una sfilza di rime vuote senza traccia
senza scopo preciso un altro deca speso per un cd vuoto ma inciso un altro falso sorriso
buon viso a cattivo gioco denoto sul net scruto un mercato eroso dal giogo del FAT Rap
e scattano molle sto correndo come Forrest da quando 15enne crescendo ascoltavo i colle
verto su ci? che ho scoperto all'interno di un folle certo che sar?un best seller come follet
sulle ali di un ego di grossa inquietudine se mi piego a questo schifo ? per la forza di abitudine
e dar? pace alle facce di un odio futile e inutile solcando le tracce di un disco che faccia da incudine
[Bat] Devo rischiare b devo proprio farlo tra amore illusioni passioni cose di cui parlo
rimango in piedi nonostante botte cercando svolte cercando luce oltre la coltre
in questa vita in questa partita ma sono solo altre ferite che colpiscon carne viva
un'altra immagine sbiadita che ora preme altre domande altre situazioni che un uomo non teme
si cercano risposte a tutte le domande non preoccupandosi di chi sta bene e di chi invece piange
questo non tange no, non interessa si cerca di vivere solamente la storia piu' spessa
ma questa volta mi sono sbagliato mi hanno fottuto perch? il rischio non ? calcolato
quindi rimango sconfitto al traguardo cercando un'altro sguardo un'altro baluardo
altri motivi per cui valga la pena rischiare stare su un palco ma rischiando di farsi fischiare

Jack the Smoker:
Il mio umore ? una roulette, va random! In un anno met? delle ore le passo chiedendomi se finiranno, le altre le comando guardando il successo che si va profilando, con lo sguardo pi? in alto, poi ? freddo a letto, niente che fa pi? effetto, cortesia ed affetto non mi scaldano il petto, il giorno dopo rifletto e vedo tutto perfetto, vedo il mondo inchinarsi al mio cospetto. Sono giorni di marea alta e bassa, uno che esalta con uno che sconquassa. La mia carcassa subisce la pazza manbassa dell'umore che sbalza e che disassa. Tu guarda in quanto poco tempo c? un cambiamento, una tabula rasa, un pallone al centro, il mio corpo ? l'epicentro a tempo fra veloce e lento, brezza e vento, colpi in aria al centro!
Vedi d'iniziare a vivere, perch? la vita non ti aspetta. La verit? corre sul filo di una lametta, hai fretta? Qua giochi da aletta, cerca la vendetta, anche se a volte ti va troppo stretta. Vivi alla giornata ma quale data? E se il passato poi riaffiora tu dagli una manata. Scaccia via quei mostri dal destino, non hanno pi? influenza su di te visto che non sei pi? un bambino. Studia soluzione a qualsiasi problema, pi? ti piangi addosso e a meno persone riesci a fare pena. Se va cos? cazzo cerca in altri sguardi, vivi positivo e il pessimismo lascialo a Leopardi. Compi salti nel buio, lo so che ? dura, anche perso come Dante in questa selva oscura, potranno anche farti disperare ma nessuno avr? mai il diritto d'impedirti di sognare!
Can't take this...bad! Can't take this...good! Can't take this...bad! Can't take this...good! Can't take this...bad! Can't take this...not bad meaning bad but bad meaning good! Beacause i'm positive it seems that negative dies!
Non ho tempo per lamentarmi, vivo in un mondo gi? cattivo, io corro sul mio cammino e continuo pensando positivo. La vita, si traveste da pagliaccio e sorride qualsiasi cosa faccio e me ne compiaccio. Io forte di questo so che splende il sole anche in inverno e che dopo l'afa torner? anche il fresco. Tutto dipende da come la vedi, io mi sento realista ad un metro da terra con i piedi. ci credi? Non sto certo a preoccuparmi, non cerco la sconfitta ma credo che stimoli a migliorarmi, darmi lezioni di vita dove i colpi pi? efficaci son quelli sotto la vita, dove cercare il bene nel male diventa cosa ardua, per non soccombere spesso tocca mettersi in guardia. Guardami adesso sono pronto alla battaglia non arretrer? di un metro si spostasse anche l'Italia.
Un cavaliere bianco sfida un cavaliere nero, lo scudo abbaglia lama che oscura poi buia scure fende di notte il sereno, entrambi perdono gocce di cielo. L'essenza dei duellanti riempie il campo di tanti pi? e meno sino al punto zero. Secondo impatto, si crea il nulla per un attimo, movenze bianco spente e nero accese hanno un ritmo pi? rapido. Ignari di esser missi dallo stesso incarico, scissi alla fonte incrocian braccia forte premendo sul manica, due cavalieri grigi e una sol'arma, profonde ferite sopra gambe sgorgan sangue di tramonto ed alba, l'urlo straziante precede la calma, la mente umana ? il mandante di un cavaliere morto suicida in battaglia.

Bombe su di voi come a belgrado per m dj
ganci di rap di jap come cassius clay
non ci fermi sono troppe le cartelle
avversari cadono ai miei piedi come le torri gemelle
amico forse ? meglio che tu molli
io sono l'originale tu un clone come dolli
mangio gli avversari come mentine saila
colpi pi? grossi di quelli di umberto smaila
sopra il ring ne combiniamo di tutti i colori
noi valiamo tanto tu poco poco come kaori
quello che fai proprio non mi tange
parti in vetta tu al tappeto a sputare sangue
amico se ci vuoi caga la petunia
dopo il primo round ascolta getta la spugna
perche se ce bat su un beat di rubo
sappi che non pari i nostri colpi manco con lo scudo
bat one peschiera rappresenta e regna
spregiudicati ora formazione mitica
sfidarci ? impossibile come fare godere una frigida
zero recita troppi skills nelle mani
sono talmente crudo che non mi digerisci manco col giuliani
sono il tipo che sta sulle sue
unisco rime sul beat come i mari il canale di suez
sempre pronto per mandarti a male
sono grasso perche ho troppa merda da cagare
uomo le tue sono frasi evanescenti
riempi genti di merda ma poi te ne penti beh complimenti
stai attento perch? io ti spenno
noi troppo concreti tu immagini come john lennon
un accenno di rissa accoppiata bat piu beat
come fumo con la rizla
cos'? adesso stenti a crederci
mi sa che hai un problema come quelli dell'apollo tredici
bat-one le tue rime appena scritte sono gemme in putrefazione siete solo mezzeseghe
amico lo sai gia che non ci fotti
vuoi fare il mafioso con me be io sono andreotti
prima di iniziare sei gia esausto
zero colpi bassi se hai le ali come fausto
siamo all'alba di nuove ere
vuoi fare i conti con me cazzo sono ragioniere
hei fratello ma sei solo al prologo
ho rime grasse che fan disperare un endocrinologo
non so se intendi quello che spiego
ho strofe cosi nitide che le vede pure un cieco
skills grassi che ti mandano dritto alla neuro
sono pi? ottimista di quelli dell'unieuro
nella vita si lavora e si suda
per farsi una posizione non serve il kamasutra
a fermarmi ci hanno gia tentato
sono spregiudicato quindi ecco il risultato

Si parte col mic-chek Barre pt. poker di re
non provarci ancora Sam con il gentleman
rotoli come dadi sopra il Monopoli
nella Casella di Jucas sparisci con i pi? forti, si!
il micro mi entra nei denti, mi strappa la Vibra la metto in rima
e la porto in negozio, non vedo una lira
sussurri e grida, background da suicida
perdo la strada all'inferno, torna ad un altra vita
ho visto il percorso, dove ti sei nascosto
troppe pippe mio amico dico sei un uomo di polso
ancora con Bat portiamo gente al Pronto Soccorso
Profondo Rosso, cammino ancora sul bordo
Siamo reietti uniti nei destini
ci fanno sorrisi di fiducia, ma hanno visi da becchini
chi si punta tutto su me, su ogni mia frase
domani o fra un anno punteranno solo mirini al laser
Donq1 e Bat dal sottosuolo
la bolla di sapone si, peccato che sia uscita da un bagno di tritolo
a scapito vostro chiedete pure il bis
decapito teste di cazzo e la cerimonia del tris
vuoi il successo nazionale?!
preferisco un indirizzo popolare come case nei quartieri ALER
mostra pure il culo e continua a venderti
noi ci riprendiamo tutto e tu comincia un p? a riprenderti
Lo sai chi sono...Mistamaaaan!!! Yo, ehy!
sono un goldone bucato, cazzone con me non puoi fottere
ho le strofe pi? grandi che tu ti stampi col Plotter
ho le tecniche avanzate come il buffet ad un party di anoressiche
meglio se smetti, man...yo ehy! fai cos? cagare
che sei in causa con la Faip per concorrenza sleale
e non parlare di mia madre che la tua ? cos? brutta
che ora tuo padre ? mussulmano solo per metterle il Burka
stronzo, tu sei nato dal culo
perch? dall'altra parte c'era sempre qualcuno
ma tu volevi nascer dalla parte della gnocca
cos? appena nato gi? pompavi lavori di bocca
i tuoi spermatozoi...fuori dai coglioni
cancello i vostri nomi come il Piano Protezione Testimoni
buoni, lasciami fare
tolgo una R dalla Barre e poi chiudo solo bare
Puoi chiamarmi sul mio ??? mi conosci dall'origine
spingo barre 4a4 e causano libidine
sono un'enigma per ogni adolescente
pochi concetti, ma dritti fuori dalla mente
ed dell'HipHop conosco costumi e usi
vale piu' una skill di music che un cd da rappusi
con chi ti scusi se le tue rime offendono
non per i vocaboli, ma per quanto vendono
noi lo facciamo con la testa, la passione e il savoir-faire
tu lo fai come Willy di Bail Air
e gi? a Milano noi facciamo che ci? accada
chi ruba la cultura e chi ritorna sulla strada
Ho versi malati che scrivo in fogli colorati
che sbiancano quando sapranno di essere contaminati
evoluzione, rivoluzione sonora
uccido tracce, le posso rappare una volta sola
sfido facce di merda, mezze tacche
il mio rap dalle casse
? crack che rovina le masse
? arte che voi non capite
al punto che, finito il pezzo,
non cerco un beat ma una cornice
la mia violenza verbale ? tale
che ti tocca sperare
che scelga di usare quelle carnale
se siete gente che bara poi ci finite
cripto frequenze come Snake e voi non mi cap.....
Passami il filo del discorso
se hai perso il senso del mio ? nel capitolo scorso
stanze di un labirinto in cui sospingo un gomitolo rosso
nel 2 ti ho scosso, nel 3 ti sei morso le dita all'ascolto
che ora alle jam mostri l'unica mano e 3 canne sull'osso
adesso il problema ? pi? grosso
anche la tua auto non sopporta il flusso
al punto che ti supplica di prendere un dosso
la stanza si tinge di rosso
la luce oltre le tende ti fa ritornare in mente
flash-back che un tempo avevi rimosso
incastro disastri verbali
ricordo i tuoi mc's con la stoffa
ci ritrovo in testar sopra complessi ricami
confondi ancora sintassi e avversari
scrivo testi su un foglio che aquistan senso dopo averlo piegato ad Origami
Ne volete ancora?! 4° capitolo, a testa 12 barre
per voi dolori come calci nelle palle
dalla mia parte ho mc's che vengono da Marte
e dalla vostra una cosca che ci sfida e scompare
siamo come i Marvel abbiamo super poteri
cantate le nostre strofe perch? entriamo dentro i vostri pensieri
Spregiudi-click e tu preparai alla fuga
sferriamo colpi duri come i culi di Supa
ci riprendiamo tutto
lo facciamo a mano armata, ma non chiamatelo furto
Asher Kuno lo sai, Milano "Show Off" Massive
in una sola mano beccatevi 'sti 8 assi
E non potete pi? fermare, volete sfidare chi ci sa fare
il flusso di queste Barre ? pronto per farvi sobbalzare
lasciate stare (Perche?!)
Muovete cos? tanto il collo da avere problemi di cervicale
4° capitolo, 8 mc's per la spinta
? solo la 4° parte, preparati alla 5°
ma ? inutile, tu non sei duttile
cerchi vagine umide
che diano adito a rime pi? stupide
quello che fai amico non rende giustizia
siamo sempre sulla scena, ma per te c'? una notizia
vai in cerca di gloria (Gloria?!)