ITF Education Department Regional Activities

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Regional education projects often have sub regional and national components for which activities are carried out. These projects can either be industry specific or cross sectional. The ITF currently has the following projects, please click on the links below to go the desired project.


Asia / Pacific

Global Projects

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Other pages for ВИЧ/СПИД:
E-bulletin | Agenda magazine | HIV/AIDS campaign | HIV/AIDS manual | ITF study on HIV/AIDS, ports and port workers | Report on HIV/AIDS Mapping | HIV/AIDS Toolkit | HIV/AIDS: Transport Unions Take Action | Film: Highway of Hope | Strategy and Key Documents | External links | Storytelling Project | ITF film: Being Positive | ITF/FNV Global HIV/AIDS evaluation 2012 | ITF study: HIV/AIDS in the civil aviation sector | External evaluation report | HIV/AIDS and port workers: A resource pack

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Home | О нас | Солидарность | Flags of Convenience campaign | Моряки | докеров | Гражданская авиация | Железнодорожники | Автомобильный транспорт | Городской транспорт | Туризм | Внутренний водный транспорт | Образование | Рабочая молодежь | Женщины | Fisheries | ETF Home | Начальная страница

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