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Federação Internacional dos Trabalhadores em Transportes
Home > Road Transport

Road Transport

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Picture of Road Transport Action Day Postcard*

The Road Transport Workers’ Section is one of the ITF’s eight industrial sections. Its membership includes 282 unions worldwide, representing 1,456,065 members.
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Notícias online

12 Ago 2013
Better pay for Swazi transport operators in union wage victory
ITF affiliate the Swaziland Transport and Allied Workers Union (STAWU) celebrated a victory for road transport workers last week. STAWU recorded a 34% wage increase for trucking operators, and a 24.5% increase for road passenger operators. The...

02 Ago 2013
ITF slams latest Philippines outrage
The ITF has expressed its outrage to the Philippines government over the second murder of a transport trade union leader in less than three weeks. At the beginning of July Antonio ‘Dodong’ Petalcorin, president of the Network of Transport...


Press releases

02 Aug 2013
ITF condemns Philippines killings
The ITF (International Transport Workers’Federation) has expressed its outrage to the Philippines government over the second murder of a transport trade union leader in less than three weeks. Kagi Lucman, president of the Notre Dame Village...

14 Jun 2013
ITF’s continued backing for protesters in Turkey
The ITF today made the following statement to the Day-Mer Turkish community organisation in London, UK: On behalf of the 4.5 million transport workers it represents worldwide, the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) salutes the...


Copyright © 2012 ITF
ITF House, 49-60 Borough Road, London SE1 1DR  |  +44 20 7403 2733   |  mail@itf.org.uk
Copyright © 2012 ITF
ITF House, 49-60 Borough Road, London SE1 1DR  |  +44 20 7403 2733   |  mail@itf.org.uk