Peter Moon

A telecommunications and IT partner at Logie-Smith Lanyon Lawyers, Peter Moon explores technology products and issues for the AFR's Tuesday IT liftout

Licence to email required

It’s simple. We’ll vote for any party that will introduce a licence to email. No licence, and your emails will be spam-filtered out. No exceptions.

Forbidden fruit . . . switching to Apple

If you’re a Windows user who’s ever wondered what it’s like to move to the Mac lane, read on.

Customer service quiets outrage over Telstra’s 117 MB mystery

An enormous iPhone bill leads to a strange discovery that underscores the importance of mandatory mobile data usage notification alerts.

Drobo data safety: simple, fast, secure – for home or office

Drobo 5D is a business-grade mass storage solution finding its way into more homes every day. Think of a small computer case large enough for five standard-sized hard drives, then add some serious smarts.

Stylish office space invader

Creating a professional’s home office in a small city apartment requires an innovative approach to fashionable design and process power.

Keeping your Wordpress site safe

Keeping a Wordpress site secure, spam-free and backed up is vital given that Wordpress is the single most popular web publishing platform on the planet.

As the law plays catch-up, digital content programs impress

While Australia slowly edges towards a more common-sensical approach to copyright law, impressive technology rolls out for storing and consuming digital content.

It’s the price of a PC, but this scanner is worth every cent

We surveyed the paper clutter in our office and realised that the right personal scanner would be a quantum leap in order and productivity.

Connect your iPad or iPhone to hotel internet for peanuts

There are a couple of well-priced networking gizmos available that are very handy for those who want web access on the go.

Now that the telcos have your ‘unlimited’ attention. . . the facts

When telcos announce “unlimited” broadband plans, but with provisos for kicking off users who actually take advantage and over-use “acceptable” limits, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission may find itself investigating contact wording.

Flexible skills tech skills needed in the modern office

Do-it-yourself technical talents can open doors to better business. IT projects can deliver the skills to grow as you learn.

Three ways to repel hack attacks

The risk of information being compromised is ever present. A few precautions can help businesses protect their data.

Technology that makes you slim

Finding that there’s more of yourself to love than you’d strictly like? Turn to the following gadgets, apps and websites to lighten your load.

Amazon’s Paperwhite: an e-book reader to fall in love with

As soon as Amazon released its latest and greatest Kindle book reader in late 2012, we imported one through freight forwarder Nearly six months and a dozen books later, can we recommend Paperwhite to Australian buyers? For most avid readers, this is a superb e-book option.

Top 10 iPad apps to get you through the working day

Need to know when the next tram is coming? Or how far you’ve walked today? These top 10 iPad apps will help you breeze through whatever the day may throw your way.

Is your WordPress website secure?

When 10 per cent of all websites are built on the WordPress platform, a problem for WordPress is a problem for the worldwide web. Lawyer and technology writer Peter Moon has practical advice for consumers and business owners who might be at risk.

Feudal contracts rule in the telcos’ wild west

The stoush between Kogan Mobile and its wholesale service provider ISPOne, we are getting a rare glimpse into the wild world of second-tier telco deals.

Identifying a business need behind program success

Lucion has just released version 8 of FileCenter Pro, which takes the program from strength to strength.

When all is not Apples for podcasts, it pays to be Downcast

It’s ironic that the device that gave podcasting its name, Apple’s iPod, was rendered almost useless as a podcast player by a bungled app upgrade.

Web searches that lead to a pot of gold

Wise heads say that what you put into life is what you’ll get back. That was never more true than in the case of search engine optimisation but there are some short cuts.
