- published: 08 Aug 2007
- author: Chachorrito78

Propaganda 1882-Gauchos
published: 08 Aug 2007
author: Chachorrito78
Propaganda 1882-Gauchos
- published: 08 Aug 2007
- author: Chachorrito78

Remis - Fernet 1882
published: 07 Nov 2008
author: Chachorrito78
Remis - Fernet 1882
- published: 07 Nov 2008
- author: Chachorrito78

Moritz Moszkowski - Violin Concerto (1882)
Painting Info - "Evening Sun" by ~RichardDorran on deviantart. I. Allegro Comodo - 00:00 I...
published: 12 Jan 2013
author: GoldieG89
Moritz Moszkowski - Violin Concerto (1882)
Painting Info - "Evening Sun" by ~RichardDorran on deviantart. I. Allegro Comodo - 00:00 II. Andante - 16:23 III. Vivace - 29:41 Moszkowski belongs to the Sc...
- published: 12 Jan 2013
- views: 2915
- author: GoldieG89

Bourgault-Ducoudray - Rhapsodie cambodgienne (1882)
Rhapsodie cambodgienne (1882) 1. Introduction - Légende [0:00] 2. Fête des eaux [8:39] An ...
published: 14 Jul 2012
author: musicophage rex
Bourgault-Ducoudray - Rhapsodie cambodgienne (1882)
Rhapsodie cambodgienne (1882) 1. Introduction - Légende [0:00] 2. Fête des eaux [8:39] An orchestral work by French composer Louis-Albert Bourgault-Ducoudray...
- published: 14 Jul 2012
- views: 1361
- author: musicophage rex

1882 - Arsenal u21's V Spurs u21's - Monday 22nd April 2013
1000+ Spurs fans at Barnet's Underhill stadium to support Spurs u21's V Arsenal u21's. 188...
published: 23 Apr 2013
author: 8colespurs8
1882 - Arsenal u21's V Spurs u21's - Monday 22nd April 2013
1000+ Spurs fans at Barnet's Underhill stadium to support Spurs u21's V Arsenal u21's. 1882 - Love The Shirt TFC.
- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 1424
- author: 8colespurs8

Василий Перов (1834 - 1882) Vasily Perov
Василий Григорьевич Перов родился в 1834 году в небольшом сибирском городе Тобольске. Инте...
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: Aleksandr Smolyaninov
Василий Перов (1834 - 1882) Vasily Perov
Василий Григорьевич Перов родился в 1834 году в небольшом сибирском городе Тобольске. Интерес к рисованию у Василия Григорьевича появился в 9 лет. В тринадца...
- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 311
- author: Aleksandr Smolyaninov

IGOR STRAVINSKI.- 1882-1971- La Consagración de la Primavera
IGOR STRAVINSKI.- 1882-1971- La Consagración de la Primavera Parte I. La adoración de la T...
published: 21 Jan 2013
author: Carlos Garcia
IGOR STRAVINSKI.- 1882-1971- La Consagración de la Primavera
IGOR STRAVINSKI.- 1882-1971- La Consagración de la Primavera Parte I. La adoración de la Tierra Introducción Los augurios primaverales Danza de los adolescen...
- published: 21 Jan 2013
- views: 6041
- author: Carlos Garcia

1915 Genocide Witness in Ciwardo 1986 Cammo Yusëf Hanna (1882-1991) Gaboro du Sayfo
Gaboro du Sayfo rabo da 1915 cammo Yusëf (1882-1991) u abro du Ḥanna d Be-Qašo Gewargis, m...
published: 09 Feb 2013
author: mardutho
1915 Genocide Witness in Ciwardo 1986 Cammo Yusëf Hanna (1882-1991) Gaboro du Sayfo
Gaboro du Sayfo rabo da 1915 cammo Yusëf (1882-1991) u abro du Ḥanna d Be-Qašo Gewargis, mi šarbṯo d Be-Qašo Aḥo. A Genocide Sayfo Witness gives his testimon...
- published: 09 Feb 2013
- views: 1223
- author: mardutho

Giuseppe Martucci - Piano Trio No. 1, Op. 59 (1882)
Giuseppe Martucci (Capua, 6 January 1856 -- Naples, 1 June 1909) was an Italian composer, ...
published: 14 Oct 2012
author: bartje11
Giuseppe Martucci - Piano Trio No. 1, Op. 59 (1882)
Giuseppe Martucci (Capua, 6 January 1856 -- Naples, 1 June 1909) was an Italian composer, conductor, pianist and teacher. As a composer and teacher he was in...
- published: 14 Oct 2012
- views: 804
- author: bartje11

Claude Monet, Cliff Walk at Pourville, 1882
Claude Monet, Cliff Walk at Pourville, 1882, oil on canvas, 26-1/8 x 32-7/16 inches / 66.5...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: smarthistoryvideos
Claude Monet, Cliff Walk at Pourville, 1882
Claude Monet, Cliff Walk at Pourville, 1882, oil on canvas, 26-1/8 x 32-7/16 inches / 66.5 x 82.3 cm (Art Institute of Chicago) View this work up close on th...
- published: 02 Apr 2012
- views: 25622
- author: smarthistoryvideos

Metal detecting "Live Recovery" -1882 Canadian One Cent Coin
Recovering an 1882 Canadian One cent piece from an old 1800's homestead in the woods of On...
published: 20 Dec 2012
author: S Zazulyk
Metal detecting "Live Recovery" -1882 Canadian One Cent Coin
Recovering an 1882 Canadian One cent piece from an old 1800's homestead in the woods of Ontario Canada.
- published: 20 Dec 2012
- views: 320
- author: S Zazulyk

صور نادرة لمذبحة الإسكندرية 1882
صور نادرة لمذبحة الإسكندرية 1882 عندما قامت بوارج الأسطول الإنجليزى بقصف المدينة وسوتها با...
published: 02 Jul 2011
author: AhmedRa92
صور نادرة لمذبحة الإسكندرية 1882
صور نادرة لمذبحة الإسكندرية 1882 عندما قامت بوارج الأسطول الإنجليزى بقصف المدينة وسوتها بالأرض الإسكندرية سيدي بشر جابر العجمى المكس المنشية الرمل المنتزه ال...
- published: 02 Jul 2011
- author: AhmedRa92

Ciprian Porumbescu - Rapsodia română / Romanian Rhapsody (1882)
Ciprian Porumbescu (1853-1883), România - Rapsodia română / Romanian Rhapsody (1882) Roman...
published: 27 Dec 2012
author: miljkmi
Ciprian Porumbescu - Rapsodia română / Romanian Rhapsody (1882)
Ciprian Porumbescu (1853-1883), România - Rapsodia română / Romanian Rhapsody (1882) Romanian Radio and Television Orchestra (1983) Paul Petrescu -----------...
- published: 27 Dec 2012
- author: miljkmi

"Remembering 1882" expert panel part 1/8
Part 1 of the expert panel convened on the 125th year (and three days) since the passage o...
published: 30 May 2007
"Remembering 1882" expert panel part 1/8
Part 1 of the expert panel convened on the 125th year (and three days) since the passage of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. http://Remembering1882.org =Part ...
- published: 30 May 2007
- views: 6192
- author: Chinese Historical Society of America
Vimeo results:

La Sagrada Familia
El Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia (en catalán Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Famí...
published: 20 Feb 2013
author: Luis Caldevilla
La Sagrada Familia
El Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia (en catalán Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família), conocido simplemente como la Sagrada Familia, es una basílica católica de Barcelona (España), diseñada por el arquitecto Antoni Gaudí. Iniciada en 1882, todavía está en construcción. Es la obra maestra de Gaudí, y el máximo exponente de la arquitectura modernista catalana. Según datos de 2011, es el monumento más visitado de España, con 3,2 millones de visitantes.
Durante el pasado mes de Abril de 2012, Alberto Castaño http://vimeo.com/albertocvr y Luis Caldevilla http://www.luiscaldevilla.com fuimos invitados por el Director del Patronato de la Junta Constructora, D. Xavier Miralles, para captar mediante las técnicas del timelapse e imagen aérea, nuestra visión de la basilíca.
Para las imágenes aéreas que se muestran en el vídeo, Alberto Castaño utilizó un nuevo modelo de drone o mikrokóptero, un mini-helicóptero no tripulado que cuenta con ocho rotores y al que ha acoplado una cámara, capaz de ofrecer nuevos puntos de vista inéditos de esta singular construcción.
Luis Caldevilla por su parte, utilizó un motiontimer http://www.motiontimer.com/es, un sistema de control de movimiento en tres ejes para timelapse.
Aprovechamos estas líneas para agradecer al Patronato y en especial a su Departamento de Comunicación, la oportunidad única que nos han brindado de conocer esta singular construcción y por todas las facilidades para llevar a cabo nuestro trabajo.

Noviembre 2007 - Duración 56"...
published: 10 Aug 2008
author: Fernet 1882
Noviembre 2007 - Duración 56"

Flamenco guitar Conde Hermanos AF25
Conde Hermanos AF25 negra 2004 flamenco guitar.
Conde guitars are played by a vast majori...
published: 12 Jul 2009
author: Flamenco Music Corp La Sonanta
Flamenco guitar Conde Hermanos AF25
Conde Hermanos AF25 negra 2004 flamenco guitar.
Conde guitars are played by a vast majority of professional flamenco players. The Conde guitars are regarded by many to have retained an authentic gipsy flavor. The Conde dynasty was founded by Domingo Esteso (1882-1937), who established his own shop in 1915. Esteso in turn trained his nephews Faustino and Mariano Conde Sr. and later, Julio Conde was trained in his brothers´ workshop. The three brothers Conde continued to work for Esteso´s widow until her death in 1960 and then took over their uncle´s shop, calling themselves " Hermanos Conde Sobrinos de Domingo Esteso". Mariano and Faustino Conde in the process of building a guitar. Soon they have got a great reputation of their own building guitars for the great quality of the materials, the excellent handwork and manufacturing technique which gives the best concert sound to these instruments and the guitars began to be used by famous guitarists such as: Niño Ricardo, melchor de Marchena, Manolo de Huelva, Mario Escudero, Sabicas, Regino Sáinz de la Maza, paco de Lucía... Mariano Sr. later established his own shop close to the Royal Theatre, calling it "Conde Hermanos Sucesores Sobrinos de Esteso" at Calle Felipe V, 2 in Madrid. His two sons, (Felipe, born in 1957 and Mariano Jr., born 1959) began their apprenticeship with their father and uncle Faustino when they were about 15 y.o. Faustino died in 1988 and Mariano Sr. in 1989.
If you want to know and feel how this Conde looks like, we invite you to watch and enjoy the included high definition video below. You can also watch, listen and enjoy the Conde A26 high definition video of our La Sonanta song played together with palmas and cajon on the detailed pages of our Conde Hermanos A26 blanca 2003.
Despite the date on the label, this Conde is a new one. Since her birth in 2004 at Calle Felipe V in Madrid, she has only been
used as a try out to convince local customers to buy one from the Conde inventory. Any of our flamenco guitars is inspected and tried intensively at the location of the luthier. We had to beg really strongly to take this negra with us during our last visit to Conde, merely because we, as a well as Conde, realized she was simply the best of their total inventory. Probably that’s why she was used for many years as a try out. She has the very nice, typical Conde orange color and rosette. The sides and back are made from first grade, gorgeous Indian rosewood. Normally a negra has some lesser dry tone tonality compared to a blanca, but this negra AF-25 is both brighter and more dry than the A26’s we currently have. The first string (the 'high' E) is really dynamic. She projects so easily, providing an excellent colorful tonal character, especially the mid-highs sound very direct, open and dynamic, basses are firm and very crispy. A great new Conde, as played by a vast majority of professional flamenco players, is very hard to find these days, but this one is like a Conde from the old days...a very unique and superb, professional one.

1882 Ansiosos
El título ya lo dice todo. Una vida que va a las chapas, con nervios, errores de tipeo, ti...
published: 30 Jun 2011
author: Fernet 1882
1882 Ansiosos
El título ya lo dice todo. Una vida que va a las chapas, con nervios, errores de tipeo, tics y un gran sobrepeso de YouTube, Facebook y Twitter. ¿Para qué contar esta vida de ansias con un mimo triste y un violín de fondo, si podemos usar un helicóptero negro, un capuchón de 9 metros y 1882 ansiosos? A continuación, el primer comercial en donde aparece un rastafari ansioso ¿Qué tul?
Youtube results:

Monday or Tuesday - FULL Audio Book - by Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
Monday or Tuesday - FULL Audio Book - by Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) SUBSCRIBE to https://w...
published: 08 Feb 2013
author: GreenAudioBooks
Monday or Tuesday - FULL Audio Book - by Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
Monday or Tuesday - FULL Audio Book - by Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) SUBSCRIBE to https://www.youtube.com/user/GreenAudioBooks - Adeline Virginia Woolf was an...
- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 545
- author: GreenAudioBooks

Paul Pabst - Piano Concerto in E flat major, Op. 82 (1882)
Concerto for piano and orchestra in E flat major, Op. 82 (1882) I. Allegro maestoso [0:00]...
published: 15 Jun 2011
author: musicanth
Paul Pabst - Piano Concerto in E flat major, Op. 82 (1882)
Concerto for piano and orchestra in E flat major, Op. 82 (1882) I. Allegro maestoso [0:00] II. Andante cantabile - [12:28] III. Allegro assai [21:29] A piece...
- published: 15 Jun 2011
- views: 7045
- author: musicanth

Cesar Franck - Le Chasseur maudit (1882)
César Franck Le Chasseur maudit (1882) After the ballad Der wilde Jäger (The Wild Hunter) ...
published: 01 Jul 2012
author: bartje11
Cesar Franck - Le Chasseur maudit (1882)
César Franck Le Chasseur maudit (1882) After the ballad Der wilde Jäger (The Wild Hunter) by the German poet Gottfried August Bürger. Orchestre du Capitole d...
- published: 01 Jul 2012
- views: 1962
- author: bartje11

Vande Mataram from South India | Composed by Subramania Bharati (1882-1921)
Vande Mataram from South India | Composed by Subramania Bharati (1882-1921)...
published: 23 Jan 2013
author: IndiaEternal
Vande Mataram from South India | Composed by Subramania Bharati (1882-1921)
Vande Mataram from South India | Composed by Subramania Bharati (1882-1921)
- published: 23 Jan 2013
- views: 307
- author: IndiaEternal