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Final FA Cup 2013 - Johor Darul Takzim (Curva B.O.S) Part 1
B.O.S TV : PART 1 - Final Piala FA - Gelombang Biru Di Bukit Jalil
B.O.S dibawah panji Ultras Malaya menyokong Skuad Malaysia
Pahang vs Johor DT (B.O.S) FA Cup - Semi Final at SBJ Part 1
Boys of Straits (B.O.S) di Shah Alam - GoPro Hero2
B.O.S gegar shah alam
B.O.S tribute to Awie (Ratuku)
Final FA Cup 2013 - Johor Darul Takzim (Curva B.O.S) Part 7
BOS Johor vs Elephant Army Pahang di Larkin
B.O.S Untuk Fandi Ahmad We Trust
Boys of Straits (B.O.S) di Darul Makmur


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Final FA Cup 2013 - Johor Darul Takzim (Curva B.O.S) Part 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:48
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Final FA Cup 2013 - Johor Darul Takzim (Curva B.O.S) Part 1

Part 1 29 Jun 2013 Final FA 2013 Johor Darul Takzim Vs Kelantan FA Final Result Johor DT 0-1 Kelantan Credit to all Boys Of Straits (B.O.S) comrades & Johor/...
  • published: 30 Jun 2013
  • views: 123668
  • author: sepening09 FA Cup 2013 - Johor Darul Takzim (Curva B.O.S) Part 1
B.O.S TV : PART 1 - Final Piala FA - Gelombang Biru Di Bukit Jalil
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:50
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

B.O.S TV : PART 1 - Final Piala FA - Gelombang Biru Di Bukit Jalil TV : PART 1 - Final Piala FA - Gelombang Biru Di Bukit Jalil
B.O.S dibawah panji Ultras Malaya menyokong Skuad Malaysia
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:50
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

B.O.S dibawah panji Ultras Malaya menyokong Skuad Malaysia

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ( dibawah panji Ultras Malaya menyokong Skuad Malaysia
Pahang vs Johor DT (B.O.S) FA Cup - Semi Final at SBJ Part 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:42
  • Updated: 21 Jul 2013

Pahang vs Johor DT (B.O.S) FA Cup - Semi Final at SBJ Part 1

Suasana di Stadium Bukit Jalil pada 1 mei 2013 - Semi Final Pahang lawan Johor Darul Takzim Diiringi Sorakkan Penuh Padu dan bergema disetiap sudup SBJ diket...
  • published: 02 Jun 2013
  • views: 59636
  • author: sepening09 vs Johor DT (B.O.S) FA Cup - Semi Final at SBJ Part 1
Boys of Straits (B.O.S) di Shah Alam - GoPro Hero2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:42
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

Boys of Straits (B.O.S) di Shah Alam - GoPro Hero2

To Johorean from Johorean! Ayuh..Bangkit Semula Credit to All B.O.S Comrade, REFRESH and also to All Johorean! Enjoy Guys! *ralat - Stadium Shah Alam. of Straits (B.O.S) di Shah Alam - GoPro Hero2
B.O.S gegar shah alam
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:05
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

B.O.S gegar shah alam

B.O.S gegar shah alam. gegar shah alam
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:44
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013


Polis Apa Salah Kami- Lagu baru B.O.S yang dinyanyikan ketika melawan JDT lwn Felda 25.6.2013. Sindiran terhadap polis yang mengawal ketat penyokong JDT seol... JOHOR (B.O.S) SINDIR POLIS. LAGU BARU
B.O.S tribute to Awie (Ratuku)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:34
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

B.O.S tribute to Awie (Ratuku)

Visit our pages for your one stop JDT Fans Merchandise. Luaskan Kuasamu!
  • published: 11 Jul 2013
  • views: 15552
  • author: DhomMedia tribute to Awie (Ratuku)
Final FA Cup 2013 - Johor Darul Takzim (Curva B.O.S) Part 7
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:18
  • Updated: 24 Jul 2013

Final FA Cup 2013 - Johor Darul Takzim (Curva B.O.S) Part 7

Part 7 29 Jun 2013 Final FA 2013 Johor Darul Takzim Vs Kelantan FA Final Result Johor DT 0-1 Kelantan Credit to all Boys Of Straits (B.O.S) comrades & Johor/...
  • published: 01 Jul 2013
  • views: 18266
  • author: sepening09 FA Cup 2013 - Johor Darul Takzim (Curva B.O.S) Part 7
BOS Johor vs Elephant Army Pahang di Larkin
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:47
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

BOS Johor vs Elephant Army Pahang di Larkin

BOS ( Johor ) vs Elephant Army ( Pahang ) berentap 'chanting' di hadapan Stdm Tan Sri Hj Hassan Yunos, Larkin pd 25/05/13 sebelum perlawaan semi-final 1 Pial...
  • published: 04 Jun 2013
  • views: 22748
  • author: Bro Izie Johor vs Elephant Army Pahang di Larkin
B.O.S Untuk Fandi Ahmad We Trust
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:19
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

B.O.S Untuk Fandi Ahmad We Trust Kredit :
  • published: 12 May 2013
  • views: 32520
  • author: auction81 Untuk Fandi Ahmad We Trust
Boys of Straits (B.O.S) di Darul Makmur
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:05
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013

Boys of Straits (B.O.S) di Darul Makmur

Pusingan kedua separuh akhir Piala FA.. Pahang vs JDT Stadium Darul Makmur.. Perlawanan dibatalkan akibat beberapa insiden yang berlaku.. harap selepas ni ki... of Straits (B.O.S) di Darul Makmur
B.O.S TV : PART 2 - Final Piala FA - Gelombang Biru Di Bukit Jalil
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:28
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

B.O.S TV : PART 2 - Final Piala FA - Gelombang Biru Di Bukit Jalil

Boys of Straits with Johorean at Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil 29th June 2013 FA Cup Final. TV : PART 2 - Final Piala FA - Gelombang Biru Di Bukit Jalil
Boys Of Straits (Chant) - Koleksi Lagu dan Lirik Ultras Johor
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:31
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Boys Of Straits (Chant) - Koleksi Lagu dan Lirik Ultras Johor

BOS. Of Straits (Chant) - Koleksi Lagu dan Lirik Ultras Johor

Final FA Cup 2013 - Johor Darul Takzim (Curva B.O.S) Part 1

Part 1 29 Jun 2013 Final FA 2013 Johor Darul Takzim Vs Kelantan FA Final Result Johor DT 0-1 Kelantan Credit to all Boys Of Straits (B.O.S) comrades & Johor/...
  • published: 30 Jun 2013
  • views: 123668
  • author: sepening09

Final FA Cup 2013 - Johor Darul Takz­im (Curva B.O.S) Part 1
Part 1 29 Jun 2013 Final FA 2013 Johor Darul Takz­im Vs Ke­lan­tan FA Final Re­sult Johor DT 0...
pub­lished: 30 Jun 2013
au­thor: sepen­ing09
B.O.S TV : PART 1 - Final Piala FA - Gelom­bang Biru Di Bukit Jalil
pub­lished: 02 Jul 2013
au­thor: Mukhriz Latif
B.O.S dibawah panji Ul­tras Malaya menyokong Skuad Malaysia
I cre­at­ed this video with the YouTube Video Ed­i­tor (http://​www.​youtube.​com/​editor)...
pub­lished: 02 Jul 2013
au­thor: mat­nor wazza
Pa­hang vs Johor DT (B.O.S) FA Cup - Semi Final at SBJ Part 1
Suasana di Sta­di­um Bukit Jalil pada 1 mei 2013 - Semi Final Pa­hang lawan Johor Darul Takzi...
pub­lished: 02 Jun 2013
au­thor: sepen­ing09
Boys of Straits (B.O.S) di Shah Alam - GoPro Hero2
To Jo­hore­an from Jo­hore­an! Ayuh..​Bangkit Sem­u­la Cred­it to All B.O.S Com­rade, RE­FRESH and a...
pub­lished: 11 Mar 2013
au­thor: Mukhriz Latif
B.O.S gegar shah alam
B.O.S gegar shah alam....
pub­lished: 09 Mar 2013
Polis Apa Salah Kami- Lagu baru B.O.S yang dinyanyikan keti­ka melawan JDT lwn Felda 25.6.2...
pub­lished: 26 Jun 2013
B.O.S trib­ute to Awie (Ratuku)
Visit our pages www.​facebook.​com/​DSApparel for your one stop JDT Fans Mer­chan­dise. Lu­askan...
pub­lished: 11 Jul 2013
au­thor: Dhom­Me­dia
Final FA Cup 2013 - Johor Darul Takz­im (Curva B.O.S) Part 7
Part 7 29 Jun 2013 Final FA 2013 Johor Darul Takz­im Vs Ke­lan­tan FA Final Re­sult Johor DT 0...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2013
au­thor: sepen­ing09
BOS Johor vs Ele­phant Army Pa­hang di Larkin
BOS ( Johor ) vs Ele­phant Army ( Pa­hang ) berentap 'chant­ing' di hada­pan Stdm Tan Sri Hj H...
pub­lished: 04 Jun 2013
au­thor: Bro Izie
B.O.S Untuk Fandi Ahmad We Trust
http://​www.​lelongbank.​com Kred­it : http://​www.​facebook.​com/​pages/​Kelab-penyokong-setia-har...​
pub­lished: 12 May 2013
au­thor: auc­tion81
Boys of Straits (B.O.S) di Darul Mak­mur
Pusin­gan kedua sep­a­ruh akhir Piala FA.. Pa­hang vs JDT Sta­di­um Darul Mak­mur.. Per­lawanan di...
pub­lished: 31 May 2013
au­thor: Mukhriz Latif
B.O.S TV : PART 2 - Final Piala FA - Gelom­bang Biru Di Bukit Jalil
Boys of Straits with Jo­hore­an at Sta­di­um Na­sion­al Bukit Jalil 29th June 2013 FA Cup Final....
pub­lished: 03 Jul 2013
au­thor: Mukhriz Latif
Boys Of Straits (Chant) - Kolek­si Lagu dan Lirik Ul­tras Johor
pub­lished: 02 Apr 2013
au­thor: Hafiz Be­rahim
Youtube results:
Boys Of Straits (B.O.S) at Cheras - Ul­tras Johor feat Ul­tras KL
Sta­di­um Bola Sepak Cheras KL vs Johor FA 3rd May 2013....
pub­lished: 07 May 2013
au­thor: Mukhriz Latif
Stef Bos: Lied van Ruth - My Land Is Jou Land (met het Metropole Ork­est)
Van de DVD In Een Ander Licht, opgenomen ti­j­dens een een­ma­lig con­cert met het Metropole Or...
pub­lished: 10 Apr 2013
au­thor: Stef Bos
Final FA Cup 2013 - Johor Darul Takz­im (Curva B.O.S) Part 3
Part 3 29 Jun 2013 Final FA 2013 Johor Darul Takz­im Vs Ke­lan­tan FA Final Re­sult Johor DT 0...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2013
au­thor: sepen­ing09
Suara Anak2 Johor Boys of Strait B.O.S Ultra @ Lumut - Lu­askan Kuasa On Tour
MESTI TON­TON.. suara anak2 Johor Boys Of Strait B.O.S at Lumut... Setia bersama­mu JOHOR......
pub­lished: 12 May 2013
photo: Public Domain / Rob39
Alyssa Milano MLB
Edit The Inquisitr
26 Oct 2013
After news broke Friday that the long-running show about three magical sisters would be returning as a CBS pilot, longtime star Alyssa Milano took to Twitter, expressing a lack of enthusiasm in the project. Milano, who played Phoebe Halliwell in the series, said it seemed to early for a Charmed reboot. “The thing about them doing a #charmed reboot is… it just… it feels like yesterday ... It feels too close ... ....(size: 2.5Kb)
photo: USAF / Staff Sgt. Joseph Swafford
File - U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class John Haidu, United States Army Marksmanship Unit member from Phenix City, Ala., listens as ANA student-instructors explain why their target grouping is off and how to correct it during the Basic Rifle Marksmanship Instructor Course at Kabul Military Training Center, Afghanistan, Nov. 06, 2010.
Edit BBC News
26 Oct 2013
An Afghan soldier has been killed at a military base in the capital Kabul, after shooting at international troops. The incident, which injured at least one foreign soldier, began after an argument, Nato officials said. It is the fourth such attack in a month. Last year, attacks by Afghan servicemen on their Nato colleagues accounted for around 15% of all international troop casualties ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)

Edit MLB
28 Oct 2013
ST. LOUIS -- When someone asks you to explain these 2013 Boston Red Sox, this is the victory you can point to. This one reveals the heart of this team, the resiliency and character, too. It speaks of toughness and teamwork and improbable characters rising to the occasion. • Gm 1. BOS 8, STL 1. • Gm 2. STL 4, BOS 2. • Gm 3. STL 5, BOS 4. • Gm 4. BOS 4, STL 2. • Gm 5. Mon., 7.30 p.m. ET ... David Ortiz Bos ... (tie) Hank Gowdy Bos ... ....(size: 6.8Kb)
Edit MLB
28 Oct 2013
ST. LOUIS -- It was a tough night in Cardinal Nation. But the disappointment surrounding the defeat at Busch Stadium should be a temporary sensation. A record crowd of 47,469 filled Busch III to the brim Sunday night ... Louis franchise. • Gm 1. BOS 8, STL 1. • Gm 2. STL 4, BOS 2. • Gm 3. STL 5, BOS 4. • Gm 4. BOS 4, STL 2. • Gm 5. Mon., 7.30 p.m. ET. • Gm 6. Wed., 7.30 p.m. ET. • Gm 7*. Thu., 7.30 p.m. ET. *- If necessary....(size: 4.6Kb)
photo: Creative Commons / Jleybov
Cardinals players celebrate after winning their franchise's 11th World Series title. The 2011 World Series was the 107th edition of Major League Baseball's championship series.
Edit MLB
28 Oct 2013
ST. LOUIS -- Every World Series game has its own twists and turns, but Game 3 was one of a kind. • Gm 1. BOS 8, STL 1. • Gm 2. STL 4, BOS 2. • Gm 3. STL 5, BOS 4. • Gm 4. Gameday. • Gm 5. Mon., 7.30 p.m. ET. • Gm 6*. Wed., 7.30 p.m. ET. • Gm 7*. Thu., 7.30 p.m. ET. *- If necessary. Watch every game on FOX ... the Red Sox. Saturday night's stunner -- a 5-4 walk-off victory for St ... First up are the mandatory news conferences ... ....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit MLB
28 Oct 2013
ST. LOUIS -- Now it gets good. Not that there's been anything wrong with the first four games of the World Series, with the Red Sox and Cardinals feeling each other out for two games at Fenway Park and playing to a confusing finish here in Game 3. But Boston's 4-2 victory on Sunday night sets the stage for one of those Octobers suitable for a Ken Burns documentary. • Gm 1. BOS 8, STL 1 ... STL 4, BOS 2 ... STL 5, BOS 4 ... BOS 4, STL 2 ... ET ... ET ... ET....(size: 5.7Kb)
Edit MLB
28 Oct 2013
ST. LOUIS -- Lance Lynn was surprised, and so, too, were many of the rest of us. Mike Matheny put his faith in Lynn to face the Red Sox a third time through the order. Until Lynn gave up a single over the shortstop to Dustin Pedroia with two outs in the sixth ... • Gm 1. BOS 8, STL 1. • Gm 2. STL 4, BOS 2. • Gm 3. STL 5, BOS 4. • Gm 4. BOS 4, STL 2. • Gm 5. Mon., 7.30 p.m. ET. • Gm 6. Wed., 7.30 p.m. ET. • Gm 7* ... ET ... ....(size: 6.8Kb)
Edit MLB
28 Oct 2013
play video. Must C Conclusion. Game 3 ends on obstruction, error. Facebook Twitter Email. ST. LOUIS -- The Cardinals' concerns that Allen Craig's trip around the bases in Game 3 could limit his availability for the rest of the World Series had calmed by Sunday, after an X-ray on Craig's left foot came back negative ... • Gm 1. BOS 8, STL 1. • Gm 2. STL 4, BOS 2. • Gm 3. STL 5, BOS 4. • Gm 4. Gameday. • Gm 5. Mon., 7.30 p.m. ET....(size: 9.1Kb)
Edit MLB
28 Oct 2013
play video. WS2013 Gm4. Wainwright praises gutsy efforts of team. Facebook Twitter Email. ST. LOUIS -- Has playing golf made Adam Wainwright a better pitcher?. The Cardinals right-hander thinks it has. "That was John Smoltz's big thing," said Wainwright, a 3.7 handicap who will take the mound for Game 5 of the World Series on Monday (6.30 p.m. CT air time on FOX, 7.07 first pitch) ... play video ... ST ... BOS 8, STL 1 ... STL 4, BOS 2 ... STL 5, BOS 4 ... Gameday....(size: 9.1Kb)
Edit MLB
28 Oct 2013
play video. WS2013 Gm3. Nava drives in Ellsbury on a forceout. Facebook Twitter Email. ST. LOUIS -- Never mind that this is his first season in the Major Leagues and his first exposure to postseason baseball. This October has introduced a foreign element of the game to Kolten Wong -- cold weather ... "Once you get in there, the adrenaline kicks in and it just heats you up," Wong said ... It was awesome." ... ST ... BOS 8, STL 1 ... STL 4, BOS 2 ... STL 5, BOS 4 ... ....(size: 9.1Kb)
Edit The Examiner
28 Oct 2013
Game 5 of the 2013 World Series takes place tonight as the St. Louis Cardinals host the Boston Red Sox. Series. Tied 2-2. First pitch. 8.07 p.m. EST ... Jon Lester (BOS) 3-1, 1.67 ERA ... ....(size: 1.0Kb)
Edit MLB
27 Oct 2013
play video. WS2013 Gm3. Farrell discusses the obstruction call. Facebook Twitter Email. ST. LOUIS -- Game 3 of the World Series was the type of contest that makes sleep a bit of a challenge for the losing manager. "Who slept?" quipped Red Sox manager John Farrell as he met with Red Sox beat reporters on Sunday afternoon. "No, I didn't sleep worth a damn last night. I did [get some sleep], yeah ... BOS@STL ... BOS 8, STL 1 ... STL 4, BOS 2 ... STL 5, BOS 4 ... ....(size: 4.5Kb)
Edit MLB
27 Oct 2013
play video. BOS@STL. The Red Sox reflect on tough Game 3 loss. Facebook Twitter Email. ST. LOUIS -- By Sunday afternoon, you'd never know the Red Sox experienced a stunning loss the night before. As beat writers huddled in manager John Farrell's office, "Started From The Bottom" by Drake, which has developed into the battle cry of this year's team, was blaring from the clubhouse ... • Gm 1. BOS 8, STL 1 ... STL 4, BOS 2 ... STL 5, BOS 4 ... ET ... ET ... ET ... ....(size: 4.5Kb)
Edit MLB
27 Oct 2013
play video. Victorino's dramatic slam puts Sox on top in Game 6. Facebook Twitter Email. ST. LOUIS -- Roughly 90 minutes before Game 4 of the World Series on Sunday night, the Red Sox had to scratch right fielder Shane Victorino from the starting lineup due to lower back tightness. Jonny Gomes was inserted into the No. 5 spot in the lineup and played left field ... play video. BOS@STL ... ST ... • Gm 1. BOS 8, STL 1 ... STL 4, BOS 2 ... STL 5, BOS 4 ... ....(size: 5.9Kb)
Edit MLB
27 Oct 2013
ST. LOUIS -- The Red Sox pride themselves on their resilience and their mental toughness. Now, those qualities are about to be tested again -- because this is the kind of loss that can sting for a couple of days. Turning the page on a tough loss is one thing. Turning the page on a tough loss in the World Series, a tough loss that ended with a very close and a very arguable call, is something else ... BOS 8, STL 1 ... STL 4, BOS 2 ... STL 5, BOS 4 ... ....(size: 4.9Kb)

Bos is the genus of wild and domestic cattle. Bos can be divided into four subgenera: Bos, Bibos, Novibos, and Poephagus, but these divisions are controversial. The genus has five extant species. However, this may rise to seven if the domesticated varieties are counted as separate species, and nine if the closely related genus Bison is also included.[1] Modern species of cattle are believed to have originated from the extinct aurochs.


Anatomy and morphology[link]

Most species are grazers, with long tongues to twist the plant material they favor and large teeth to break up the plant material they ingest. They are ruminants, having a four-chambered stomach that allows them to break down plant material.

Range and distribution[link]

There are about 1.3 billion domestic cattle alive today, making them one of the world's most numerous mammals. Members of this genus are currently found in Africa, Asia, eastern and western Europe and parts of North America. Their habitats vary greatly depending on the particular species; they can be found in prairies, rain forests, wetlands, savannas and temperate forests.

Ecology, behavior and life history[link]

Most Bos species have a lifespan of 18–25 years in the wild, with up to 36 being recorded in captivity. They have a 9-11 month gestation, depending on the species and birth one, or rarely two young in the spring.

Most species travel in herds ranging in size from 10 members into the hundreds. Within most herds, there is one bull (male) for all the cows (female). Dominance is important in the herds; calves will usually inherit their mother's position in the hierarchy.[citation needed]

They are generally diurnal, resting in the hot part of the day and being active morning and afternoon. In areas where humans have encroached on the territory of a herd, they may turn nocturnal. Some species are also migratory, moving with food and water availability.

Evolutionary history[link]

Modern species of Bos are thought to have evolved from a single ancestor, the aurochs (B. primigenius). This particular species survived until the early 17th century when it was hunted to extinction as the last aurochs, a female, died in Poland.

Systematics and taxonomy[link]

In 2003, the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature resolved a long-standing dispute about the naming of those species (or pairs of species) of Bos that contain both wild and domesticated forms. The commission "conserved the usage of 17 specific names based on wild species, which are pre-dated by or contemporary with those based on domestic forms", confirming Bos primigenius for the aurochs and Bos gaurus for the gaur. If domesticated cattle and gayal are considered separate species, they are to be named Bos taurus and Bos frontalis; however, if they are considered part of the same species as their wild relatives, the common species are to be named Bos primigenius and Bos gaurus.

See also[link]


  • Briggs, H.M. and Briggs, D.M. (1980). Modern Breeds of Livestock. Macmillan Publishing.
  • International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. 2003. Opinion 2027 (Case 3010). Usage of 17 specific names based on wild species which are pre-dated by or contemporary with those based on domestic animals (Lepidoptera, Osteichthyes, Mammalia): conserved. Bull.Zool.Nomencl., 60:81-84.
  • Van Vuure, Cis. 2003. De Oeros – Het spoor terug, Cis van Vuure, Wageningen University and Research Centrum / Ministry of the Flemish Community, Brussels & Wageningen.
  • Zong, G. 1984. A record of Bos primigenius from the Quaternary of the Aba Tibetan Autonomous Region. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, Volume XXII No. 3 pp. 239–245. Translated by Jeremy Dehut, April 1991. Online pdf (62 kB)


  1. ^ Groves, C. P., 1981. Systematic relationships in the Bovini (Artiodactyla, Bovidae). Zeitschrift für Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung, 4:264-278., quoted in Don E. Wilson & DeeAnn M. Reeder (editors). 2005. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed), Johns Hopkins University Press: "Bison". (online edition)

External links[link]

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Fandi Ahmad
Personal information
Full name Fandi bin Ahmad
Date of birth (1962-05-29) 29 May 1962 (age 50)
Place of birth Singapore
Playing position Striker
Club information
Current club Johor FA (manager)
Senior career*
Years Team Apps (Gls)
1979–1981 Singapore FA
1982 Niac Mitra
1983–1985 FC Groningen 36 (11)
1986–1989 Kuala Lumpur FA
1990 OFI Crete 0 (0)
1991–1992 Pahang FA
1993–1994 Singapore FA
1996 Geylang United
1997–1999 Singapore Armed Forces
National team
1979–1997 Singapore 101 (52)
Teams managed
2000–2002 SAFFC
2003–2006 Young Lions
2006–2010 Pelita Jaya
2012– Johor FA
* Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only.
† Appearances (Goals).

Fandi bin Ahmad (born 29 May 1962) is a Singaporean association football coach and former professional player. He mainly played as a striker, but could also play as a midfielder. He played for Malaysia Cup state sides Singapore FA, Kuala Lumpur FA and Pahang FA, and won titles with all three, including two Doubles in 1992 and 1994, and the Golden Boot in 1988. Fandi also played for Niac Mitra (Indonesia), FC Groningen (Netherlands), Geylang United (Singapore) and Singapore Armed Forces FC (SAFFC). With the Singapore national football team, Fandi won 101 caps, scored 52 goals, won three Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) silver medals and was captain from 1993 to 1997. He managed SAFFC and Pelita Jaya (Indonesia), served as assistant national coach and runs the Fandi Ahmad Academy. As a 1994 winner of the Pingat Bakti Masyarakat (state medal), the first Singaporean footballer to play in Europe, the first Singaporean millionaire sportsperson and first Singaporean sportsperson to have a published biography, Fandi has been called a national legend.[foot 1] Fandi has five children with his wife, South African model Wendy Jacobs, and his father is Ahmad Wartam, a former national goalkeeper.


Early years[link]

As a young child, Fandi was obsessed with football and spent much of his time kicking a ball. His family lived in two rooms in Woodbridge Hospital, and he had to sell nasi lemak to help support them.[5][9] Fandi's father, Ahmad Wartam was then a goalkeeper for the national team.[10] Fandi started playing as a goalkeeper, but was advised by a teacher to switch to midfield.[11] When he was 12, his parents divorced, after which he lived with his father and paternal grandparents. At Serangoon Gardens Secondary School, Fandi played for the school football team, but neglected his studies and was retained. He then transferred to the Singapore Vocational Institute and obtained a National Trade Certificate 3. He played for Kaki Bukit Football Club in the amateur National Football League, where he was spotted by Singapore FA coach Sebastian Yap.[12]

Club career[link]

Fandi joined Singapore FA in 1979 and became a regular midfield player, scoring four goals in his first Malaysia Cup season. The retirement of Arshad Khamis and Dollah Kassim prompted Jita Singh, the new Singapore FA coach, to play Fandi as a striker. During the 1980 Malaysia Cup season, Fandi scored eight goals, including the winning goal in the final against Selangor FA.[13] He enlisted for National Service in September 1980 and was given light duties, such as collecting the camp garbage, so he could continue playing for Singapore FA. In 1981, Fandi won the FAS Footballer of the Year award for helping Singapore FA reach the Malaysia Cup final.[10] The following year, Singapore FA did not play in the Malaysia Cup for political reasons, and Fandi underwent a shoulder operation; he could not play football for six weeks and was discharged early from National Service.[14]

Selangor FA invited Fandi to play for them against Argentine club Boca Juniors in a friendly game, in which Fandi scored the only goal for Selangor FA; the score was 2–1. Fandi received offers from several Malaysia Cup teams, Indonesian side Niac Mitra, Swiss club Young Boys and Dutch side Ajax. After a three-week trial, Ajax offered Fandi a three-year contract,[15] but Fandi instead signed a one-year contract with Niac Mitra, where he spent one season, helped them successfully defend their Galatama League title and was the third-highest scorer with 13 goals. In a friendly match between Niac Mitra and Arsenal, Fandi scored a goal in a 2–0 victory; however, he left Niac Mitra due to a sudden Galatama League ban on foreign players.[16]

In 1983, Fandi moved to the Netherlands and signed a two-year contract with FC Groningen. A thigh injury acquired in a friendly match kept him off the field for ten weeks, but in his first Eredivisie game he scored twice in a 2–0 victory over Go Ahead Eagles. Three days later, he played in the first leg of a UEFA Cup second-round match against Italian side Internazionale, and scored the second goal in a 2–0 win, though in the second leg Groningen were defeated 1–5.[17] The Groningen fans voted Fandi the most popular player and the most skillful player that season; he scored 10 goals in 29 games to help the Dutch club rise from ninth to fifth place in the Eredivisie. As an April Fools' Day joke, The Straits Times published a front-page story claiming that Manchester United had signed Fandi.[18] However, his second season was marred by a recurrence of the thigh injury and a dispute with the coach. He played only two full games that season and Groningen did not offer him a new contract.[19] During his time in the Netherlands, Fandi scored 11 league goals in 36 league games for Groningen.[20]

The next club that Fandi played for was Malaysia Cup side Kuala Lumpur FA, which in 1987 won its first Malaysia Cup title. It was Malaysia Cup champions again the following season; Fandi won the Golden Boot, having scored 21 goals.[21] After a third season at Kuala Lumpur FA, in which it won a third consecutive Malaysia Cup, Fandi signed a two-year contract with Greek club OFI Crete in 1990. However, problems with his International Transfer Certificate prevented him from playing for Crete, so he left Greece after two months.[22] Fandi then joined Pahang FA, where he reverted to playing mainly in midfield due to his advancing age.[23] Fandi missed several months of games because of heel and thigh injuries, and scored three goals to help Pahang FA win the Malaysia Cup and Malaysian League Double in 1992.[24] That year, he also became the first Singaporean sportsperson to have career earnings exceeding a million Singapore dollars (not adjusted for inflation).[5]

Fandi rejoined Singapore FA after it was relegated to the second tier of the Malaysian League. Singapore FA was promoted and reached the Malaysia Cup final in 1993, and finished the 1994 season as Malaysia Cup and Malaysian League champions. Captain Fandi played in 39 of Singapore FA's 41 games in the double-winning season, was the top scorer with 26 goals and was voted Player of the Season;[25][26] he was also awarded a state medal, the Pingat Bakti Masyarakat (Public Service Medal).[10] The following season, Singapore FA withdrew from the Malaysia Cup and a fully professional Singaporean league, the S.League, was formed. In its inaugural season in 1996, Fandi captained Geylang United and was the joint top scorer with 11 goals, including the equaliser that confirmed Geylang as league champions. The Asian Football Confederation declared him the Player of the Month of June 1996.[27][28] Geylang was given special dispensation to pay Fandi thrice the S.League salary cap.[9] His playing career concluded with three seasons at SAFFC, during which they won two S.League titles and two Singapore Cups. Because of injuries, Fandi was limited to mainly short substitute appearances, but he continued to score crucial goals, notably two against Cambodian side Royal Dolphins in the Asian Club Championship, until his retirement in 1999.[29][30]

International career[link]

From 1979 to 1997, Fandi made 101 appearances for the Singapore national football team,[foot 2] scored 52 goals and earned a place in the Asian Football Confederation Hall of Fame.[6] He started as captain of the national youth team that won the Lion City Cup in 1976 and 1977,[5] then joined the senior national team on a tour of Russia, where he played in two friendly games and scored two goals in the second.[13] His first senior cap came at 17 years, 3 months and 23 days, making him Singapore's youngest-ever full international, until his record was broken by Hariss Harun in 2007.[31] However, in his first international competition, the 1979 SEA Games, Fandi did not score in four matches. He scored against India and North Korea in the Olympic Games qualifiers, but did not score in three FIFA World Cup qualifying matches. In the 1981 Ovaltine Cup, Fandi scored all Singapore goals in the 3–2 aggregate victory over Malaysia.[15] Fandi scored a goal in a 1–2 loss to Thailand in the 1981 King's Cup and a hat-trick against the Philippines at the 1981 SEA Games. In 1992, Fandi scored twice against Nepal and once against Thailand in the King's Cup, then scored when Singapore beat Malaysia 3–1 in the Ovaltine Cup.[32]

The following year, Fandi helped Singapore win the first of three SEA Games silver medals, with two goals in a 3–0 group stage win over Brunei and two against Malaysia in the semi-final. Despite suffering an ankle injury in the 1–2 final defeat by Thailand,[33] he played in the 1983 Merlion Cup, and scored in a 1–0 semi-final win against of China.[18] The second SEA Games silver medal came in 1985, when Fandi scored against Malaysia and the Philippines in the group stage, then two goals against Brunei in the semi-final. At the 1989 SEA Games, Fandi scored in the 4–0 victory over Myanmar that took Singapore past the group stages, the last-minute winner in the semi-final against defending champions Indonesia and Singapore's single goal in the 1–3 final defeat by Malaysia. This completed the hat-trick of silver medals, though in 2007, he said that "not winning the SEA Games gold medal" was among "his biggest regrets".[5] Fandi also played at the 1990 Asian Games and scored in the 6–1 win against Pakistan.[32]

During the 1991 SEA Games, Fandi scored both Singapore goals against Myanmar in the group stage, but was substituted in the semi-final match, after Indonesian fullback Herry Setyawan elbowed him in the eye. That match ended goalless and the Lions lost on penalties.[34] Fandi also missed Singapore's failed attempt to qualify for the 1992 Asian Cup, having sustained a heel injury.[35] At the 1993 SEA Games, captain Fandi scored a hat-trick in the 7–0 defeat of the Philippines, followed by the second Singapore goal in the 3–3 semi-final draw with Myanmar and scored once in the 3–1 win over Indonesia that secured a bronze medal for Singapore. Fandi also played in the inaugural Tiger Cup, and scored an equaliser against Malaysia, a goal against Brunei and two against the Philippines. 1997 was a disappointing year for Fandi, who failed to score in the Dunhill Cup and the World Cup qualifiers. After the 1997 SEA Games, where his goal in the semi-final could not prevent a 1–2 defeat to Indonesia, Fandi retired from international football.[32]

Coaching career[link]

After his retirement from playing, Fandi worked as a coach. He started as the assistant to Singapore's national coach, Vincent Subramaniam, for the 1999 SEA Games, where Singapore finished fourth.[8] In 2000, Fandi became coach of SAFFC and guided them to the S.League title, and he won the S.League Coach of the Year Award.[36] Under Fandi, SAFFC ended the 2001 season without winning a trophy and were 2002 S.League champions by a 20-point margin.[37] Fandi then simultaneously served as assistant national coach,[8] helping Singapore win the Tiger Cup in 2005,[2] and coach of the Young Lions, which rose from the bottom of the S.League in 2003 to two third-place finishes in 2004 and 2006.[38]

In November 2006, Fandi joined Indonesian side Pelita Jaya,[4] where he adopted a youth policy that helped them win promotion from the second division,[39] then guided the club to two mid-table finishes in the Indonesia Super League. Fandi left Pelita Jaya in March 2010.[40] As of 2011, Fandi is a scout for Italian club Vicenza Calcio, a regional project manager for the Genova International Soccer School,[3] and runs the Fandi Ahmad Academy, which organises training programmes and overseas opportunities for talented young Singaporean footballers.[1] Fandi is one of seven Singaporean coaches with a professional AFC coaching diploma,[39] and is widely considered a future national coach; he declined an offer to manage the Singapore LIONSXII team in the Malaysian Super League.[3]

Beyond football[link]

Fandi is a devout Muslim,[9] avoids scandals, does not smoke or drink,[41] and is often described as humble,[7] filial and compassionate.[4] He married South African model Wendy Jacobs in 1996 and the couple have five children;[42] the eldest two are youth footballers who impressed at trials at Arsenal, Chelsea and AC Milan.[43] He is the first Singaporean sportsperson to be the subject of a biography, which was released in 1993 and called The Fandi Ahmad Story. It sold 17,000 copies in two months and was translated into Malay.[44]

Products Fandi has endorsed include Royal Sporting House sportswear,[9] Uncle Tobys cereal, Carnation milk and energy drink Isomax.[41] In 1996, he released an album of English and Malay songs and produced Meniti Pelangi, a television programme about disadvantaged Malay Singaporeans.[9] Three years later, he opened a restaurant and a car dealership, but both closed down within two years.[4] He has also served as an ambassador for national anti-smoking and anti-drug campaigns,[7][18] raised funds for victims of the 2004 Indonesian tsunami and participated in a Northeast Community Development Council initiative to organise community service programmes.[45]


  1. ^ Reliable sources have described Fandi as a "Singapore football legend",[1] "Singapore's favourite footballing son",[2] a "national football icon",[3] "Singapore's most celebrated footballer",[4] "the country's golden boy of football",[5] "the most well known face of Singapore sport",[6] "the best of his generation",[7] "one of Singapore's greatest footballers ever" and "one of Asia's best players".[8]
  2. ^ Football Association of Singapore records from this period were not accepted by FIFA, so Fandi is not listed in the FIFA Century Club.


  1. ^ a b "Fandi Ahmad Academy hopes to send youth abroad to turn professional", Channel NewsAsia, 18 May 2011.
  2. ^ a b Wang Meng Meng, "Singapore soccer through Fandi's eyes", The New Paper, 24 January 2005.
  3. ^ a b c Sanjay Nair, "Fandi unlikely to coach Singapore Lions", The Straits Times, 5 August 2011.
  4. ^ a b c d "Fandi is too nice for his own good", The Sunday Times, 12 November 2006.
  5. ^ a b c d e Jose Raymond, "A superstar's sacred ground", TODAY, 27 June 2007.
  6. ^ a b Santokh Singh, "Ball starts rolling to honour 4 players", The Straits Times, 29 April 1999.
  7. ^ a b c Nick Edwards, "Top Singapore soccer star espouses humility", Reuters, 17 May 1998.
  8. ^ a b c G Sivakkumaran, "Fandi named as Sivaji's assistant", The Straits Times, 7 January 2003.
  9. ^ a b c d e Murray Hiebert, "Singapore's soccer star takes a shine to business", Far Eastern Economic Review, 17 April 1997.
  10. ^ a b c "Fandi Ahmad's milestones", The Sunday Times, 12 November 2006.
  11. ^ Yeo, pp. 9–16
  12. ^ Yeo, pp. 17–22
  13. ^ a b Yeo, pp. 23–27
  14. ^ Yeo, pp. 31–34
  15. ^ a b Yeo, pp. 35–41
  16. ^ Yeo, pp. 46–49
  17. ^ Yeo, pp. 54–57
  18. ^ a b c Yeo, pp. 58–61
  19. ^ Yeo, pp. 64–67
  20. ^ "Player profile" (in Dutch). Voetbal International. Retrieved 31 December 2011. 
  21. ^ Yeo, pp. 82–86
  22. ^ Yeo, pp. 106–108
  23. ^ Peter Khoo, "Fandi hits full throttle in striker's role", The Straits Times, 16 December 1992.
  24. ^ "Fading star Fandi up against rising star Farid", The Straits Times, 12 November 1992.
  25. ^ Peter Khoo, "The perfect end to Singapore's 14-year drought", The Sunday Times, 18 December 1994.
  26. ^ Dan Guen Chin, "Fandi helps Geylang to inaugural title", The New Straits Times, 15 June 1996.
  27. ^ "Singapore's Fandi Ahmad is AFC's player of the month", Agence France-Presse, 3 July 1996.
  28. ^ "No medal, but Fandi will still keep on kicking", The Straits Times, 12 October 1999.
  29. ^ Godfrey Robert, "I want to play", The Straits Times, 3 December 1999.
  30. ^ Leonard Lim, "Lions off to winning start in Invitational opener", The Straits Times, 25 June 2007.
  31. ^ a b c Neil Morrison, "Fandi Ahmad – Century of International Appearances", Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation, 3 January 2012.
  32. ^ Yeo, pp. 50–53
  33. ^ Peter Khoo, "Penalty shoot-out agony for Lions", The Straits Times, 3 December 1991.
  34. ^ Joe Dorai, "Lions let down by strikers, lack of fitness", The Straits Times, 28 April 1992.
  35. ^ "Fandi wins Coach of the Year Award", Channel NewsAsia, 7 October 2000.
  36. ^ Jeffrey Low, "You C, this is how the Warriors did it this year", The Sunday Times, 3 November 2002.
  37. ^ Sharani Khamis, "This one's for you, Fandi", TODAY, 8 November 2006.
  38. ^ a b David Lee, "Fandi's ready to help", The New Paper, 23 January 2011.
  39. ^ Wang Meng Meng, "Fandi back in Singapore to take care of wife", The Straits Times, 19 March 2010.
  40. ^ a b Yeo, pp. 146–149.
  41. ^ Jamie Ee, "Wendy Jacobs may leave hospital this week", The Sunday Times, 1 March 2009.
  42. ^ S Murali, "I am going to Europe", The New Paper, 14 October 2010.
  43. ^ Tuminah Sapawi, "Fandi's story translated into Malay", The Straits Times, 28 October 1993.
  44. ^ Li Xueying, "Well-known figures engaged by CDC to galvanise youth", The Straits Times, 29 January 2005.


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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Stef Bos performing live.

Stef Bos (Veenendaal, July 12, 1961) is a Dutch singer who has been living in Cape Town, South Africa. He sings in Dutch (and occasionally in Afrikaans), and has been successful in Belgium, the Netherlands and South Africa ever since his breakthrough single "Papa" (Daddy) came out in 1990.

He wrote Belgium's entry into the 1989 Eurovision Song Contest, "Door De Wind".[1]

Stef recorded an album (Together as One) in 1993 for which he works together with Johannes Kerkorrel and Tandie Klaasen, two famous South African singers. From that moment on he fell in love with South Africa, the language Afrikaans and its music. We can hear the influence from Africa in his later albums like De onderstroom (The Undercurrent).




  1. 1990 - Is dit nu later
  2. 1992 - Tussen de liefde en de leegte
  3. 1994 - Vuur
  4. 1995 - Schaduw in de nacht
  5. 1997 - De onderstroom
  6. 1998 - Stad en land - Live 92/98
  7. 1999 - Zien
  8. 2000 - Beste van Bos (South Africa)
  9. 2000 - Noord & Zuid (Het beste van Stef Bos)
  10. 2001 - Van Mpumalanga tot die Kaap
  11. 2003 - Donker en licht
  12. 2003 - Donker en licht (Limited edition, South Africa, 5000 copies)
  13. 2003 - Jy vir my
  14. 2003 - Donker en licht (Limited edition, 3000 copies)
  15. 2005 - Ruimtevaarder (South Africa)
  16. 2005 - Ruimtevaarder
  17. 2007 - Storm
  18. 2009 - In een ander licht


  1. 1990 - Is dit nu later
  2. 1990 - Gek Zijn Is Gezond
  3. 1991 - Laat Vandaag Een Dag Zijn
  4. 1991 - Papa
  5. 1991 - Breek De Stilte
  6. 1991 - Wat een wonder
  7. 1992 - Jij Bent Voor Mij
  8. 1993 - De Radio
  9. 1993 - Awuwa (Zij Wil Dansen)
  10. 1994 - Vuur/Pepermunt
  11. 1994 - Pepermunt/Vuur
  12. 1994 - Hilton Barcelona
  13. 1995 - Twee Mannen Zo Stil
  14. 1995 - Vrouwen Aan De Macht
  15. 1996 - Schaduw In De Nacht
  16. 1996 - Two Of A Kind
  17. 1996 - Onder In My Whiskeyglas
  18. 1997 - De Dag Zal Komen
  19. 1997 - De Tovenaar
  20. 1999 - Papa (live)
  21. 1999 - Ik Geloof In Jou
  22. 1999 - Niets Te Verliezen
  23. 2000 - Ginette
  24. 2000 - Kind Van de Vijand
  25. 2000 - Suikerbossie
  26. 2003 - Ik Mis Jou
  27. 2003 - Engjelushe
  28. 2004 - Zij Weet
  29. 2005 - Ruimtevaarder
  30. 2009 - In een ander licht
  31. 2010 - Kloofstraat


  1. ^ Barclay, Simon (2010) The Eurovision Song Contest Lugano 1956 - Oslo 2010: Complete & independent Guide,, ISBN 978-1-4457-8415-1, p. 88

External links[link]

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Theo Bos
Personal information
Full name Theo Bos
Born (1983-08-22) August 22, 1983 (age 28)
Hierden, the Netherlands
Team information
Current team Rabobank
Discipline Road and track
Role Rider
Rider type Sprinter
Professional team(s)
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011–
Infobox last updated on
2 May 2012

Theo Bos (born 22 August 1983 in Hierden, Gelderland) is a Dutch road cyclist and track cyclist, Olympic silver medalist and five-time world champion. He lives in Alkmaar, Netherlands. Theo Bos is the brother of Olympic medalist in speed skating Jan Bos. Bos rides for UCI ProTeam Rabobank.


Early life[link]

Theo Bos was born on 22 August 1983 in Hierden, Netherlands. He has an older brother Jan Bos, who is a professional speed skater.

He went to high school in Harderwijk, where he got a havo diploma. Later he also got a vwo diploma.

In 2001, he was Junior World Champion track cycling at 1,000 m. The same year, at the age of 18, he started his professional cycling career as a senior.

Professional sport career[link]

Track cycling[link]

He won the silver medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in the sprint event.

He won an individual gold in the sprint at the 2004 UCI Track Cycling World Championships. The following year, he won the individual sprint and a silver medal in the team sprint at the 2005 UCI Track Cycling World Championships.

At the 2006 UCI Track Cycling World Championships, Bos won the keirin and completed a triple, having been world champion in the sprint, kilo and keirin . He won the keirin after accelerating with two laps to go, winning by a wide margin and able to raise his hands and salute the crowd as he passed the finish line.[1] His French rival, and bronze medal winner, Arnaud Tournant, said Bos' performance was "the best I’ve seen in a very long time."

On 16 December 2006, Bos broke the world 200m track record during qualification rounds for the sprint at a World Cup meeting in Moscow. Bos clocked 9.772 seconds (after a computer initially had given him an unlikely 9.086 seconds) and beat the 11-year record held by Canadian Curt Harnett. Bos declared the 200m the "ultimate record" for track cyclists.[2] Five days later Bos was elected Dutch Sportsman of the year. Bos's record was beaten by Frenchman Kévin Sireau at the Moscow Grand Prix on 29 May 2009 with 9.65 seconds.

Road cycling[link]

On 19 April 2009, Bos was in a controversial crash in the final 800m of the final stage of the Tour of Turkey. Bos apparently caused the crash of the eventual winner Daryl Impey by grabbing Impey's left shoulder with his right hand. Impey crashed to the left, into the barrier, next to Bos. Bos admitted pushing Impey. Bos claimed the reason for pushing Impey was because Impey was moving in on him while he was already close to the fence.[3][4][5] Bos was disqualified and fined. On 1 May 2009 the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) said “Bos’s behavior undermined the image, reputation and interests of cycling”. Bos was charged with an infringement and was brought before a UCI disciplinary hearing in which he was found guilty of violating UCI regulations. Bos was subsequently suspended from professional racing from 15 August through 14 September 2009.

In the off season before 2010 Bos signed with the Cervélo TestTeam, that included former Tour de France winner Carlos Sastre. He was touted as another addition to their sprint team. He raced in many smaller races, and some large ones including Paris-Roubaix and the Vuelta a España. When the Cervelo Test Team folded in late 2010, Bos returned to the Rabobank team, where he raced as a Continental. His first triumph of 2011 came in the first stage of the Tour of Oman, beating Mark Cavendish in a sprint finish. In 2012, he won the first and last stages of the Tour of Turkey. Both of these stages saw crashes in the finale, diminishing the number of sprinters Bos had to compete against.[6]

Track Palmarès[link]

1st, UCI Track World Championships – 1 km time trial (juniors)
2nd, European Track Championships – 1 km time trial (u-23)
1st, European Track Championships – keirin (u-23)
2nd, European Track Championships – sprint (u-23)
1st, European Track Championships – 1 km time trial (u-23)
2nd, European Track Championships – keirin (u-23)
1st, European Track Championships – sprint (u-23)
2nd, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Moscow – 1 km time trial
1st, Dutch Track Cycling Championships – 1 km time trial
1st, Dutch Track Cycling Championships – sprint
3rd, UCI Track World Championships – 1 km time trial
1st, UCI Track World Championships – sprint
2nd, Olympic Games – sprint
2nd, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Manchester – 1 km time trial
2nd, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Moscow – team sprint
1st, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Moscow – 1 km time trial
3rd, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Moscow – sprint
1st, Dutch Track Cycling Championships – sprint
1st, Dutch Track Cycling Championships – keirin
1st, UCI Track World Championships – 1 km time trial
2nd, UCI Track World Championships – team sprint
1st, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Los Angeles – 1 km time trial
1st, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Los Angeles – team sprint
1st, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Manchester – sprint
2nd, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Manchester – team sprint
1st, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Sydney – keirin
1st, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Sydney – sprint
1st, UCI Track World Championships – keirin
1st, UCI Track World Championships – sprint
1st, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Moscow – sprint
2nd, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Moscow – team sprint
1st, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Sydney – keirin (2006–1)
1st, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Sydney – keirin (2006–2)
1st, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Sydney – team sprint (2006–1)
2nd, UCI Track Cycling World Cup Classics in Sydney – team sprint (2006–2)
1st, Dutch Track Cycling Championships – sprint
1st, Dutch Track Cycling Championships – keirin
2nd, UCI Track World Championships – keirin
1st, UCI Track World Championships – sprint
1st, Masters of Sprint
1st, Rotterdam Sprint Cup
3rd, 2008 UCI Track Cycling World Championships – team sprint
3rd, 2011 UCI Track Cycling World Championships - Madison, with Peter Schep

Road Palmarès[link]

1st Ronde van Noord-Holland
1st Omloop der Kempen
1st Clásica de Almería
1st Stage 5 Vuelta a Murcia
1st Stage 1 Vuelta a Castilla y León
1st Stage 2 Vuelta a Castilla y León
1st Points classification
1st Stage 1 Tour of Oman
1st Stage 3 Tour of Oman
1st Tour de Rijke
1st Stage 6 Tour of Denmark
1st Dutch Food Valley Classic
1st Dwars door Drenthe
1st Stages 1 & 8 Tour of Turkey
3rd Clásica de Almería


External links[link]

Preceded by
Curt Harnett
Men's 200 meter Time Trial
world record holder

16 December 2006 – 29 May 2009
Succeeded by
Kévin Sireau
Preceded by
Yuri van Gelder
Dutch Sportsman of the Year
Succeeded by
Sven Kramer

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

I wish I had a girl, a girl like you
Someone who would love, love me too
A girl like mum, I could be my son
If I was my dad
Woah -oh, oh, Woah -oh, oh, Woah -oh, oh,
I wish I had a girl like mummy, just like mummy
Woah -oh, oh, Woah -oh, oh, Woah -oh, oh,
I wish I had a girl like mummy, just like mummy
She would feed me in my chair
Wash my clothes and comb my hair
Clean the egg-stains from my chin
Make my bed and tuck me in
Like mummy, oh yeah
Just like mummy, oh yeah
Like mummy, oh yeah
I would throw away my switchblade
Appreciate the love that she gave
I would be in ecstasy

May the good Lord bless and keep you
Whether near or far away
May you find that long awaited
Golden day today
May your troubles all be small ones
And your fortune ten times ten
May the good Lord bless and keep you
'Til we meet again
May you walk with sunlight shining
And a bluebird in every tree
May there be a silver lining
Back of every cloud you see
Fill your dreams with sweet tomorrows
Never mind what might have been
May the good Lord bless and keep you
'Til we meet again
Fill your dreams with swee-eet tomorrows
Never mind what might have been
May the good Lord bless a-and keep you
'Til we meet again
May the good Lord bless a-and keep you
'Til we mee-eet

Come they told me, pa rub a dum dum
A new born King to see, pa rub a dum dum
Our finest gifts we bring, pa rub a dum dum
To lay before the King, pa rub a dum dum,
rub a dum dum, rub a dum dum,
So to honor Him, pa rub a dum dum,
When we come.
Little Baby, pa rub a dum dum
I am a poor boy too, pa rub a dum dum
I have no gift to bring, pa rub a dum dum
That's fit to give the King, pa rub a dum dum,
rub a dum dum, rub a dum dum,
Shall I play for you, pa rub a dum dum,
On my drum?
Mary nodded, pa rub a dum dum
The ox and lamb kept time, pa rub a dum dum
I played my drum for Him, pa rub a dum dum
I played my best for Him, pa rub a dum dum,
rub a dum dum, rub a dum dum,
Then He smiled at me, pa rub a dum dum

In de jungle, where de white man never go
In de jungle, we take off all de clothes
In de jungle, where de missionary sleep

I've gone and sold everything I own
The GPO wanna cut off my phone
My landlady she says I gotta go
She says I gotta leave
I'm out a work and I`m outta the dole
I've got no food and my room is cold
Wish I knew what the future holds
Will it always be...
No money...
I got no money
No money...
Money's all gone
Politicians shaking hands with the queen
Power kings with a power dream
Crawling forward on their hands and knees
For an OBE
Money men down on money street
Business men into business deals
Drive their Sunday colour limousines

When I saw you, walking down the street
You looked the kid of girl, I`d like to meet
The way you fit inside that dress
How was I to know your mind was such a mess
Monotony that`s what you are
Monotony you take it too far
You bore me, you bore me to tears
One day with you seems like years
From all accounts you`ve been that way
Since that day that you were born

He's got no eyes for any other
With gifts and flowers, you he smothers
Golly gee, what an n-u-t
The girls backstage don't get a look-in
He talks to you even when he's sleeping
Golly gee, what an s-a-p
He don't think it's funny if he spends all his money on you
What can the poor boy do?
He's got no eyes for any other
With gifts and flowers, you he smothers
Golly gee, what an n-u-t, what an s-a-p

Well I was strolling down the Rue Morgue
Walking with my French dog Andre
When I saw a pretty Fille
She was walking down the street, coming my way
Well I took that little girl by the hand
I said hey babe I`ll be your man
And she said 'je ne comprend pas'
Va te faire enculer
That`s what she told me, a dictionary please
Va te faire enculer
I think she likes me, oui
I said tell me where you stay
She said 'qu'est-ce vous direz'
I said let's go there
I said tell me what`s your nom
She said allez-vous-en
I said hi, Ali
I said I never got to learn any French
I took Technical Drawing instead

Hey, poor little rich girl
Mummy loves you, she says you`re beautiful
You`ve got a lot of nerve
When you tell me to forget my girl
Your just fifteen years old
Don`t you think that I know better
Hey, your money isn`t everything
Daddy buys you boys now you want a wedding ring
You`ve got a lot to learn
If you think that I`ll forget her
Your just a little girl
Can`t you see that I know better
No luxury`s are gonna change the way I feel for you
You gotta be kidding, you gotta be kidding
You can`t buy me

Pick me up as you stagger out the door
Pick me up as I picked you up before
So pack-in all your laughing
I'm on my way to hell
But if it's good enough for Jerry-Lee
It's certainly good enough for me
Pick me up as you stagger out the door
Pick me up as I picked you up before
Yeah, I know to old Dino and Jerry-Lee
I'm nothing but a punk
Still drinking like a baby boy, compared to what they've drunk
But one day, they'll be proud of me, if I could only get up of this floor
So pick me up, and lean me against the bar and make me drink some more
Pick me up as you stagger out the door
Pick me up as I picked you up before
Yeah, I know I've had no hard times
And I've always been a mother's boy
And the only heartache I ever knew, was whenever I broke my toy
So pack-in all your laughing
I'm on my way to hell
But if it's good enough for Jerry-Lee

People say you just can`t be too careful
A bird in the hand I`m sure you know
Don`t go lying on the bible
If you do then God will know
People can be very superstitious
Looking for the black cat on the road
Don`t go walking under ladders
Look left and right before you go
I like walking under ladders
I always break my mirror shades
My eggs are always in one basket
Nothing ventured nothing gained
People say you just can`t be too careful
Nailing horseshoes on your door
Don`t forget to cross your fingers

I'm not ready... I'm not ready
Too young to go steady
I`m not ready... I'm not ready
Too young to go steady
One girl, one night
Just once, maybe twice
No tears, no ties
Here I come... Ow!
All I wanna do is screw with you
What do you wanna do?

Through the concrete piazzas they roam
Safe in numbers they're never alone
The mutant offspring of council house schemes
The dreaded nightmare of town planners dreams
Neighbourhood brats, neighbourhood brats
Folks step aside when they pass
You blame the teachers, the troubles at home
You blame the parents, where did we go wrong
You blame the violence in films that they see
You blame the drugs, the sex on TV
Neighbourhood brats, neighbourhood brats
Church goers hide when they pass
And then he kicked me...
Blame the plastic, the concrete and glass
The carefully measured out pieces of grass
The comprehensive's concentration camp wall
The desolated community hall
The one-car garage and semi-detached
Neat little garden and yard at the back
The little boxes with nowhere to hide

Remembering the movies that we used to see
The only true cowboy in our memory
We meet every evening we drink to your name
Here`s to our hero the only John Wayne
Big John, we miss you
Big John, we miss you
From Stagecoach to Shootist, we`ve seen every one
As big as a mountain, America`s son
Big John if you`re listening, up there in the sky

I don't wanna work all day
I don't wanna dress in grey, no
I used to be keen, the brightest boy in school
Now it's all through, 'cause I'm lonely without you
I don't wanna work all day
I don't wanna dress in grey, no
I used to be keen, the brightest boy in school
Now it's all through, 'cause I'm lonely without you
It's just another
It's just another
Another lonely schoolday
It's just another
It's just another
Another lonely schoolday
I don't wanna work all day
I don't wanna make the grade, no
I used to be keen, the brightest boy in school
Now it's all through, 'cause I'm lonely without you
Yeah - yeah, yeah - yeah

Satisfaction guaranteed
Satisfaction guaranteed
Satisfaction guaranteed
Oh no Satisfaction guaranteed
Oh oh oh oh
I was looking for a good time
I saw the sign upon the door
Ten steps took me up to her room
Next day I was back for more
I never knew that it could happen
I never felt that way before
As I turned to pay my money
She held me tight and closed the door

Out of all the reindeer you know you're the mastermind
Run, run Rudolph, Randalph's not too far behind
Run, run Rudolph, Santa's got to make it to town
Randalph he can hurry, he can take the freeway down
And away went Rudolph a whizzing like a merry-go-round
Said Santa to a boy child "What have you been longing for?"
"All I want for Christmas is a Rock and Roll electric guitar"
And away went Rudolph a whizzing like a shooting star
Run, run Rudolph, Santa's got to make it to town
Can't you make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down
And away went Rudolph a whizzing like a merry-go-round
Said Santa to a girl child "What would you like most to get?"
"I want a little baby doll that can cry, scream and wet"
And away went Rudolph a whizzing like a Saber jet

T.C.P. it cured my acne
T.C.P. it left me pimple free...hey!
Johnny, Joey, Tommy, Dee Dee
T.C.P. will leave you pimple free...hey!
T.C.P. it cured my acne

Sunday evening, I`m outta my brain
Monday morning, you tell me your name
Wednesday, Thursday, I`m going insane
Friday evening, I call you again
Weekend, weekend, weekend
Weekend - I gotta little money to spend
Weekend - I wanna make you my weekend
Weekend - I wanna make you more than my friend
Weekend - I gotta little money to spend
Weekend - I'm gonna make you my weekend
Weekend - I wanna make you more than my friend
Monday morning, it`s going too slow
I can`t talk to nobody I know
Wednesday, Thursday, mind going A.W.O.L.

You go your way
You go your way, I'll go mine
Maybe someday
Another place another time
When you find a substitute
Someone who can step in my shoes
And I`m hoping you do... I've got nothing to lose
Cos you can`t hurt a memory
Can't hurt a memory
Can't hurt a memory
You can't hurt me
Will you miss me
Miss the way I crawled for you
If you need me
Don`t call me I`ll call you
I'm strong enough to know what to do
But not enough to make it with you

Another lonely night
And I'm wondering what I'll do
How I'm gonna face
The things you put me through
Wondering if you'll call
Tell me I'm your man
It's getting to be hard
Never knowing where I am
But when you start to play the games you play
You begin to cry out, "Please don't leave me, don't ya tease me" (stay)
You can give it, but you sure can't take it
You can't take it, you can't take it
You can give it, but you sure can't take it
You can't take it, you can't take it
Friends all shake their heads
Tell me I'm a fool
To put up with your moods
When you're hot and when you're cool
Wondering if you'll call
Tell me I'm your man
It's getting to be hard

You've got a pocket full of easy money
And it talks to you
And a handful of friends who only
Wanna crawl for you
You`ve got a taste for the easy action
And it grows on you
You thought you could lick it now you can`t kick it...
And it shows on you
They say that crime doesn`t pay but you... know it do
Because you found a way to make it... work for you
Daddy doesn`t understand...
He`s never been a part of your plans
You`ve been working on the wrong arm of the law
You`ve been working on the wrong arm of the law
Well your daddy`s out selling pictures
And pulling strings for you
And your mama`s in the bedroom crying
And packing things for you
You got a pocket full of easy money
And it talks for you
But all your money ain`t gonna help you...

I don't know much about history
I don't know much about biology
I don't know much about science book
I don't know much about French I took
All I do know is that I love you
And I wonder if you love me too
What a wonderful world this would be
What a wonderful world this would be
I don't know much about geography
I don't know much about trigonometry
I don't know much about algebra
I don't know what a slide rule is for
But I do know one and one is two
And I wonder if you love me too
What a wonderful world this would be
What a wonderful world this would be
I don't claim to be an "A" student
That's what I'm trying to be
Cos by being an "A" student baby

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten,
and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright

We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some, so bring some out here
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;

So you're gonna save us, oh yeah
By kissing babies
You're on the TV, you bore us to death
Your by-elections are a pain in the neck
You carry cases and you sit on a bench
Just like schoolboys
Our leaders, we must be crazy
Our leaders, we're all crazy
Long holidays, oh yeah
The old schoolboys, the way you squabble everytime that you meet
The clever ones have all fallen asleep
We only see you when you're saving your seat

Hey boy what are you gonna do
Now that everybody`s looking at you?
Hurry now you ain`t got the time
Up front in the firing line
You gotta make your mind up right now
Any time any place any how
You gotta stand up to what`s in front now
Watcha gonna do
Hey boy what are you gonna do
There ain`t no future so you better make your mind up now

Well I've been working all summer and I ain't got nothing to show
I'm feeling kinda dirty, I need a shot of rock and roll
Monday, get to Friday, I feel like letting go
Well my temperature's rising and it feels like I'm ready to blow
Julie says she's busy and she acts like 50 below
Always says she love me, but she keep on telling me no
Yeah, let me walk, let me walk, let me walk, let me walk
Let me walk, let me walk, let me walk, let me walk
Let me walk, let me walk, let me walk, let me walk

I've been waiting far too long
For another girl to come along
I`ve been wasting all my time
Looking for a girl that I`d call mine
All my days and nights I spend... held in ecstasy
Waiting for that special friend to give some sympathy
Just some love and sympathy
I've been going everywhere
Looking for a love that I can share
Stop the world I'm getting old
I'll maybe miss my chance and lose that girl
All my days and nights I spend held in ecstasy
Waiting for that special friend to give some sympathy
Just some love and sympathy
We'll I'm waiting for the lady
Waiting for the lady
Waiting for the lady
Yes I'm waiting for the lady
Waiting for the lady

U... S.... I... She should have told me
U... S... I... Too young for me
U... S... I...
Stood there in her old school frock
Concealing everything she's got
Didn`t look like that when it happened
Looked at least seventeen
But that's not what the jury sees
How was I supposed to know - it was...
One! she should have told me
Two! they wanna hold me
Three! they won't parole me

People walking in the streets are turning grey
As they hurry by they fade away
Boredom everywhere in town
Boredom everywhere around
How no one older seems to care...
I'm gonna pack my bags today
Before my mind starts turning grey
Starts turning grey
The whole wide fucking world is turning grey
Every house along our street is turning grey
Flower gardens turn to stone and fade away
When the TV closes down
Lights out all around

You think I'm worried
Heartbroke and sorry
It couldn't happen to me
How 'bout a smile honey
How 'bout a kiss
How 'bout a tumble with me
Cos all the girls in the neighbourhood
All wanna tumble with me
Wake up little Susie
Stop pickin' your nose
Wake up little Susie
Cut out your high-heeled pose
Cos all the girls in the neighbourhood
All wanna tumble with me
Come on now tumble with me
Tumble with me girl
I'm gonna get you girl, just wait and see
I'll win eventually
How 'bout a smile honey
How 'bout a kiss

Well I think I'd better warn you
'Bout the kids on the corner tonight
Cos the human jungle's gonna see some rumble tonight
We'll be ripping up the seats
Runnin' wild in the streets tonight
Better start runnin' when you hear us coming tonight
Better lock away your daughters
'Cos there's gonna be a slaughter tonight
Don't care if it`s wrong
Don't care if it's right

Nobody likes me
Everybody hates me
Just because I eat worms
Short fat hairy ones
Long tall skinny ones
See how the little ones squirm
Bite all their heads off
Suck all the juice out
Throw the empty skins away
Nobody Likes me
Everybody hates me
Cos I eat worms all day
Nobody likes us
Everybody hates us
Just because we eat worms
Short fat hairy ones
Long tall skinny ones
See how the little ones squirm
Bite all their heads off
Suck all the juice out
Throw the empty skins away
Nobody Likes us
Everybody hates us

What you doing 'cos you're getting it all wrong
Where you going 'cos you know you ain't that strong
What you doing when the wait becomes too long
What you doing, what you doing when your time runs out
Do you know what you wanna become now
Do you know if they really object now
Would you know if I asked you to say how
What you doing what you doing when your time runs out
Taking all the world... ah ah
Trying to be heard... ah ah
Taking on the world... ah ah
But a who wants to know when you're two nil down
Taking on the world... ah ah
Taking on the world... ah ah
Well I'd just like to say
That I can't find a way
To say what I wanna say

Well there's a blizzard blowin' hard
And from the Alfred we've been barred
And John's so pissed that he can't hardly stand.
Listen to that drunken git
'Cause now he's being sick
But it's only a hundred yards to The Warrington!
Yes, it's only a hundred yards to The Warrington!
You can bet we're on Tom's mind
'Cause it's nearly closing time.
And pretty soon last orders will be called.
Christ, my balls feel like they're froze
And there's numbness in my toes
And it's only eighty yards to The Warrington!
Yes it's only eighty yards to The Warrington!
John, get up you drunken git
Don't just lie there in that fucking shit
I know we're pissed but we can make it if we try.
Alright, I guess it's best if we
Stop a fucking while and rest
But it's only twenty yards to The Warrington!
Yes, it's only twenty yards to The Warrington!
Late that night the storm was gone
And I found them there alone
He could've made it, but he wouldn't leave old John.
I found them froze in the street
Jack's boot down John's teeth.
They were only ten more yards from my house, that is The Warrington!

Oh no not another
Lying on his marble throne
Surrounded by his so called friends
Rag doll died alone
Terminal love
Terminal love
Oh terminal love
Terminal love
Just another mixed up junkie
Just another lonely heart
Dead and soon to be forgotten
Killed by greedy showbiz tarts
Knock knock knocking on heavens door
(Hank, James, Buddy, Eddie)
Knock knock knocking on heavens door
(Jim, Gene, Brian),
Knock knock knocking on heavens door
(Jimi, Marc, Elvis)
Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Tenement kids gonna rule the world
And all you hungry tenement girls won't convince me
Life is sweet
Only time I'm happy is when I'm on the streets
'Cos that's where...
Tenement kids... tenement kids don`t lose
And there's tenement kids upstairs downstairs too
Life's easy when you've got no drive
If life's hard, the strong survive
And maybe soon just wait and see
Maybe soon there`s gonna be fighting in the streets

Yeah yeah yeah... Met her at the evening classes
Yeah yeah yeah... Madame Lollete
Yeah yeah yeah... She started making French advances
Yeah yeah yeah
I'm a teacher's pet
I'm a teacher's pet
Me and Madame Lollete
She taught me more than French

Hey what'cha talking about
I hope you know
Something you've thought about
It doesn't show
You've got so much to say
I wonder why
Is what you're saying just
Another line?
I hear you talking
It seems to me
You ain't said nothing yet
Talk is cheap
Talking... Talking... Talking...
Talk talk talk
Some people die because
They really care
Some folks get crucified

When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean holds the shore
Hold me close, sway me more
Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with me
When you dance you have a way with me
Sway with me, sway with me
Other dancers may be on the floor
But my eyes will see no one but you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak
I can hear the sound of violins
Long before it begin
Sway as only you know how

See the girl with cymbals on her fingers
Entering through the door
Ruby glistening from her navel
Shimmering round the floor
Bells on feet go ting-a-ling-a-linging
Going through my head
Sweat is falling just-a like-a tear drop
Running from her hair
Now she dancing, going through the movements
Swaying to and fro
Body moving, bringing back a memory
Thoughts of long ago
Blood is rushing, temperature is rising
Sweating from my brow
Like a snake, her body fascinates me
I can't look away now
Stop, stop, stop all the dancing
Give me time to breathe
Stop, stop, stop all the dancing
Or I'll have to leave
Now she's moving all around the tables
Luring all in sight
But I know that she cannot see me
Hidden by the light
Closer, closer she is getting nearer
Soon she'll be in reach
As I enter into a spotlight
She stands lost for speech
Now I hold her, people are staring
Don't know what to think
And we struggle, knocking over tables
Spilling all the drinks
Can't they understand that I want her
Happens every week
Heavy hand upon my collar

Why'd ya never, why'd ya never smile
Did they beat 'cha when you was a child
Did you ever, ever have a friend
Fair weather never came again
Come on baby come on give me a smile
You're so depressing, you`re such a serious child
Come on baby... come on baby
Come on baby... come on baby
Come on give me a smile
You were looking, you were looking through
Back pages of Sniffin' Glue
You were hoping, you were hoping to

Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht!
Alles schläft; einsam wacht
Nur das traute heilige Paar.
Holder Knab im lockigten Haar,
Schlafe in himmlischer Ruh!
Schlafe in himmlischer Ruh!
Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht!
Hirten erst kundgemacht
Durch der Engel Alleluja,
Tönt es laut bei Ferne und Nah:
Jesus der Retter ist da!
Jesus der Retter ist da!
Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht!
Alles schläft; einsam wacht
Nur das traute heilige Paar.
Holder Knab im lockigten Haar,
Schlafe in himmlischer Ruh!

Silver bells, silver bells
Soon it will be Christmas day
Silver bells, silver bells
Soon it will be Christmas day
City sidewalks, busy sidewalks
Dressed in holiday style
In the air
There's a feeling of Christmas
People drinking
People passing
Meeting smile after smile
And on ev'ry street corner you'll hear
Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas again in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it will be Christmas day
Strings of street lights
Even stop lights
Blink a bright red and green
As the shoppers rush home with their treasures
Hear the snow crunch
See the kids bunch
This is Santa's big scene
And above all this bustle
You'll hear
Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it will be Christmas day
Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring

You wanna know what it's like
Condemned to live with you
It's some kind of suicide
Some phase that I'm through
I ain't sadistic, masochistic
You and me are through
I`m sick to death of everything you do
And if I'm gonna have a puke you bet yer life I'll puke on you
I'm gonna be, gonna be sick on you
I'm gonna be, gonna be sick on you
I'm gonna be, gonna be sick on you
All down your face, your dress, your legs and your shoes...
Sick on you
Give it to me babe
Give it to me babe
Give it to me babe
It's been six weeks and that`s six weeks too long
You thought we were Romeo and Juliet
You couldn't have been more wrong
So pack your rags in to your bags
Get back where you belong
I`m sure they miss you, it`s really quite a shame

The girl that you just met is an angel
And she'll make heaven, here on earth just for you
But it's because you are a friend of mine
I'll have to lay it on the line
And tell you it ain't true
Now you may find it hard to swallow
That she ain't all you thought her to be
But it's because you are a friend of mine
I'll have to lay it on the line
Somehow I've got to make you see
Your angel comes down from heaven
Every night and comes to town
She hangs around the bar rooms
And comforts any man around
Anyone who's got the money
To fill her glass once more
Oooh, oooh, she's no angel
Oooh, oooh, she's no angel

When I was looking through the hole in my pocket I found the ticket for the two-forty-five
Well I was broke and I decided to hawk it but my watch said it was quarter to five
Well my doctor`s such a useful connection so I called in just to ask for the score
He gave me coca-cola under prescription and he told me...
don`t come back for more
I'll see ya later, I'll see ya later
I'll see ya later, I'll see ya later
and that might be too soon
Well I wandered to the phone on the corner just to ask about the national health
But the man at the Department Of Rumour said they tell me that it's not very well
Well I was leaving and I reached for the handle and the receiver fell right off of the wall
A man passing said you`re a vandal and he told me...
What you need's a war
Called into the army recruitment, yeah I told them I was looking for fun
They said we haven`t got a lot at the moment but there should be one in Africa soon
It`s in the summer when the natives get restless and maybe I should call back in June
Of course we`ve always got the local in Belfast but it's our bet...

You think you`re pretty and ya, you think you`re smart
That`s two things you got wrong and that`s just the start
Where d`ya get that notion that you control my heart
Silly little scrubber silly little tart
You mean nothing to me I`m just playing around
Silly little scrubber
I give you money and I buy you things
Satin dresses and golden rings
You know what I want in return for those things
So get upstairs when your doorbell rings
I`m coming round for the thing that`s mine
And you better show me a good time
You make it so easy to be cruel
And to be greedy and not to care at all
You won`t claim no respect
So what do you expect
Now that it`s time to crawl
You only get what you deserve
And there`s plenty more in reserve
So please don`t be sad, I`m picking up the tab

Oh Lucy don't lie to me
Lucy don't lie to me
Cos I don't want excuses oh no
No I don't need excuses
Lucy, Lucy please don't cry to me
Lucy, Lucy don't cry
Oh Lucy don't cry to me
Lucy don't lie to me
Cos I don't need excuses oh no
No I don't want excuses
Lucy, Lucy
Lucy, Lucy