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  • Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's Press Conference (Part 2)...6:55
  • Fukushima Emergency: Plant leaks 300 tons of radioactive water daily...4:39
  • China: Prosecutors call for "heavy sentence" in Bo Xilai trial...1:07
  • Taliban to top Karzai talks in Pakistan...1:55
  • California governor declares state of emergency as wildfire rages...0:53
  • Russia backs UN probe of Syria attack...2:35
  • Court clashes erupt after judge in Mubarak retrial withdraws...1:15
  • Syria chemical weapons - Sarin gas attack near Damascus? - Truthloader...4:11
  • Indianapolis Neighborhood Explosion Leaves 2 Dead, at Least 4 Injured...2:27
  • Syria Chemical Weapons: President Obama Addresses 'Grave Concern'...1:55
  • One child, one of one million Syrian refugee children...2:44
  • Dirty Old Town - Damien Dempsey live at PREDA in the Philippines...4:39
  • SPLM-N Secretary General Yasir Arman...2:32
  • Novak Djokovic launches International Day of Sport for Development and Peace...1:04
add video playlist During an emergency press conference in Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the Western countries have no proof that the Syrian government used chemical weapons in its fight against insurgents. He also added that threats of military action against Damascus go against G8 agreements. Lavrov described Western claims of chemical weapons as hysteria which is aimed at undermining the upcoming Geneva 2 talks on the Syrian conflict.
During an emergency press conference in Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the Western countries have no proof that the Syrian government used chemical weapons in its fight against insurgents.

He also added that threats of military action against Damascus go against G8 agreements. Lavrov described Western claims of chemical weapons as hysteria which is aimed at undermining the upcoming Geneva 2 talks on the Syrian conflict.
Rus­sian For­eign Min­is­ter Sergei Lavrov's Press Con­fer­ence (Part 2)
The Japanese Prime Minister has ordered the government to step in and help contain ongoing radiation leaks from the Fukushima power plant. Tepco - the company that runs the facility that was crippled in the 2011 tsunami and earthquake - has been unable to prevent contaminated groundwater from breaching a barrier and pouring into the ocean. Nuclear energy expert Malcolm Grimston joins RT to discuss this.


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Fukushi­ma Emer­gen­cy: Plant leaks 300 tons of ra­dioac­tive water daily
The trial of former leading politician, Bo Xilai, has ended with closing speeches from the...

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
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The trial of former leading politician, Bo Xilai, has ended with closing speeches from the prosecution and defence.

Prosecutors have demanded a heavy sentence calling Bo\'s defence \
China: Pros­e­cu­tors call for "heavy sen­tence" in Bo Xilai trial
Peace talks with the Taliban are likely to be high on agenda during the Afghan president\'s visit to Pakistan on Monday.  Hamid Karzai is likely to seek support from Pakistan\'s new government on the issue.  The Afghan president hopes the meeting will produce results, because he says both countries want security.  Al Jazeera\'s Jennifer Glasse has more from Kabul.
Tal­iban to top Karzai talks in Pak­istan
A raging wildfire in California has led to the county\'s governor declaring a state of emergency....

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
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A raging wildfire in California has led to the county\'s governor declaring a state of emergency. The blaze is threatening power lines which provide electricity to San Francisco and has damaged the electrical infrastructure serving the city.

The so-called Rim-Fire has swept into Yosemite National Park raising concerns for what is one of the county\'s main tourist attractions. 

As yet there are no reports of any blackouts in the city which lies about 320 kilometres west of the national park which attracted nearly four million visitors last year.

Already four homes have been destroyed while a further four and a half thousand are threatened. There are fears the flames could reach the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir which provides water for 2.6 million customers in  the San Francisco area. 

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Cal­i­for­nia gov­er­nor de­clares state of emer­gen­cy as wild­fire rages
Russia has said it had told Syria to cooperate with UN experts investigating reports of a deadly chemical weapons attack that is believed to have killed hundreds, and called on rebels to allow access to the area.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told his US counterpart John Kerry in a phone call that immediately after the reports first emerged about the attack on Wednesday, the \
Rus­sia backs UN probe of Syria at­tack
The judge in the retrial of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak has withdrawn from the case and referred it to another court, abruptly ending the first session on Saturday.

Judge Mustafa Hassan Abdullah announced his decision at the start of the retrial at a police academy on the outskirts of Cairo, where the 84-year old former president had earlier been flown in by a helicopter.

The judge said he had decided to refer the case to the Cairo appeals court as he felt \
Court clash­es erupt after judge in Mubarak re­tri­al with­draws
There are new allegations that chemical weapons have been used in Syria, this time near the capital Damascus in the Goutha region. As always, details about the alleged attack are unclear but there are suggestions that the nerve agent Sarin was used. Even estimates of the numbers killed vary wildly from dozens to more than 600. This video looks at the most recent attack and why there are always questions over the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Link to playlist of videos from Goutha:

Brown Moses blog featuring three chemical weapons experts:

And a load of info on previous alleged chemical weapons attacks:

A reddit live thread discussing the issues:
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More from the conflict in Syria:
How far could the Syrian conflict spread?:
Syrian rebel \'eats the heart\' of Syrian soldier:
Huge explosion rips through ammo store in Syria:
Syrian soldier puts down rifle to talk to FSA \
Syria chem­i­cal weapons - Sarin gas at­tack near Dam­as­cus? - Truthload­er
Indianapolis Neighborhood Explosion Leaves 2 Dead, at Least 4 Injured
In­di­anapo­lis Neigh­bor­hood Ex­plo­sion Leaves 2 Dead, at Least 4 In­jured
The president told CNN the reported chemical-weapons attack \
Syria Chem­i­cal Weapons: Pres­i­dent Obama Ad­dress­es 'Grave Con­cern'
Devastating conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic has forced a million children to flee their homeland. Eight-year-old Aya is one of them.  
For more information, visit:
One child, one of one mil­lion Syr­i­an refugee chil­dren
Damien Dempsey performing live in the Philippines for the PREDA organisation.
Dirty Old Town - Damien Dempsey live at PREDA in the Philip­pines
Yasir Arman is the Secretary General of the Sudanese People\'s Liberation Movement - North (SPLM-N). He was in Washington this week meeting with congressional leaders to seek support and aid since his people are in a pitched battle with Sudan\'s President Omar Bashir. We caught up him on Capitol Hill.
SPLM-N Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al Yasir Arman
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International Olympic Committee (IOC) chief Jacques Rogge and tennis world number one Novak Djokovic visited the United Nations on Friday as the general assembly agreed to launch the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace on April 6th of next year.

Vuk Jeremic, the Serbian President of the United Nations General Assembly, met with Djokovic and Rogge Friday in his New York City office. 

After the informal meeting the two sat in on the general assembly\'s meeting where they agreed to launch the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace on April 6th of next year.

Rogge said that the IOC has used sport as a tool for building consensus and understanding between nations and people who may be in conflict. 

He complimented the UN on recognising the power of sport to build and support relationships and peace.

Djokovic related his own life story of growing up in war-torn Serbia and using tennis as a positive element in his life. 

Djokovic spoke for just over five minutes about the power of sport and his hope that UN efforts such as this one would help spread the positive values of fair competition. 

Novak is in New York for the US Open where he is the top seeded men\'s player.

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Novak Djokovic launch­es In­ter­na­tion­al Day of Sport for De­vel­op­ment and Peace
10 April 2013
The poster was set alight during a protest involving around 30 people in Seoul. 

Although the gathering was small, the sentiments of those involved reflect the frustrations of many South Koreans after weeks of bellicose rhetoric from Pyongyang. 

South Korea has asked both China and Russia to mediate with the North in an effort to ease tensions. 

Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se said intelligence obtained by the US and the government in Seoul showed that \
South Ko­re­ans burn poster of Kim Jong-un in Seoul

updated 26 Aug 2013; published 26 Aug 2013
Rus­sian For­eign Min­is­ter Sergei Lavrov's Press Con­fer­ence (Part 2)
The New York Times 26 Aug 2013, MOSCOW — Western nations that are calling for military action against Syria have no proof the Syrian government is behind the alleged chemical weapons attack, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List: Reporters and Editors France,...
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updated 07 Aug 2013; published 07 Aug 2013
Fukushi­ma Emer­gen­cy: Plant leaks 300 tons of ra­dioac­tive water daily
Swissinfo 26 Aug 2013, Reuters August 26, 2013 - 12:06 By Antoni Slodkowski HIRONO, Japan (Reuters) - Tokyo Electric Power Co, the operator of the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, said it would invite foreign decommissioning experts to advise it on how to deal with highly radioactive water leaking from the site, and Japan signalled it may dip into a $3.6 billion...
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updated 26 Aug 2013; published 26 Aug 2013
China: Pros­e­cu­tors call for "heavy sen­tence" in Bo Xilai trial
Joy Online 26 Aug 2013, Prosecutors said no leniency should be shown as the trial of former top Chinese politician Bo Xilai ended. Mr Bo's crimes were serious and he had not shown remorse, the prosecution said, so leniency was not called for. Bo Xilai, meanwhile, continued to deny charges against him and said his police chief tried to defect because he was in love with...
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updated 25 Aug 2013; published 25 Aug 2013
Tal­iban to top Karzai talks in Pak­istan
Al Jazeera 26 Aug 2013, Afghan President Hamid Karzai has arrived in Islamabad for talks with the Pakistani officials on restarting peace process with the Taliban. It will be Karzai's first meeting with Nawaz Sharif, who took office...
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updated 24 Aug 2013; published 24 Aug 2013
Cal­i­for­nia gov­er­nor de­clares state of emer­gen­cy as wild­fire rages
France24 26 Aug 2013, Hundreds of firefighters were deployed Sunday to protect mountain communities in the path of a massive fire raging north of the Yosemite National Park in California, as fierce winds saw flames jump from treetop to treetop. By News Wires (text) A colossal wildfire raging across the western edge of Yosemite National Park swept further into the...
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updated 23 Aug 2013; published 23 Aug 2013
Rus­sia backs UN probe of Syria at­tack
New Straits/Business Times 26 Aug 2013, DAMASCUS, Syria: Syria agreed Sunday to a U.N. investigation into last week's alleged chemical weapons attack outside Damascus - a deal a senior White House official dismissed as "too late to be credible," saying the United States has "very little doubt" President Bashar Assad's forces used such weapons. The hardening of the U.S. position came as...
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updated 13 Apr 2013; published 13 Apr 2013
Court clash­es erupt after judge in Mubarak re­tri­al with­draws
Skynews 26 Aug 2013, Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak has appeared in court to answer charges in connection with the killing of protesters in 2011. It was the 85-year-old's first court appearance since he was released from prison last week and transferred to a military hospital. Mubarak appeared at a heavily fortified courtroom in eastern Cairo in a...
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updated 21 Aug 2013; published 21 Aug 2013
Syria chem­i­cal weapons - Sarin gas at­tack near Dam­as­cus? - Truthload­er
The Salt Lake Tribune 25 Aug 2013, Beirut • An international aid group said Saturday that medical centers it supported near the site of a suspected chemical weapons attack near Damascus had received more than 3,000 patients showing symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic nerve agents on the morning of the...
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updated 11 Nov 2012; published 11 Nov 2012
In­di­anapo­lis Neigh­bor­hood Ex­plo­sion Leaves 2 Dead, at Least 4 In­jured
Xinhua 25 Aug 2013, BEIRUT, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- Tripoli, a city in northern Lebanon, was in shock and grief. On Saturday, streets were almost empty and shops were closed, a day after twin explosions that left 45 killed and more than 350 injured. Residents wandered around the attacked sites, searching for their relatives; shopkeepers were checking...
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updated 23 Aug 2013; published 23 Aug 2013
Syria Chem­i­cal Weapons: Pres­i­dent Obama Ad­dress­es 'Grave Con­cern'
Voa News 25 Aug 2013, Top U.S. military and national security advisors have presented President Barack Obama with a detailed set of options for responding to the Syrian government&aposs; alleged use of chemical weapons. The White House, in a statement Saturday, said the meeting was called to set an action plan -- if it is determined Syrian forces used chemical weapons...
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updated 23 Aug 2013; published 23 Aug 2013
One child, one of one mil­lion Syr­i­an refugee chil­dren
The People's Voice 24 Aug 2013, Close to 50,000 children from Yarmouk Palestinian camp in Syria have fled Syria, being among the more than one million other children according to Palestinian Popular Committees in the Damascus-Homs area and head of U.N. children’s agency UNICEF, Anthony Lake, said in a statement. Roughly 75% of the Palestinian youngsters fleeing Syria are...
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updated 22 Aug 2010; published 22 Aug 2010
Dirty Old Town - Damien Dempsey live at PREDA in the Philip­pines
The Times of India 24 Aug 2013, WASHINGTON: The United States and the Philippines have vowed to maintain freedom of navigation in a Southeast Asia increasingly beset by maritime territorial rows, the two military allies said. The military chiefs of the two countries made the pledge in the United States on Thursday as their governments held talks on expanding the American military...
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updated 26 Apr 2012; published 26 Apr 2012
SPLM-N Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al Yasir Arman
United Nations 23 Aug 2013, Print 23 August 2013 – Alarmed by the increased conflict and violence in South Sudan, particularly the eastern state of Jonglei, the Security Council today strongly condemned attacks on civilians and the looting of UN and other international aid organizations’ facilities, and called on the Government to expedite safe and unhindered...
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updated 23 Aug 2013; published 23 Aug 2013
Novak Djokovic launch­es In­ter­na­tion­al Day of Sport for De­vel­op­ment and Peace
United Nations 23 Aug 2013, Print 23 August 2013The United Nations General Assembly today proclaimed 6 April as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, as the body’s President hailed the decision a “historic” step in recognizing the power of sport to erase cultural barriers and mobilize people around the world. “Sport can be a...
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Russia: No Proof Syria Govt Behind Chemical Strike
Full Article The New York Times
26 Aug 2013

MOSCOW — Western nations that are calling for military action against Syria have no proof the Syrian government is behind the alleged chemical weapons attack, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List: Reporters and Editors France,... Weapons In Syria Lavrov War
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks at a news conference in Moscow, Friday, March 26, 2010
photo: AP / Ivan Sekretarev

Fukushima operator to seek foreign advice on toxic water
Full Article Swissinfo
26 Aug 2013

Reuters August 26, 2013 - 12:06 By Antoni Slodkowski HIRONO, Japan (Reuters) - Tokyo Electric Power Co, the operator of the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, said it would invite foreign decommissioning experts to advise it on how to deal with highly radioactive water leaking from the site, and Japan signalled it may dip into a $3.6 billion... Disaster Pollution
File - A worker checks radiations on the window of a bus at the screening point of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant at Okuma in Fukushima prefecture Wednesday, June 12, 2013.
photo: AP / Toshifumi Kitamura

Bo Xilai trial: China prosecutors in 'no leniency' call as trial ends
Full Article Joy Online
26 Aug 2013

Prosecutors said no leniency should be shown as the trial of former top Chinese politician Bo Xilai ended. Mr Bo's crimes were serious and he had not shown remorse, the prosecution said, so leniency was not called for. Bo Xilai, meanwhile, continued to deny charges against him and said his police chief tried to defect because he was in love with... Xilai Gang Trials In China
In this photo released by the Jinan Intermediate People's Court, former Politburo member and party leader of the megacity of Chongqing Bo Xilai, in the defendant seat listens to a testimony by former Chongqing city police chief Wang Lijun, unseen, at Jinan Intermediate People's Court in Jinan in eastern China's Shandong province, Saturday, Aug. 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Jinan Intermediate People's Court

Karzai arrives in Pakistan for talks
Full Article Al Jazeera
26 Aug 2013

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has arrived in Islamabad for talks with the Pakistani officials on restarting peace process with the Taliban. It will be Karzai's first meeting with Nawaz Sharif, who took office...
Afghan President Hamid Karzai speaks during a press conference at the presidential palace in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday, Aug, 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Ahmad Jamshid

California wildfire rages in Yosemite Park
Full Article France24
26 Aug 2013

Hundreds of firefighters were deployed Sunday to protect mountain communities in the path of a massive fire raging north of the Yosemite National Park in California, as fierce winds saw flames jump from treetop to treetop. By News Wires (text) A colossal wildfire raging across the western edge of Yosemite National Park swept further into the...
Firefighter A.J. Tevis watches the flames of the Rim Fire near Yosemite National Park, Calif., on Sunday, Aug. 25, 2013.
photo: AP / Jae C. Hong

Syria agrees to UN chemical weapons investigation
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
26 Aug 2013

DAMASCUS, Syria: Syria agreed Sunday to a U.N. investigation into last week's alleged chemical weapons attack outside Damascus - a deal a senior White House official dismissed as "too late to be credible," saying the United States has "very little doubt" President Bashar Assad's forces used such weapons. The hardening of the U.S. position came as... Weapons In Syria In Syria War
Syria agrees to UN chemical weapons investigation.
photo: AP / Samer Husseini

Mubarak Back In Court After Prison Release
Full Article Skynews
26 Aug 2013

Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak has appeared in court to answer charges in connection with the killing of protesters in 2011. It was the 85-year-old's first court appearance since he was released from prison last week and transferred to a military hospital. Mubarak appeared at a heavily fortified courtroom in eastern Cairo in a... Spring Revolution Mubarak
Mubarak Back In Court After Prison Release
photo: AP / Egyptian State TV, File

Aid group details signs of chemical attack in Syria
Full Article The Salt Lake Tribune
25 Aug 2013

Beirut • An international aid group said Saturday that medical centers it supported near the site of a suspected chemical weapons attack near Damascus had received more than 3,000 patients showing symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic nerve agents on the morning of the... Spring Attacks In Syria War
In this photo taken on a government organized media tour, a Syrian army soldier walks on a street in the Jobar neighborhood of Damascus, Syria, Saturday, Aug. 24, 2013.
photo: AP

Lebanon's Tripoli in grief following twin explosions
Full Article Xinhua
25 Aug 2013

BEIRUT, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- Tripoli, a city in northern Lebanon, was in shock and grief. On Saturday, streets were almost empty and shops were closed, a day after twin explosions that left 45 killed and more than 350 injured. Residents wandered around the attacked sites, searching for their relatives; shopkeepers were checking... In Tripoli Civil War Crisis
Lebanese mourners and gunmen pray during a funeral for two men killed in a car bomb attack in the northern city of Tripoli, Lebanon, Saturday, Aug. 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Bilal Hussein

Obama, National Security Team Meet on Syria
Full Article Voa News
25 Aug 2013

Top U.S. military and national security advisors have presented President Barack Obama with a detailed set of options for responding to the Syrian government&aposs; alleged use of chemical weapons. The White House, in a statement Saturday, said the meeting was called to set an action plan -- if it is determined Syrian forces used chemical weapons... Weapons In Syria War In Syria
Obama, National Security Team Meet on Syria
photo: AP / J. Scott Applewhite

Fear Spreads Through Palestinian Camps in Syria
Full Article The People's Voice
24 Aug 2013

Close to 50,000 children from Yarmouk Palestinian camp in Syria have fled Syria, being among the more than one million other children according to Palestinian Popular Committees in the Damascus-Homs area and head of U.N. children’s agency UNICEF, Anthony Lake, said in a statement. Roughly 75% of the Palestinian youngsters fleeing Syria are... Camp Children Agency
Fear Spreads Through Palestinian Camps in Syria
photo: UN / Jean-Marc Ferré

US, Philippines vow freedom of navigation amid Asia sea rows
Full Article The Times of India
24 Aug 2013

WASHINGTON: The United States and the Philippines have vowed to maintain freedom of navigation in a Southeast Asia increasingly beset by maritime territorial rows, the two military allies said. The military chiefs of the two countries made the pledge in the United States on Thursday as their governments held talks on expanding the American military... Asia
US, Philippines vow freedom of navigation amid Asia sea rows
photo: US DoD / Sean K. Harp

South Sudan: Security Council urges restraint, calls for humanitarian access in Jonglei
Full Article United Nations
23 Aug 2013

Print 23 August 2013 – Alarmed by the increased conflict and violence in South Sudan, particularly the eastern state of Jonglei, the Security Council today strongly condemned attacks on civilians and the looting of UN and other international aid organizations’ facilities, and called on the Government to expedite safe and unhindered... Security
South Sudan: Security Council urges restraint, calls for humanitarian access in Jonglei
photo: UN / Mark Garten

UN Assembly Proclaims 6 April International Day of Sport for Development, Peace
Full Article United Nations
23 Aug 2013

Print 23 August 2013The United Nations General Assembly today proclaimed 6 April as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, as the body’s President hailed the decision a “historic” step in recognizing the power of sport to erase cultural barriers and mobilize people around the world. “Sport can be a... And Peace Day Of Sport
UN Assembly Proclaims 6 April International Day of Sport for Development, Peace
photo: UN / Mark Garten

Tiwary to miss Ranji season, ready for tough rehab programme
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
26 Aug 2013

New Delhi: After a career-threatening knee injury that required two surgeries within days of each other, Manoj Tiwary is back from London and is ready to accept the fact that he won't be able to play for Bengal in the upcoming Ranji Trophy. "You can't fight destiny. The doctor (Dr Andrew Williams) has told me specifically that a minimum of four...
Bengal Ranji Crickter Player  Monoj Tiwari recieved award from  Kapil Dev during the CAB Annual Sports Award Function at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Saturday 20 July 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Wenger confirms Koscielny and Wilshere fit to face Fenebahce
Full Article Goal
26 Aug 2013

The Frenchman has revealed the defender has recovered from a head injury picked up in the first leg in Turkey while the England international was rested against Fulham on Saturday £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ARS Draw FEN £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ARS Draw FEN £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ARS...
Arsenal's coach Arsene Wenger watches during their Champions League qualifying playoffs, first leg soccer match with Fenerbahce at Sukru Saracoglu Stadium in Istanbul, Turkey, Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2013.
photo: AP / Arsene Wenger

Serbia's Novak Djokovic returns the ball to Czech Republic's Tomas Berdych during their match at the Italian Open tennis tournament in Rome
photo: AP / Riccardo De Luca

It's time for Liverpool to end the Suarez saga
Full Article The Times of India
26 Aug 2013

NEW DELHI: Ever since the whole "bitegate" phenomenon involving Luis Suarez and Branislav Ivanovic occurred, every single person on this planet who follows football knows that Suarez is not going to last. Not because of the audacity of his actions, but simply because it was a classic case of "history" repeating itself. Suarez, who represented Ajax...
Liverpool's Luis Suarez is seen during his team's 2-2 draw against Chelsea in their English Premier League soccer match at Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, England
photo: AP / Jon Super

Advertorial: Yuvraj Singh unveils Investors Clinic 'One Number 8010101010 Campaign'
Full Article The Times of India
26 Aug 2013

NEW DELHI: With a desire to create an ideal platform where property related information can be shared with the end-customers, Yuvraj Singh, India's legendary cricketer has unveiled Investors Clinic's first ever "One Number Campaign' at New Delhi's Double Tree Hilton Hotel in Mayur Vihar. With this one number campaign, customers can call on...
Indian Crickter Yuvraj Singh addressing the media during the  inaguration of mobile cancer screening unit at Kolkata on Wednesday 02 January 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Xavi: La Liga not a two-horse race
Full Article Goal
26 Aug 2013

The 33-year-old feels that Malaga showed enough against Barcelona at the Rosaleda on Sunday to suggest that they will be competitive this season £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = FCB Draw ATM £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = FCB Draw ATM £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = FCB Draw ATM £5 £10 £20...
Barcelona's Xavi listens to questions of journalists during a news conference in Munich, southern Germany, Monday, April 22, 2013. Bayern Munich will face FC Barcelona in a first leg Champions League semi final soccer match on Tuesday.
photo: AP / Matthias Schrader

Everton keeper Tim Howard hails Leighton Baines and Marouane Fellaini
Full Article Goal
26 Aug 2013

The Toffees rejected a £28 million combined offer for the pair as 'derisory' and 'insulting', and the American believes his team-mates are ignoring the speculation £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = MNU Draw CHE £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = MNU Draw CHE £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = MNU Draw CHE...
Everton's Marouane Fellaini, right, fights for the ball against West Bromwich Albion's Youssuf Mulumbu during their English Premier League soccer match at Goodison Park Stadium, Liverpool, England, Saturday Aug. 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Jon Super

Hamsik vows to challenge for title with Napoli
Full Article Goal
26 Aug 2013

The Slovakia international was in a confident frame of mind after striking twice in a 3-0 win for Rafael Benitez's men over Bologna on Sunday Marek Hamsik has been buoyed by Napoli's stirring start to the season, admitting that he is hopeful that the Partenopei can challenge Juventus for the Serie A title. Rafael Benitez's men kicked off their... Hamsik Napoli
Slovakia's midfielder Marek Hamsik
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino

Celebrity Baby Scoop: Gloria Estefan: 'I am in love with my grandson'
Full Article The News & Observer
26 Aug 2013

With her new album, "The Standards," being released Sept. 10, legendary singer Gloria Estefan is returning to her roots. The multi Grammy Award-winner, 55, sings classic songs, elegantly redone, from a genre that she says is her "heart." The mom-of-two - and proud new grandmother to grandson Sasha - opens up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about her...
Emilio Estefan, Gloria Estefan on the Orange Carpet before the Patriots and Dolphins game at the Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida. New England defeated Miami 41-14 October 4, 2010
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Miley Cyrus‚ Lady Gaga vie for attention at MTV awards show
Full Article The Himalayan
26 Aug 2013

Added At: 2013-08-26 2:33 PM Last Updated At: 2013-08-26 2:33 PM The Himalayan Times - Saved Articles(s) The headlines has been added to your saved article(s) To View your saved article(s)please Click Here » Close EPA Miley stuck her tongue out and struck a pose before going into the venue It was one of...
Lady Gaga giving a speech at Euro  Pride 2011, in Rome, italy.
photo: Creative Commons / Sricsi

MTV VMAs: Justin Timberlake Wins Top Prize, Macklemore Earns Three Moonmen
Full Article The Hollywood Reporter
26 Aug 2013

0 10 0 0 0 Email Print Comments Getty Images Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke joined forces for a controversial performance, while 'N Sync reunited -- if briefly. The 2013 MTV Video Music Awards aired Sunday at 9 p.m. ET/PT on MTV from Brooklyn's Barclays Center, with Justin Timberlake taking home the night's top prize of Video of the Year for...
Justin Timberlake.
photo: Public Domain / United States Marine Corps.

Singer Cheryl Cole tattoos her entire derriere with large roses
Full Article Celebrity Café
26 Aug 2013

Cheryl Cole, the British singer from the band Girls Aloud, has tattooed her entire bottom with big red roses. Cole’s tattoo starts on her lower back and goes all the way to the bottom of both cheeks. The ink consists...
Girls Aloud band member Cheryl Cole arrives to sign copies of their book 'Dreams That Glitter' at a bookstore in central London, Thursday, Oct. 9 2008.
photo: AP / Joel Ryan

Eminem announces new album title
Full Article Celebrity Café
26 Aug 2013

Will be released in November Eminem took a page out of fellow emcee Jay Z's playbook by announcing his new album via commercial. The difference was that Eminem chose to do it during the MTV Video Music Awards, while Jay Z announced his album during the NBA Finals....
FILE - In this Sept. 13, 2010 file photo, rapper Eminem performs at Yankee Stadium in New York.
photo: AP / Jason DeCrow

Katy Perry to perform 'Roar' under the Brooklyn Bridge during MTV Video Music Awards (Report)
Full Article Celebrity Café
25 Aug 2013

We already know Katy Perry will be performing her first single off of her new album Prism called “Roar” at the MTV Video Music Awards tonight, but it’s now being reported that her first live...
Katy Perry  UNICEF Snowflake Ball Cipriani, New York City November 28th 2012
photo: Creative Commons / Joella Marano

2013 MTV Video Music Awards: 7 Reasons Why Justin Timberlake Will Always Be a Singer First and Foremost
Full Article E! Online
25 Aug 2013

Is it too much to rename Sunday Justin Timberlake Day? All eyes will be on the "Suit and Tie" singer as he graces the stage at the MTV Video Music Awards in New York City. In addition to receiving the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award by close friend Jimmy Fallon, the former Mickey Mouse Club member could walk away with six more awards including...
Justin Timberlake
photo: public domain /

Lady Gaga 'obsessed' with dieting
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
24 Aug 2013

Lady Gaga's family are said to be alarmed thanks to her increasingly thin frame. The songstress has been flaunting her skinnier frame in a range of outfits and promotional images as she gears up for the release of her upcoming third studio album ARTPOP. Gaga caused alarm when she showed off her super-slim body in V magazine recently, and insiders...
Lady Gaga performing "So Happy I Could Die" on The Monster Ball Tour.
photo: Creative Commons / paulodamata

Bolywood Actress Anushka Sharma during shooting of her upcoming film near the Chaar Chinari at World Famous Dal Lake in Srinagar on 06, September 2012.
photo: WN / Imran Nissar

I've never played sports in my life: Priyanka Chopra
Full Article Newstrack India
26 Aug 2013

Tweet Mumbai, Aug 26 (IANS) Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who plays boxer Mary Kom in an upcoming biopic on the Olympic medallist, says what makes the film harder for her is the fact that she never played sports in her life. "To learn a new sport and to get her body language, I don't know how am I...
Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra arrives on the "green carpet" for the Jaypee International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards held on Saturday June 9, 2012 in Singapore.
photo: AP / Wong Maye-E

Ajay Devgn and I will continue to be friends - Prakash Jha
Full Article IMDb
26 Aug 2013

With the highly-acclaimed Madras Cafe opening to very encouraging responses, the scenario is perfect for another political thriller coming...
 The Chairperson of the Jury for the 50th National Film Awards and Indian Panorama-2003 (IFFI) Shri Prakash Jha submitting the report to the Minister for Information and Broadcasting Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad in New Delhi on July 26, 2003 (Saturday). Jpib2
photo: PIB photo

I became an actor against my parents will: Soha Ali Khan
Full Article The Times of India
26 Aug 2013

Soha Ali Khan, daughter of veteran actress Sharmila Tagore and late cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, says when she decided to become an actress at the age of 25, it was against her parents will. The decision...
Bollywood actor Soha Ali Khan
photo: AP / Mahesh Kumar A

Madhur's reality check, beat by beat
Full Article The Times of India
26 Aug 2013

What happens when a rookie journo stumbles on a 'breaking story' involving one of the city's bright lights who is a closet paedophile abusing little boys from his wife's rehab home? It makes front pages headlines. Wrong! The newspaper's owner is a buddy of the accused who's one of his biggest advertisers. So, the story's killed and the journo...
The National Award-winning film director Madhur Bhandarkar during the FICCI Ladies Organization (FLO)  to a special event an Enriching Interaction Embracing Wisdom & Knowledge on Women in CINEM at City Hotel in Kolkata on Thursday 27 June 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Success runs in Kapoor genes: Kareena Kapoor
Full Article The Times of India
26 Aug 2013

The actress talks about Saif, Ranbir-Katrina, and pairing up with Hrithik after a decade Has life changed after marriage? This 'life changes after marriage' is a myth. Look, Saif and I were together even before we got married. I was in a live-in relationship with him. Marriage was something I needed to strengthen the bond. Moreover, Saif is my best...
Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor smiles during the launch of new Anne French hair removing lotion in Mumbai, India, Saturday, March 7, 2009
photo: AP / Rajanish Kakade

‘Breaking Bad’ star Anna Gunn receives death threats
Full Article Celebrity Café
26 Aug 2013

Anna Gunn, who plays Walter’s wife Skyler on HBO’s Breaking Bad, has received death threats from fans who don’t like her character. Gunn wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times, titled “I Have a...
Anna Gunn speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Breaking Bad", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Full Article The Times of India
26 Aug 2013

MUMBAI: Mahindra Two Wheelers today said it is ramping up capacity both at its plant as well as across vendors and logistics to meet the growing demand for products, particularly its just launched 110cc `Centuro' motorcycle. `Centuro' has received over 30,000 bookings since...
Dharmendra Mishra , Vice President  Sales and Customer Care, Mahindra Two-Wheeler  during the Launch of Centuro and Panturo bike at Kolkata on Friday 15 March 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Gold hits 11-week high
Full Article Independent online (SA)
26 Aug 2013

London - Gold prices steadied on Monday after retreating from an 11-week high above $1,400 an ounce hit overnight in Asia, as uncertainty over the outlook for US monetary policy kept the metal in check. Weak US data on Friday and news the world's largest gold-backed exchange traded fund had seen its biggest one-day inflow this year supported an...
Gold Jewelries - Precious Metal
photo: WN / Yolanda Leyba

Stocks rise on corporate deals
Full Article Newsday
26 Aug 2013

A handful of deals helped nudge the stock market up in early trading Monday, despite a disappointing report on the economy. At midmorning on Wall Street, the Standard & Poor's 500 index was up 3.7 points at 1,667.2. The Dow Jones industrial average was up 23 points at 15,033.4. The Nasdaq composite added 15.5 points to 3,673.3. Amgen surged 8...
A trader uses a phone post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Tuesday, June 30, 2009
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Merkel allies stage 11th-hour revival behind young leader
Full Article Daily Press
26 Aug 2013

BERLIN (Reuters) - Philipp Roesler, the young leader of Germany's Free Democrats (FDP), looked like a dead man walking at the start of the year, until he took a major risk that turned his and his party's fortunes around. His party, which shares power with Angela Merkel's conservatives, was in freefall, and rivals were planning a putsch, fearful the...
Bundeswirtschaftsminister Philipp Roesler (FDP) steht am Freitag (24.08.12) auf dem Flughafen von Bratislava in der Slowakei nach seiner Ankunft vor einem mit den deutschen Landesfarben lackierten Flugzeug der Flugbereitschaft der Bundeswehr. Roesler fuehrt in der Slowakei Gespraeche ueber den Zustand der Gemeinschaftswaehung Euro.
photo: AP / Clemens Bilan/dapd

Ohio livestock prices
Full Article The Miami Herald
26 Aug 2013

The Eastern Cornbelt Daily Direct Summary from Friday reported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agriculture Marketing Service: Barrows and gilts on a carcass basis: 69 cents lower. BASE MARKET On a carcass basis plant delivered (54-62 pct....
A cow - cattle - livestock - domestic animal
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

Under Obama, Little Progress on High-Level Jobs for Women
Full Article The New York Times
26 Aug 2013

WASHINGTON — Behind the roiling conversation over whether President Obama might make Janet L. Yellen the first female leader of the Federal Reserve is an uncomfortable reality for the White House: the administration has named no more women to high-level executive branch posts than the Clinton administration did almost two decades ago. The White...
Janet Yellen, vice chairwoman of the Federal Reserve Bank, speaks at the Economic Club of New York, Monday, April 11, 2011. Yellen, the Fed's second-highest ranking official, says the economy is not strong enough for the Fed to begin tightening credit.
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan

NORTH SULAWESI, Indonesia (May 31 2012) Sailors remove the chocks and chains from a helicopter.
photo: Public Domain / Official Navy Page

China's newly appointed leader Xi Jinping attends a meeting with foreign experts at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2012.
photo: AP / Ed Jones, Pool

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's Press Conference (Part 2)
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's Press Conference (Part 2)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:55
  • Updated: 26 Aug 2013
During an emergency press conference in Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the Western countries have no proof that the Syrian government used chemical weapons in its fight against insurgents. He also added that threats of military action against Damascus go against G8 agreements. Lavrov described Western claims of chemical weapons as hysteria which is aimed at undermining the upcoming Geneva 2 talks on the Syrian conflict.
  • published: 26 Aug 2013
  • views: 3's_Press_Conference_Part_2

Fukushima Emergency: Plant leaks 300 tons of radioactive water daily
Fukushima Emergency: Plant leaks 300 tons of radioactive water daily
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:39
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013
The Japanese Prime Minister has ordered the government to step in and help contain ongoing radiation leaks from the Fukushima power plant. Tepco - the company that runs the facility that was crippled in the 2011 tsunami and earthquake - has been unable to prevent contaminated groundwater from breaching a barrier and pouring into the ocean. Nuclear energy expert Malcolm Grimston joins RT to discuss this. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 07 Aug 2013
  • views: 18406

China: Prosecutors call for
China: Prosecutors call for "heavy sentence" in Bo Xilai trial
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:07
  • Updated: 26 Aug 2013
The trial of former leading politician, Bo Xilai, has ended with closing speeches from the... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: The trial of former leading politician, Bo Xilai, has ended with closing speeches from the prosecution and defence. Prosecutors have demanded a heavy sentence calling Bo's defence "whimsical" and saying he had shown no remorse for his crimes. Bo was a rising star in China's leadership circles when his career was stopped short last year by a murder scandal. His wife Gu Kailai was convicted of poisoning British businessman, Neil Heywood, who had been a family friend. Bo faced charges of corruption, accepting bribes and abuse of power. It has been China's most politically charged trial in decades, and the subject of much speculation. On the streets of Jinan, where the trial was held, one local resident said she thought it was "a fair trial" as it "had lasted several days." Another resident added: "Bo Xilai is one of the princelings, he is son of an old senior official. He is supposed to be in the central leadership of the next generation. If he had not made such a big mistake, he would have been one of the members of the Politico Bureau standing committee. It is a big shame." Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 26 Aug 2013
  • views: 301

Taliban to top Karzai talks in Pakistan
Taliban to top Karzai talks in Pakistan
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:55
  • Updated: 25 Aug 2013
Peace talks with the Taliban are likely to be high on agenda during the Afghan president's visit to Pakistan on Monday. Hamid Karzai is likely to seek support from Pakistan's new government on the issue. The Afghan president hopes the meeting will produce results, because he says both countries want security. Al Jazeera's Jennifer Glasse has more from Kabul.
  • published: 25 Aug 2013
  • views: 733

California governor declares state of emergency as wildfire rages
California governor declares state of emergency as wildfire rages
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:53
  • Updated: 24 Aug 2013
A raging wildfire in California has led to the county's governor declaring a state of emergency.... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: A raging wildfire in California has led to the county's governor declaring a state of emergency. The blaze is threatening power lines which provide electricity to San Francisco and has damaged the electrical infrastructure serving the city. The so-called Rim-Fire has swept into Yosemite National Park raising concerns for what is one of the county's main tourist attractions. As yet there are no reports of any blackouts in the city which lies about 320 kilometres west of the national park which attracted nearly four million visitors last year. Already four homes have been destroyed while a further four and a half thousand are threatened. There are fears the flames could reach the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir which provides water for 2.6 million customers in the San Francisco area. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 24 Aug 2013
  • views: 8247

Russia backs UN probe of Syria attack
Russia backs UN probe of Syria attack
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:35
  • Updated: 23 Aug 2013
Russia has said it had told Syria to cooperate with UN experts investigating reports of a deadly chemical weapons attack that is believed to have killed hundreds, and called on rebels to allow access to the area. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told his US counterpart John Kerry in a phone call that immediately after the reports first emerged about the attack on Wednesday, the "Russian side called on the Syrian government to cooperate with the UN chemical experts," the foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday. Al Jazeera's Charles Stratford reports.
  • published: 23 Aug 2013
  • views: 9135

Court clashes erupt after judge in Mubarak retrial withdraws
Court clashes erupt after judge in Mubarak retrial withdraws
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:15
  • Updated: 13 Apr 2013
The judge in the retrial of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak has withdrawn from the case and referred it to another court, abruptly ending the first session on Saturday. Judge Mustafa Hassan Abdullah announced his decision at the start of the retrial at a police academy on the outskirts of Cairo, where the 84-year old former president had earlier been flown in by a helicopter. The judge said he had decided to refer the case to the Cairo appeals court as he felt "unease" in reviewing the case. Protests and clashes erupted both inside and outside the courtroom as the judge made his announcement. Mubarak is facing retrial on charges of complicity in the murder of protesters killed in the uprising that unseated him. Mubarak, wearing brown-tinted glasses, waved from inside the courtroom cage in his court appearance. He was airlifted to the court from a Cairo hospital. His two sons and former interior minister, currently held in prison for separate cases, were also in the courtroom cage. Mubarak, his interior minister Habib al-Adly and six security chiefs are in the dock again facing these charges. The toppled despot's sons Gamal and Alaa -- once symbols of power and wealth -- will also be retried on corruption charges. Another defendant, business tycoon Hussein Salem, is being tried in absentia. Three thousand soldiers and police officers were deployed to secure the court, in addition to 150 armored vehicles, Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim said, according to news site Egypt Independent.
  • published: 13 Apr 2013
  • views: 8941

Syria chemical weapons - Sarin gas attack near Damascus? - Truthloader
Syria chemical weapons - Sarin gas attack near Damascus? - Truthloader
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:11
  • Updated: 21 Aug 2013
There are new allegations that chemical weapons have been used in Syria, this time near the capital Damascus in the Goutha region. As always, details about the alleged attack are unclear but there are suggestions that the nerve agent Sarin was used. Even estimates of the numbers killed vary wildly from dozens to more than 600. This video looks at the most recent attack and why there are always questions over the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Link to playlist of videos from Goutha:;=PLPC0Udeof3T4NORTjYmPoNCHn2vCByvYG&index;=1 Brown Moses blog featuring three chemical weapons experts: And a load of info on previous alleged chemical weapons attacks: A reddit live thread discussing the issues: of/ Subscribe to our channel: Why you should subscribe to Truthloader: More from the conflict in Syria: How far could the Syrian conflict spread?: Syrian rebel 'eats the heart' of Syrian soldier: Huge explosion rips through ammo store in Syria: Syrian soldier puts down rifle to talk to FSA "brothers": Has the Syrian conflict become a regional war?: 14-year-old boy publicly executed by Islamists for 'blasphemy': Food shortages in Aleppo caused by opposition brigades?: Syrian opposition execute three civilians near Aleppo: Can we trust US intelligence on Syrian chemical weapons?: Who are Jabhat al-Nusra?: Public execution of three Syrians by Jihadist group: More videos from Truthloader: Snowden's suspected encrypted email service forced to close: Russian Neo-Nazis torture LGBT and immigrant groups: What you're not being told about Booz Allen Hamilton and Edward Snowden: The Hessdalen Lights: UFOs over Norway: Spain train crash on CCTV - horrible footage of impact: Who are Hezbollah?: How many kids have US drones killed in Pakistan?: Shocking video: Man blows himself up in Chinese airport: How the war on drugs in Mexico began (Part 1 of 4): The 3 best documented UFO encounters: Is the Five Eyes Alliance watching you?: Is Egypt heading for another revolution?: What is NATO doing in Afghanistan?: Syrian opposition execute three civilians near Aleppo: Russian post men having a bad day: A history of the NSA: CIA drone war: How has the US got away with it?: Check out our top 20 videos playlist: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Join us on Google+: Read our reddit: Truthloader is a channel dedicated to citizen journalism. We find the best examples of crowd-sourced video and independent content, then use our expertise to add context and analysis. We respond to the stories you're interested in, so if you've got a story you'd love us to get to the bottom of, tweet us, Facebook us, or respond to our videos with a comment - and perhaps check out our reddit.
  • published: 21 Aug 2013
  • views: 677807

Indianapolis Neighborhood Explosion Leaves 2 Dead, at Least 4 Injured
Indianapolis Neighborhood Explosion Leaves 2 Dead, at Least 4 Injured
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:27
  • Updated: 11 Nov 2012
Indianapolis Neighborhood Explosion Leaves 2 Dead, at Least 4 Injured
  • published: 11 Nov 2012
  • views: 18,_at_Least_4_Injured

Syria Chemical Weapons:  President Obama Addresses 'Grave Concern'
Syria Chemical Weapons: President Obama Addresses 'Grave Concern'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:55
  • Updated: 23 Aug 2013
The president told CNN the reported chemical-weapons attack "is clearly a big event."
  • published: 23 Aug 2013
  • views: 9783'Grave_Concern'

One child, one of one million Syrian refugee children
One child, one of one million Syrian refugee children
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:44
  • Updated: 23 Aug 2013
Devastating conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic has forced a million children to flee their homeland. Eight-year-old Aya is one of them. For more information, visit:
  • published: 23 Aug 2013
  • views: 9184,_one_of_one_million_Syrian_refugee_children

Dirty Old Town - Damien Dempsey live at PREDA in the Philippines
Dirty Old Town - Damien Dempsey live at PREDA in the Philippines
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:39
  • Updated: 22 Aug 2010
Damien Dempsey performing live in the Philippines for the PREDA organisation.
  • published: 22 Aug 2010
  • views: 553

SPLM-N Secretary General Yasir Arman
SPLM-N Secretary General Yasir Arman
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:32
  • Updated: 26 Apr 2012
Yasir Arman is the Secretary General of the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement - North (SPLM-N). He was in Washington this week meeting with congressional leaders to seek support and aid since his people are in a pitched battle with Sudan's President Omar Bashir. We caught up him on Capitol Hill.
  • published: 26 Apr 2012
  • views: 3744

Novak Djokovic launches International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
Novak Djokovic launches International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:04
  • Updated: 23 Aug 2013
Subscribe for the latest news from sntv: International Olympic Committee (IOC) chief Jacques Rogge and tennis world number one Novak Djokovic visited the United Nations on Friday as the general assembly agreed to launch the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace on April 6th of next year. Vuk Jeremic, the Serbian President of the United Nations General Assembly, met with Djokovic and Rogge Friday in his New York City office. After the informal meeting the two sat in on the general assembly's meeting where they agreed to launch the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace on April 6th of next year. Rogge said that the IOC has used sport as a tool for building consensus and understanding between nations and people who may be in conflict. He complimented the UN on recognising the power of sport to build and support relationships and peace. Djokovic related his own life story of growing up in war-torn Serbia and using tennis as a positive element in his life. Djokovic spoke for just over five minutes about the power of sport and his hope that UN efforts such as this one would help spread the positive values of fair competition. Novak is in New York for the US Open where he is the top seeded men's player. Breaking sports news: Follow sntv on Twitter: sntv:
  • published: 23 Aug 2013
  • views: 292

South Koreans burn poster of Kim Jong-un in Seoul
South Koreans burn poster of Kim Jong-un in Seoul
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02
  • Updated: 10 Apr 2013
10 April 2013 The poster was set alight during a protest involving around 30 people in Seoul. Although the gathering was small, the sentiments of those involved reflect the frustrations of many South Koreans after weeks of bellicose rhetoric from Pyongyang. South Korea has asked both China and Russia to mediate with the North in an effort to ease tensions. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se said intelligence obtained by the US and the government in Seoul showed that "the possibility of a missile launch by North Korea is very high," and that it could occur "at any time from now".
  • published: 10 Apr 2013
  • views: 270

Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., shares a laugh with supporters at a town hall-style meeting in Anderson, Ind., Saturday, April 26, 2008. Lindsey Vonn  Boston Red Sox at Baltimore Orioles April 28, 2011 Inovatively designed office building of Infosys, Pune, India President Barack Obama meets with members of his national security team to discuss developments in the Boston bombings investigation, in the Situation Room of the White House, April 19, 2013.

In this Jan. 17, 2007 file photo, Gu Kailai, left, wife of then Chinese Commerce Minister Bo Xilai, right, attends a memorial ceremony for Bo's father Bo Yibo, a late revolutionary leader considered one of communist China's founding fathers, at a military hospital in Beijing. Hockey match- Sport- India Gold earrings - jewellery Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel speaks at the U.S. Army birthday cake cutting ceremony at the Pentagon, June 13, 2013. Hagel thanked the oldest and youngest Army members in attendance and thanked the Army for it's continued hard work in both war efforts and humanitarian missions.

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe arrives for the burial of a prominent member of his party, Misheck Chando, in Harare, Saturday, Oct. 31, 2009. Golf course  Rescued miners walk free after they were trapped overnight at the Elandsrand Gold mine near Carletonville, south west of Johannesburg South Africa, Thursday, Oct. 4, 2007. More than 1,700 trapped gold miners have been rescued during a dramatic all-night Earth at Night  This composite image, which has become a popular poster, shows a global view of Earth at night, compiled from over 400 satellite images. NASA researchers have used these images of nighttime lights to study weather around urban areas.

Brazil's President-elect Dilma Rousseff, of the Workers Party, gestures to supporters as she arrives to give her victory speech after winning the election runoff in Brasilia, Brazil, Sunday Oct. 31, 2010. Robert Griffin III - Washington Redskins Training Camp July 30, 2012 Alexandre Antonio Tombini, governor of the Central Bank of Brazil, arrives at a morning session of the Economic Policy Symposium at Jackson Hole in Moran, Wyo., Friday, Aug. 26, 2011. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)  Employees of Samsung Electronics Co. walk by their company logo at the headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co. in Seoul Friday, Jan. 14, 2005. Samsung Electronics Co. said Friday its net profit topped US$10 billion last year, reaching a new landmark in i

FILE - In this June 26, 2012 file photo, President Barack Obama speaks in Atlanta. The presidential race enters the sultry summer _ a final lull before a sprint to Election Day _ with President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney neck and neck and no sign that either can break away. Both sides have money concerns _ for all the flood of cash _ as well as political worries. This citizen journalism image provided by Aleppo Revolution Against Assad's Regime which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows dead bodies on a street in Aleppo, Syria Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013. Mohammed Badie, leader of Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian biggest opposition group, looks on between the group flags during a press conference Sunday, May 30, 2010 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heads the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem

File - Sitting Bull, a tribal chief of the Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux, led his people in resisting United States government policies. Pakistan's batsman Umar Akmal leaves the field, after being dismissed by New Zealand's bowler Ian Butler, unseen, for 55 runs, during their semi-final of the Champions Trophy cricket match at the Wanderers stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa, Saturday Oct. 3, 2009. Keira Knightley, a cast member in "Anna Karenina," poses for a photographer at the premiere of the film at The Arclight Hollywood, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP) Artificial lights in fun fair at night

Australia Election England Batsman Alastair Cook and  Nick Compton on 2 Day 3rd Test Match against England at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Thursday 06 December 2012 Pepeer and Clove in an exhibition whose theme Agribusiness Australian Pelican and visiting ocean liner at Portside Wharf is the residential and retail development at Hamilton, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The Brisbane Cruise Terminal which is also part of the development was opened on 29 August 2006.

Asia Times
By Hossein Askari The production, stockpiling and use of chemical and biological weapons must be condemned and confronted in every instance. It is with good reason that the...
The New York Times
THREE months before the 1963 March on Washington, whose 50th anniversary falls this week, officials in Birmingham, Ala., opened fire hoses and loosed dogs on civil rights...

A view of the convoy as Major General Robert Mood, Head of the newly-established UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS), leads an UNSMIS delegation to the Khalidiyyeh neighbourhood of Homs to meet opposition members, 3 May.2012.
Snipers opened fire Monday at a UN vehicle belonging to a team investigating the alleged use of chemical weapons in Damascus, a UN spokesman said. The Syrian government accused the rebels of firing at the team. Activists said later that the team had...
photo: UN / Nadine Kaddoura
Outgoing U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel talks to supporters Thursday Dec 18, 2008 during a farewell news conference in Omaha, Neb.
JAKARTA, IndonesiaU.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Monday the Obama administration was studying intelligence on Syria's purported use of chemical weapons and "will get the facts" before...
photo: AP / Dave Weaver
A radiation detection device sits as new evacuees arrive for screening at an evacuee center for leaked radiation from the damaged Fukushima nuclear facilities, Monday, March 21, 2011, in Fukushima, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Despite living in such proximity to the Fukushima nuclear facility, evacuees at the shelter had never had an emergency drill to prepare them for a nuclear disaster.
Japan's industry minister pledged urgent government action Monday to curb leaks of radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant. Toshimitsu Motegi told reporters that lax maintenance by the plant's operator was largely to...
photo: AP / Wally Santana
shop in the northeastern Shaab neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, Monday, Aug. 26, 2013.
Car bombs, roadside bombs and shootings killed at least 47 people in Iraq on Sunday, police and medical sources said, as tensions intensified between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims across the Middle East. Sunni Muslim insurgents and the...
photo: AP / Hadi Mizban
Black columns of smoke rise from heavy shelling in the Jobar neighborhood, east of Damascus, Syria, Sunday, Aug. 25, 2013.
The Foreign Secretary declined to be drawn on the options being considered by Western allies but would not rule out the possibility of air strikes or other measures being taken within days. And he told MPs demanding the recall of parliament from its...
photo: AP / Hassan Ammar
Mothers carrying their children walk past the debris of burnt buildings in Htan Gone village of Kantbalu township, Sagaing division, Myanmar, Monday, Aug. 26, 2013.
Htan Gone, Myanmar - Members of a 1 000-strong Buddhist mob torched dozens of homes and shops in north-western Myanmar following rumours that a Muslim man tried to sexually assault a young woman, officials and witnesses said, as the country was once...
photo: AP / Khin Maung Win
Of 6 weekend wildfires, firefighters contain only 2
Six wildfires burned across the region this weekend, according to the California Department of Fire and Forestry. Four of the fires were still burning Sunday evening, but...
photo: US Army / Richard Goldenberg