“The Clinton's could probably pay off the Countries Debt by withdrawing some of the money they have stashed around the world. Even Chelsea could probable contribute from her wedding gifts!”
“He just needs to follow the advise of Joe Packwood, retire with full pension, medical, colas, and become a lobbyist or consultant and get government contracts, make more money then ever!”
“What a crock of poohpooh! Always amazes me that anyone with some success either Berman or GaGa know all about others. GaGa is well spoken but it's amazing how smart about others she has become. Berman reminds me of Dr. Ruth!”
“LOL I heard that most actors did not even want to go on a date with Tori because of her Father. If they didn't want to date her again, then Daddy had them blacklisted.”
“Typical government justice system! The girl was found not guilty by a jury of her peers and now the government is unhappy that they didn't get a conviction so they will continue to persecute whomever they can. Regardless of who did what it shows the power of the government and you can ask the question, WHY DO THEY DO IT, BECAUSE THEY CAN! They convicted her of lying. What about Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, President Obama, and all the other lying Politicians? Oh yes they just excuse themselves, WHY, BECAUSE THEY CAN!”
“It's our American justice system and I for one would not swap it for any other even though I disagree with the verdict. If you don't like it here I understand North Korea is lovely this time of year. Why don't you move ther BECAUSE YOU CAN.”
“Here we go again! Isn't it amazing[actually not] that NO MATTER what the subject is, some RW clown can't help try and make it about President Obama and other Democrats!
Pathetic and so transparent! And don't bother tryin' to tell me, you said 'other lyin' politicians' as if that covers all the misdeeds of Republicans!
But not to worry, I'm sure you, Michele Bachmann and 'Republican Jesus' has already forgiven any transgressions of Republicans!
Why do Republicans do these terrible things? Because, not only because they can, they'll be forgiven and be re-elected!”
“Typical Republican remarks. Can tell because you only mentioned Democrats! How about all the republicans that lied and played the public. This, by the way, is NOT politics! This is about a murdered 2 year old child. It's about a juror worried about her vacation plans, another not wanting to live with a conviction of a young person on his conscience. I don't like the out come, but I am angry. The stories told and the evidence may not click, but THAT in and of itself should say she's guilty. Lock the parents away also for helping cover ground after opening up pandoras box!”
“Their worries are unfounded as we cannot afford to bring these troops home as there are no jobs and the unemployment rate would skyrocket and the military industrial complex would collapse causing more job loses. The sitting President would be toast in the election. True to the elite and money in this country our government will find away to deploy more troops to keep a war or economy going. Remember the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?”
“This is what we get when we elect a government worker or a career politiican! We call it experience but I call it B.S.. We sure got a lot of those career running this time. Still recommend that the Presidential ballot have an additional option, Neither, Do it again!”