Money Smarts

Be awash in cash with Dry July

Be awash in cash with Dry July

July 12, 2013, No Comments

Dry July, an awesome fundraising event where Aussies give up alcohol for a whole entire month in order to help improve the lives of those living with cancer through the ... Read More»

Strike it rich this financial year without winning lotto

Strike it rich this financial year without winning lotto

July 9, 2013, 1 Comment

While it would be nice to receive a million dollar windfall thanks to 6 random balls, for most of us, our financial fate is largely in our own hands. If ... Read More»

#EPICFAIL – Dumbest ways to spend your student tax return

#EPICFAIL – Dumbest ways to spend your student tax return

July 2, 2013, No Comments

Thanks to former Prime Minister Gillard’s recent reforms, most students will be receiving a sizeable lump sum come tax return time. As we gleefully eye our suddenly swollen bank accounts, ... Read More»

Managing Money

Are you among the 48% of Australians who’ll fail this simple test?

Are you among the 48% of Australians who’ll fail this simple test?

July 9, 2013, 1 Comment

Last month in our money wasters expose we revealed that credit card interest was our nation’s biggest money waster topping a massive $6.16 billion. And so it comes as little ... Read More»

Fixed rate home loans are hot, just don’t get burned!

Fixed rate home loans are hot, just don’t get burned!

July 9, 2013, 1 Comment

If you are looking at a new home loan or thinking of refinancing, there has never been a better time to snap up a fixed rate home loan. Fixed rate ... Read More»

Start the new financial year off on a money high

Start the new financial year off on a money high

July 1, 2013, No Comments

The new financial year has arrived and what better incentive for getting your finances in order than having to gather up all those receipts, bank and credit card statements for ... Read More»


Infographic: Are we a nation of money wasters?

Infographic: Are we a nation of money wasters?

June 17, 2013, 3 Comments

Interest, vices, fees, and bills may seem like small change but Australians throw away a staggering $25 BILLION on these avoidable expenses every year. We list the top 10 money ... Read More»

Is now the right time to refinance? – Infographic

Is now the right time to refinance? – Infographic

February 13, 2013, No Comments

Fuel bills are skyrocketing but interest rates are at a record low. Is now the right time to trade in your home loan for a cheaper model? Find out if refinancing ... Read More»

Are we a nation of hagglers? – Infographic

Are we a nation of hagglers? – Infographic

December 3, 2012, No Comments

Everyone loves getting a better deal, but are we willing to fight for it? We surveyed 400 Aussies to find out what how we fare as a nation of hagglers. ... Read More»

Rate Chasers

Mozo Rate Chasers Roundup – July 2013

Mozo Rate Chasers Roundup – July 2013

August 5, 2013, No Comments

Interest rates on both loans and deposits were very stable throughout July with little change ...

News & Awards

Who’s been winning with Mozo?

Who’s been winning with Mozo?

July 9, 2013, 3 Comments

Mozo’s social media communities were buzzing throughout June when we gave our Facebook, Twitter and ...