Ellen C. - Al-Anon Speaker - "Changing my attitude, changing my life" (Funny!)
Al Anon Salvador Valadez Un Carrusel Llamado Negacion
Al-Anon- Toma de conciencia, aceptación y acción (Salvador Valdez)
"Let it begin with me" - How Al-Anon Helps
Kerri K. - Al Anon Speaker - "How to accept I'm powerless, but not helpless!"
Corrie L. - Al Anon Speaker - "Delight, not despair when dealing with an alcoholic"
Alanon Salvador Valadez " Guias hacia la comunicacion "
Transformemos las perdidas y abramos el corazón Salvador Valadez Al Anon
Al anon Salvador Valadez: Responsabilidad y Desprendimiento
Blanche M. - Al-Anon Family Groups Speaker - "The Freedom that comes with Letting Go"
Salvador Valadez Confianza y Autosabotaje AL ANON
Al Anon talk - Father Tom, STEPS TO RESTORING SANITY
Al-Anon, 1er Paso 1/3
Sally C. - Al Anon Speakers - "No matter what happens..."
Ellen C. - Al-Anon Speaker - "Changing my attitude, changing my life" (Funny!)
Al Anon Salvador Valadez Un Carrusel Llamado Negacion
Al-Anon- Toma de conciencia, aceptación y acción (Salvador Valdez)
"Let it begin with me" - How Al-Anon Helps
Kerri K. - Al Anon Speaker - "How to accept I'm powerless, but not helpless!"
Corrie L. - Al Anon Speaker - "Delight, not despair when dealing with an alcoholic"
Alanon Salvador Valadez " Guias hacia la comunicacion "
Transformemos las perdidas y abramos el corazón Salvador Valadez Al Anon
Al anon Salvador Valadez: Responsabilidad y Desprendimiento
Blanche M. - Al-Anon Family Groups Speaker - "The Freedom that comes with Letting Go"
Salvador Valadez Confianza y Autosabotaje AL ANON
Al Anon talk - Father Tom, STEPS TO RESTORING SANITY
Al-Anon, 1er Paso 1/3
Sally C. - Al Anon Speakers - "No matter what happens..."
Salvador: AL Anon: Roles en La Familia Alcoholica P1
Al Anon Aprendemos con el Ejemplo por Salvador Valadez
Al-Anon - Salvador Valadez - Como Sacar el Dolor de la Infancia (1 de 5)
AJ M. Al-Anon Family Groups Speaker sharing at an Al Anon Meeting - "Al-Anon Speakers"
The impacts of alcoholism on family members and friends - Al-Anon interview with Dr. George Koob
Al Anon Speaks for Itself Part 1
Eres CODEpendiente? Roles Adictivos !Ocúpate de TI¡ deja Culpa *Ayuda Al-Anon,Alateen,VITAElogía
Cómo era la vida antes de asistir a Al-Anon -- Cómo ayuda Al-Anon
AlAnon Speakers: Sue D.
Al-Anon/Alateen, known as Al-Anon Family Groups, is an international "fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems." They "help families of alcoholics by practicing the Twelve Steps, by welcoming and giving comfort to families of alcoholics, and by giving understanding and encouragement to the alcoholic." Alateen is part of Al-Anon and is their Twelve-step program of recovery for young people affected by another's drinking, generally aged 13 to 19 years (varies depending on each group). "Alateen groups are sponsored by Al-Anon members."
Al-Anon was formed in 1951 by Lois Wilson, wife of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) co-founder Bill Wilson. She recognized the need for such an organization as family members living with AA members began to identify their own pathologies associated with their family members' alcoholism. In the USA, Al-Anon Family Groups incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization called Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Alateen took its own name and formation in 1957.
George F. Koob, (1947- ) is a Professor and Chair of the Committee on the Neurobiology of Addictive Disorders at The Scripps Research Institute and Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of California, San Diego.
Koob received his Bachelor of Science degree from Pennsylvania State University and his Ph.D. in Behavioral Physiology from The Johns Hopkins University. An authority on addiction and stress, Koob has published over 670 scientific papers and has received continuous funding for his research from the National Institutes of Health, including the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). He is Director of the NIAAA Alcohol Research Center at The Scripps Research Institute, Consortium Coordinator for NIAAA's multi-center Integrative Neuroscience Initiative on Alcoholism, and Co-Director of the Pearson Center for Alcoholism and Addiction Research. He has trained 10 predoctoral and 64 postdoctoral fellows. Koob is Editor-in-Chief USA for the journal Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior and Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Addiction Medicine. He won the Daniel Efron Award for excellence in research from the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, was honored as a highly cited researcher from the Institute for Scientific Information, was presented with the Distinguished Investigator Award from the Research Society on Alcoholism, and won the Mark Keller Award from NIAAA. He published a landmark book in 2006 with his colleague Michel Le Moal entitled: Neurobiology of Addiction (Academic Press-Elsevier, Amsterdam).