Larry Wall: Why Perl Is Like a Human Language
Wall's background in linguistics helped him to create a programming language that borrows ...
published: 13 Jun 2011
author: Big Think
YAPC::NA 2012 - The Essential Perl Hacker's Toolkit‎
Here's the list referenced in the video: http://perl.scaffidi.net/TEPHT-List2.pdf?attredir...
published: 16 Jun 2012
author: mithaldu
What is Perl? | lynda.com overview
This computer programming language overview explores the basics of Perl. Watch more at htt...
published: 04 May 2010
author: lynda.com
Lecture - 21 PERL - Part I
Lecture Series on Internet Tecnologies by Prof. I. Sengupta, Department of Computer Scienc...
published: 07 Aug 2008
author: nptelhrd
Paul Fenwick (pjf): The Perl Renaissance
Mirror of the talk "The Perl Renaissance" by Paul Fenwick at linux.conf.au 2013. The origi...
published: 11 Feb 2013
author: miyagawa
Larry Wall Speaks at Google
Google Tech Talks June 19, 2008 ABSTRACT While visiting Chicago for Yet Another Perl Confe...
published: 26 Aug 2008
Perl Lesson 1
The first lesson on how to program with perl....
published: 13 Oct 2008
author: macheads101
21. Perl Programming Language (INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED)
published: 13 Sep 2012
Lecture - 22 PERL - Part II
Lecture Series on Internet Tecnologies by Prof. I. Sengupta, Department of Computer Scienc...
published: 07 Aug 2008
author: nptelhrd
Perl Tutorials -Part 1- Welcome: what is Perl?
Start of for my Perl Tutorials....
published: 15 Jan 2008
Eclipse IDE for Perl Programming
Eclipse is an IDE mainly developed for Java development and it has no Perl integration by ...
published: 11 Mar 2011
『Perl中級者への道』 - 近藤嘉雪 1/2
「初めてのPerl/プログラミングPerl」訳者が語る Perlの初級者から一歩踏み出して,中級者になるための知識――リファレンス,コードレフ(クロージャ)など――を紹介します。ま...
published: 02 May 2011
author: perlcasual
Michael Barakowski (Perl) - Zeit die nie vergeht 2009
Michael Barakowski (Perl) - Zeit die nie vergeht 2009 Original von Perl 1985 mit Michael B...
published: 22 Jan 2010
author: fritz5122
Jude Perl - Girls and Boys (Official Music Video)
Music video by Jude Perl performing "Girls and Boys" Debut EP available now: http://www.ju...
published: 17 Jun 2013
author: judeperl
Youtube results:
Learn about Functions in Introductions to Perl Part 1
http://www.gogotraining.com, 1-877-546-4446 This video discusses: • System and user define...
published: 27 Sep 2011
Qu'est-ce que Perl ? langage de programmation dynamique open source
Marc Chantreux , Perl Mongers, nous parle du langage de programmation open source Perl aux...
published: 20 Jul 2011
はてなインターン2010 「Perlによるオブジェクト指向プログラミング」
はてなインターン 1日目の講義 id:hakobe932....
published: 11 Aug 2010
author: hatenatech
dameninngenn LT - 草とPerl
YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2010 (c)dameninngenn CC-BY-NC....
published: 21 Oct 2010
author: yapcasia