Edwards Gardens

June 3rd, 2013


Last Monday on our day off we headed across town to visit Edwards Gardens for the first time.

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I am uncertain whether Elodie liked the gardens. In every photo she resembles a fancy Wednesday Adams.


We decided to free the child from her stroller, which we then had to confiscate as she couldn’t NOT push it. Toddlers, part 1.


Overlooking the gardens from the lookout mound.


Toddlers, part 2. Teeny tiny rocks.


Ladies with matching hats.


Toddlers, part 3. Running off to clearly out of bounds areas.


A pretty boring green house. Geraniums? Also, I’m not going to lie, we were a tad disappointed there was no Japanese garden. I guess Vancouver has us beat on this front.


Toddlers, part 4. More of the same.


Some nice greenery over here…



Sniff, sniff!

The cafe was disappointing, but to be expected as I think it’s city run and they just cannot seem to get their game together. I mean, let’s not even begin to discuss the High Park restaurant. Could be amazing.

All in all, it was a nice place to wander around, though we have High Park so I am not sure we’d head across town when we have our own little piece of idyllic parkland right in our back yard.


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