A house is not a home without art

July 15th, 2010

Our first art purchase in a very long time happened after I obsessively perused Melinda Josie‘s website one quiet Saturday afternoon in the shop. I came across her Dalahäst Blå and was happy to learn that it was still available. It’s really lovely in person, and I found the perfect spot for it in the bedroom, which happens to be the Dala zone. I love the spot by the door because I can see it from bed, and I see it every time I leave the room.

A bedroom side note: There is this weird nook in order to accommodate a window on my side of the bed. Our closet is in another room, so I recently grabbed a small Loop Stand which fits my heavy rotation summer wear perfectly. On the stool is a really cool Carin Wester top I bought in Stockholm three years ago and never ever wore, until yesterday! Don’t you love when that happens? I held on long enough to figure out how to incorporate in my wardrobe – usually waiting that long is a total bust.

These encaustic pieces by Beverley Owens are finally up on the wall. They were my first ever art purchase about 5 years ago!

My other first major art buy was this gorgeous piece by Joshua Jensen-Nagle. He’s moving his studio to the neighborhood so we’ll hopefully be seeing more of him.

This collage is by Aprile Elcich, from her The Royal Family series.

I desperately want to get a new frame for this modern piece. In the photo the old frame looks nice but it really drags the piece down in person.

There’s plenty more to hang, but this is a good start. And you know what, it really does FEEL more homey in here now.

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