November is coming and so are more SWEET WORKSHOPS

ScreenprintingIntroduction to Silkscreening with MAGIC PONY (6 week) $270 + Material Fee Tuesday November 5th – December 10th, 2013 7:00-10:00pm

ARTiculations has partnered with our favourite triple threat gallery, studio and shop Magic Pony to help aspiring artists learn basic silkscreening techniques such as how to make screen positives, coat and shoot silk screens and hand-printing with the end goal of being able to make use of some these techniques in a home studio. ARTIST INSTRUCTOR:  Michael Comeau


acryl sampleIntroduction to Acrylic Painting with Kathryn Naylor (6 week) $270 Tuesday November 5th – December 10th, 2013 7:00-10:00pm

Weekly demonstrations will be given on palette management, colour mixing, and brushwork. Exercises such as simplified landscape projects will explore the painting techniques that are specific to acrylics.


watercolour 2 sampleWatercolour Painting II with Kathryn Naylor (6 week) $270 Wednesday November 6th – December 11th, 2013 7:00-10:00pm

New demonstrations and exercises each week will enhance the techniques learned in Introductory Watercolours. We’ll work on improving wash control and colour use, and also  work on some more advanced effects.




Pamela Dodds_Baobab 72

Linocut II with Pamela Dodds (6 week) $270 + Material Fee Wednesday November 6th – December 11th, 2013 7:00-10:00pm

In this workshop students will further explore linocut techniques including multiple-plate printing, creating textures, colour composition, and techniques for registration. Students may choose to work on a larger scale or make a multiple plate or reduction  colour print. If you are looking to strengthen your skills and experiment with new ideas or, if you’ve got the basics and just want to keep going, this class offers you both the guidance and the freedom to achieve your creative goals in a friendly group setting. Required: Basic linocut experience and familiarity with tools, or completion of Intro to Linocut workshop.


hardcover bookbindingIntroduction to Hardcover Bookbinding (5 week) $225  Thursday November 7th – December 5th, 2013 7:00-10:00pm

This course will take participants through a variety of bookbinding
techniques such as signature binding, stab binding, and hardcovers. We
will learn folding and pasting techniques for paper and fabric which can be applied to any form of bookmaking. Participants will be able to improvise and experiment in the creation of their books. Participants will create 3 books/zines from start to finish, including at least one personalized hardcover sketchbook/notebook.

To register or obtain more information on any of these sweet courses, give us a call :) 416-901-7464

Shell Mountain + Goddess + Devil Boy = Ultimate Dream World

opening nightLast night we celebrated the opening of KENDRA YEE’s exhibition, Tri. It was an awesome night filled with lots of friends, family and dream world creatures.

Tri Installation Shot 1

We had the pleasure of meeting Kendra for the first time through our Sketchbook Challenge in 2012.  She submitted her sketchbook, and we fell in love with her dream world pages filled with strange creatures and raw emotion.

Tri Installation Shot 2Now 17 years old, a first year student at OCAD, a ROOKIE contributer and all around super fantastic person, we can’t wait to see what she does next!

Tri Window Installation ShotWant to meet Kendra? Join us for her CollabDrawTalk on Friday November 22nd, 7-10.  Kendra will be speaking more about her artistic process while leading us in a group drawing session (amazing.)

sign board love by Kendra

Tri runs October 18- December 1st, 2013

For more information go here

While your at it, check out Kendra’s super cute tumblr, Unadoptable

Natural Pigments weekend at ARTiculations!

This weekend ARTiculations is going back to school to brush up on all-things-oil-paint!













Last night, we kicked off the weekend early by attending a lecture by artist Juan Martinez The Materials of Oil Painting: What Every Painter Needs to Know at The Academy of Realist Art.  It was an information-packed lecture and demonstration that concentrated on paints and mediums used in oil painting, as well as grounds, surfaces, textiles and varnishes.


Tonight We are very pleased to have technical director and co-founder of Natural Pigments, George O’Hanlon here with us for a Lecture and Demonstration on Traditional Oil Painting Materials and Mediums tonight once again at The Academy of Realist Art. Tomorrow begins our 2 day Technical Workshop with George at ARTiculations on Painting Best Practices

If you would like to attend the Lecture/Demo on Traditional Oil Painting Materials and Mediums, please call The Academy of Realist Art to reserve at 416-766-1280

For more information on the Technical Workshop taking place at ARTiculations this weekend, go here

About the Instructor
George O’Hanlon is technical director of Natural Pigments and executive director of Iconofile, an nonprofit educational organization dedicated to promoting understanding of traditional art techniques. George received his fine arts education and apprenticeship in Mexico. Upon his return to the U.S., he worked as art director and then creative director for advertising agencies in California, working on such major accounts as Sony, Hewlett-Packard and Ricoh. He then established a database marketing communications firm that was later acquired by the international chemical company, Shin-Etsu, where he was retained as president of marketing operations for the U.S. In 1992, he left this post to study traditional art techniques and then in 2001, he founded Natural Pigments and Iconofile to promote an understanding of these techniques among contemporary artists.


Intro to Watercolour Painting Starts Tonight!

If you every wanted to try your hand at this hard to manage medium, there are still a couple spaces left in this excellent 4 week Introduction to Watercolour Painting course with artist Kathryn Naylor.

Your Watercolours InstructorA little bit about “Water Safety” from Kathryn Naylor

A watercolours course is all about “water safety”:  how much to use, when to use it, and when not to use it. A first attempt at watercolour painting can get out of control quickly, and lead to frustration and disappointment.  This introductory course offers the tools to understand the interactions of paint and water, and exercises in working with them effectively.
People who think “I can’t do watercolours” or “I hate watercolours” will be welcomed — no personal flotation device required.

Fantastic Beasts (6-9yrs) & All About Printmaking (7-12yrs)

Still looking for an after school program for your budding artist? Here are two great ARTiculations Youth Courses starting next week!  We pride ourselves on our wonderful Artist Instructors, small class sizes and commitment to cultivating an inclusive, creative studio environment above all else. It’s not too late to sign up- call the shop if you would like to join us for some seriously fun and fantastic art making this Fall!

Fantastic Beasts!Fantastic Beasts! (6-9yrs) 6 weeks | Tuesday September 24th-October 29th | 4:30-6:00pm | $135




Creatures of the animal kingdom beware!  Students will explore and study animals of all kinds, both thriving and extinct, observable and mythical, learning their true natures and essences . . . and then splice and combine, juxtapose and transmutate to create their own FANTASTIC BEASTS!  This six week course will introduce and refine various techniques and art forms including clay sculpture, fimo modeling, free form mixed media sculpture, acrylic painting, watercolour and industrial design.  Emphasis will be placed on the artistic process, creativity, and FUN.  Scary or whimsical, each animal creation will be an expression of each individual student. Disclaimer: No animals will be harmed in this course. All beasts are released from any and all responsibility for any and all potential havoc they may wreck on our fair city! Artist Instructor: Rachel Shepherd

Rachel Shepherd is an educator and artist living in the High Park area. A great lover of children and their stories, Rachel endeavors to support art in all forms for children in an effort to cultivate a sense of neighborhood and family in the community.


16All About Printmaking! (7-12yrs) 6 weeks | Wednesday September 25 – October 30th, 2013 | 4:30-6:00pm | $155

Join us for this fun and inky after school class where we explore all things printmaking! Learn different methods, techniques and terminology of printmaking including; Softolium (a kinder, gentler form of linocut), Collagraph, Monoprintmaking and Dry point Etching. An exciting aspect of this class is that students will become acquainted with the printmaking press, an invaluable piece of machinery in the history of printmaking! Artist Instructor: Daphne McCormack

Daphne McCormack is a graduate of OCAD. After a successful career as an illustrator in both Canada and the U.S., she took on a new pursuit as an Artist Educator in various cultural institutions across Toronto including  The Art Gallery of Ontario, the Royal Conservatory, Harbourfront Centre and Station Gallery in Whitby. She has enjoyed working with children on large scale murals within the TDSB. She finds inspiration from her students, both young and adult, and of course, always hopes to inspire through technique, exploration and discovery.