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france / belgique / luxembourg / mouvement anarchiste Wednesday August 11, 2010 05:18 byAlternative libertaire
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Georges Fontenis (1920-2010)

C’est une des dernières personnalités du mouvement anarchiste des années 1940-1950 qui vient de disparaître avec Georges Fontenis, décédé à Tours le 9 août 2010 dans sa quatre-vingt-dixième année. Il restera, dans la mémoire du mouvement ouvrier, comme un infatigable combattant du communisme libertaire, un acteur du soutien aux indépendantistes algériens, un syndicaliste de l’École émancipée, un des animateurs de Mai 68 à Tours et un des piliers de la Libre-Pensée d’Indre-et-Loire. Jusqu’à ses derniers jours, il a été adhérent d’Alternative libertaire.

La vie de Georges Fontenis a, pendant plusieurs décennies, été liée au mouvement ouvrier et à son courant libertaire. Il en a partagé les avancées, les reculs et les luttes passionnées. Militant politique, il savait tirer les enseignements des échecs sans céder au découragement. Mais l’itinéraire de Georges Fontenis fut aussi un itinéraire personnel. Façonné par l’anarchisme, il voulut le transformer en profondeur. Pour cela, il fut vivement décrié par certains, et considéré par d’autres, en France et ailleurs, comme une référence. Son bilan forme-t-il pour autant un bloc, à prendre ou à laisser ? Nullement. Mais Alternative libertaire et, au-delà, le courant communiste libertaire international savent ce qu’ils lui doivent, et c’est pour cette raison que nous rendons hommage à un homme qui, désormais, appartient à l’Histoire.

[English] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [ Castellano ] [Nederlands] [Català]

international / anarchist movement Wednesday March 31, 2010 21:22 byThomas
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How do we, as anarchists, differ from others in how we view organization? Or more specifically, how does our view of individuality differ from the common misconception of anarchism as the “absence of all accountability”. This essay will describe anarchist accountability and how it differs from the types of accountability we’re trying to replace. Implementing accountability in all of our practices is fundamental to our effectiveness now in our practice and how it prefigures the kind of society that we want to replace the existing society.

A key anarchist insight in opposing top-down accountability is that to address the root of the problem the top-down structure and relation must be changed, not the person or group holding it. Anarchists believe that it’s the structures and relations of hierarchical domination and oppression themselves that must be destroyed and replaced with egalitarian and horizontal structures and relations.

[Nederlands] [Ελληνικά]

brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / movimento anarquista Monday March 22, 2010 18:29 byFelipe Corrêa
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Anarquismo e Sindicalismo Revolucionário

Uma resenha crítica do livro de Edilene Toledo, a partir das visões de Michael Schmidt, Lucien van der Walt e Alexandre Samis

Neste artigo, tentaremos discutir os conceitos de anarquismo e sindicalismo revolucionário, colocando-os dentro de seus respectivos contextos históricos, tanto no Brasil como fora, e contrapor o que Edilene Toledo sustenta em seu livro Anarquismo e Sindicalismo Revolucionário: trabalhadores e militantes em São Paulo na Primeira República. Para isso, utilizaremos dois ótimos livros publicados em 2009, mas que infelizmente ainda não estão disponíveis no Brasil: Black Flame: the revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism, de Michael Schmidt e Lucien van der Walt (África do Sul), e Minha Pátria é o Mundo Inteiro: Neno Vasco, o anarquismo e o sindicalismo revolucionário em dois mundos, de Alexandre Samis (Brasil).

international / anarchist movement Monday February 15, 2010 20:53 byEuropean Conference
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European Conference

Last weekend delegates from six European anarchist organisations met in Paris for a European conference of groups.

Members of Alternative Liberataire (France), Organisation Socialiste Libertaire (Switzerland), Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland), Liberty & Solidarity (Britain), Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici (Italy) and Counter Power (Norway) spent the weekend debating and agreeing a set of texts and proposals.

[Italiano] [Castellano] [Norsk] [Ελληνικά] [Français] [Português]

international / anarchist movement Thursday January 28, 2010 18:42 byRichard Estes and Ron Glick
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"The whole idea of 'anarchism', the whole word, has gathered a lot of connotations over time which have obscured people’s ability to understand it. I mean, in the public mind in the States I imagine it’s pretty similar to a lot of other English-speaking countries: anarchism is seen as chaos, disorder, and so on. But when you look closely at anarchism, to understand what its core ideas are, you have to look at its history, you have to look at when it emerges. And when you look at its emergence, you have to go back to the 1860s, you find it emerging in the union movement, the workers’ movement, in the socialist movement."

Richard Estes and Ron Glick interviewed  Lucien van der Walt, co-author of Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism, on their show “Speaking In Tongues,” KDVS, 90.3 FM, University Of California, Davis. The interview took place on September 25, 2009.
The interview covers issues like defining anarchism, anarchism and trade unions today,  the issue of centralisation, anarchism and globalisation then and now, the Soviet Union and Communism,  the Spanish Civil War, anarchism and immigration today, the relationship between class struggle and other forms of oppression, anarchism after Seattle, and anarchism and postmodernism.

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