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Below are the newswire stories which have most recently been commented upon, allowing you to keep track of the latest commentary at a glance. From here you can more easily participate in commenting on articles that are posted, and continuing discussions that have started.

Story Title Comment Author Comment Posted
Combative Unionism: Waging Class War within Labour klas batalo 5:29am A17
A Brief History of the Rapprochement Process of US Class Struggle Anarchist Organizations mitch 12:11pm A14
Lo que faltaba: macartismo indigenista El Espectador 4:19am A10
Catatumbo: que Santos renuncie a la violencia para hacer política ASCAMCAT 4:34pm A8
[Colombia] Municipio de Piedras, Tolima, dice no a la megaminería Corponevados 10:20pm A5
22 more US dates for Irish Anarchism tour Andrew 6:51pm J30
Los Ex Presos de La Marina hablan desde la Libertad: “Hay que trabajar por los que siguen presos” La Tarde 3:46pm J22
There Is No Justice For Trayvon Martin Under This System Kdog 1:11pm J22
Propaganda contra la solución negociada al conflicto: militares narcotraficantes y Megateo 2:03am J22
¡Presos de la Marina, 7 libres, 1 por liberar! Fundación Lazos 1:37am J16
Catatumbo ASTRACAVA 3:41am J15
Anarchismo in Egitto — un'intervista da Piazza Tahrir Lazar Isotakis 7:18pm J7
Chile: Oposición, elecciones y movimiento estudiantil un libertario 5:28am J7
10 years of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair AF blog 5:52am J6
Solidaridad contra la persecución hacia la Federación Anarquista Gaucha Assemblea Llibe 7:23am J5
Solidarity Against the Persecution of the Gaucha Anarchist Federation in Brazil WSA 4:04pm J3
Organize to Resist Anti-Gay Attacks and Violence! RX 9:37pm J2
Ireland: Total ban on gay men's blood donation is no longer justifiable mk hernandez 8:44pm J1
Santos, el “pacificador” de Colombia María del Rosar 6:36pm J30
Solidariedade com a Federação Anarquista Gaúcha União Popular A 10:48am J27
Tear Gas & Twitter in Taksim - an anarchist eyewitness analysis from Gezi Park, Istanbul Anarkismo 2:46pm J26
O enredo de uma farsa! m. 10:29pm J25
Federal Police invade the premises of the Federação Anarquista Gaúcha - FAG Syndicalistnyc 11:19pm J23

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