Video Of Babi Yar, Ukraine - Jewish Holocaust Massacre
http://www.visitkievukraine.com/attractions/babi-yar.htm In 1941 the largest single massac...
published: 28 Sep 2010
author: motty07
Video Of Babi Yar, Ukraine - Jewish Holocaust Massacre
Video Of Babi Yar, Ukraine - Jewish Holocaust Massacre
http://www.visitkievukraine.com/attractions/babi-yar.htm In 1941 the largest single massacre of the Holocaust took place at Babi Yar, a ravine in Kiev. In ju...- published: 28 Sep 2010
- views: 24830
- author: motty07
N/S Part 13: Babi Yar, Odessa and Chechiniv Massacres
"Nazis/Skinheads: The Holocaust by Bullets and Modern Antisemitism in Ukraine" is a featur...
published: 28 Jan 2013
author: Daniel Reynolds
N/S Part 13: Babi Yar, Odessa and Chechiniv Massacres
N/S Part 13: Babi Yar, Odessa and Chechiniv Massacres
"Nazis/Skinheads: The Holocaust by Bullets and Modern Antisemitism in Ukraine" is a feature-length documentary directed by Daniel Reynolds Riveiro that moves...- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 2786
- author: Daniel Reynolds
Бабий Яр.Babi Yar.A film of Jeff Kanew.2003
Германия, Беларусь, 2003. Режиссер Джефф Канев. За два дня 29-30 сентября 1941 расстреляли...
published: 05 Mar 2008
author: Christine Usdin
Бабий Яр.Babi Yar.A film of Jeff Kanew.2003
Бабий Яр.Babi Yar.A film of Jeff Kanew.2003
Германия, Беларусь, 2003. Режиссер Джефф Канев. За два дня 29-30 сентября 1941 расстреляли в этом овраге 33 771 чел. Les Juifs de Kiev se rassemblèrent au li...- published: 05 Mar 2008
- views: 791573
- author: Christine Usdin
Babi Yar 1
published: 14 Mar 2008
author: kaseymargaret
Babi Yar 1
Babi Yar 1
- views: 533492
- author: kaseymargaret
Shostakovich 13th symphony (part-1/7)
Prom 48, Royal Albert Hall, 19 August 2006 Shostakovich Symphony No. 13 in B flat minor, ...
published: 05 Mar 2009
author: nikolaos333
Shostakovich 13th symphony (part-1/7)
Shostakovich 13th symphony (part-1/7)
Prom 48, Royal Albert Hall, 19 August 2006 Shostakovich Symphony No. 13 in B flat minor, 'Babi Yar' Mikhail Petrenko- bass Chorus and Orchestra of The Marii...- published: 05 Mar 2009
- views: 53391
- author: nikolaos333
Babi Yar Requiem
Monument for Babi Yar. Babi Yar was a ravine in Kiev where, in 1941, the Nazis' rounded up...
published: 22 Jan 2008
author: lovesRodin
Babi Yar Requiem
Babi Yar Requiem
Monument for Babi Yar. Babi Yar was a ravine in Kiev where, in 1941, the Nazis' rounded up, stripped, shot, and pushed 100000 Jews (and others) into the pit...- published: 22 Jan 2008
- views: 10151
- author: lovesRodin
Бабий Яр/ Babi Yar / כתוביות בעברית /באבי יאר
29 сентября 1941 года в местечке Бабий Яр совершилось одно из самых страшных преступлений ...
published: 16 Sep 2011
author: gena katz
Бабий Яр/ Babi Yar / כתוביות בעברית /באבי יאר
Бабий Яр/ Babi Yar / כתוביות בעברית /באבי יאר
29 сентября 1941 года в местечке Бабий Яр совершилось одно из самых страшных преступлений ХХ века. За один день здесь было расстреляно около 34 тысяч евреев....- published: 16 Sep 2011
- views: 78652
- author: gena katz
Rostropovich conducts Shostakovich Symphony No.13 in B flat minor, Op.113 'Babi Yar'
00:00 - I. Adagio 16:22 - II. Humour. Allegretto 24:57 - III. In The Store. Adagio 37:04 -...
published: 12 Dec 2011
author: AljoshaKaramazov
Rostropovich conducts Shostakovich Symphony No.13 in B flat minor, Op.113 'Babi Yar'
Rostropovich conducts Shostakovich Symphony No.13 in B flat minor, Op.113 'Babi Yar'
00:00 - I. Adagio 16:22 - II. Humour. Allegretto 24:57 - III. In The Store. Adagio 37:04 - IV. Fears. Largo 50:01 - V. Career. Allegretto.- published: 12 Dec 2011
- views: 4807
- author: AljoshaKaramazov
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 13 (Babi Yar), conducted by Ormandy
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 13, Op. 113 ("Babi Yar") (on poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko) Euge...
published: 10 Feb 2013
author: shellackophile
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 13 (Babi Yar), conducted by Ormandy
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 13 (Babi Yar), conducted by Ormandy
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 13, Op. 113 ("Babi Yar") (on poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko) Eugene Ormandy conducting the Philadelphia Orchestra with the Male Chor...- published: 10 Feb 2013
- views: 685
- author: shellackophile
Babi Jar - Trailer
September 1941. Die jüdische Familie Lerner und die ukrainische Familie Onufrienko sind se...
published: 09 Oct 2008
author: filmconfect
Babi Jar - Trailer
Babi Jar - Trailer
September 1941. Die jüdische Familie Lerner und die ukrainische Familie Onufrienko sind seit 20 Jahren eng befreundet und wohnen zusammen in einem Zwei-Famil...- published: 09 Oct 2008
- views: 123711
- author: filmconfect
Requiem for Babi Yar
An environmental sculptural Monument to Babi Yar, Kiev, Ukraine 1941....
published: 08 Jul 2008
author: lovesRodin
Requiem for Babi Yar
Requiem for Babi Yar
An environmental sculptural Monument to Babi Yar, Kiev, Ukraine 1941.- published: 08 Jul 2008
- views: 88119
- author: lovesRodin
Vimeo results:
Six Million
Linda Jean Fisher wanted video footage of her working on her SIX MILLION project. Denise ...
published: 01 May 2010
author: Denise Martin (Abydab Films)
Six Million
Linda Jean Fisher wanted video footage of her working on her SIX MILLION project. Denise Martin wanted to make a short documentary. During the summer of 2009 while standing together over a dry mount press at their jobs as custom picture framers, their two ideas merged.
Over the last 4 years, Linda Jean Fisher has been documenting the 6,000,000 Jews lost in the Holocaust with a single finger print. Denise Martin gives 30 of those finger prints names.
For more info on Linda Jean's work
Szenka Liebman - Was killed in the village of Weissenbach by retreating SS soldiers, along with her 13 year old daughter, Florika.
Fritz Bujakowski - A German-Jewish aviator who fought for Germany in World War I, died in Auschwitz in 1943 at the age of 42.
Rose Lederer - Died in Auschwitz along with her children, Nina, 14 and Peter, 11.
Robert Lederer - Husband of Rose, died in a labor camp in Oranienburg, Germany.
Tauba Fryland - Died in Auschwitz at the age of 16.
Catharina Fryland - Died in Auschwitz at the age of 14.
Mania Halef - Died during the mass execution at the Babi Yar ravine located in Kiev, Ukraine when more than 33,000 Jewish men, women and children were killed during 2 days time. Mania was a young girl.
Ala Gertner - Was hung in Auschwitz with 3 other women on January 5, 1945 for their participation in the Auschwitz-Berkenau revolt that succeded in blowing up a crematorium. She was 32 years old.
Soloman Nehama - Died in the Treblinka concentration camp located in Poland along with his wife, 2 children and his daughter-in-law.
Abraham Spielman - Was killed in the Ciechanowiec ghetto located in Poland.
Helena Nordheim - Won a gold medal in the 1928 Summer Oylimpics with the Dutch womens gymnastics team, died in the Sobibor extermination camp along with her husband, Abraham and 10 year old daughter, Rebecca.
Kurt Gerron - Actor/Director who co starred in the film, The Blue Angel with Marlene Dietrich, died at Auschwitz at 47 years old.
Alice Trost - The mother of Dorrit and Erika Trost applied as a family for an American Visa on September 15, 1938 and were put on a waiting list. They all died at Auschwitz.
Henrietta Rechts - The sister of Rose Lederer, died at Auschwitz along with her son Ivan, cousin of Nina and Peter Lederer.
Silent as...
da un’idea di Roberto Zappalà e Nello Calabrò
ispirato a posteriori a
il silenzio delle ...
published: 09 May 2012
author: Compagnia Zappala\' Danza
Silent as...
da un’idea di Roberto Zappalà e Nello Calabrò
ispirato a posteriori a
il silenzio delle sirene di Franz Kafka
coreografia e regia Roberto Zappalà
danzatori Gaetano Badalamenti, Jan Brezina,
Francesco Colaleo, Maud de la Purification, Liisa Pietikainen,
Roberto Provenzano, Fernando Roldan Ferrer, Ilenia Romano
musiche Gavin Bryars (the sinking of the titanic) / Doctor Rockit (indoor fireworks) /
J.S.Bach (aria sulla quarta corda) / le voci delle madri di Gaza / the raven read di James Earl Jones
scene, luci e costumi Roberto Zappalà
assistente scene e costumi Debora Privitera
assistente ripetitrice Paola Valenti
allestimento e responsabile tecnico Sammy Torrisi
montaggio del suono Salvo Noto
produzione e tour manager Maria Inguscio
foto Serena Nicoletti
si ringraziano i danzatori per la preziosa collaborazione
una produzione compagnia zappalà danza e Scenario Pubblico international choreographic centre Sicily
in collaborazione con Teatro Stabile di Catania,
steptext dance project (D) e Schwankhalle Bremen (D)
con il sostegno di Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e Regione Siciliana Ass.to al Turismo, Sport e Spettacolo
prima assoluta 9 marzo 2012 TE.ST Teatro Stabile di Catania
“Silent as…” rappresenta per Roberto Zappalà una nuova partenza poetica.
Rimane l’intenzione di continuare il metodo, ad oggi molto proficuo, di suddividere in “steps” i progetti drammaturgicamente più complessi. ( Il progetto finale presenterà una “visione” che a partire dalla Shoah riflette sulla storia e sulla globalità dei conflitti che nel mondo di oggi ripropongono tante “piccole” shoah).
Da un punto di vista coreografico/drammaturgico si sospenderà, nella costruzione dello spettacolo, la narrazione visionaria che è stata protagonista degli ultimi anni con il progetto “re-mapping sicily”, per dare spazio ad un nuovo percorso iniziato da Roberto Zappalà con “Sud virus”, creato per il Goteborg Ballet, dove è protagonista l’istinto creativo ed una danza astratta nella composizione del movimento ma non per questo meno ricca di suggestioni.
“Silent as…” ha, in questo senso, una sua evidente discontinuità con la precedente produzione “Odisseo” (secondo tassello del polittico “re-mapping sicily”, dove le ante più “piccole” sono state “naufragio con spettatore” e “Instrument 1”), ma la cesura è meno netta di quanto possa apparire. Nel lavoro creativo della compagnia spesso ci si rende conto che i temi affiorano dalle profondità carsiche come fiumi che ritornano alla superfice quando meno te lo aspetti, nei tempi e luoghi più impensati. È appunto la figura di Ulisse/Odisseo che attraverso Kafka fa da trait d’union tra le due ultime realizzazioni di Zappalà. Un Ulisse che nella versione dello scrittore praghese risponde con la finzione del suo silenzio ad un’altra finzione: quella delle sirene che davanti a lui non cantano ma rimangono appunto in silenzio. Un silenzio enigmatico e imperscrutabile più di qualsiasi canto.
E se alla rabbia violenta e terribile della strage dei Proci si può far corrispondere il furore e lo strepito di “Odisseo”, al silenzio che tutto avvolge dopo la strage (e prima del folle volo dantesco), corrisponde la pacificazione apparente di “Silent as…” . Apparente, perché anche i silenzi urlano. Come a Babi Yar: “Qui tutto urla nel silenzio e,/levandomi il cappello,/mi sento come se i capelli mi stessero lentamente diventando grigi./Ed io stesso divengo un lungo urlo/senza suono…” (Evjenij Evtushenko “Babi Yar” *).
*Città Ucraina teatro del massacro da parte delle SS naziste di 33.500 ebrei.
Perché “Silent as…”? Un titolo tronco, così neutro e al contempo poetico ed ampio ?
Il silenzio per Zappalà evoca una serie di suggestioni: la quiete, la morte, la poesia, la tragedia, la musicalità, la libertà, la ferocia, l’immobilità, il colore (il bianco), la neve. Così come il silenzio, ambiguo, inafferrabile e definibile solo in negativo (come assenza di suoni), anche la neve, per il suo vivere uno stato fisico intermedio tra l’acqua e il ghiaccio, è ambigua e portatrice di caratteristiche al contempo positive e negative. La neve evoca la purezza, ma anche il silenzio frastornante dell’indifferenza. La neve gentile e incantevole del nostro pacifico e sereno vivere quotidiano può trasformarsi nelle tragiche e assordanti valanghe della storia.
La neve e il silenzio insieme, hanno la capacità di modificare lo spazio e il tempo, o meglio, la percezione che noi abbiamo dello spazio e del tempo. Il mondo sotto la neve, o mentre nevica, è un mondo dove il tempo rallenta si riduce la visibilità e i movimenti sono altri, diversi dai soliti di ogni giorno; è soprattutto un mondo dove i suoni si riducono, si opacizzano, dove il silenzio è sovrano.
La neve non è un riferimento diretto allo spettacolo, ma è stata un punto di partenza importante per innescare un processo crea
Day of All True Things (English) part I
**** Video sometimes freezes but the audio is fine
Celebrations for the 50th Day of All T...
published: 19 Jun 2012
author: Tongil
Day of All True Things (English) part I
**** Video sometimes freezes but the audio is fine
Celebrations for the 50th Day of All True Things and 58th Anniversary of the Founding of HSA-UWC
(Very Unofficial Typed Notes Of Live Broadcast by Air. Culvy)
50 th Day of All Things & 8th Holy Spirit Association Anniversary Begins:
'The Escape of Glory' A Song offered to TPs
TYVM HD of Father's Speech (Dr. Seuk) Selected a portin of many speeches in the past and Mr .Peter Kim will read ... As you all know today is the 50th Anniv of DAThings also th HSA 58th Anniv & cele these 2 historical Events today ... 2 speeches relating to these two events. Even tho MC said from past Dof All Things , TF gave direction to educ ev by the Speeches F read this morning ..
50th Anniv 1963 1st time this speech was held 'Let us Inherit the Historical Heart of God' Father before crea the univ he had an Ideal ShimJung & in order to realize it acted upon it .. new heaven and earth upon this land ... on that foundation F erected & started His Blessing from there ... which included Fs Entire SJ and realized it would have been the world of full rea of SJ ... F wanted to crea His base /found of Family which is basis for human welfare ... but because of fall , our painful days started and have lost value ... God & all things waiting for the day this world was to be reclaimed by God ... Throughout this day of restoration G has been living ... G is infinite Love & never gave up on lost children... So the sorrowfull history have been ended and death is ripening and sinful line is now crossing & God is going through this day tested by the enemy satan and G has been protecting humanity and walking Path of Tears, Responsibility & went thru that Path & pioneered that path of death We need never forget sorrowful history & path G had to take ... No matter how hard our own lives, we need to not say such things when faced with the sorry and pain of G ... Nothing can compare to losing Gs children, humanity ... & nothing can compare to losing Parents & historical pain of all history ... pain of G ... and G has been searching for what is Rightfully Gs ... and ev we have is purchased by Gs Blood, Tears & Sweat ... If we forget we will be inundated by this fallen world ... When we look left & right we have our parents, chil & siblings ... we need to walk this path together... do our resp in reclaiming & restoring them & walking a very painful path as well... when we walk it we need not just swallow the pain but have a mindset in order to liberate G from His Pain ... only then we will be able to 'stand' in Heaven ... Today is a Day of Tears and our Position is one of Pain & Tears ... Peop may think that having physical things are a Blessing but true Blessing is in the Position of Gs Love & we need to try to cherish & protect it so that we may then inherit Gs Sorrowful Heart of God ... That is our position ... Now all things are created by HF and we need commit ourselves to reclaiming them ... remember our postion & the purpose of HeAVEN's Prov & we must reclaim the Ideal World before the fall. that G wanted to last for eternity .. Thru the TF ..made by such peop HF will have Dominion over all things that G crea ... We need learn to help TPs and become one in unity to lib G from His Sorrowful Heart ... Only then will our G be able to sit on the Thrown of Sovereignty in The Heaven He Created. In this H we will return all things in the univ that are under dominion of HF ... Today is the day we realize such resp ... We have this Heav to restore. We must restore & return it to HF so that One Nation Under God will be realized ... We need to set that found in an conditional form to crea & est this DofAThings ... & then that nation will finally become one nation under God. God crea all things with human beings as the owner to fulfill His Ideal thru human beings but the fall & painful history started ... Then G could not have his own nation & land; and, G has been finding His peop for the Foundation to set His Original Homeland. What have we been proclaiming to the world? Blessing ... What is sin ? Embezzling public property/funds. We need such strictness not to misuse public things. When all thing have infinite value, & we human beings use that for infinite things to flourish, this foundation can advance from fam, nation world & universe . Today we need set the standard of treating our neighbors & friends fr the Position of G with the H of G. Since th SJ of G is public, if you invade or misuse the SJ of G it will invade & repeat the fall of ancestors ... You are position to embody such SH of G & treat all things in the universe with the SJ of G. From this day please truly realize the sorrowfull Heart of G and what things Gs Heart Wants ... Upon this foundation all things in the universe will be restored to G ... From the position of G we must Bless all things & inherit them. We need to settle as the true sons & daughters of HF ... We need to set this foundation in one generation ... If you fail
Milton Turnpike
Music: Dmitri Shostakovich Sym. No. 13 remixed....
published: 23 Mar 2008
author: Aureliano Buendía
Milton Turnpike
Music: Dmitri Shostakovich Sym. No. 13 remixed.
Youtube results:
Shostakovich: Symphony 13 Op. 113, "BABI YAR" / Bernard Haitink & Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
Shostakovich (Sjostakovitsj Дми́трий Дми́триевич Шостако́вич) Symphony #13 In B Flat Minor...
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: hollandskgjestehus
Shostakovich: Symphony 13 Op. 113, "BABI YAR" / Bernard Haitink & Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
Shostakovich: Symphony 13 Op. 113, "BABI YAR" / Bernard Haitink & Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
Shostakovich (Sjostakovitsj Дми́трий Дми́триевич Шостако́вич) Symphony #13 In B Flat Minor, Op. 113, "Babi Yar" Performed by Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra un...- published: 14 Mar 2012
- views: 6355
- author: hollandskgjestehus
Adam Carpet - Babi Yar - Official Video
Adam Carpet - Babi Yar - Official Video Video projection mapping & scenography: Akme (www....
published: 28 Oct 2012
author: Adam Carpet
Adam Carpet - Babi Yar - Official Video
Adam Carpet - Babi Yar - Official Video
Adam Carpet - Babi Yar - Official Video Video projection mapping & scenography: Akme (www.playakme.it) Video editing: Eli Emme & Attilio Kitsch DOP & Camera ...- published: 28 Oct 2012
- views: 8584
- author: Adam Carpet
Dmitrij Dmitrievič Šostakovič Symphony n° 13 Babi Yar B Flat Minor - Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович
Dmitrij Dmitrievič Šostakovič / Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович Dmitri Shostakovich Симфония...
published: 05 May 2013
author: Hans Friedrich Gunther
Dmitrij Dmitrievič Šostakovič Symphony n° 13 Babi Yar B Flat Minor - Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович
Dmitrij Dmitrievič Šostakovič Symphony n° 13 Babi Yar B Flat Minor - Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович
Dmitrij Dmitrievič Šostakovič / Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович Dmitri Shostakovich Симфония № 13 "Бабий Яр"- си-бемоль минор Sinfonia N° 13 "Babi Yar" - Si Be...- published: 05 May 2013
- views: 163
- author: Hans Friedrich Gunther
Einsatzgruppen! Informational Video.
A video I made for a German class project about the Einsatzgruppen. Warning: Heavy materia...
published: 25 May 2011
author: Brittany A
Einsatzgruppen! Informational Video.
Einsatzgruppen! Informational Video.
A video I made for a German class project about the Einsatzgruppen. Warning: Heavy material. Please note: Estimates of the total number killed at Babi Yar du...- published: 25 May 2011
- views: 61638
- author: Brittany A