New Internationalist


Why sell your youth to big business?

The tragedy of corporate success is that there is no room to slow down, writes Mari Marcel Thekaekara

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A united Syriza moves closer to power

James Elliott investigates the party that promises to reverse the devastation of austerity in Greece.

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Burma must address its ‘Rohingya problem’

With ethnic violence displacing hundreds of thousands, a resolution can’t come too soon, says Iris Gonzales.

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Casualties of war and political games

Indian soldiers are paying the price for border clashes with Pakistan, writes Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

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A worldwide water revolution starts in Guatemala

Clean water for millions – thanks to a man called Fernando. Anna Bevan reports.

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PODCAST: Big biomass

The ‘renewable’ energy more harmful than coal. Phil England hosts this month’s episode of Climate Radio.

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Egypt, the unravelling

Fighting hate with hate is not the answer, says Yahia Lababidi. How Egypt responds will determine what Egypt becomes.

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Lebanon’s legal blind spot

Domestic violence is still not a crime in this supposedly progressive state, as Harriet Fitch Little explains.

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Natural resources used as weapons

As the violence in the DRC worsens, the campaign to end illegal mining is growing, writes Bandi Mbubi.

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Look who’s wearing the pants

To be treated as equals, are Indian women compelled to internalize roles traditionally associated with men? Rajashri Dasgupta writes.

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Reclaim The Power revs up in West Sussex

Jamie Kelsey-Fry on why supporting the upcoming camp at Balcombe can make or break the rush for unconventional energy.

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