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add video playlist Copyright NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) All rights reserved. Used only for educational purposes.
Copyright NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) All rights reserved. Used only for educational purposes.
North Korea Hu­man­i­tar­i­an Cri­sis
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was among hundreds who turned out in the West Bank to welcome... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscr...
Cel­e­bra­tions as freed Pales­tini­an pris­on­ers are wel­comed back by their fam­i­lies
After security forces attempted to forcibly shut down Pro-Morsi sit-ins, the country erupted into chaotic violence that has left hundreds dead and thousands injured. President Barack Obama addressed press from Martha\'s Vineyard, Mass.
Pres­i­dent Obama Con­demns Vi­o­lence in Egypt, Can­cels U.S.-Egyp­tian Mil­i­tary Ex­er­cis­es
Jordan Dempsey performs his first ever stand up at Bedford High School during his comedy show Whiteness on May 13th 2011.
Jor­dan Dempsey's Stand Up- Part 1
United Nations, February 2009 - It\'s a country many have never heard of - the Central African Republic, also know as the C.A.R.   Bordering some of the most dangerous places on earth - Chad, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo - the C.A.R. is a country in turmoil, home to one of the world\'s forgotten humanitarian crises.
Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic: The for­got­ten cri­sis
Egypt is under a curfew and a state of emergency, one day after police smashed two Muslim Brotherhood protest camps. Hundreds were killed and thousands injured in the ensuing violence. (Aug. 15)
Egypt in State of Emer­gen­cy, Hun­dreds Dead
Bradley Manning, the American soldier accused of passing on classified US government documents to... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscr...
Wik­iLeaks sol­dier Bradley Man­ning apol­o­gis­es for hurt­ing the Unit­ed States
18 crewmen are feared killed on the INS Sindhurakshak, a diesel-powered and world-class submarine, which exploded and sank shortly early this morning at the ...
Watch video of ex­plo­sion on INS Sind­hu­rak­shak
US Military Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey and Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz visited the Yad VaShem Holocaust Memorial Museum, where he pa...
Gen. Mar­tin Dempsey and Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz Visit Yad VaShem Holo­caust Memo­ri­al Mu­se­um
Egypt is under a curfew and a state of emergency, one day after police smashed two Muslim Brotherhood protest camps. Hundreds were killed and thousands injured in the ensuing violence. (Aug. 15)
Egypt in State of Emer­gen­cy, Hun­dreds Dead
The U.S. government is facing more criticism over how it is trying to help Somalia deal with drought and famine.
U.S., So­ma­lia and Aid
Le Secrétaire général de l\'ONU Ban Ki-moon a critiqué le recours tous azimuts aux drones armés, devant un parterre de militaires au Pakistan, pays le plus bo...
Au Pak­istan, Ban Ki-moon épin­gle les tirs de drones
1:04 - Despite being acquitted on his most serious charge of \
Fac­ing Rest of Life Be­hind Bars, Will Bradley Man­ning's Sen­tenc­ing Weigh Lack of Harm to U.S.?
Mus­lim Broth­er­hood Protester Killed By Po­lice In Egypt
An Indian submarine was hit by twin explosions and an intense fire Wednesday while docked at a Mumbai navy base. All 18 sailors aboard are feared dead. (Aug.14)
Raw: Dead­ly India Sub­ma­rine Fire

updated 21 Jun 2013; published 26 Mar 2013
North Korea Hu­man­i­tar­i­an Cri­sis
The New York Times 15 Aug 2013, UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations is urgently appealing for $98 million to meet critical humanitarian needs in North Korea for the rest of 2013. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List: Reporters and Editors The U.N. said it has received only $52 million of the $150 million it...
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updated 14 Aug 2013; published 14 Aug 2013
Cel­e­bra­tions as freed Pales­tini­an pris­on­ers are wel­comed back by their fam­i­lies
Stars and Stripes 15 Aug 2013, As in previous Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, success will hinge on finding a way to reconcile Palestinian desires for a true independent nation with Israeli demands for concrete steps that assure they will never again face terror from Palestinian territory. For Israel, that means control over the air space, borders and military capabilities of a...
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updated 15 Aug 2013; published 15 Aug 2013
Pres­i­dent Obama Con­demns Vi­o­lence in Egypt, Can­cels U.S.-Egyp­tian Mil­i­tary Ex­er­cis­es
Al Jazeera 15 Aug 2013, The US has cancelled a biennial military exercise with Egypt after the Egyptian government's deadly crackdown on protesters in Cairo...
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updated 02 Jul 2013; published 13 Jun 2011
Jor­dan Dempsey's Stand Up- Part 1
Middle East Online 15 Aug 2013, AMMAN - US army chief General Martin Dempsey, in Jordan on a visit, has discussed ways to help the Jordanian military tackle fallout from the Syrian conflict, a government official said Thursday. "Dempsey and Jordanian officials discussed (in Amman) means to help the armed forces deal with the Syrian crisis, which is already burdening the...
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updated 03 Mar 2009; published 03 Mar 2009
Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic: The for­got­ten cri­sis
BBC News 15 Aug 2013, The UN Security Council has warned that the Central African Republic (CAR) poses a "serious threat" to regional stability, following a rebel takeover in March. There has been "a total breakdown in law and order" the Council said. Aid agency Save the Children on Tuesday warned that more than 100,000 children faced...
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updated 15 Aug 2013; published 15 Aug 2013
Egypt in State of Emer­gen­cy, Hun­dreds Dead
Canberra Times 15 Aug 2013, Members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi flee from tear gas and rubber bullets fired by riot police during clashes in Cairo. Photo: Reuters TV cameraman shot dead The world is watching 'Serious blow' to peace efforts Nasr City, Cairo: Outside, the streets were in chaos, the rapid crack of gunshots...
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updated 15 Aug 2013; published 15 Aug 2013
Wik­iLeaks sol­dier Bradley Man­ning apol­o­gis­es for hurt­ing the Unit­ed States
The Siasat Daily 15 Aug 2013, August 14: US soldier Bradley Manning offered an apology in a military court today over his disclosures to WikiLeaks and acknowledged he "hurt the United States." "I'm sorry that my actions have hurt people and have hurt the United States," he...
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updated 14 Aug 2013; published 14 Aug 2013
Watch video of ex­plo­sion on INS Sind­hu­rak­shak
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 14 Aug 2013, NEW DELHI -- Indian naval divers on Wednesday afternoon opened the main hatchway of a stricken, Russian-made Indian submarine that caught fire, blew up and sank at dock earlier in the day in one of the worst naval accidents in Indian history. But visibility for the divers within the sunken boat was almost zero, and rescue and recovery operations...
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updated 03 Aug 2013; published 20 Jan 2012
Gen. Mar­tin Dempsey and Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz Visit Yad VaShem Holo­caust Memo­ri­al Mu­se­um
Fox News 14 Aug 2013, Published August 14, 2013AFP US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey (L) walks alongside Israeli army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Benny Gantz during a welcome ceremony in Tel Aviv on August 13, 2013. Iran's nuclear programme was at the centre of discussions on Wednesday between Dempsey and Yaalon,...
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updated 15 Aug 2013; published 15 Aug 2013
Egypt in State of Emer­gen­cy, Hun­dreds Dead
Belfast Telegraph 14 Aug 2013, Egypt has declared a state of emergency after clashes broke out across the country following a deadly bid to clear two protest camps in Cairo. Security forces moved on the two areas where Muslim Brotherhood supporters of outsted president Mohammed Morsi were holding sit-ins. Estimates of the dead varied wildly, from an official 56 by the government...
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updated 28 Oct 2011; published 28 Oct 2011
U.S., So­ma­lia and Aid
Chicago Sun-Times 14 Aug 2013, NAIROBI, Kenya — The aid group Doctors Without Borders said Wednesday it is pulling out of Somalia after 22 years there because of attacks on its staff, a decision that underscores the continued security risks the country poses military gains against Islamist insurgents and accompanying political progress. In a scathing indictment of Somalia’s...
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updated 13 Aug 2013; published 13 Aug 2013
Au Pak­istan, Ban Ki-moon épin­gle les tirs de drones
The Siasat Daily 14 Aug 2013, Islamabad, August 14: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Wednesday said the United Nations will continue to support Pakistan in the war against terrorism. At a press conference along with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Ban acknowledged Pakistan's sacrifices in the war against terrorism, Xinhua reported. The UN secretary general said the world...
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updated 12 Aug 2013; published 31 Jul 2013
Fac­ing Rest of Life Be­hind Bars, Will Bradley Man­ning's Sen­tenc­ing Weigh Lack of Harm to U.S.? 14 Aug 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "The failure to report a crime," wrote Dr. M. Scott Peck in "People of the Lie: The Hope For Healing Human Evil," "is itself a crime." This is the reason Pfc. Bradley Manning was arrested, court-martialed, found guilty on twenty charges, and faces a maximum sentence of 90 years in a military prison:...
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updated 15 Aug 2013; published 15 Aug 2013
Mus­lim Broth­er­hood Protester Killed By Po­lice In Egypt
Baltimore Sun 14 Aug 2013, CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian security forces killed at least 30 people on Wednesday when they cleared a camp of...
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UN Appeals for $98 Million for North Korea Needs
Full Article The New York Times
15 Aug 2013

UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations is urgently appealing for $98 million to meet critical humanitarian needs in North Korea for the rest of 2013. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List: Reporters and Editors The U.N. said it has received only $52 million of the $150 million it... Insecurity Korea Famine Humanitarian Aid
A man, center, supervises a dancing group during a mass folk dance in front of the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea, Monday, April 15, 2013.
photo: AP / Alexander F. Yuan

As Mideast peace talks resume, security and sovereignty conflict
Full Article Stars and Stripes
15 Aug 2013

As in previous Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, success will hinge on finding a way to reconcile Palestinian desires for a true independent nation with Israeli demands for concrete steps that assure they will never again face terror from Palestinian territory. For Israel, that means control over the air space, borders and military capabilities of a... Palestinian conflict Peace Prisoners
As Mideast peace talks resume, security and sovereignty conflict
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

President Barack Obama addresses the National Governors Association in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Monday, Feb. 25, 2013.
photo: AP / Charles Dharapak

US, Jordan discuss ways to deal with Syria crisis
Full Article Middle East Online
15 Aug 2013

AMMAN - US army chief General Martin Dempsey, in Jordan on a visit, has discussed ways to help the Jordanian military tackle fallout from the Syrian conflict, a government official said Thursday. "Dempsey and Jordanian officials discussed (in Amman) means to help the armed forces deal with the Syrian crisis, which is already burdening the...
US, Jordan discuss ways to deal with Syria crisis
photo: US DoD / D. Myles Cullen

Central African Republic is serious threat to region - UN
Full Article BBC News
15 Aug 2013

The UN Security Council has warned that the Central African Republic (CAR) poses a "serious threat" to regional stability, following a rebel takeover in March. There has been "a total breakdown in law and order" the Council said. Aid agency Save the Children on Tuesday warned that more than 100,000 children faced...
Central African Republic is serious threat to region - UN
photo: UN / JC McIlwaine

Egypt protest crackdown: Army leaves hundreds of pro-Mursi protesters dead
Full Article Canberra Times
15 Aug 2013

Members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi flee from tear gas and rubber bullets fired by riot police during clashes in Cairo. Photo: Reuters TV cameraman shot dead The world is watching 'Serious blow' to peace efforts Nasr City, Cairo: Outside, the streets were in chaos, the rapid crack of gunshots... Protest Brotherhood in Egypt
Supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi chant slogans during clashes with security forces near the largest sit-in by supporters of Morsi in the eastern Nasr City district of Cairo, Egypt, Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2013.
photo: AP / Mohammed Abu Zeid

WikiLeaks: Manning apologizes, admits he 'hurt US'
Full Article The Siasat Daily
15 Aug 2013

August 14: US soldier Bradley Manning offered an apology in a military court today over his disclosures to WikiLeaks and acknowledged he "hurt the United States." "I'm sorry that my actions have hurt people and have hurt the United States," he... Manning Trial
Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, second from right, steps out of a security vehicle as he is escorted into a courthouse in Fort Meade, Md., Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012, for a pretrial hearing.
photo: AP / Patrick Semansky

Explosion Partly Sinks Indian Naval Submarine
Full Article Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
14 Aug 2013

NEW DELHI -- Indian naval divers on Wednesday afternoon opened the main hatchway of a stricken, Russian-made Indian submarine that caught fire, blew up and sank at dock earlier in the day in one of the worst naval accidents in Indian history. But visibility for the divers within the sunken boat was almost zero, and rescue and recovery operations... Sindhurakshak
The Indian Navy submarine INS Sindhurakshak (S 63)
photo: Creative Commons / PH1 (NAO) Chris Desmond, USN

In Israel, US army chief talks Iran
Full Article Fox News
14 Aug 2013

Published August 14, 2013AFP US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey (L) walks alongside Israeli army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Benny Gantz during a welcome ceremony in Tel Aviv on August 13, 2013. Iran's nuclear programme was at the centre of discussions on Wednesday between Dempsey and Yaalon,...
	In Israel, US army chief talks Iran
photo: US DoD / D. Myles Cullen

Egypt declares state of emergency
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
14 Aug 2013

Egypt has declared a state of emergency after clashes broke out across the country following a deadly bid to clear two protest camps in Cairo. Security forces moved on the two areas where Muslim Brotherhood supporters of outsted president Mohammed Morsi were holding sit-ins. Estimates of the dead varied wildly, from an official 56 by the government... Protests in Egypt Brotherhood
An Egyptian security force and a man carry a protester as security forces clear a sit-in camp set up by supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi near Cairo University in Cairo's Giza district, Egypt, Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2013.
photo: AP / Hussein Tallal

Doctors Without Borders pulls out of Somalia
Full Article Chicago Sun-Times
14 Aug 2013

NAIROBI, Kenya — The aid group Doctors Without Borders said Wednesday it is pulling out of Somalia after 22 years there because of attacks on its staff, a decision that underscores the continued security risks the country poses military gains against Islamist insurgents and accompanying political progress. In a scathing indictment of Somalia’s...
Doctors Without Borders pulls out of Somalia

UN chief assures support to Pakistan against terrorism
Full Article The Siasat Daily
14 Aug 2013

Islamabad, August 14: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Wednesday said the United Nations will continue to support Pakistan in the war against terrorism. At a press conference along with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Ban acknowledged Pakistan's sacrifices in the war against terrorism, Xinhua reported. The UN secretary general said the world...
UN chief assures support to Pakistan against terrorism
photo: UN / Eskinder Deebe

Pfc. Manning and People of the Lie
Full Article
14 Aug 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "The failure to report a crime," wrote Dr. M. Scott Peck in "People of the Lie: The Hope For Healing Human Evil," "is itself a crime." This is the reason Pfc. Bradley Manning was arrested, court-martialed, found guilty on twenty charges, and faces a maximum sentence of 90 years in a military prison:... Manning Rights
Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, right, is escorted out of a courthouse in Fort Meade, Md., Monday, June 25, 2012, after a pre-trial hearing.
photo: AP / Patrick Semansky

Egyptian police kill at least 30 in protest crackdown: Brotherhood
Full Article Baltimore Sun
14 Aug 2013

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian security forces killed at least 30 people on Wednesday when they cleared a camp of...
Supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi wave a banner with his picture and an Arabic slogan that reads, "No god but Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet," during a protest in Nahda Square, where protesters have installed their camp near Cairo University in Giza, in southwestern of Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2013. Egypt's interim president swore in 20 new provincial governors on Tuesday, a move that reinforces the new leadership's authority and removes all Muslim Brotherhood members previously installed in the posts by Mohammed Morsi before his ouster as president.
photo: AP / Amr Nabil

At the Net: Bartoli bids adieu
Full Article The State
15 Aug 2013

Just over a month after capturing her first career Grand Slam title at Wimbledon, Marion Bartoli shocked the tennis world with an abrupt retirement announcement Wednesday night in Ohio. Bartoli suffered a three-set second-round loss at the hands of rising Romanian Simona Halep at the Western & Southern Open in Mason (just outside Cincinnati), and... Bartoli
France's Marion Bartoli blows kiss to spectators after winning over Serbia's Jelena Jankovic during their women's singles match at the Australian Open Tennis Championship in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 25, 2009.
photo: AP / Dita Alangkara

Gundogan ruled out until September
Full Article Goal
15 Aug 2013

The Germany international aggravated a back problem against Paraguay on Wednesday night and is not expected to return for the Bundesliga runners-up until next month Borussia Dortmund midfielder Ilkay Gundogan has been ruled out of action for a fortnight with a back injury. TRANSFER TALK 16/1 Borussia Dortmund are 16/1 with William Hill to win the... Gundogan
Ilkay Gundogan
photo: Creative Commons / Michael Kranewitter

Scolari not worried about Switzerland loss
Full Article The Wichita Eagle
15 Aug 2013

SAO PAULO — Luiz Felipe Scolari is not going to lose sleep over Brazil's loss to Switzerland in the team's first match since winning the Confederations Cup at home. Scolari said the 1-0 defeat in Basel on Wednesday should not be taken too seriously as he already expected the team to face difficulties...
Brazil head coach Luiz Felipe Scolari attends a press conference after the draw for the 2013 soccer Confederations Cup in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012. The soccer Confederations Cup will be played June 15 through June 30 in six Brazilian cities.
photo: AP / Andre Penner

Andre Greipel of Germany crosses the finish line ahead of Mark Cavendish of Britain, left, and Matthew Harley Gross of Australia, right, to win the fifth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 196.5 kilometers (122 miles) with start in Rouen and finish in Saint-Quentin, France, Thursday July 5, 2012.
photo: AP / Laurent Cipriani

Arsenal hit by injuries and more transfer frustration
Full Article The Times of India
15 Aug 2013

Arsenal have concerns over key players before their opening Premier League match against Aston Villa, manager Arsene Wenger said on Thursday. With the club struggling to bring in the big-name players fans were expecting, injuries to the existing squad ahead of Saturday's home match spells even more frustration. Santi...
Arsenal's manager Arsene Wenger reacts during their English Premier League soccer match at Emirates Stadium
photo: AP / Bogdan Maran

Devil of a deal: NHL franchise sold to Harris
Full Article Sun Sentinel
15 Aug 2013

Newark, NJAlready the owner of the NBA's Philadelphia 76ers, Josh Harris is the new proprietor of the New Jersey Devils. The announcement was made on Thursday. According to The Record, Harris, an investment banker, and his group, led by primary partner David Blitzer, paid more than $320 million to purchase the financially-strapped...
Brian Rafalski at Continental Airlines Arena during game between New Jersey Devils and en:New York Islanders, March 14, 2006.
photo: Creative Commons / FutureNJGov

Girls Aloud's Coyle says she is expecting a baby
Full Article US News
15 Aug 2013

Comment () Tweet LONDON (AP) — Former Girls Aloud member Nadine Coyle says she is pregnant with her first child. The 28-year-old British pop star posted a snapshot of herself on her Instagram account, with the caption: "I am having a baby." Coyle's management firm confirmed Thursday that the star "is expecting a baby and is absolutely...
Nadine Coyle lighter
photo: Creative Commons / Wonker

Lady Gaga recorded "70-100 songs" for new album 'ARTPOP'
Full Article Digital Spy
15 Aug 2013

Lady Gaga has written and recorded "70-100 songs" for her new album. The star has worked closely with producer DJ White Shadow for her new collection ARTPOP, which is due out on November 11. © Twitter Lady Gaga 'Applause' "It's a result of her dedication," DJ White Shadow told On Air with Ryan Seacrest. "We wrote 70-100 songs over the course...
Lady Gaga performs during the
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Nicole Scherzinger teams up with Alex Gaudino on new single
Full Article Digital Spy
15 Aug 2013

Nicole Scherzinger has teamed up with producer Alex Gaudino for his new single. 'Missing You' - out September 8 via Ultra Music - serves as the Italian DJ's latest track. © WENN Nicole Scherzinger Alex Gaudino "I'm so excited Alex and I finally got to collaborate and work together!" Scherzinger said in a statement. "The track is fun and...
Nicole Scherzinger performs during the iHeartRadio music festival on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

John Mayer praises Katy Perry's 'Roar': 'I knew it was a huge song'
Full Article Digital Spy
15 Aug 2013

John Mayer has praised girlfriend Katy Perry's new single 'Roar'. The singer-songwriter described the new track as a "megaton bomb"-sized hit, adding that he knew instantly that the song would be a huge success. © WENN / Adriana M. Barraza/ John Mayer Katy Perry in 'Roar' teaser Mayer told Billboard: "I remember hearing it, going like,...
Musician John Mayer poses for a portrait in the guitar room at his New York apartment on Nov. 10, 2005.
photo: AP / Jim Cooper

Justin Bieber spotted on date with model Ashley Moore?
Full Article Digital Spy
14 Aug 2013

Justin Bieber was spotted on a date with model Ashley Moore this week, according to reports. The 'Never Say Never' singer took 20-year-old Moore to lunch at a trendy French restaurant in Los Angeles on Tuesday (August 13), E! Online claims. © Instagram / @justinbieber Justin Bieber © Instagram / Ashley Moore Ashley Moore Bieber met Moore...
Justin Bieber performs during the
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Ashley Tisdale
photo: Creative Commons / swirley18

Lindsay Lohan to guest star on HBO's 'Eastbound & Down'
Full Article Celebrity Café
15 Aug 2013

Lindsay Lohan is on the fast track to recovering her career following her 90-day stay in court ordered rehab. The Canyons actress is set to guest star on the fourth and final season of Eastbound &...
Lindsay Lohan on the red carpet for the ESPN The Magazineصs NEXT Super Bowl Party in Tampa, Florida 30.01.2009
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Michonne Rides into Undead Town in New Still from The Walking Dead
Full Article IMDb
15 Aug 2013

Danai Gurira rides through the undead in this new still taken from the upcoming fourth season of AMC's 'The Walking...
Danai Gurira speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for Entertainment Weekly's "Women Who Kick Ass" panel, at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

George Clooney wants to drink Nespresso with non-black, non-Asian comedic 'stunner'
Full Article Zap2it
15 Aug 2013

A-list actor and collector of hot blonde ladies George Clooney is prepping to film two new Nespresso commercials. The Fame Fatale know this because a source has leaked me the casting breakdown for said Nespresso spots. Breakdowns are sort of like targeted cattle calls; they describe the types of actors a commercial producer is seeking, and list the...
George Clooney-4 The Men Who Stare at Goats TIFF09
photo: Creative Commons / Michael Vlasaty

Steven Spielberg aiming to make a film with Zhang Yimou in China
Full Article IMDb
15 Aug 2013

Renowned American director seeking to collaborate with respected Chinese director on 'international film' Steven Spielberg is aiming to make a...
Steven Spielberg /wam2
photo: AP photo / Efrem Lukatsky

TIFF: 3 Clips From 'Unforgiven' Starring Ken Watanabe Ride Into Town
Full Article Indiewire
15 Aug 2013

| “Very impressive. I am beyond contented. I feel the beginning of a new era for Japanese cinema,” original "Unforgiven" director Clint Eastwood said in a statement to Ken...
Ken Watanabe /wam2
photo: AP / Lucy Pemoni

Jennifer Lawrence: 'I had an unhappy childhood'
Full Article Digital Spy
15 Aug 2013

Jennifer Lawrence has discussed her "unhappy" childhood. Speaking to Vogue, the actress revealed that she suffered from anxiety issues in her childhood and early teenage years, and that discovering acting helped her to overcome them. © PA Images Jennifer Lawrence at the Screen Actors Guild...
Jennifer Lawrence speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Vin Diesel to lead new sci-fi franchise 'Soldiers of the Sun'
Full Article Digital Spy
15 Aug 2013

Vin Diesel will play the lead role in Soldiers of the Sun. Universal has picked up the rights to the science fiction action franchise, which has Diesel...
Vin Diesel speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Riddick", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Winona Ryder pulls out of Samuel Beckett festival
Full Article IMDb
15 Aug 2013

Actor no longer able to attend celebration of Nobel prize-winning author after suffering bereavement Winona Ryder has been forced to pull out of...
Winona Ryder in Italy in July 2009.
photo: Creative Commons / Luni's

How the Dow Jones industrial average did Thursday
Full Article U~T San Diego
15 Aug 2013

Grim sales forecasts from two major companies and concern that the Federal Reserve will soon start withdrawing its support for the economy pummeled the stock...
In this July 15, 2010 photograph, trader John Bowers works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange
photo: AP / Richard Drew

US stocks slide on poor earnings
Full Article Canberra Times
15 Aug 2013

US stocks fell the most since June as forecasts from Cisco Systems and Wal-Mart Stores disappointed, while improving economic data pushed bond yields higher amid concern the Federal Reserve will reduce stimulus. Based on the latest available data, the Dow Jones... Stocks
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Monday, Aug. 17, 2009.
photo: AP / Seth Wenig

Roche not to pursue patent on breast cancer drug Herceptin
Full Article The Hindu
15 Aug 2013

In a development that will bring some relief to breast cancer patients, Swiss drug-maker Roche has said that it will not pursue the patent on Trastuzumab, used to treat women with HER2-positive breast cancer. Marketed as Herceptin, the drug has been in the spotlight as pro-health campaigners urged the Government to issue a compulsory licence on the...
 KLps1 - March07 - Drugmaker - Roche - Roche Malaysia. (ps1)
photo: WN/Patricia

Wall Street Market Report
Full Article BBC News
15 Aug 2013

(Open): Wall Street stocks took a tumble in early Thursday trading after news that US consumer inflation had risen to an annual rate of 2%. In the opening...
Specialist Donald Civitanova, left, and trader Maier Tarlow work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, July 28, 2010
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Gold demand surges to 10-year high in Q2
Full Article The Hindu
15 Aug 2013

Amid all the efforts being made by the Government to curb gold imports, demand for the precious metal in India zoomed to a 10-year high (310 tonnes) in the three-month period ending June 30, according to the World Gold Council. “We see a notable dampening of Indian demand in the coming months, more than would normally be expected during the...
Jewel - Jewellry Shop - Gold - Precious Metal.
photo: WN / patricia

A vehicle by Tata Motors-automobile-India.
photo: WN / Sayali Santosh Kadam

Mahindra launches e20 car in Nepal
Full Article The Hindu
15 Aug 2013

Mahindra Reva Electric Vehicles, part of the business conglomerate Mahindra Group, has launched Mahindra e2o, a zero—emission and fully automatic electric car, in Nepal. Pawan Goenka, Chairman, MREV said...
Mahindra Reva Electric car by Mahindra and Mahindra displayed at an auto expo-automobile.
photo: WN / Sayali Santosh Kadam

Narayanan willing to talk to GJM
Full Article The Times of India
15 Aug 2013

KOLKATA: A day after refusing to mediate on the Gorkhaland issue, West Bengal governor MK Narayanan on Thursday said he "was willing to talk to the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) leadership". "If he wants to talk to me, I will talk to him," said Narayanan on media queries...
INDIA-WESTBENGAl-GOVERNOR-MK-NARAYANAN-150YEARS-CALCUTTA-HIGH-COURTIndia West Bengal Governor M K Narayanan  during a function 150 years of calcutta High Court in kolkata in Eastern India City ----- WN/BHASKAR MALLICK
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

North Korea Humanitarian Crisis
North Korea Humanitarian Crisis
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:57
  • Updated: 21 Jun 2013
Copyright NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) All rights reserved. Used only for educational purposes.

Celebrations as freed Palestinian prisoners are welcomed back by their families
Celebrations as freed Palestinian prisoners are welcomed back by their families
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:17
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was among hundreds who turned out in the West Bank to welcome... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscr...
  • published: 14 Aug 2013
  • views: 90
  • author: Euronews

President Obama Condemns Violence in Egypt, Cancels U.S.-Egyptian Military Exercises
President Obama Condemns Violence in Egypt, Cancels U.S.-Egyptian Military Exercises
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:56
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013
After security forces attempted to forcibly shut down Pro-Morsi sit-ins, the country erupted into chaotic violence that has left hundreds dead and thousands injured. President Barack Obama addressed press from Martha's Vineyard, Mass.
  • published: 15 Aug 2013
  • views: 1,_Cancels_US-Egyptian_Military_Exercises

Jordan Dempsey's Stand Up- Part 1
Jordan Dempsey's Stand Up- Part 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:49
  • Updated: 02 Jul 2013
Jordan Dempsey performs his first ever stand up at Bedford High School during his comedy show Whiteness on May 13th 2011.'s_Stand_Up_Part_1

Central African Republic: The forgotten crisis
Central African Republic: The forgotten crisis
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:54
  • Updated: 03 Mar 2009
United Nations, February 2009 - It's a country many have never heard of - the Central African Republic, also know as the C.A.R. Bordering some of the most dangerous places on earth - Chad, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo - the C.A.R. is a country in turmoil, home to one of the world's forgotten humanitarian crises.
  • published: 03 Mar 2009
  • views: 16209

Egypt in State of Emergency, Hundreds Dead
Egypt in State of Emergency, Hundreds Dead
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:58
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013
Egypt is under a curfew and a state of emergency, one day after police smashed two Muslim Brotherhood protest camps. Hundreds were killed and thousands injured in the ensuing violence. (Aug. 15)
  • published: 15 Aug 2013
  • views: 542,_Hundreds_Dead

WikiLeaks soldier Bradley Manning apologises for hurting the United States
WikiLeaks soldier Bradley Manning apologises for hurting the United States
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:21
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013
Bradley Manning, the American soldier accused of passing on classified US government documents to... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscr...
  • published: 15 Aug 2013
  • views: 3
  • author: Euronews

Watch video of explosion on INS Sindhurakshak
Watch video of explosion on INS Sindhurakshak
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:42
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013
18 crewmen are feared killed on the INS Sindhurakshak, a diesel-powered and world-class submarine, which exploded and sank shortly early this morning at the ...
  • published: 14 Aug 2013
  • views: 11455
  • author: NDTV

Gen. Martin Dempsey and Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz Visit Yad VaShem Holocaust Memorial Museum
Gen. Martin Dempsey and Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz Visit Yad VaShem Holocaust Memorial Museum
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:01
  • Updated: 03 Aug 2013
US Military Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey and Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz visited the Yad VaShem Holocaust Memorial Museum, where he pa...
  • published: 20 Jan 2012
  • views: 8198
  • author: idfnadesk

Egypt in State of Emergency, Hundreds Dead
Egypt in State of Emergency, Hundreds Dead
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:58
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013
Egypt is under a curfew and a state of emergency, one day after police smashed two Muslim Brotherhood protest camps. Hundreds were killed and thousands injured in the ensuing violence. (Aug. 15)
  • published: 15 Aug 2013
  • views: 542,_Hundreds_Dead

U.S., Somalia and Aid
U.S., Somalia and Aid
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:04
  • Updated: 28 Oct 2011
The U.S. government is facing more criticism over how it is trying to help Somalia deal with drought and famine.
  • published: 28 Oct 2011
  • views: 158,_Somalia_and_Aid

Au Pakistan, Ban Ki-moon épingle les tirs de drones
Au Pakistan, Ban Ki-moon épingle les tirs de drones
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:04
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013
Le Secrétaire général de l'ONU Ban Ki-moon a critiqué le recours tous azimuts aux drones armés, devant un parterre de militaires au Pakistan, pays le plus bo...
  • published: 13 Aug 2013
  • views: 4
  • author: afpfr,_Ban_Ki-moon_épingle_les_tirs_de_drones

Facing Rest of Life Behind Bars, Will Bradley Manning's Sentencing Weigh Lack of Harm to U.S.?
Facing Rest of Life Behind Bars, Will Bradley Manning's Sentencing Weigh Lack of Harm to U.S.?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:46
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013 - Despite being acquitted on his most serious charge of "aiding the enemy," Army Private Bradley Manning still faces up to 136 ye...,_Will_Bradley_Manning's_Sentencing_Weigh_Lack_of_Harm_to_US?

Muslim Brotherhood Protester Killed By Police In Egypt
Muslim Brotherhood Protester Killed By Police In Egypt
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:33
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013
"One Muslim Brotherhood member was shot dead and at least 11 people were wounded in Egypt on Tuesday night, security sources said, with the Islamist group ac...

Raw: Deadly India Submarine Fire
Raw: Deadly India Submarine Fire
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:44
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013
An Indian submarine was hit by twin explosions and an intense fire Wednesday while docked at a Mumbai navy base. All 18 sailors aboard are feared dead. (Aug.14)

CORRECTS DAY Paraguay's Colorado Party's Presidential candidate Horacio Cartes gives a press conference in Paraguay, Monday, April 22, 2013. Detroit Pistons President of Basketball Operations Joe Dumars, from left, speaks as draft picks Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, center, and Tony Mitchell listen at the NBA basketball team's training facility in Auburn Hills, Mich., Friday, June 28, 2013. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya) Heinz Horse racing

Egyptian protesters throw stones at riot police, not seen, and use scrap metal to deflect stones being returned by security forces during clashes near Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 25, 2013. Golf course Harare second street, Zimbabwe A military officer speak on his mobile phone during a march by Sierra Leone peacekeeping soldiers to Darfur in Freetown.

Brazil's President-elect Dilma Rousseff, of the Workers Party, gestures to supporters as she arrives to give her victory speech after winning the election runoff in Brasilia, Brazil, Sunday Oct. 31, 2010. Spain head coach Vicente Del Bosque reacts during the soccer Confederations Cup final between Brazil and Spain at the Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, June 30, 2013.  Samsung (rt1)  Employees of Samsung Electronics Co. walk by their company logo at the headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co. in Seoul Friday, Jan. 14, 2005. Samsung Electronics Co. said Friday its net profit topped US$10 billion last year, reaching a new landmark in i

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas attends the third session of the Arab Economic Summit, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday People clean up the aftermath of a car bomb attack on a convenience store in the Shaab neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, Aug. 11, 2013. U.S. Middle East envoy William Burns, right, walks in at the Red sea resort of Taba, Egypt, Thursday, June 24, 2004, to participate in The Quartet meeting. The so called Quartet included peace negotiators from Europe, Russia, America and the U.N. gathered at the a Sinai resort Thursday to discuss how Israel's planned withdrawl from Gaza can boost, not sideline, thier Middle East peace initiative. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heads the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem

Liberal Party leader Tony Abbott arrives to address a crowd of supporters in Sydney, Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010, following a national election. England Cricket Player  during the  Practice Session  at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Tuesday 04 December 2012 , ahead of 3rd India vs England Test match . Rough seas forecast for China’s fast-growing cruise industry Coconut water is healthy drink for summer to keep body temperature cool

Australia Election England Batsman Alastair Cook in action  on 3 Day 3rd Test Match against India  at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Friday 07 December 2012 Pepeer and Clove in an exhibition whose theme Agribusiness Australian Pelican and visiting ocean liner at Portside Wharf is the residential and retail development at Hamilton, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The Brisbane Cruise Terminal which is also part of the development was opened on 29 August 2006.

The Egyptian crucible has broken. The “unity” of Egypt – that all-embracing, patriotic, essential glue that has bound the nation together since the overthrow of the monarchy in...
The Guardian
All politicians and observers of politics agree on one thing. A reputation for economic competence matters. In modern politics, economic competence is the sine qua non. Without...
On August 13th, Fidel Castro became 87 years old. He has been out of power since he got very ill in 2006 and retired in 2008. Seven years have gone by. We were told by the world...

We are treated as if we don't belong to India: Omar
Srinagar, August 15: Pained by the criticism over the communal violence in Kishtwar, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Thursday demanded to know why Kashmiris were treated differently. After taking the salute and hoisting the tricolour...
photo: WN / Imran Nissar
Ryanair at Girona airport
PARIS — Ryanair, the Dublin-based budget airline, confirmed Thursday that it had fired one of its most senior pilots and was pursuing legal action against him after the pilot raised safety questions about the airline’s fuel policy in a British...
photo: Creative Commons / Grobuonis
Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, who calls himself Clark Rockefeller, appears at Suffolk Superior Court Monday, Dec. 1, 2008. Sitting next to him is defense attorney Jeffrey Denner, left. Rockefeller will get back about half of the gold coins and cash seized by federal authorities after he was arrested for allegedly kidnapping his 7-year-old daughter, Reigh Boss, during a supervised visit in Boston in July. Prosecutors agreed to turn over 160 gold coins _ worth about $140,000 _ and $6,480 in cash so he can pay for his defense.
A German national and con man who posed as a member of the wealthy Rockefeller family was sentenced to 27-years-to-life in prison for the 1985 murder of a man in San Marino, Calif. Christian K. Gerhartsreiter, 52, who blended into wealthy East Coast...
photo: AP / Ted Fitzgerald, Pool
Colorado Party's presidential candidate Horacio Cartes, waves to supporters after presidential election results were made official in Asuncion, Paraguay, Sunday, April 21, 2013.
ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) Multimillionaire Horacio Cartes vowed to battle poverty on Thursday as he assumed the presidency of Paraguay, one of the most unequal nations in South America and a place where his business dealings have made him a target of...
photo: AP / Jorge Saenz
A protester carries a Tunisian flag during a sit-in in support of the Tunisian people organized by the committee for solidarity with the people's uprising in Tunisia and Lebanon, in front of the U.N. headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, Sunday, Jan. 16, 2011.
TUNIS - The chairman of Tunisia's ruling Islamist party rejected opposition demands for a non-party government on Thursday and said the experience of Egypt should prompt parties to engage in more dialogue to resolve the country's crisis. Ennahda...
photo: AP / Grace Kassab
Local research essential to universal health coverage, UN agency reports
15 August 2013 – The United Nations health agency today called on countries to continue investing in local research as a step towards developing a system of universal and affordable health coverage. Launching the “World health report 2013:...
photo: UN / Mark Garten
U.S. mission in Jordan could last years as Syria war rages: Dempsey
AMMAN (Reuters) - The top U.S. military officer told American troops in Jordan on Thursday that their mission to help the kingdom contain the fallout from Syria's war would likely last years, as the United States bolsters support for the key regional...
photo: US DoD / D. Myles Cullen